Stargate Universe


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I'd be more inclined to believe that to be honest Toht. He could easily have been a Goa'uld from the start (which would explain the taxpayers $$$ for off world space facility) who volunteered to sacrifice himself knowing he wouldn't die and could run off and start up a new Goa'uld civilisation in another galaxy not being watched by the Tau'ri. This would also go some way to explaining how the Goa'uld (if it was them) found and attacked the base in the first episode.

It could just as easily be that the shuttle is going to go to the other gate address and give the two morons a chance to rescue themselves, essentially making the ship "innocent" if anyone gets stranded because it tries to help them back?

Good points, both of them.

Funny thing is though, i thought we took care of the goa'uld already :p

If the shuttle does pick up the two stranded, i'll groan though as they've established that people can die in this series, this would be backtracking.

Much less would groan if the two morons would come back in series 3 or some such for some abandonment issue revenge :D

I'm going to guess though, as boring as it would be, that this was just a "burial" thing or some plot-twist that gets forgotten.

Yeah, i'm not too expecting.


Dec 26, 2003
The attitude of the guy who took over the Colonel's body seemed strange - he seemed set on destroying the colonels body plus he wanted them to open stargates to the blocked off destinations - could he be the mole?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Seems unlikely to me


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Forgot to add why i disliked ep 3 a bit too much;

When using the switch-a-body stones, they should have kept the original bodies when on screen. Would've brought some old school SG humor into it all.

Imagine O'neal acting like a little girl, or a little girl acting like Teal'c and presto, fun show.

They should have kept the girl going to her mother as a SG officer.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Could as easily just be the shuttle the guy so surprisingly sacrificed himself in.

Considering the writers in this, i wouldn't be surprised :D

The reason I don't think it has anything to do with the ship was that is had a blue force field (the ancient ones have always been yellowish), and the colour of the thrust exhaust is red while the ancients have always been white/blue, plus sci-fi and gfx people generally keep the look and feel of alien tech within races sort of the same to define "identity"


Dec 26, 2003
Forgot to add why i disliked ep 3 a bit too much;

When using the switch-a-body stones, they should have kept the original bodies when on screen. Would've brought some old school SG humor into it all.

Imagine O'neal acting like a little girl, or a little girl acting like Teal'c and presto, fun show.

They should have kept the girl going to her mother as a SG officer.

Yeah - I thought that was a bit off too - I guess they figured it would be too confusing for the American viewers :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
it couldnt have been the shuttle with the senator on, the bulkhead doors wouldnt close, this is the main reason he went in and closed the shuttle doors.

If it was the senators ship the Destiny is currently going through a mass decompression and they are all dead :).


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
I wondered that - nearly missed it - came straight after the emo bit - could it be mr posessed off visiting his masters?

Or a watcher droid off to report that the ship has been invaded etc. etc.

What was the whole sand devil n seeing dead people bit about? Would say pure hallucination but then the water woke him up?

Finally I'm no expert chemist but exactly how much CO2 do you think could be scrubbed by a few kilo's of Calcium Oxide :p

It was ok - I want something better from episode 4 tho

He was hallucinating the dead person, it was his adoptive parent who died due to alcoholism. He mentioned it at the end of the episode during the emo bit :D

As for the swirly thing, clearly a plot filler :p

For me it makes sense that the two from that other planet get back, if someone dies you actually want to witness the act, not them just never being seen again.

As for the series so far, I am enjoying it, I thought the other stargate stuff was average, but I feel like I will get some real character development from the guys and gals on this ship. I also have a feeling theres gonna be some lesbo action in the future!!!!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Noticed something rather worrying;

If a person doesn't like SG-1 or SG:A, they are more likely to like this SG:U.

Get your dirty BSG mittens off our show! :eek:


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Meh, Atlantis was average, SG1 lost its way. This is fresh, change is a good thing, it will stop the franchise rotting away and being cancelled.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Just a thought...
What if the "shuttle" is an emergency pod for the 2 left behind?


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Atlantis got cancelled early for a reason, you also need to remember that we are only 3 episodes in. You are railing against character quirks that are not there; but they need a series to develop those characters.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Atlantis got cancelled early for a reason, you also need to remember that we are only 3 episodes in. You are railing against character quirks that are not there; but they need a series to develop those characters.

Yeah, it's on a "2 episode red list" for me, and i don't mind it that much, but the danger here is that is keeps this up, people watch it due to it being BSG and not SG, brings in more drama and less SG feel and thus, kills off the original style of SG and the original style of SG shows won't be seen anymore.

SG-1 is, after everything said and done, the measure here.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
That is the same thinking that kept the Star Trek franchise so dull. When they dared to do something different (enterprise) all the fan boys railed against it.

It's really not dark enough to be BSG, for me there is still the SG level of nonsense there. I mean come on, a fat geek as a lead character?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
That is the same thinking that kept the Star Trek franchise so dull. When they dared to do something different (enterprise) all the fan boys railed against it.

It's really not dark enough to be BSG, for me there is still the SG level of nonsense there. I mean come on, a fat geek as a lead character?

Enterprise still felt like Star Trek, it had the same overlines.

This time it just has too many odd things in there, like the whole

...scene with the mother bawling her eyes out.

Just doesn't feel like SG if those kind of things take over. Not to mention the dramatic music in the background 24/7 :D

There's the gate, the ship, but it better get more technical and furthermore FUN at times.

We'll see.

EDIT: Also i'd like to see the idiots turn into a bit more professional out there, like in previous series, the pickering is just meh.

Now i know! It's Stargate: Emo :D

EDIT2: Shortly put though; i have too many "groan" moments when watching this one, where as the old ones rarely made me want to slit someones throat. But, could be just a case of "started on the wrong foot".


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You're wrong Toht. I liked the film, I liked SG-1, I thought Atlantis was ok (it wobbled in the middle reverting to previously seen bad guys which eventually caused its collapse).

I think this has the potential to be the best Stargate series to date. It's darker like the original film and it has plenty of potential to retain all the Stargate themes, however Stargate could well do with losing some of those.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
If a person doesn't like SG-1 or SG:A, they are more likely to like this SG:U.
^ that's how. No need to start on anything, just accept for a change :p


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
I loved the movie, thought they took it to far with atlantis, and I like what they are trying to do with universe.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ep 4.

How to put it nicely?

I can't. That last episode was just a pinnacle of what is wrong with the series in my opinion.

Stones used to visit ex wives, yet no one can ask for technical help? Send perhaps carter(who can actually do SOMETHING instaed of those whiney morons they have now) to help with tech issues?

The drama...oh the drama...

No science content last episode, none, and they've used the bloody gate once in the series so far.

The premise; stranded ona movoing ship, dials gates, explore and try to get home. Works.

The series now; not even about THAT.

In a nutshell, might have been a good BSG spinoff.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
dont forget they are still doing a lot of the basic character building. Those 10-30 sec "interviews" fatboy made with the football, anyone?


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Did you miss the whole part where it was a set up episode for a disaster toht? No stargate, well they had NO POWER!

honestly, you don't like it, we get it. Others seem to, and thankfully what you say about it has no affect on the script writers. Maybe you should move along and find something else to watch?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Toht makes a good point (shocking, I know) about them using the stones to send technical help, they'll prolly end up using them for a different crew member to visit their family every week, bleh.

Still, I quite like the atmosphere in the show even if nothing's really happening


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Did you miss the whole part where it was a set up episode for a disaster toht?

Yeah i missed that. Gee, guess i should watch it again to notice it.

The power thing would've been great for an episode later, now they're not even doing the things the series is supposed to be about.

Wrost part is that they act like morons half the time and the other half the time they do nothing. Dragged out episodes where nothing happens.

Answer me one thing; what "Stargate" is in that show this far? If you take out the obvious gate and the ancient ship(which hasn't been used in the writing either!), there's nothing even remotely SG'ish.

So, we got two items that could make it a SG series, ship and ring, and neither have been used to any extent.

This is a travesty ad the worst part is that it might kill the SG franchise.

The point isn't in me disliking it, it's a great show, the point i've made is that it's not Stargate.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
It's set in the Stargate Universe, there is a clue in the name of the show.


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
I think for me Stargate Atlantis wanted to build on SG1s success. When Atlantis numbers dwindled to almost rock bottom, they wanted to rebuild the series and in fact get more fans ontop of it. The fact people are giving it the time of day is 1 thing, people love the franchise and will watch at least a few episodes. I loved the films and a lot of the SG1 episodes, I'm with Mr G on this in wanting something new and not the same old 'go through wormhole, meet alien race, get stuck, jack makes jokes, daniel and carter get them out of a fix and Teal'c says "indeed" a lot) :)

What was on that pod that ejected in ep.3??? i want to know!

I like how they are moving the 2 Colnels further apart! I know we can see who is who, but it is good to mind fuck some of the other crew! :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Heads up, BSG The Plan has "appeared", think it's still only private trackers but should start going public soon.

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