the leet attitude


Dec 23, 2003
Hawkwind said:
How old are you? After reading your thread on Excal BG (Leirvik) from this morning I think you are are at the top of this posters shit list.

"BB's in BG FoAD!"

You really are a complete idiot. Obviously making up for being a complete nothing in real life!

Yes I have no life because I can't stand bb users in battlegrounds.

Name: Hawkwind Race: Briton Class: Paladin Level: 50 Guild: Legion of Darkness Totalrp: 79493(RR3L1) Realm: Albion.
Name: Java IceWiz Race: Briton Class: Wizard Level: 50 Guild: Legion of Darkness Totalrp: 26787(RR2L5) Realm: Albion.

STFU n00b xD


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
interesting thread but to be honest, if we all walked around being nice to each other, this game would have been dead long ago, you need the people with Ego's and the people who take things personally, if you don't have these things you don't have a fun community. The fact you poke fun at the people who sit around playing pc games most of the day makes you no better then the people who are rude to people in game because they have a bad attitude.

What is a good attitude? do you have a good attitude? is the glass half full? I'm sure you'd like to think you're an all round good guy, but you will always find someone who doesnt like you for some reason or another .... you may say to this, who cares what they think? ... alot would say the same to you about your views on the l33t people. you can't please everyone so i'd rather be myself and upset a few people, then be someone i'm not and upset less people. if that means i'll whine about how much i hate DAOC and life, then thats what i'll do .. the game comes with an ignore system and the people i dont get on with get added to it. it saves me from comming onto forums and ranting about them to find other people who agree with me


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Nuked said:
is the glass half full?
Ofcourse it is.

Empty = 0.
Half-empty = 0/2 = 0. The glass has more than 0 in it, thus it can't be half-empty. Next! :m00:

On a more serious note: I hope you realize nobody think you're funny nor witty with such remarks Xplo. But you're trying hard to turn the attention towards you, aren't you?


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Xplo said:
Yes I have no life because I can't stand bb users in battlegrounds.

Name: Hawkwind Race: Briton Class: Paladin Level: 50 Guild: Legion of Darkness Totalrp: 79493(RR3L1) Realm: Albion.
Name: Java IceWiz Race: Briton Class: Wizard Level: 50 Guild: Legion of Darkness Totalrp: 26787(RR2L5) Realm: Albion.

STFU n00b xD
To quote you only in English, "such hate mate".

Grow up!

Don't play pally in RvR the only RP's on there are from DF fights. Only use him for Guild ToA hunts stuff really. So PvE only. Char is 3 years old!

Only started playing the Wizi in RvR since Frontiers and respec back to fire. Add a few K from Guild Tower defence at Notts from yesterday and he's now close to 2L7. Has only been 50 for a few months only 2 Arti's done so far on it (SoG, easily got but want tarts and CB did last night). Lots still to do for template.

Mostly play the inf in RvR which is around 3L7 or 8 can't remember and can't be arsed to look it up right now. Char is 50 for about 5 months. 99% done solo in Emain and DF. Since reading about Frontiers I started a scout and that is now lvl 43 and playing BG, having lots of fun too.

The fact that you quote this in a thread about the 'leet attitude' makes me laugh. I have a good job that pays great and a family to spend time with. Shock, horror a casual player! Life

You think anyone under RR5 is a complete noob and has no right to play the game. As far as I'm concerned that just makes you look bad. What will happen if GoA get their act togther and start advertising this game a bit. You going to slag off every new 50 char as a newbie?

To be perfectly honest I'm quite happy plodding along in DAOC getting the Arti's I need and helping others when I can. It may take a while but i'll get there in the end and enjoy it too.

Just glad I no longer pay UK taxes and will not be subsidising your future education!


Dec 23, 2003
Suggestion: Don't bother us leet kids and you'll have a lot less aggravation in your life :m00:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 20, 2004
Culanan said:
Much of the bad attitude tends to come in the form of ingame PMs, so people can hide their really venomous selves from their associates, in my experience I have found this method of attack to be more in keeping with people who really have anger problems but ******dly want to look like good guys.

Wtf, who censored the word ******dly?? Does it mean "I want to hump your goat" in outer mongolia or something? :D

Damn it censored again, think someone needs to check the bad-word filter and take a dictionary this time!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Xplo said:
Yes I have no life because I can't stand bb users in battlegrounds.

Name: Hawkwind Race: Briton Class: Paladin Level: 50 Guild: Legion of Darkness Totalrp: 79493(RR3L1) Realm: Albion.
Name: Java IceWiz Race: Briton Class: Wizard Level: 50 Guild: Legion of Darkness Totalrp: 26787(RR2L5) Realm: Albion.

STFU n00b xD

How to look like a complete twat, lesson 1...... :rolleyes:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Xplo said:
Suggestion: Don't bother us leet kids and you'll have a lot less aggravation in your life :m00:

Your a retard. Dont grow up as suggested, kill your self. You will be doing the gene pool a favor.

Marc said:
Difference being, if someone is an asshole to u in real life you can stick one on them. Thats the reason why people online treat others with such contempt, because they can get away with it.

And then they will get you done by the coppers. You'll do some jail time for assault or at least have it on your record while he laughs his ass off at you for not being able to fight back with words instead of fist's. Not everything in life is a point click and punch the shit out of it problem :D

Divinia said:
haha the only immature behaviour i found in that gratzthread came from you.. with nice quotes like:

I suggest you read the post again then. Staj wasnt the only one to make a useless wank stain type comment. Think of it this way, if it was your birthday and your sitting around with all your mate's / family having cake blah blah and then I walk in and tell everybody your only a fuckwit who fucks dead midgets in the azz, would that be nice or normal ?

<if your so retarded you try to say the severity of language used in both wasnt nearly the same. Dont bother, its called making a point not word useage error's >

Culanan said:
I think that's probably about right, there is no one explanation to cover this apparent attitude, I know people who like to be the "bad guy" in online games and who can behave pretty badly but IRL they don't, not because they are afraid of being thumped (other people I know who do behave that badly IRL aren't afraid of a fight) but because that's not the real them, it's a persona, a side of them they vent out in someways perhaps?

Much of the bad attitude tends to come in the form of ingame PMs, so people can hide their really venomous selves from their associates, in my experience I have found this method of attack to be more in keeping with people who really have anger problems but ******dly want to look like good guys. I normally refuse to reply after stating that I refuse to discuss things in that format and then /ignore them if they don't get the point.

It's a large community, lots of different people and different views, find and stick with those you like and just get on with it, it can be frustrating putting up with crap but then it's not hard to shut it out and carry on playing in peace really.

The above summed up with Rure's post, hit the nail on the head. Then again some people are just mean while also being unhappy and therefore want everybody else to be as unhappy as them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Whisperess said:
Ofcourse it is.

Empty = 0.
Half-empty = 0/2 = 0. The glass has more than 0 in it, thus it can't be half-empty. Next! :m00:

:eek7: :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Effi stop acting like a prick man, dunno if ur doing it for fun or not but its sad.

anyway, i think alot of people are wrongly percieved to be leet. many times i have been called a leet bastard or cs kiddie or whatever , this has been either directed at me personally, or at my whole guild, which i think is unfair.I know for a fact that alot of people who do the fg rvr are not really elite atall, they just like a fg fight, which is often diffrent to less hardcore/rvr orientated players.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 20, 2004
[NO]Subedai said:
Effi stop acting like a prick man, dunno if ur doing it for fun or not but its sad.

anyway, i think alot of people are wrongly percieved to be leet. many times i have been called a leet bastard or cs kiddie or whatever , this has been either directed at me personally, or at my whole guild, which i think is unfair.I know for a fact that alot of people who do the fg rvr are not really elite atall, they just like a fg fight, which is often diffrent to less hardcore/rvr orientated players.

It's far easier to make disparaging comments about situations or people you don't know than it is to get to know them :D

Same with politics, grumbling at the state of one thing or the other without having any knowledge of the inner workings, objectives or methods and the kinds of people that grumble about politicians still aren't getting anything done, so they wouldn't get my vote either ;)

Some players are 1337'ist, no doubt about it, some guilds too but sometimes it's a divergence of objective rather than a social problem, rather than get upset about what others are doing it's simpler to get on with what I am doing than sit around saying "xxxxx guild is a bunch of 1337 wankers grumble grumble".

If I don't like em I don't get into a verbal confrontation, not unless they've behaved REALLY badly, I just get on with my own shit.

On the flip side you have players who really must hate not being as good as some other people, (as opposed to lording it over others for being better) and look for opportunities to slag others off, hey it's like real social activity!

Wonder why people are so surprised, not like none of us haven't stepped outside our own front doors and encountered people we didn't like, who had bad attitudes or those people thought we were the ones with the bad attitude!

Life goes on ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Xplo said:
Suggestion: Don't bother us leet kids and you'll have a lot less aggravation in your life :m00:
You both want attention, and ppl not to bother?


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Xplo always has been and always will be an attention seeking prick.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Vindicator said:
And then they will get you done by the coppers. You'll do some jail time for assault or at least have it on your record while he laughs his ass off at you for not being able to fight back with words instead of fist's. Not everything in life is a point click and punch the shit out of it problem :D

What sort of coppers do you have in ireland? Coppers round here dont get out of bed for anything less than attempted murder. If you went to the local police station, claiming that someone had just punched you, theyd tell you to piss off and grow some balls.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Xplo said:
Yes I have no life because I can't stand bb users in battlegrounds.

Name: Hawkwind Race: Briton Class: Paladin Level: 50 Guild: Legion of Darkness Totalrp: 79493(RR3L1) Realm: Albion.
Name: Java IceWiz Race: Briton Class: Wizard Level: 50 Guild: Legion of Darkness Totalrp: 26787(RR2L5) Realm: Albion.

STFU n00b xD
Having observed your pathetic behaviour on these boards and on BW before them, I must conclude that you have always been and will remain to be a complete idiot for a long time yet, Xplo. Post after post, it's all silly crap spouted by the mental equivalent of a five-year old playing in his sandbox. Perhaps you think you are scoring brownie points by recklessly swinging your virtual cock around like you are doing, but really, you are not fooling anyone.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Belomar said:
Having observed your pathetic behaviour on these boards and on BW before them, I must conclude that you have always been and will remain to be a complete idiot for a long time yet, Xplo. Post after post, it's all silly crap spouted by the mental equivalent of a five-year old playing in his sandbox. Perhaps you think you are scoring brownie points by recklessly swinging your virtual cock around like you are doing, but really, you are not fooling anyone.

hahahahahahahahahaha. Class

now piss off Xplo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
There are tossers of all realm ranks. When high rr people treat lower rr people like shit it's because their rps exceed their personality. When low rr people bitch at high rr people it's because they want their rps to exceed their personality.

In both cases they do it from the safety of their pcs knowing full well that, unlike at the local pub, they are immune from having their faces smacked. ;)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
I share your thoughts, Eragrim. You just have to remember that most of the belligerent 'i33litist' fraternity are incredibly dim, and you can reply back with any riposte, witticism or retort to their monosyllabic replies where it's usually unchallenged.


Dec 23, 2003
Marczje said:
You both want attention, and ppl not to bother?

I'm just taking the piss out of you, nothing more, nothing less.

This started with me expressing my opinion about buffbots, and the "mature people" started flaming. Go do some anger management, oh wait this thread is just perfect to release those nerves ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Marc said:
What sort of coppers do you have in ireland? Coppers round here dont get out of bed for anything less than attempted murder. If you went to the local police station, claiming that someone had just punched you, theyd tell you to piss off and grow some balls.

Decent ones I suppose is the only acceptable answer ^^.

Marc if you went into a cop shop and said you had been assaulted and had a witness < easy to get >. While asking that " The attacker" be arrested etc then you'd find your self banged up pretty soon. Im not saying its a big deal to just give somebody a smack but they are the consequences of that action when a sniveling coward decides to get back at you the only way he can, via the law. Lets face it, if he was in a position to smack you back he wouldnt have got smacked in the first place.

Xplo said:
I'm just taking the piss out of you, nothing more, nothing less.

This started with me expressing my opinion about buffbots, and the "mature people" started flaming. Go do some anger management, oh wait this thread is just perfect to release those nerves ;)

Well your doing a piss poor job. All your doing is making everybody who reads this thread think your an elitist kiddy wanker who actually enjoys annoying people. Nobody likes that sort of person thou, so try being something you've rarely been. Your self.

As for this starting ? with you delievering a pointless / typical elite statement to the threat starter and somebody replying to it. A nice bait tactic i suppose but not the fish you wanted so you decided to just use your uber bomb shell attack on that guy instead but oh no ? everybody turned on you and exposed you for the fag you were trying to be. Now cut the shit and sling your hook.


Dec 23, 2003
Vindicator said:
Well your doing a piss poor job. All your doing is making everybody who reads this thread think your an elitist kiddy wanker who actually enjoys annoying people. Nobody likes that sort of person thou, so try being something you've rarely been. Your self.

As for this starting ? with you delievering a pointless / typical elite statement to the threat starter and somebody replying to it. A nice bait tactic i suppose but not the fish you wanted so you decided to just use your uber bomb shell attack on that guy instead but oh no ? everybody turned on you and exposed you for the fag you were trying to be. Now cut the shit and sling your hook.

...................../..../ /
..........''...\.......... _.·´

nuff said.

oh and #care :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Belomar said:
Having observed your pathetic behaviour on these boards and on BW before them, I must conclude that you have always been and will remain to be a complete idiot for a long time yet, Xplo. Post after post, it's all silly crap spouted by the mental equivalent of a five-year old playing in his sandbox. Perhaps you think you are scoring brownie points by recklessly swinging your virtual cock around like you are doing, but really, you are not fooling anyone.

and once again you try to talk someone down with your perfect english, sure its nice to read. But for what reason. 20% (made up percentage) of the ppl reading these forums are not born in UK or blabla. So why would anyone care if you talk em down with your native speaking bullcrap. ^^ Once again you proved yourself just as an arrogant fool trying to bring ppl down, in lack of other things to do?

I mean if Xplo wants to be a **** let him, you wont be owning anyone with your talk, you can try own me, but hey I seriously dont care if some stuffed up UK boy with a bit of decent inherent english, comes here trying to OWN everyone with a different home languange.

PS PS PS! I reserve the right to spell wrong.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Stallion said:
and once again you try to talk someone down with your perfect english, sure its nice to read. But for what reason. 20% (made up percentage) of the ppl reading these forums are not born in UK or blabla. So why would anyone care if you talk em down with your native speaking bullcrap. ^^ Once again you proved yourself just as an arrogant fool trying to bring ppl down, in lack of other things to do?

I mean if Xplo wants to be a **** let him, you wont be owning anyone with your talk, you can try own me, but hey I seriously dont care if some stuffed up UK boy with a bit of decent inherent english, comes here trying to OWN everyone with a different home languange.

PS PS PS! I reserve the right to spell wrong.

Belomar is swedish so that kinda pisses on your bonfire dunnit


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Xplo said:
...................../..../ /
..........''...\.......... _.·´

no thats what I was doing to you. Your so pathetically unorignial you try to use my own sig. Haha, your not even worth my pity. now skuttle off boy

Staj, belo is swedish. Not feeling so righteous / smart anymore :( ?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Marc said:
Belomar is swedish so that kinda pisses on your bonfire dunnit

no, **** trying to prove something with linguistic techniques. period


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Stallion said:
PS PS PS! I reserve the right to spell wrong.

which would explain your in-game name, what the hell is that anyway?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Stallion said:
no, **** trying to prove something with linguistic techniques. period
So just because someone takes the time and effort to get a statement through as well as he can, he's an arrogant fool?


This topic is drifting :(

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