Stargate Universe


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
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FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The power thing would've been great for an episode later, now they're not even doing the things the series is supposed to be about.
You should now officially read that thread of yours that you started and put a sock in it for a while.

This is exactly what they did at the start of Atlantis and fits the basic storyline of "this hasn't been used for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX years so the powers a bit shoddy" line. The alternative would be "this hasn't been used for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX years so the power is completely gone and we're all dead" which would make for a short series.

The "use a tech" thing is accepted however and will doubtless be brought into play if viewing figures dwindle... i.e. bring in carter or mckay to "liven things up". No doubt if they could have, jackson would be on board with a guest appearance helping resolve the "can't get into the system" stuff.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
I only read the first page of this thread, mainly because i'm lazy.
But it seems duller/darker etc to me so far, and a bit more like those other scifi shows u mentioned. Which makes it crapper in my opinion. I liked the light hearted fun-ness of it along with the sci-fi action. Its what made me watch about 13 series worth of it (or whatever it is).
Better pick up soon, or i'm gonna have to find sommt more entertaining to watch.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Chill out Mystic G, Toht's opinions are valid in this thread (for once).

I'm enjoying the series mainly due to Robert Carlyl, the fat kid is doing my head already. I think my main grievence is the pacing is a lot slower than other Stargate series, as previously mentioned they're really placing a massive emphasis on character development and interaction over the Stargate/Ship itself currently, but this will no doubt change in future episodes.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Chill out Mystic G, Toht's opinions are valid in this thread (for once).

I'm enjoying the series mainly due to Robert Carlyl, the fat kid is doing my head already. I think my main grievence is the pacing is a lot slower than other Stargate series, as previously mentioned they're really placing a massive emphasis on character development and interaction over the Stargate/Ship itself currently, but this will no doubt change in future episodes.

Considering they are on a space ship, miles away from anyone else that's ever existed it makes sense to invest time showing us all of the crew. If you don't know anything about them they might as well no bother making the show, because then you could not care if they live or die.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
I was thinking about what other shows have the protagonist flung to the other side of the universe with weird alien shit.


And looks what happened there. Stargate became Fargate with Ben Browder and Claudia Black.

As for BSG, I ditched it after it jumped the shark at the end of series 2.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
BSG never "jumped the shark", it was classic science fiction, absolutely compelling viewing. I would agree that Stargate Universe is very different to what has gone before it in the Stargate setting, and very derivative of other shows, but I also think its shown a lot of promise.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
After taking another peek at the show, i noticed what bothers me more then the other stuff. It's the lack of action, kinda what Garaen said.

You could've had some hollywood rubbed in there, with gunfights or out of world teams WHILE you delwe into the inner thoughts of a random science guy. Old SGs didn't have a problem with building characters while they saved the world a couple of thousands times. Might pick up after they get a hang of the main plot though and slap a couple of science content writers with a big stick.

I've always said that if you can do a series in another setting with the same plot, it's not using it's location.

Darked series isn't nothing to complain about, but i think they need a couple of steps back before SG:Emo goes too far and turns into a god-fest like BSG did :p

Heck, SG:U made defying gravity episode look like action.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
This "action" of which you speak would destroy the premise of the series... they are alone.

Additionally SG-1 had an established character base from the movie and Atlantis had an established character base from SG-1.

This isn't an action flick Toht, either give it some time or give us a break. You can stop repeatedly battering a show that hasn't even found its feet yet.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
This isn't an action flick Toht, either give it some time or give us a break. You can stop repeatedly battering a show that hasn't even found its feet yet.

Nobody is asking for one, but some action would be nice. There's nothing happening on that ship now, maybe next episode, HOPEFULLY next episode as it's hyped in ep 4.

1 gate travel to, well, even more uneventful location isn't exactly riveting. The lack of action explained with being "alone" isn't enough, they could write a load of action in there without taking anything away and still being able to keep the ones who prefer the old style, happy.

I'm not battering it either, i simply state the opinion i have about the show as a long term liker of the SG franchise.

This thread is about Stargate Universe, i will say what i think about it.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not battering it either
You really are. It is 4 episodes in and you are saying things like "pinnacle of what is wrong with the series in my opinion" yet you have not watched a series of Stargate Universe, nobody has.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You really are. It is 4 episodes in and you are saying things like "pinnacle of what is wrong with the series in my opinion" yet you have not watched a series of Stargate Universe, nobody has.

There are plenty of opinions that could be clumped into that comment on this thread, only difference being that i don't like it ;)

Ofcourse i reserve the right to like the show if it becomes better(better as in; more to my liking), so far we're on the opposite sides so let's just agree to disagree on it?


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
I don't mind there being no action, because as I understand they are all alone atm. They would hardly be running around shooting at each other.

Forget about what went before, the reason they moved away from it was because it was getting stale and losing fans by the shit load.

I want something I can invest my time in on the characters and it not to get thrown out after one and a half series :( (Dollhouse)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I want something I can invest my time in on the characters and it not to get thrown out after one and a half series :( (Dollhouse)

Exsqueeze me? I can't find any info about Dollhouse being canned, can you link to it please?


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Hopefully now the series is picking up (first two episodes were poor, I thought) the viewers will jump onto it.

Joss Whedon's weird-brain-science show Dollhouse may struggle in the live ratings, but enough people are watching it on their DVRs that Fox promises to run all 13 episodes of season two. But season two is unlikely to have 22 episodes.

Fox scheduling chief Preston Beckman tells The Hollywood Reporter that even though Fox isn't happy with Dollhouse's ratings, the network plans to air all 13 episodes — although during November sweeps, Fox might have to air something else, to goose up its numbers. Fox won't make a decision about giving Dollhouse the other nine episodes of season two until after the first 13 episodes finishes airing — which means the show still has a chance. But it also means the show will have to shut down production after it finishes shooting episode 13, and then ramp back up if it gets another order.

Joss Whedon tells THR he's currently shooting episode eight, and he'll make sure the script for episode 13 gives fans a degree of closure, in case the show does not come back after that: "We'll definitely have closure, but will leave some doors open. When we got our first numbers, which were bad, the first thing [Fox president of entertainment] Kevin Reilly said was, 'You'll have all 13,' which was great. They're not going to pull the rug out from under us."

Beckman says he didn't want to face the wrath of Whedon's fans for yanking Dollhouse before the end of its current block of 13 episodes, given the fact that he's already pissed off the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles fans: "If you cancel it, you're an asshole; if you renew it and then don't put it back on, you're an asshole. I'm still paying for 'Terminator.' 'Dollhouse' has a small rabid fan base that in the world of social media seems bigger than it is. We gave them another season knowing full well we were going to burn in hell if we pulled it."

It really may not be too late to save Dollhouse — last week's episode, "Belle Chose," did see a nice uptick in ratings, and luckily all of those people saw a much better episode than the first two of the season. If the show keeps improving in both ratings and storytelling, we might just see a second miracle. On the other hand, it's nice to know the show's not planning on leaving us totally unsatisfied. (And I'm betting that closure includes another glimpse of the "Epitaph One" future.)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Having read this thread it appears to echo a number of other threads on forums across the interwebs and boils down to an argument between people who essentially want another SG1 clone and those who realise SGU is a very different type of show in terms of pace, character building and story arcs.

Personally I'm a huge fan of SGU so far and have loved the first 4 episodes. I nearly screamed at my TV when it ended just as they found out the bad news and I literally cannot wait for the next episode to find out how they deal with it.

The simple fact is, like it or not, some of the most successful shows in recent years have been based around long term story arcs with a strong emphasis on character development rather than one episode action fests loosely linked together by the overall story. It's hardly suprising that given the viewing figures for SGA in it's last years that SGU would be different and wouldn't follow the same, frankly, tiring formula for each episode which usually went along the following lines:

Tease: Everything is fine, writers fail at witty banter between characters
Act 1: Ludicrous scientific/technological problem, 80% of the time of McKay's own making
Act 3: Sheppard and McKay bicker, everyone else stands around doing nothing**
Act 4: McKay singlehandedly saves the day with a scientific/technological solution even more ridiculous than the problem in the first place
Act 5: Hooray, everything's back to where we were in the Tease

(**This step can be disregarded after season 3)

I want to watch a series where we're actually along for the entire story, not just seeing the odd snippets and I welcome the slower pace which actually allows for us to really get to know the characters and for a proper story to be told.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003

Which is why it hurt me bad when they dropped sarah connor chronicles :( That truly was following a story arc, I know there was a few dung episodes thrown in the second series when they realised they had a funding limit for the rest of the series. But it really did make me oooohhh and ahhhhhh right the way through, they were not scared to take risks, infact I recall watching dereks demise numerous times not believing what I had actually witnessed.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not disappointed just because it's not like SG-1 or SGA. In fact, SG-1 was fucking awful without O'Neill, and the whole of SGA was shite. But SGU so far fails, whether you compare it to another Stargate or let it stand on it's own.

I can't remember a space sci-fi that worked without a clearly defined enemy. We may get one, but for now, fixing problems with an old ship isn't very interesting.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
I can't remember a space sci-fi that worked without a clearly defined enemy. We may get one, but for now, fixing problems with an old ship isn't very interesting.

Don't agree at all, I think its very interesting. Plus the personal interdynamics take the show to the next level. I guess there is a difference between serious science fiction and people running about with lightsabres and flashy special effects.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
"serious science fiction" = soap opera in space? Because that's what we've got with SGU.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Four episodes in. In a series that revolves around characters. If all you want is bright lights and explosions there are a million other programmes to watch, disengage the brain and enjoy.


Dec 26, 2003
I like it - its so unlike the comfy trek/sg1/almost anything else style sci fi - much closer to hard sci-fi.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Four episodes in. In a series that revolves around characters. If all you want is bright lights and explosions there are a million other programmes to watch, disengage the brain and enjoy.

That's the problem i have, SG was that programme to watch.

If they brought out a new Battlestar:Supernova that had no drama and action up the wazoo, guess what BS:G people would say?

I wouldn't even mind the "character centric show", if it had any interesting character arcs or SOMETHING else to keep the show going.

It could might as well be "stranded at the moon" show and it would be the same.

Why do they have to ruin a perfectly good franchise with this soap-bull?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Read a rather nice article on SG:E and it gave a bit of a neutral perspective to it all.

Wait for episodes 8-9 to see where it goes. <--new plan.

May just suffer from a really bad start, opinion "bad start" wise that is.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Why do they have to ruin a perfectly good franchise with this soap-bull?

Yes why did they ruin a perfectly good franchise with Atlantis?

What you fail to see is that your vision of what is a good sci-fi programme is not shared by the majority here, and viewing figures for SG:1 after it dragged on and Atlantis confirm this. Isn't there some Stargate cartoon spin off that fulfils your selfish needs?

If you want another SG:1 then you are basically condemning the franchise to a quick death, as it will not get ratings.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yes why did they ruin a perfectly good franchise with Atlantis?

What you fail to see is that your vision of what is a good sci-fi programme is not shared by the majority here, and viewing figures for SG:1 after it dragged on and Atlantis confirm this. Isn't there some Stargate cartoon spin off that fulfils your selfish needs?

If you want another SG:1 then you are basically condemning the franchise to a quick death, as it will not get ratings.

Not wanting, again, another SG-1. Not wanting another Atlantis either(which didn't ruin it at all in my opinion). What i DO want is this series to hold even some resemblance.

Like i asked earlier; name what fits the Stargate franchise about the SG:Emo? the gate and ancient ship location isn't it.

It's not selfish either, selfish is to ask for a completely different series to be like BSG.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Not wanting, again, another SG-1. Not wanting another Atlantis either(which didn't ruin it at all in my opinion). What i DO want is this series to hold even some resemblance.

Like i asked earlier; name what fits the Stargate franchise about the SG:Emo? the gate and ancient ship location isn't it.

It's not selfish either, selfish is to ask for a completely different series to be like BSG.

Well it's called stargate universe and so far it has stargates, old characters and it's in another universe, so it kinda fits the bill.

Any resemblance to wha happened before is what will kill the franchise because it's stale, we have old characters and that is sufficient. I know exactly what your going to do, and that's watch the whole god damn series and moan about every episode, except the one where they find an enemy and shoot lasers and jump through the gate 9 times.... boring.

Clearly the majority of the stargate fanbase disagreed with you about atlantis as well, which is why it was canned.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well it's called stargate universe and so far it has stargates, old characters and it's in another universe, so it kinda fits the bill.

Any resemblance to wha happened before is what will kill the franchise because it's stale, we have old characters and that is sufficient. I know exactly what your going to do, and that's watch the whole god damn series and moan about every episode, except the one where they find an enemy and shoot lasers and jump through the gate 9 times.... boring.

Might be my wording or some such, but i do have to correct that again.

The problem is the lack of resemblance to the SG franchise outside the couple of items that aren't even in use. The ship(barely poked at), the gate(even less poked at) and the sneakpeek old characters are hardly defining points. Where atlantis took a step in the wrong direction, this one took a Grand Theft Auto turn at gritty and gray junction, leaving everything behind. Is that not a valid point that it's lacking any SG feel?

I've said already that i'll give it a chance, but that doesn't mean i can't say what i find wrong with it.

Mind telling what you find good about it? Dark and BSG feel isn't a good watching point as then it could just be a BSG clone(which would make "if you want SG1 all over" kinda moot no?), i'm genuinely interested in taking a look at it from your perspective if you can provide some perspective.

To me SG kept me watching because it was fun, entertaining and didn't hang too tightly on one plotline, giving the viewer a good break now and then. What keeps you glued to SG:U?


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Mind telling what you find good about it? Dark and BSG feel isn't a good watching point as then it could just be a BSG clone(which would make "if you want SG1 all over" kinda moot no?), i'm genuinely interested in taking a look at it from your perspective if you can provide some perspective.

I have not watched BSG I am saving it for a rainy day. I like shows with character development (Heroes season one, firefly, dollhouse, Eureka, Terminator SCC) development isn't about you finding out about everyone in one episode because that's too fast, it's about glimpses, you get a glimpse of someones personality and you might have to change how you view that character. It allows you to develop a relationship onscreen, which makes you feel for them, when they have a tough decision to make or make a sacrifice.

You can't have a true story arc and then cram it all in together, it does not work, which is why many of my favorite shows have been canned in the past because the majority simply wanted gun fights and killing.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I have not watched BSG I am saving it for a rainy day. I like shows with character development (Heroes season one, firefly, dollhouse, Eureka, Terminator SCC) development isn't about you finding out about everyone in one episode because that's too fast, it's about glimpses, you get a glimpse of someones personality and you might have to change how you view that character. It allows you to develop a relationship onscreen, which makes you feel for them, when they have a tough decision to make or make a sacrifice.

Alright, that's a fair answer. In my opinion, note, in my opinion this is not a bad thing, as i said, it works to such a series, but this could be achieved with some action and entertainment in there too, don't you? Not overkill 9 SG jumps lasers pewing, but some.

As such, would you agree that even if they do ahve the character building and such in place, they are concentrating on it a bit too much?

If you compare to the ones you listed; "Heroes season one, firefly, dollhouse, Eureka, Terminator SCC", which outside heroes(just didn't like it) i like very much, they all had still, in almost every episode to a fault, action in there atleast to some extent.

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