Stargate Universe


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
yes but the premise of those shows, still had an underlying aspect of violence/fighting and bad guys.

Until they encounter another race, which I have no doubt they will, they can't just throw them into a random fight with someone, it has to be thought out properly. As for too much character building we have about 30-40 people on board? and we have only really caught glimpses of about 9 of those.

For me it is moving along at an acceptable pace, which means to me they are in this for the long run, we can't have them battling against things, when they have not even got the ship in working order.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well the following episode 5 is a kind of a chance to get some action in, so if it has a slow start, that's acceptable.

Hopefully they get all the characters spurted out at first, so that we don't have to watch visits to ex-wives in the future in some long winded filler episodes.

I doubt no one here likes those flashback-filler-oh the season finale is next episodes :p

Also interesting what you said, about not wanting fighting before the ship is in working order;

That would make a great episode if the first attack would come as they are about to get the things working. Would make a great episode/two all around as people would be breaking under pressure, looming doom(which is nice) and then...ofcourse as the show must go on and aliens can't win :p...blow big holes in things.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You can't have a true story arc and then cram it all in together, it does not work, which is why many of my favorite shows have been canned in the past because the majority simply wanted gun fights and killing.
Unfortunately true, I feel mostly because tv is for the majority US produced and the ratings are made up of the opinions of retards. Thank god for HBO, I'd hate to imagine what we would be watching if we had been without things like Oz, Sopranos, The Wire, etc, etc, etc. To a certain degree I'd be thankful for Fox as well but they canned T:SCC which I shall not forgive for a long time :(

I'm liking that the SG:U writers are leaving "loose ends" so to speak, it lets you imagine what may come. I don't have a massive list but so far:
  1. 2 through the stargate
  2. Random pod/ship/etc
  3. New Goa'uld (?) faction in Milky Way
All of which could come back into play at any time but equally don't have to.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Unfortunately true, I feel mostly because tv is for the majority US produced and the ratings are made up of the opinions of retards. Thank god for HBO, I'd hate to imagine what we would be watching if we had been without things like Oz, Sopranos, The Wire, etc, etc, etc. To a certain degree I'd be thankful for Fox as well but they canned T:SCC which I shall not forgive for a long time :(

I'm liking that the SG:U writers are leaving "loose ends" so to speak, it lets you imagine what may come. I don't have a massive list but so far:
  1. 2 through the stargate
  2. Random pod/ship/etc
  3. New Goa'uld (?) faction in Milky Way
All of which could come back into play at any time but equally don't have to.

Yeah thats what I a loving also, I agree with you on the T:scc, any real fan could see he had a real story that he was trying to get across, and I respect the fact he would not change his ways.

Yeah for me atm main focus is on Telford, I don't know what he is trying to pull.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Babylon 5 showed that with a long story arc, and slow character building you can have great sci fi.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
So umm... was thinking.

Dr. Rush is struggling to work all of this shit out on his own, the only help he has is "math boy". Why not use the comm stones to bring Sam Carter or Rodney Mckay onboard? Or even that Russian bloke from Atlantis?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
We've covered this before, but simply put I'd guess:
  • Jackson/Carter/etc wasn't available
  • Having all old characters just "sitting around" would be somewhat overly convenient
  • Saving for special occasions.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
We've covered this before, but simply put I'd guess:
  • Jackson/Carter/etc wasn't available
  • Having all old characters just "sitting around" would be somewhat overly convenient
  • Saving for special occasions.

Or ye old plot device :p

Same as star treks switching polarity or fiddling with the frontal disc, then forget it in the same exact situation the next time.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
I'm not sure why they put the communication device in there to be honest. But its not all about emo visits to ex-wives etc ... the 2nd colonel definitely has an agenda and with the ship so divided (I really thought math boy was going to get a beating last night) it could add a lot of tension.

But yes, visits to nearest and dearest get old fast. Hence the reason I think there is a very big reason they're in there ... but blow me if I know what it is.


Dec 26, 2003
But yes, visits to nearest and dearest get old fast. Hence the reason I think there is a very big reason they're in there ... but blow me if I know what it is.

Its just to add some content n drama I guess - it feels a bit like it might have been forced on them by network execs.

I guess they thought it might be a bit dull with weeks spent slowly trying to fix the ship - personally I think the comm stones actually make it lighter - it could have been a lot darker if they were really cut off?

Anyway - suprisingly no-ones mentioned this weeks cliff hanger with the ship on course for the star - personally I think its just a standard refueling maneuver :p

At the moment the crew are like ants that have wandered onto a jetplane and with about as much understanding :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
So umm... was thinking.

Dr. Rush is struggling to work all of this shit out on his own, the only help he has is "math boy". Why not use the comm stones to bring Sam Carter or Rodney Mckay onboard? Or even that Russian bloke from Atlantis?

The ancient stones detract from the show imo, both for "why dont they..?" reasons like this and also cos it ruins the atmosphere - they're billions of light years from earth but they can still nip back and have a cry with their relatives whenever they want.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Its just to add some content n drama I guess - it feels a bit like it might have been forced on them by network execs.

I guess they thought it might be a bit dull with weeks spent slowly trying to fix the ship - personally I think the comm stones actually make it lighter - it could have been a lot darker if they were really cut off?

Anyway - suprisingly no-ones mentioned this weeks cliff hanger with the ship on course for the star - personally I think its just a standard refueling maneuver :p

At the moment the crew are like ants that have wandered onto a jetplane and with about as much understanding :p

It think it's quite like a refuelling. The ship, while, clever, didnt budget for a load of retards pressing buttons all day caning it's reserves. Hence it only just made it to it's (probably scheduled) refuelling in the new solar system. A gas giant would be more practical for refuelling (assuming helium or hydrogen fusion) but I suppose in an emergency the ship did what it had to.


Dec 26, 2003
A gas giant would be more practical for refuelling (assuming helium or hydrogen fusion) but I suppose in an emergency the ship did what it had to.

Perhaps it did refuel using scoops when it skimmed that Gas Giant? - it could now be beavering away reprocessing that material into fuel - will prob just jump to FTL seconds before it hits the upper atmosphere of the star :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Perhaps it did refuel using scoops when it skimmed that Gas Giant? - it could now be beavering away reprocessing that material into fuel - will prob just jump to FTL seconds before it hits the upper atmosphere of the star :p


Gas from giant, heat/radiation from sun to complete refuel cycle?

Afterall it needs some form of energy for the conversion, unless it's a gas powered ship.

If it was, it could just harvest the poopfarts of the incompetant crew :flame:


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
The energy it would need to start the fusion reaction of what it got from the gas giant would be relatively low, although since it managed to get to 0%, it might need some solar poooowarh to kickstart the reaction.


Dec 26, 2003
The energy it would need to start the fusion reaction of what it got from the gas giant would be relatively low, although since it managed to get to 0%, it might need some solar poooowarh to kickstart the reaction.

I doubt its on 0% - I assume that an intelligent ship will always retain sufficient reserves - I figure it cut their power since they had used up all it was willing to waste on non-essential systems.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking LOL at the nerdgasm over refuelling the ship. Next you'll be pulling out the schematics ;p


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
Does it involve 1000 rolls of tinfoil...........because if it does you've stolen my idea :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Last nights episodes was really good,

The Robert Carlyle mind games are working so well. The characters are really starting to open up as well. It might be too early to say but I like the mind games each one is playing so far. Some of the episodes are easy to figure out but it is nice to see things pop up like is Carlyles character aware of the ships abilities or not. Shows heading in the right direction for me, I want to see what the little gang of 'unhappy people' do next as well, given how the bold guy got put on his ass.


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
I too enjoyed last nights episode and.....
Now that the ship is powered up and what not (ie immediate death and destruction has been averted) they'll be able to use the stargate and hopefully get some light-heartedness into the series


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I too enjoyed last nights episode and.....
Now that the ship is powered up and what not (ie immediate death and destruction has been averted) they'll be able to use the stargate and hopefully get some light-heartedness into the series

Oh gods i hope so.

I have nothign to say about last episode.

Says more then one would think i believe :D


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Oh gods i hope so.

I have nothign to say about last episode.

Says more then one would think i believe :D

"You say it best, when you say nothing at all"

... your really broken up about Stephen Gately aren't you mate? :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Loved the most recent episode - the shots of the sun from on board Destiny were brilliant.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Just watched episode 7

I'm not enjoying the frequent trips back to Earth - it really counters the feeling of being lost in space millions of miles away. Hopefully future episodes will use it as a plot device less and less. Apart from that i'm really enjoying the season - Carlyl makes it for me.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Just watched episode 7

I'm not enjoying the frequent trips back to Earth - it really counters the feeling of being lost in space millions of miles away. Hopefully future episodes will use it as a plot device less and less. Apart from that i'm really enjoying the season - Carlyl makes it for me.

See I enjoy that aspect, but only because Telford is probably going to start banging his wife :p On all seriousness though the guys on earth clearly have an agenda, they want the ship and they don't care about the people on it.

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