Stargate Universe


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
That episode was too funny.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well, the hoth system was a bit more towards SG and the latest episode redeemed itself in the end, but for the sake of everything that is holy, IF you MUST use the stones, use the stones for something interesting! :eek:

This show is like watching a drunken sprinter, it almost gets going and then it trips over some lovestory :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Excellent episode, absolutely excellent. Loved the camera style from the Kino (Cino?).


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
really? after 4 minutes I wanted to turn the fucking thing off.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I really wish they would just kill that dickhead Eli off.

If anything makes me stop watching this show it will his annoying shit character, and to think I used to find mckay annoying.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I liked it, into the right direction with less emphasis on humping eachother and brooding over which military officer will disobey orders this time :p

Not to mention there was less of that god awful shaky-cam.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
I agree with Toht (gasp!).
I was wondering if they were going to rip off that paradise episode of Star Trek but they went with nasties instead.

I have a theory...
Isn't it more than just a coincidence that by picking up a message from the past they are able to address a problem in the present?
So a solar flare might knock the wormhole back on itself in time.
It's almost as if the ship is aware that there is a problem with the water and initiates a sequence of events that leads them towards the solution.

Alternatively, I reckon the Ancients are watching from their Ascended place and aren't beyond tinkering with events, much like Daniel did when he was ascended in SG1. There were too many convenient coincidences in this episode to just let them go. Also note that Rush explains about Ascension to Eli... I thought the producers made quite a point about it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Episode was better than I thought it'd be from the first 10 minutes if that makes sense. Eli is deffo annoying though

Also quite annoying that, while trying to stand seperatly from the other stargate style, they borrow so much from the other shows - the communication stones, solar flare time travel etc

Is there a hiatus after the next episode? No more listed on


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Episode was better than I thought it'd be from the first 10 minutes if that makes sense. Eli is deffo annoying though

Also quite annoying that, while trying to stand seperatly from the other stargate style, they borrow so much from the other shows - the communication stones, solar flare time travel etc

Eli is annoying, the doc is annoying, the commander is annoying...hell...every single one of those people are annoying because they act so incredibly stupid and forget ALL that has happened before with the stargate series. It's like the long range jump caused selective amnesia and a slight chronic assholeitis.

The title says it all "Greatest discovery since the stargate"...f*cking atlantis trumps a single ship i think...

And agree completely with borrowing from other shows, but while i appreciate them bringing some "ooh i know" elements from SG or SGA, my list of borrowed shows include BS:G, law&order and bold&beautiful.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
If anything makes me stop watching this show it will his annoying shit character, and to think I used to find mckay annoying.

As McKay was the best character in Stargate Atlantis you'll forgive me if I take your comments with a truck load of salt. The show needs an 'everyman' character to explain wtf is going on to people new to Stargate.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
As McKay was the best character in Stargate Atlantis you'll forgive me if I take your comments with a truck load of salt. The show needs an 'everyman' character to explain wtf is going on to people new to Stargate.

Wish they had a science man to do the opposite too :p


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
The best thing aboug sgu...





I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Thought it was a very good "time" episode, great sci-fi, and a nice way to end the episode too.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
As McKay was the best character in Stargate Atlantis you'll forgive me if I take your comments with a truck load of salt.

Well in your opinion he was the best character, just like in my opinion Mckay got more annoying towards the end of the series with his constant whining and "I am great speeches",

It got old quick, Eli is getting old quicker :).


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Interesting how people who like the show more, dislike Eli more too.

For me he seems like the only one who has actually lived in the stargate universe, acts a bit more normal, thinks outside the box, actually tries to solve issues and all that with him being a gamer :eek7:


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
And now about Eli.

I reckon a lot of you have missed the point. Sure he's the "everyman" character but there's many plot reasons for having someone like that in the show.

1) Since he was kidnapped up to the ship in the first episode, you can make the safe assumption that he is the only one without an agenda.
2) Rush trusts him because he is involved with deciphering the Ancient systems. Eli also understands a lot of what Rush says and can put it into plain language for the rest of the people.
3) Young trusts him because he's a) not military and b) can tell him what Rush is up to. He also knows that Eli isn't limited by the ways of thinking of the scientists on board.
4) Scott trusts him because whilst he thinks he's a waster, he understands Eli's contribution to the mission.
5) Chloe trusts him because he's the only "ordinary" person on board who isn't military, IOA, political or linked to the Icarus Project.
6) He's the one who runs the kinos and documents what is going on. While he might not be the main driver of the show, he helps move it along by documenting what is happening around him.

and finally...
7) He was the one that most of the people turned to when they wanted answers to what was going on "because you're on the inside". He replied in the only way he could, "When they tell me something, I'll tell you".

So those of you saying that his character is a waste of space don't appreciate how much impact he has on moving the plot along through the series. I also really like the show and think "Time" is the first episode where SGU has started to take off on it's own.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Very good episode, however it does spark the idea that
Given that ancient tech obviously survives the time loop, would it not make sense for them to chuck a few spare parts through the flare gate (enviro suits, etc) and voila "instant spare shit"


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Im not saying his character is a waste of space, i'm saying I dont like him.

What I dont like is the way he is portrayed, I find him annoying and don't like the way he (by he I mean the character not the actor) thinks he is funny. 9 times out of 10 I either cringe or just wanna punch him when he opens his mouth.

The first 10 mins of the last episode were annoying to me because of the crap coming out of his mouth, i was half expecting rush to shoot him (wishful thinking).

I'm not against having an everyman character that people can trust and turn to, just make him act a little more grown up and not just a McKay minime... maybe its just down to the fact he reminds me of someone I know in real life who I cannot stand :p

But overall I found Time to be a great episode.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
To me, Eli is the kid from The Last Starfighter. Well done, you beat a computer game, now do it for real.

Eli should never have been at the Alpha site, he would never have been shown the SG programme, he'd have been hired by the government and told they want him to decipher stuff just like the game he beat, and would never have known the reason why.

If they needed a geek/everyman type, they could have picked from a long line of Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson crossover stereotypes who happened to be the 'best of the best' and written that in, rather than some ramdom civilian who happens to be good on an Xbox.

It used to be the people with an agenda were the NID and IOA with the SG Project always being the 'good guys'.

Now it seems the SG Project is full of people with other agendas (and is in shades of grey rather than black and white), and as per early posts it just doesn't 'feel' like Stargate. It feels like 'brand new sci-fi show'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the show (I rarely turn down sci-fi of any format!), I just kinda wish it wasn't the universe of Stargate which has always had clear and defined boundaries of good guys (SG Command) vs bad guys (Gou'auld, Ori, NID, IOA, Wraith).


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Very good episode, however it does spark the idea that
Given that ancient tech obviously survives the time loop, would it not make sense for them to chuck a few spare parts through the flare gate (enviro suits, etc) and voila "instant spare shit"

Come on now, that would require A: them to actually think smart and B: plot devices to not exist in such abundance :D

It's a shame when fans can come up with more innovative solutions, plotlines and "things they should do" then the actual writers.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Interesting how people who like the show more, dislike Eli more too.

For me he seems like the only one who has actually lived in the stargate universe, acts a bit more normal, thinks outside the box, actually tries to solve issues and all that with him being a gamer :eek7:

I don't mind Eli at all. Without him they wouldn't be on the ship in the first place, atleast this guy is actually losing weight and looking like he is on rations, as opposed to Lost where they just built a super market and had some 24 hour pizza delivery places that delivered for Hurley!!!!!

I disagree slightly with you about the Ship vs Atlantis, I think the ship is a much bigger discovery, it's effectively controlling itself and looking after the crew at the same time, plus it's going somewhere :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I don't mind Eli at all. Without him they wouldn't be on the ship in the first place, atleast this guy is actually losing weight and looking like he is on rations, as opposed to Lost where they just built a super market and had some 24 hour pizza delivery places that delivered for Hurley!!!!!

I disagree slightly with you about the Ship vs Atlantis, I think the ship is a much bigger discovery, it's effectively controlling itself and looking after the crew at the same time, plus it's going somewhere :p

Noted, i do have to correct my statement to "Many who like the show more, dislike eli more" :D

Also we could argue about which would win, the ship or atlantis, but we both know that would be a long painful road. So let's just say i'm right :D


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah Cal is right on this, Atlantis was promising but they went in the wrong direction and it got stale. I think thye have learned from their lessons with SGU, it is something new, they have realised that trying to clone SG1 did not work.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Was it me, or was this weeks episode the worst so far?

Absolutely nothing (of relevance) happened.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Exactly what I thought Talyn - less use of the stones the better imo!

I hope the bald guy who's going mental will smash the stones to bits in some rage.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Was it me, or was this weeks episode the worst so far?

Absolutely nothing (of relevance) happened.

Other from all the character development of course, or the
finding of the neural interface chair.

But yes apart from those absolutely nothing of relevance happened /sarcasm

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