the leet attitude


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Evidently no-one gives two shits about perfect english or Xplo. Your only fueling Xplo with more attention, which is exactly the thing he wants, such a socially retarded individual that he is, and as far as "perfect" English goes, well I think it's nice for one to be able to read a whole paragraph, however I don't really think your going to find much of it here, with all the illiterate retards who spend 24/7 playing this game and living off the dole.

Lets get back on with the whine about elitism now! :D


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Stallion said:
no, **** trying to prove something with linguistic techniques. period

so u make a tit of yourself and now u try and move the goal posts



Dec 23, 2003
All making IRL comments while you know nothing about me, thats the funnay xD
You are all flaming like me, just putting more effort into it ;<

btw why isnt this closed yet is Fin sleeping or wut? :m00:


Dec 23, 2003
Vindicator said:
no thats what I was doing to you. Your so pathetically unorignial you try to use my own sig. Haha, your not even worth my pity. now skuttle off boy

Oh yes i'm intimidated by your comments :rolleyes:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Xplo said:
Oh yes i'm intimidated by your comments :rolleyes:

I didnt ask nor care if they do. My comments are not meant to intimidate, to intimidate is to threaten or make fearful / timid. if your going to try use big boy words at least get them right ;>. They were however disparaging oh and I do believe a simpsons quote suits your predicament.

"No no no, Dig up stupid!"

Also as for people making comments about you IRL. You just cant read can you? or have a problem of selective reading. There is such hostility in this thread for you because of your attitude. As for judging you as we dont know you irl, " Treat others as you wish to be treated " if your going to act little wank stain expect to get treated like one, if how ever you wish to act like you do irl or normally then you may get treated differently. That is if you act any differently from your online 'persona' ^^.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Stallion said:
and once again you try to talk someone down with your perfect english, sure its nice to read.
So now you're flaming me for the way I type? Unfortunately, I'm as Swedish as you are (not some "stuffed up UK boy"), but perhaps it is too much to ask for you to pay attention to the telltale "Location: Sweden" tag I have as part of my FH posts? Oh, and I don't particularly care what you think about the way I type; if you are insecure enough to get offended by it, then so be it. I type the same way both in-game and out and I see no reason to start using terms like "meight" or "keke", "xDDDD" just to "fit in" (in other words, I'm past the teen angst Whisperess singled out rather acutely).


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2004

another jika wannabe


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
L33+ people are a source of much fun, if you log into irc it can give you a few laughs. Watching the "not so l33+s" ass kiss the "l33+5" + room mods is great, calling each other "mega meight" is highly amusing. Best thing is when the l33+ people start to whine though, and they do soooo much, you politely offer them a tissue to cry in and they kick you from their room :(

L33+ and irc hardmen rolled into one :(

Edit: just read what staj said about belo and his whines towards belo, that in itself is highly amusing, not only is belo swedish with a level of english grammer most english people would be proud of but hes owning you so badly in this thread.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Edaemos said:
Edit: just read what staj said about belo and his whines towards belo, that in itself is highly amusing, not only is belo swedish with a level of english grammer most english people would be proud of but hes owning you so badly in this thread.

Oh yes indeed, sometimes Belo's use of words has me reaching for the dictionary to see what he means..nerf his English (down to my level please)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
hahaha another SS owns u on forum thread priceless :] u guys really dont see a pattern :d? its quite obvious ur little FH owning club, keep going tho not that i dont think its fun hehe ;d


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Remem said:
hahaha another SS owns u on forum thread priceless :] u guys really dont see a pattern :d? its quite obvious ur little FH owning club, keep going tho not that i dont think its fun hehe ;d

looking for some RR players to jump in to play with you :< ?

If you bothered to look its seperate members posting on different things. Such as, me replying to Xplo. Heath was agreeing that sometimes belo's language can be 2 much for even him < a person from england> and a person who doesnt play on the server anymore, belomar. Commenting on Xplo's behaviour which can you condone it your self eh ? Ohhhh everybody watch out! if somebody from your guild post's in a thread and has a similar view ..... ah fuck it....... has a view on the thread then your just guild owning them! Well according to a clueless person trying to be as petty as possible because he doesnt like some people from a certain guild and have posted against him before. Shocking really.

So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it bitach.


Loyal Freddie
Jun 18, 2004
Stallion wrote:

"I mean if Xplo wants to be a **** let him, you wont be owning anyone with your talk, you can try own me, but hey I seriously dont care if some stuffed up UK boy with a bit of decent inherent english, comes here trying to OWN everyone with a different home languange"

Remember all! Some ppl like the discussions on a pointless flaming level. It gets to complicated otherwise!
More nerd language pls.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
lol I've seen some of the most retarded flames on this board but flaming someone for putting time and effort into their posts is comical. People with coherent English are a bresh of fresh air and makes it far easier to read, instead of having to deciper all the "in" words that are usually used.
As for the "leet" attitude I don't really think it exists, not to the scale you say anyway and certainly the not the way you have generalised it. There are morons in every game, just learn to ignore them.
Oh and "Meight" has to be the most annoying word, I cringe when i see people type it.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Carrera said:
lol I've seen some of the most retarded flames on this board but flaming someone for putting time and effort into their posts is comical. People with coherent English are a bresh of fresh air and makes it far easier to read, instead of having to deciper all the "in" words that are usually used.
As for the "leet" attitude I don't really think it exists, not to the scale you say anyway and certainly the not the way you have generalised it. There are morons in every game, just learn to ignore them.
Oh and "Meight" has to be the most annoying word, I cringe when i see people type it.

lol Carrera. Too true. Meight is the gayest word ive ever heard


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Remem said:
hahaha another SS owns u on forum thread priceless :] u guys really dont see a pattern :d? its quite obvious ur little FH owning club, keep going tho not that i dont think its fun hehe ;d

its not hard tho, given present company on this board.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Vindicator said:
looking for some RR players to jump in to play with you :< ?

If you bothered to look its seperate members posting on different things. Such as, me replying to Xplo. Heath was agreeing that sometimes belo's language can be 2 much for even him < a person from england> and a person who doesnt play on the server anymore, belomar. Commenting on Xplo's behaviour which can you condone it your self eh ? Ohhhh everybody watch out! if somebody from your guild post's in a thread and has a similar view ..... ah fuck it....... has a view on the thread then your just guild owning them! Well according to a clueless person trying to be as petty as possible because he doesnt like some people from a certain guild and have posted against him before. Shocking really.

So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it bitach.

Yea and then the regular Hahha Owned , YEEEEEE kick his ass and so on to exaggerate a bit i think u get what i mean but mite be embarassin to admit it on the place where u spend 80% of ur freetime or smt :]

And condone dnno what it means but i m not a big fan of XxxxxxxxxxxxDDDDDDD spammers , ppls sayin meight , bla bla all idiot words dnno why they find em out i mean "meight" is longer to type then mate or m8 if so prefered.. i dont get the reason

And no it hasnt got any to do with we arguin before lol i ve just read numerous posts, where the same Belomar and his pets syndrome appears and commented it earlier, u can just admit it cause its gettin a bit too obvious even a not everyday Fh reader like me spotted it .

And ur the pet btw ^^ :touch:

and wow man that finish was so classssssssssssssssss yo yo !!

ok i m stuffin in pipe now and smokin it too ok? yee biatch uhuhu hahaha kk


Dec 23, 2003
Vindicator said:
So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it bitach.

Its biatch.

Don't shizzle with the nizzle if you can't wrizzle the fizzle.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Draylor said:
And Subedai: I couldnt be any less 'leet' if I tried ;)

you could respec smite :p

Incidentally I'm better than everyone therefore you all suxxors!

bah I tried :( I'm just not leet material.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
can I ban people for using the word "meight"? please? :)

You're asking permission? Tbh I demand an apology since you've not already been doing it :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Damn people are evolving in to using some kind of bastardised pigeon english. You will be like the kids in mad max beyond thunderdome in a few years. Try going up to a hot and/or sophisticated woman (or man if appropriate) and see how they respond to your advances. They arent going to be impressed by your realm rank either ...

Yeah a couple of poor eyesight nerds talking pigeon english to each other definitely a skit for SNL.


Dec 23, 2003
its just natural that a certain % of the high rr people are a bit retarded, as their reason to have enough time to become dedicated is the same fact.

also, i wouldnt exactly say that the average social skill will rise as people spend more and more time at home :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
maybe thats where it comes from, the higher RR they get the more time they play, not going out to see anyone, eventually their parents just shove food under the door and get a grunt as thanks, their language skills suffer, they have to make up stupid new words that they can share with their friends because they cant speak normally anymore.

They arent being anti-social retards, they are just trying to communicate, instead of taking the piss out of them, we should embrace them, and re-introduce them to society!


Nov 3, 2004
vintervargen said:
its just natural that a certain % of the high rr people are a bit retarded, as their reason to have enough time to become dedicated is the same fact.

also, i wouldnt exactly say that the average social skill will rise as people spend more and more time at home :)

¨hehe :clap: nice post


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Remem said:
English for idiots and retards

I dont think anybody gets what you mean because your a fucking idiot. As for me spending time on a board, hahah. Well if that makes you sleep beter, take that thought with you and have a little cry. The effort used to dispatch your moronic post's and thoughts even a five year old could do as well I would wager.

Oh i get the reason why those social retards use such words, if you dont well thats your hang up not mine. Your attempts to label me are not only laughalbe but extremely foolish, you just continue to provide laugh after laugh and show just how dumb you are. From your post's I would seriously argue you are 10, or at least mentally 10.

The fact i pointed out the differences in the post's and how they had no bearing to a 'guild own thread' and you failed to highlight any issue's just went forward with your thought of how we were ganging you shows you for the muppet you are. You fought your own battle against your self and errr for lack of a better word, wtfpwnd your self :).

The only pet is the person who feels the need to respond to his masters comments. If you dont fully understand this statement I can apperciate this as you do possess the intellect of a 10 year old after all.


Xplo said:
im a fucking idiot with no real life friends and barely talk to my family, the only friends I will ever have on a side note.

To you maybe gut to the origin of the word. Poland, if you had a clue anyway. As having a close polish friend, thats right in real life friend!, would prove you wrong biznitch.

Hahaha all you do is gain yet more people against you the more you post. Everybody thinks your a fuck wit and even your own guild members / ex-members dont understand you. If you cant be your self even on a board, you really must have no personality. Probably spend all your time talking about daoc when your not playing it and dont even realise how sad you are. In your case it wouldnt matter, anybody to look at you would see the joke of a person they were looking at anyway, based on your laughable personalitily you are capable of displaying. I'm sure you think your the shizz talking shit and 'trying' to wind somebody up over a board but the jokes on you. I see over that as does everybody else and you do nothing but make you self seem more moronic which each post. Try a 1 line/ word reply to this post. Will finally either prove you a fuck wit or force you to try talk which is an exercise in futulity.


Dec 23, 2003
Vindicator said:
I dont think anybody gets what you mean because your a fucking idiot. As for me spending time on a board, hahah. Well if that makes you sleep beter, take that thought with you and have a little cry. The effort used to dispatch your moronic post's and thoughts even a five year old could do as well I would wager.

Oh i get the reason why those social retards use such words, if you dont well thats your hang up not mine. Your attempts to label me are not only laughalbe but extremely foolish, you just continue to provide laugh after laugh and show just how dumb you are. From your post's I would seriously argue you are 10, or at least mentally 10.

The fact i pointed out the differences in the post's and how they had no bearing to a 'guild own thread' and you failed to highlight any issue's just went forward with your thought of how we were ganging you shows you for the muppet you are. You fought your own battle against your self and errr for lack of a better word, wtfpwnd your self :).

The only pet is the person who feels the need to respond to his masters comments. If you dont fully understand this statement I can apperciate this as you do possess the intellect of a 10 year old after all.


To you maybe gut to the origin of the word. Poland, if you had a clue anyway. As having a close polish friend, thats right in real life friend!, would prove you wrong biznitch.

Hahaha all you do is gain yet more people against you the more you post. Everybody thinks your a fuck wit and even your own guild members / ex-members dont understand you. If you cant be your self even on a board, you really must have no personality. Probably spend all your time talking about daoc when your not playing it and dont even realise how sad you are. In your case it wouldnt matter, anybody to look at you would see the joke of a person they were looking at anyway, based on your laughable personalitily you are capable of displaying. I'm sure you think your the shizz talking shit and 'trying' to wind somebody up over a board but the jokes on you. I see over that as does everybody else and you do nothing but make you self seem more moronic which each post. Try a 1 line/ word reply to this post. Will finally either prove you a fuck wit or force you to try talk which is an exercise in futulity.

You are the biggest retard evah, trying to prove you are right while I'm just taking the piss out of you.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Xplo said:
You are the biggest retard evah, trying to prove you are right while I'm just taking the piss out of you.

Thanks you fucking moron. I knew exactly what you were doing and you did exactly what I expected. Clueless mother fucker.

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