The catastrof in asia


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
AngelHeal said:
asha, your maybe right, holland doesn't like the americans for 1 bit (except our very own Balkenende^^) but it was true what he said....

Americans dont give a shit rat about something else in this world except their own.
Actually, wasn't true what he said and you don't know what you're talking about. But don't let that stop you from making ignorant remarks. Doesn't matter how much usa gives (350m + more later + millions in private), it's not going to be enough for people who just want to hate something, but I refuse to argue with such an ignorant, biast, and quite frankly, stupid person. Go back to playing a game.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Iorlas said:
like it or not pal everyone has freedom of speech, far more people died to give us that right than died in this disaster.
I too have friends in Thialand some living there, 4 friends backpacking around so please don't preach to me about the worry of people there.Unfortunatly not all people are considerate and think of others.As for owning a forum and being affected,just because i didn't agree or like what someone said no i wouldn't just ban them.If i didn't want people posting things on MY forum i wouldn't make it public.

Like it or not pal, I can decide to stop you from posting on my forum regardless of what you want to say.

I manage access to these forums and being public does NOT give you any right to use them.

Tread wisely oh clever one....


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i had a thought this morning, believe it or not!

as you wish to raise money, maybe you should put a sticky on every forum throughout freddyshouse, is that not the best idea?

Deebs said:
I manage access to these forums and being public does NOT give you any right to use them.

what does give a person the right to use a public forum? was going to ask via pm but i may aswell just ask here as you're here right now


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Chesnox said:
This forum will rapidly lose credibility if it is moderated arbitrarily at the whim of the owner. FH and BW before it always have had a very admirable philosophy concerning forum rules, and I have always admired the way they are applied fairly and without bias. This thread is disturbing though, very untypical for a FH thread, and I really hate to see it.

Bottom line is, this is a very emotive issue. One which is for some people touched personally by the disaster perhaps too emotive to start discussing on this forum. What I dislike is anyone who offers an opinion which is contrary to the spirit of this thread are being abused in a most outrageous way, some even being banned. FH is better and fairer than this. Surely we can discuss our opinions without arbitrary censorship, clumsy moderation or childish name calling?

Thank you but the issues that have been raised concern the reactions of some members who give out the wrong impression.

Just because you don' agree with something doesnt mean you can mouth off and upset people and get away with it.

Maybe this thread is in the wrong place, the title means if you don't want to read the thread then don't click it.

If anyone wants to upset people who are trying to help by being insensitive then they have no place at a nice and fair place like FH. That's a policy I abide by.

I don't allow people to say "fuckoff and die" to members, why should I allow someone to say, "tough shit to the thousands that die in asia" or they "only need 4 sticks to rebuild their house"?. Its immoral and insensitive. (the quotes are from memory, so i apologise but you get my drift).


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Nuked said:
i had a thought this morning, believe it or not!

as you wish to raise money, maybe you should put a sticky on every forum throughout freddyshouse, is that not the best idea?

what does give a person the right to use a public forum? was going to ask via pm but i may aswell just ask here as you're here right now

Nothing. Being public means you are welcome to use it but it is NOT a right to use it.

This is a membership based forum. I can decide who i want to be a member or not.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 16, 2004
1. Saw this on the news. Didn't donate but my wife did.
2. Saw this on Eve Online forums. Didn't donate.
3. Saw this here. Didn't donate.

Heartless aren't I? Or maybe I just rebel against anyone guilting me into donating to a cause I don't believe in. Governments pay for aid and do a far better job of helping these people than I ever can dream of. I have already donated to every disaster that will ever happen because of the taxes I pay to my government.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
how much would these countries donate if it had happened in europe?
Norway donated Nkr out of oil/tax money so i consider my donation done.
and there's still alot of ppl in norway wich is living on the street, have no food and having a crappy life... dont see my country helping them much wich piss me off that they send so much money abroad instead.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
SevenSins said:
it's the biggest natural disaster in the history of mankind, better give them a hand as it's horrid at what has happened there. :|

It's not the biggest natural disaster FYI, but it's "probably" the disaster with biggest loss of human life.
Humans aint center of the universe tho most of us think so ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Deebs said:
Like it or not pal, I can decide to stop you from posting on my forum regardless of what you want to say.

I manage access to these forums and being public does NOT give you any right to use them.

Tread wisely oh clever one....

what a sad reply. i would expect some more maturety(sp?) from you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
right gonna give my opinion now.

1st of all, i think some ppl here are using this thread to show how great they are by posting how much money they have sent there, which in some cases i dont believe. noone here will say oooh and aaah to ppl who have sent money.

2nd, now seriously, that reply about 9/11 being nothing compared to it, that is just plain retarded, if you look @ numbers there is a real difference thats right, but go tell tell the families of the dead. it doesnt matter for them if 150k ppl died or 4k ppl.

3rd, i know its horrible what happened but, if there wouldn't be dissasters(sp?) like this and we would be fast enough everytime something happens so noone dies we will get other problems aswell like over population. now dont say im a dick for saying this its reality.

(p.s: stop flaming iorlas already, its a good guy.)


Dec 22, 2003
Knolan said:
right gonna give my opinion now.

1st of all, i think some ppl here are using this thread to show how great they are by posting how much money they have sent there, which in some cases i dont believe. noone here will say oooh and aaah to ppl who have sent money.

2nd, now seriously, that reply about 9/11 being nothing compared to it, that is just plain retarded, if you look @ numbers there is a real difference thats right, but go tell tell the families of the dead. it doesnt matter for them if 150k ppl died or 4k ppl.

3rd, i know its horrible what happened but, if there wouldn't be dissasters(sp?) like this and we would be fast enough everytime something happens so noone dies we will get other problems aswell like over population. now dont say im a dick for saying this its reality.

(p.s: stop flaming iorlas already, its a good guy.)
1) I haven't seen many people "brag" in this thread on the amounts of money they send and some probably didn't even mention donating so what's your point? The fact you even suggest people use this disaster to "show" how good they are probably says more about you then the people who are trying to find a way to help (wheter it's going there, donating money, making foodboxes or whatever).

2) No offcourse it makes no difference to the families who lost their loved ones, a big difference however is the fact that far more families lost loved ones cause of Asia then cause of the happenings in the USA. Looking at it like that, USA disaster is relatively smaller compared to Asia. Both are bad offcourse.

3) I doubt you would say this if you lost someone you love. You might consider this "Act of Mother Nature" as something that is needed to prevent overpopulation but i really don't think people who lost people because of this think like this. The cruelty of it stays the same.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Ziva said:
1) I haven't seen many people "brag" in this thread on the amounts of money they send and some probably didn't even mention donating so what's your point? The fact you even suggest people use this disaster to "show" how good they are probably says more about you then the people who are trying to find a way to help (wheter it's going there, donating money, making foodboxes or whatever).

2) No offcourse it makes no difference to the families who lost their loved ones, a big difference however is the fact that far more families lost loved ones cause of Asia then cause of the happenings in the USA. Looking at it like that, USA disaster is relatively smaller compared to Asia. Both are bad offcourse.

3) I doubt you would say this if you lost someone you love. You might consider this "Act of Mother Nature" as something that is needed to prevent overpopulation but i really don't think people who lost people because of this think like this. The cruelty of it stays the same.

1.) i was referring to 1 person but i dont like to say names. makes me look even worse. thats because i wonder if its the truth thats been spoken.

2.) ofc, you are right but, he made it sound like bwah 9/11 is in america only 4k peeps who cares. thats how I read what he posted.

3.)no ofcourse i wouldn't say it in that situation, noone would. but i aint in that situation (luckely) so my point of view is different. and i was just typing what came to mind for me, while looking into the future and looking to other posts made about that it "could have been prevented". i was up quite late yesterday watching a docu about what would happen if a part of a mountain would drop in the water near afrika, the part of the vulcano would drop facing amerika. it would create a Tsunami of 150m high which would travel with a speed of 730kmh meaning it would hit New York in 8 hours and even then, the people would not have enough time to get away. thats also why i doubt the people in asia could have gotten away in time even if they had a warning.

[Edit: btw the tsunami would hit 20km landinwards.]


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
AngelHeal said:
asha, your maybe right, holland doesn't like the americans for 1 bit (except our very own Balkenende^^) but it was true what he said....

Americans dont give a shit rat about something else in this world except their own.

I wasnt going to post but after reading all of this thread I feel obliged to.

I hate Americans as much as the next person (which isnt really hate or as generalised) but you are wrong on this. Did you know that while the UN held meetings to talk about this disaster America didn't attend, but were already sending aid in the form of fresh water and energy food from 2 of their military vessels already in that part of the world ? They might be arrogant etc but they acted as fast as they could, more so then anyone else from the western world. /respect America (for once!)

Knolan said:
3rd, i know its horrible what happened but, if there wouldn't be dissasters(sp?) like this and we would be fast enough everytime something happens so noone dies we will get other problems aswell like over population. now dont say im a dick for saying this its reality.

Although I agree with this point, even though it seems heartless, for nature to deal with over population then a helva lot more people would need to die, not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or even millions, but billions would be a population cull.
The problems in Ethiopia 20 years ago had as many as 2 million people die from famine and poverty etc (the reason the original Band Aid was done) and in the 20 years since theat countries population is nearly 6 times then what is was. We breed to fast as a race for disasters like this to significantly effect our numbers so this point is basically invalid. (my numbers may be a bit off but its the point of them being laot higher that counts)

All that said and to stay on topic, please give what you can. We have a guildy in Thailand and no idea if he is ok or not, I know thats not as important as the millions who are homeless and at risk from diseases etc but it is my foremost concern none-the-less.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Only thing I can say i don't see them fitting for the forums because of two reasons, you can always donate so basicly i would call it spam, and two what about the ppl who play daoc, to relax and get away from this lets say it was in their living room and or outside manifesting(sp?) itself etc and wanted to get away..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Z^^ said:
what about the ppl who play daoc, to relax and get away from this lets say it was in their living room and or outside manifesting(sp?) itself etc and wanted to get away..

One does not need to open this thread and read it... there are plenty of other threads they can read instead.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Z^^ said:
Only thing I can say i don't see them fitting for the forums because of two reasons, you can always donate so basicly i would call it spam, and two what about the ppl who play daoc, to relax and get away from this lets say it was in their living room and or outside manifesting(sp?) itself etc and wanted to get away..

even if u log in you will hear from it. a dissaster with this magnitude is everywhere.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bloodaxe_Springskalle said:
It's not the biggest natural disaster FYI, but it's "probably" the disaster with biggest loss of human life.
Humans aint center of the universe tho most of us think so ^^

Afair the biggest natural disaster recently killed 500,000 when cyclones hit bangladesh in 1970 and in 1976 250,000+ died in an earthquake in china. What's unusual about this is the number of countries effected and probably also the more global nature of the media these days. In 1887 over 1,000,000 chinese were killed when the yellow river flooded.

One of the things that does worry me is whether the support of the developed nations will continue and whether we will all remember this.

How many people here remember what happened almost exactly a year before?

In Iran 30,000 people in the city of Bam were killed in a massive earthquake. They are now pretty much forgotten by most and lots still have no homes, food or basic needs.

I ended up giving about 1/2 a days salary to the appeal, not much, but if every working adult in the uk did that then we would donate well over a billion dollars through public donation alone.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
yaruar said:
Afair the biggest natural disaster recently killed 500,000 when cyclones hit bangladesh in 1970 and in 1976 250,000+ died in an earthquake in china. What's unusual about this is the number of countries effected and probably also the more global nature of the media these days. In 1887 over 1,000,000 chinese were killed when the yellow river flooded.

One of the things that does worry me is whether the support of the developed nations will continue and whether we will all remember this.

How many people here remember what happened almost exactly a year before?

In Iran 30,000 people in the city of Bam were killed in a massive earthquake. They are now pretty much forgotten by most and lots still have no homes, food or basic needs.

I ended up giving about 1/2 a days salary to the appeal, not much, but if every working adult in the uk did that then we would donate well over a billion dollars through public donation alone.
i just repeated what some priest said on TV, seems u researched the matter more than i bothered tho ;)
and btw, i even quoted him wrong as he said "it's not the biggest natural disaster but probably the most global" so he's not the one to blame, i am :)
it doesent really matter however, it's a tragic incident etc, but im still in the opinion that other stuff happen in the world besides the tsunami and _ALOT_ more ppl that needs help elsewhere in the world, even in Norway.

i also think the governments already donate for you wether you want or not by using tax funds, so cheesy TV commercials appealing to our conciense to pay even more makes me sick.
every fucking day there's a skinny negro with a piece of wood in his mouth looking at me thru the TV with a text saying something like "Mofasa is hungry and need clean water, money for education bla bla."
if i where to donate any extra ontop of the tax money my country send to every needy country in the world i couldnt afford a home myself and end up on TV picture with a similar text.
most ppl donate to the latest "fashion disaster" and forget it a few weeks later unless it's on TV 24/7.

so i tell you all, donate to every organization and to every poor country or just to the causes that don't get media publicity and the governments around the world give a dam about, it's the only way to get away with a clean conciense.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Knolan said:
what a sad reply. i would expect some more maturety(sp?) from you.


I replied to his message in the same context. It's straight to the point for those that think they have a god given right to do what they want here. Which, in fact, is not the case.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Just had to post these lines, they are in swedish but I hope its ok;

In short; Westboro Baptist Church in US claims that the Tsunami was gods way to punish Sweden for leading liberal politics concerning gay-marriage and stuff...

Tsunamin Guds straff mot Sverige?

Den kristna amerikanska församlingen Westboro Baptist Church hävdar att katastrofen i Asien, där en flodvåg dödade ca 150 000 människor, varav många svenskar, är Guds straff mot Sverige. Orsaken: Att Sverige går i främsta ledet för att integrera homosexuella och "uppmuntra till sodomi".

So sad...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
Only a few things to say really

Well done to those who contributed.

Quit the US bashin. They can be pretentious twats at times but so can we all. An the idea that a country has the surplus to donate based on geographical size or population is the stupidest shit i ever heard.

An don't be so hard on the kid (I hope) who got banned. Bit harsh imo to go nuts at some kid for posting with a complete lack of compassion on a GAME forum. The need to be kind or show compassion is understanding the loss of something dear and doesn't nor shouldn't mean anything to a child. Instead of calling him/her a twat i'll say a little sommin here (maybe the lil troll is still around ;)): You give, not because of want or deserve, but because of need. When or if your family ever has need, ppl will give. It's called empathy (or pity) and what being a human being is all about ;)

To the guys in the baptist church in the US. They need to grow the feck up. History is littered with pricks like them, who take good honest hard working belief an turn it into hatred an fear. It's old, it's tired, it's been done before and you fuckers always lose. Give it up. /wave

Btw if you wanna advertise places to donate or generally the need to donate then an open game forum frequented by kids as well as adults is NOT the place to do it. Create, lock an bump or sticky would propabably have been best if you do not want negative or cold opinions. (20/20 hindsight r0xx0rs :p)

PS Yeah i know i'm opinionated :(


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