Spells that would be cool part #1



Just doing alb now but spells would work on all realms.. maby just diff names..

over all

spells that all magic casting classes chould have..
(wiz, therg, sorc and cabalist)

1.Teleport spell (and as u get higher lvl mm maby 30 or higher u get Group teleport spells) only works from city to city or speciall marked places...stones etc..

2.Grp Stealth (a stealth shield that hold for 20sec and +5 for every lvl u get )

<!-------------- Wizzard ------------!>
maby get more grp spells... as weapon buff and magma shield kind of suck...in the long end..

Flame wave (bigger higher and more power each lvl)

grp shield of stone (something like Bladeturn high lvl specc tho)

<!---- Therugist -----------------!>
Just a change on how pets work maby make them more aggresive or defencive so that they attack mobs near the target mob..make them a bit smarter (they are spirits ffs!!)

<!----- Sorecer ----------------------------!>
Give sorc some more helping grp spell must be boring as u get higher lvl when only grp whant them for mezz..

<!---- Cabalist ------------------!>
Make the pet work as a catapult (trow stones etc.) longer and more accuret as they get more lvl..


And why not combine stuff like wiz and cabalist work to gather see ide on cabalist maby wiz can make cablist pet trow fire balls (longer range then normal fire ball range)

something that would be cool is speciall spells that just work when u grp with lets say therg and wiz or some super spell that u need to be 4 or more wiz to create...

<naa need pause brain to hot to use>

Damn sun!


It may be unworkable, but I like the idea of a group spell... could be kind of a ritual.

You could use it for summoning uber pets or something... a pet that aggroes on its summoners when one of them dies.....

Or a keep protection ritual that buffs the doors....

Or a 'normal service' ritual which makes GOA look at a RightNow query and fix it "right now" ;) (j/k GOA)


Group stealth= Whiners, whiners, more whiners about how tanks and all can now use the only thing that the inf, scout, ranger, rogue..etc etc can use and i agree. Keep that atlaest to the stealth classes.

Firespells in general= Lag. As in so many games before. Fire=alphamap(gameterm, means a material you can see through partly)= Lag! Moving alpaha map, iow, animated alpha= BIIG Lag. Seen in it millions and millions of games and doac is no exception. Just think of what a flamewall..big..moving..alpha..animated..alpha effect would do to lag? Anyone remember diablo? :flame: :flame: :flame:

Pet throwing rocks= more whining. How would they hit? How would their AE be? Hunters are now obsolete as any mage can throw spells, heal a paet, the pet can hurl rocks...more balancing..more patches..more whining.

Teleport i dislike since it would be a real pain in the butt for a team, easy up the quests too much and well..just be one helluva advantage when others would have to sit on a horses arse for ages.

Make pets smarter? AI is AI. CAn´t really say anything to that...or said enough. AS more like it..Artificial stupidity.

Huge spells made by four or less people? Gees..if that wouldn´t be fun... :rolleyes: al raids would just have those little upgrade groups with full load waiting for the onslaught...yei..boom! over...see?

Not flaming, just pointing some flaws out that might be.



Originally posted by Tohtori
Group stealth= Whiners, whiners, more whiners about how tanks and all can now use the only thing that the inf, scout, ranger, rogue..etc etc can use and i agree. Keep that atlaest to the stealth classes.

Firespells in general= Lag. As in so many games before. Fire=alphamap(gameterm, means a material you can see through partly)= Lag! Moving alpaha map, iow, animated alpha= BIIG Lag. Seen in it millions and millions of games and doac is no exception. Just think of what a flamewall..big..moving..alpha..animated..alpha effect would do to lag? Anyone remember diablo? :flame: :flame: :flame:

Pet throwing rocks= more whining. How would they hit? How would their AE be? Hunters are now obsolete as any mage can throw spells, heal a paet, the pet can hurl rocks...more balancing..more patches..more whining.

Teleport i dislike since it would be a real pain in the butt for a team, easy up the quests too much and well..just be one helluva advantage when others would have to sit on a horses arse for ages.

Make pets smarter? AI is AI. CAn´t really say anything to that...or said enough. AS more like it..Artificial stupidity.

Huge spells made by four or less people? Gees..if that wouldn´t be fun... :rolleyes: al raids would just have those little upgrade groups with full load waiting for the onslaught...yei..boom! over...see?

Not flaming, just pointing some flaws out that might be.

LOL Whos the whiner...... fyfan


That wasn´t a whine...try to read it next time :rolleyes:

Just my opinion. I wasn´t saying "No you bad peron! You suxor! You be mother egg! You no like pufpuf!"

Just speaking my opinion, giving a few facts..like the flame thing...


he wasn't whining and he was totally right, what's more =)
You sound to me like you want every class to be able to do anything the others can to some degree. I mean, stealthed casters? The point of a scout would then be what?
(just one example)


thanes should get a thunderstorm spell, like AoE thunder bolts.... damage would be small, but the area of effect would be large

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