What impresses me about these trailers is that they give nothing away. I know that there's the old dark side/light side force deal, I know it's a continuation of the same story we know, but that's about it. What really gets me excited though is the range of emotions on display. The prequels were generally emotionless borefests. This film looks as though it might contain characters we actually care about.
Plausible. This, however, is a bit more far fetchedAn interesting take on the plot for Episode 7.
No spoilers (unless you're a mutant who hasn't seen the first three), but not for those that aren't interested in over-analysis of unreleased films.
Yepam i only person to actually think Revenge of the Sith is the best of the 6?
Watch out for spoilers on all fronts. I went to take a piss after the show and these two pimple faced teens talked about the ending quite loudly and ruined the entire movie for everyone else in the bathroom taking a final leek before their show startedBollocks, the schools break up on Monday. Think I'll see it tomorrow morning instead.
Watch out for spoilers on all fronts. I went to take a piss after the show and these two pimple faced teens talked about the ending quite loudly and ruined the entire movie for everyone else
If you couldn't resist and hit the clear spoiler tags anyway: YOU'RE A DICK. BLAME YOURSELF. AND DON'T FUCK IT FOR ANYONE ELSE
I don't get thatIs this aimed at those who skip the final scene?