Stargate Universe


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
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FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
they already set up the obvious episode generator mechanism.
so every episode the ship will drop them somewhere new for 12 hours and they have to find the thing the ship needs. ZOMALLAH A COUNTDOWN TO COMPLETE A TASK!
I'll still watch it tho :)
I did think it was all a bit "Crystal Maze" when they spouted all that :)
He looks his age in SGU. Looked like he's put on a few pounds too.
Hell yes, I was expecting him to start eating a doughnut in the doorstep scene.
Couldnt they just have used the flying camera thing to push the button to close the shuttle door?!
I didn't think of that, however
The senator was pissing me off every time he spoke, I was glad he got removed from the show.

Other than that I thought it was a very well constructed season opener, it had the usual SciFi problems with the whole "oh look, problem... tick tock... problem solved" For example the Azguard stones really jarred me.

Only real disappointment was that they didn't kill off the base general, I think it would be a series much more open to twists, turns and character development without a "seasoned vet" to hover in the background and I'm not going to hold out much hope for the soldier that was in the brig on the planet being a very good antagonist?

Also, was it me or why would the ships CO2 scrubbers even stay on for that length of time when nobody was on board?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Robert Carlyle's character was suitably multi-layered and potentially menacing.
Am I the only one that thinks falling into that assumption is a trap on the part of the writers?


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Am I the only one that thinks falling into that assumption is a trap on the part of the writers?

I think the good thing here is, he is very unpredictable and who really knows what was said when he used the crytal to communicate with earth. You just don't know what was said, he could have said the Colonel died and who knows who else.

We also don't know how the Colonel will react to this ongoing stress, he already has fits with the simplest things (when he was in his kitchen at home.)

I was talking to someone this morning, the plot with the 12 hour thing, who says the 12 hours is for ever mission, if the ship is monitoring people then perhaps it will take action against the weaker (i'm just guessing here) but the ship seems to have an AI/thought process all of its own.

Anyway, show has tonnes of potential, but I hope they dont make these huge characters they are afraid to kill off.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
I expected Robert Carlyle to be the expendable famous face for the pilot (like Robet Patrick was for SG:A). In the end it turned out to be Lou Diamond Philips.
The thing with Robert Carlyle is that he's played so many parts. You simply don't know how he's going to play Dr.Rush. Since he's using his "anglicised scots" accent, I'm expecting him to play Francis Begbie from Trainspotting. :)


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
I think there is somebody/something else on the ship, and that is why the scrubbers (if you'll forgive the expression) are worn out. Also would explain the strange view we had of two crew members from a panel in the corridor ceiling...

Both the original Stargate and Atlantis recruited aliens for their teams in the first episode. Chances of this happening in the next episode?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
none or so they say

actually just been doing some math (may be wrong cos im shit at it :D )

did they say 9 billion light years from earth? if so thats insane it translates into

85.500. i dont even know how to pronounce this number

if we then be generous and say its been travelling for 500,000 years this gives us and avg distance of,000 km covered a year (365 days)

and this is where i get stuck im tryin to work out just how fast the ship is going in terms of light speed the answers i come up with are quite ridiculous like 100,000's of times faster so any boffin out there and i know you are out there :p please help me :D


Dec 26, 2003
9 billion light years from earth?
say its been travelling for 500,000 years

easy from that - if we assume an american rather than english billion then its travelled 9000 million light years in 1/2 a million years which means its averaging 18,000 light years per year or 18 Kilolights as Ian Banks would say.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Asgard modified human spaceships can travel to the Pegasus galaxy in 3 weeks.
2,000,000 / 21 = 95238 ly/day
95238 / 86400 secs = 1.10229ly/sec
60secs x 60mins x 24 hours x 365.25 days = 31557600 seconds/year
31557600 secs * 1.10229 ly = 34,785,627x lightspeed
Or put another way, a human ship travelling for 1 year at that speed would cover 34,785,627 light years.

Thing is that they can only get that speed in intergalactic space. Within a galaxy, there's far more "obstacles" so they have to go slower. It takes a number of hours to travel the 21 ly to the Icarus Project in the SG:U pilot.
Call it 3ly/hr?
1ly = 9,460,730,472,580.8 km
3ly = 28,382,191,417,742.4 km
7 hours = 3600 secs * 7 = 25,200 secs
28,382,191,417,742.4 / 25,200 = 1126277437.212 km/sec
1126277437.212 / 299,792 = 3756.86x lightspeed

I seem to remember Dr.Rush saying they were "several billion light years from Earth". He also said that the Destiny uses an FTL drive that isn't hyperspace. I'll take your 9billion ly as a start. Ancients left the Pegasus galaxy for Earth 10,000 years ago.

9,000,000,000 ly / 10,000 yrs = 900,000 ly/yr
900,000 / 365.25 = 2464 ly/day = 102.666 ly/hour
102.66 / 3 = 34.22x faster than standard hyperdrive.
3756.86 * 34.22 = 128560x lightspeed

So when a human ship puts pedal to the metal, it can go at 34,000,000 times the speed of light intergalactically.
Inside a galaxy it goes at about 3700 times lightspeed.
Destiny cruises along at something like 128560 times lightspeed

It makes me wonder if the writers will explore ideas like measuring the size of the universe and spacial topology. Put into simple terms, will Destiny hit the edge of the universe, will it end up back where it started or will it just carry on going?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I was a bit uncertain about the first episode. They had two successful series with a decent formula, so I was hoping that they wouldn't deviate too much from it.

I'll give it some time before I give my final judgement on it though.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
I really dislike stargate for some reason.


Dec 26, 2003
Watched it again last night -I wonder how long till they start trying to figure out how the enemy knew they were experimenting with the 9 position gate.

I'm kinda assuming one of those who went through is a Goauld - initially I thought the Doctor but hes too obvious - now I figure its the Colonel bloke.

He was last through the gate and stopped to pick up some specific items - possibly communication stones?

He also recovered rather quickly from potentially fatal blast damage?

One other possibility would be the guy who had seizures at the start of episode 1.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Watched it again last night -I wonder how long till they start trying to figure out how the enemy knew they were experimenting with the 9 position gate.

I'm kinda assuming one of those who went through is a Goauld - initially I thought the Doctor but hes too obvious - now I figure its the Colonel bloke.

He was last through the gate and stopped to pick up some specific items - possibly communication stones?

He also recovered rather quickly from potentially fatal blast damage?

One other possibility would be the guy who had seizures at the start of episode 1.

The colonel and the seizure guy are the same person.

Are you actually sure you watched it properly both times? Because the items he stopped to pick up were in fact communication stones but then there was a full 10 minutes of the episode spent talking about how rush had actually used them and been given control of the ship. Along with a scene showing rush contact the other side.


Dec 26, 2003
The colonel and the seizure guy are the same person.

Are you actually sure you watched it properly both times? Because the items he stopped to pick up were in fact communication stones but then there was a full 10 minutes of the episode spent talking about how rush had actually used them and been given control of the ship. Along with a scene showing rush contact the other side.

I thought they were the same guy but wasnt sure so listed them seperately. It seems remarkably quick thinking of him to pickup the communication stones - like it was pre-planned :p

Could it be possible that he's a goauld but the conscious human part of his brain isnt aware of it? I still think hes the traitor...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I have some random assertion that you are trying to make me feel bad about a good day out.

Nah m8. I did wonder that before posting, but figured you sounded so proud it was worth the crack :)

What you've not seen in those pictures is Keeley Hawes telling me I was 'really sweet' and giving me a hug off camera :kissit:

Did you get it out? I'd have had a bit of a stiffy at that point...


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Nah m8. I did wonder that before posting, but figured you sounded so proud it was worth the crack :)

It was a good day out. I'd not done one of those film/comic con things before but would heartily recommend it now.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Gods...i hope they have some major changes coming 'cause after the 3rd episode, it's as i feared.

No carter'esque sci-fi explaining.
No daniel style ancinet mumbling.
No funny teal-o'neal banter.
No funny o'neal banter at all.
God makes a pop-up appearance.
SG:U - just call it battlesta destiny.

Losing hope for the series as it's NOTHING like startgate or stargate: atlantis, not even close, only familiar thing is the word ancinet and the gate, that's it.

Just doesn't feel like Stargate at all.

Still hoping, but not that much anymore.

Not to mention plotholes and the team beign "morons in space who whine a lot".

Did SG-1 whine? Even with certain death looming? No. These guys whine when there's no cumfy toilet paper...

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Gods...i hope they have some major changes coming 'cause after the 3rd episode, it's as i feared.

No carter'esque sci-fi explaining.
No daniel style ancinet mumbling.
No funny teal-o'neal banter.
No funny o'neal banter at all.
God makes a pop-up appearance.
SG:U - just call it battlesta destiny.

Losing hope for the series as it's NOTHING like startgate or stargate: atlantis, not even close, only familiar thing is the word ancinet and the gate, that's it.

Just doesn't feel like Stargate at all.

Still hoping, but not that much anymore.

Not to mention plotholes and the team beign "morons in space who whine a lot".

Did SG-1 whine? Even with certain death looming? No. These guys whine when there's no cumfy toilet paper...

Finished watching the pilot. While not awesome its still better than any SG series so far. However, the cud munchers that just want safe and familiar will not be happy.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
Watched it again last night -I wonder how long till they start trying to figure out how the enemy knew they were experimenting with the 9 position gate.

I'm kinda assuming one of those who went through is a Goauld - initially I thought the Doctor but hes too obvious - now I figure its the Colonel bloke.

He was last through the gate and stopped to pick up some specific items - possibly communication stones?

He also recovered rather quickly from potentially fatal blast damage?

One other possibility would be the guy who had seizures at the start of episode 1.
My thought is a bit far-fetched, but follow me along here.
Someone alerted a faction with Hatak and Alkesh ships. Goa'uld are out of the picture so that leaves Lucian Alliance.
Whoever it was knows about the Icarus Project (9th chevron).
Dr.Rush swapped bodies with Dr.Lee at SGC.

What if Dr.Lee was the mole AND IS STILL INSIDE Dr.Rush???


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Finished watching the pilot. While not awesome its still better than any SG series so far. However, the cud munchers that just want safe and familiar will not be happy.

It's not about having safe and familiar, but to have some form of unity with previous SG series.

This is more of a BSG spin-off with a touch of lost in space, but not SG.

In itself it's not bad, but if it's an SG series, i'd expect some SG familiarity to it.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
I think it's bad - from the acting (ffs fat guy being the "mind" of the team?), to the obvious epsiode milking plot.

Yes, no SG: feel at all - and the colonel is very unconvincing, as is the muscle/brainy guy of a Lt. It feels very unbrushed, as if they rushed the pilot and the 3rd episode out.

Will give it a chance until mid-season, and if by then they don't pickup the pace, i'll try to look into other series for my Tuesday fun.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Thought episode 3 was very good, I like the feel of it, not quite as harsh as BSG, not quite as soft as SG1.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
I think it's bad - from the acting (ffs fat guy being the "mind" of the team?), to the obvious epsiode milking plot.

Yes, no SG: feel at all - and the colonel is very unconvincing, as is the muscle/brainy guy of a Lt. It feels very unbrushed, as if they rushed the pilot and the 3rd episode out.

Will give it a chance until mid-season, and if by then they don't pickup the pace, i'll try to look into other series for my Tuesday fun.

I thought I was watching Dallas for a minute.

get rid of the whiney but sexy bint NOW


Dec 22, 2003
episode 3 was good

what was the ship that detached itself from Destiny just as the credits started to roll?!!


Dec 26, 2003
episode 3 was good

what was the ship that detached itself from Destiny just as the credits started to roll?!!

I wondered that - nearly missed it - came straight after the emo bit - could it be mr posessed off visiting his masters?

Or a watcher droid off to report that the ship has been invaded etc. etc.

What was the whole sand devil n seeing dead people bit about? Would say pure hallucination but then the water woke him up?

Finally I'm no expert chemist but exactly how much CO2 do you think could be scrubbed by a few kilo's of Calcium Oxide :p

It was ok - I want something better from episode 4 tho


Dec 22, 2003
heh i doubt its a ga'ould, its a long way from home, most likely some automatied thing, or some past inhabitants ship that they left behind to tell them if anybody else came on board.

Sand devil thing I'm not sure, could all just be halucinations, but then theres been several occasions where there have been suggestions of the ship being psycic, could it be something like that was messing with his head?

And yes, no idea on the CO2 scrubbing but I guess if you got a bag, weighed it, you could probably figure how much CO2 would get scrubbed.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I highly doubt there'll be any Goa'uld - that was SG1's thing.

Did the 2 ppl who went through the gate to the other planet ever get back to the ship? Or is that them gone already?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
heh i doubt its a ga'ould, its a long way from home, most likely some automatied thing, or some past inhabitants ship that they left behind to tell them if anybody else came on board.

Sand devil thing I'm not sure, could all just be halucinations, but then theres been several occasions where there have been suggestions of the ship being psycic, could it be something like that was messing with his head?

And yes, no idea on the CO2 scrubbing but I guess if you got a bag, weighed it, you could probably figure how much CO2 would get scrubbed.

Well they did say that the ship looked to have suffered battle damage in ep 1/2, it might be a tracking device that was attached to the ship by the species that attacked the ship. I bet there is going to be some story where the destiny is being pursued by some alien race because it or the seeder ships are responsible for doing something to piss them off


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Could as easily just be the shuttle the guy so surprisingly sacrificed himself in.

Considering the writers in this, i wouldn't be surprised :D


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'd be more inclined to believe that to be honest Toht. He could easily have been a Goa'uld from the start (which would explain the taxpayers $$$ for off world space facility) who volunteered to sacrifice himself knowing he wouldn't die and could run off and start up a new Goa'uld civilisation in another galaxy not being watched by the Tau'ri. This would also go some way to explaining how the Goa'uld (if it was them) found and attacked the base in the first episode.

It could just as easily be that the shuttle is going to go to the other gate address and give the two morons a chance to rescue themselves, essentially making the ship "innocent" if anyone gets stranded because it tries to help them back?

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