really? after 4 minutes I wanted to turn the fucking thing off.
Episode was better than I thought it'd be from the first 10 minutes if that makes sense. Eli is deffo annoying though
Also quite annoying that, while trying to stand seperatly from the other stargate style, they borrow so much from the other shows - the communication stones, solar flare time travel etc
If anything makes me stop watching this show it will his annoying shit character, and to think I used to find mckay annoying.
As McKay was the best character in Stargate Atlantis you'll forgive me if I take your comments with a truck load of salt. The show needs an 'everyman' character to explain wtf is going on to people new to Stargate.
As McKay was the best character in Stargate Atlantis you'll forgive me if I take your comments with a truck load of salt.
Nice pic.The best thing aboug sgu...
It got old quick, Eli is getting old quicker.
Nice pic.
A little more worksafe...
Very good episode, however it does spark the idea thatGiven that ancient tech obviously survives the time loop, would it not make sense for them to chuck a few spare parts through the flare gate (enviro suits, etc) and voila "instant spare shit"
Interesting how people who like the show more, dislike Eli more too.
For me he seems like the only one who has actually lived in the stargate universe, acts a bit more normal, thinks outside the box, actually tries to solve issues and all that with him being a gamer![]()
I don't mind Eli at all. Without him they wouldn't be on the ship in the first place, atleast this guy is actually losing weight and looking like he is on rations, as opposed to Lost where they just built a super market and had some 24 hour pizza delivery places that delivered for Hurley!!!!!
I disagree slightly with you about the Ship vs Atlantis, I think the ship is a much bigger discovery, it's effectively controlling itself and looking after the crew at the same time, plus it's going somewhere![]()
Was it me, or was this weeks episode the worst so far?
Absolutely nothing (of relevance) happened.