Stargate Universe


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Don't worry Toht, it just seemed that for someone that was that opinionated that you came across hostile to the series... and the fanboi thing, well it is a thread to talk about the show... thats like going into a candy shop and telling the kids they are too fat :p

Well you all are fat! :p

Like i said, i don't hate it, as a non-stargate show it would be a regular sci-fi show that i would watch(i watch SGU too, just don't consider it SG and more BSG). The only fanboi feeling i get is when people can't take into consideration jdugement, without thinking it being a direct attack and complete ban of the show.

And yes, i did judge it at first based on SG1 and SGA, what with it being SG. But that's in the past, now if i judge the show, i judge it due to plotholes, moronic situations and other such elements, like stated in the spoiler ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
5 minutes worth of watching...5 mintues of sci-fi!

No, the entire episode was sci-fi. Sci-fi isn't just the bits where they talk about some piece of technology and spout a load of technobabble.

the rest is just a "every show does this" murder mystery with non-exciting results. Oh gee, the commander was framed and Rush did it...i was at the edge of my seat!

SGU is a character drama, i.e. it's about the characters. If you still haven't managed to grasp that then you're never going to understand the show.

Ending could've been written with a better cliffy(show the ship only at end, when rush is already left behind)

In what way would that have been better? The cliffhanger was that Rush was left behind, not that there was a space ship there for him to find.

the chairguy was forgotten completely (hey, why concentrate on that when we can twist our panties together)

No, the chair guy was discussed as far as was relevant for the story they were telling in the episode. There was no need or reason to discuss him further at the time, but I am certain that it will come up as a major plot issue in later episodes (when it is relevant to the story).

and dibidibiduu.

What fantastic criticism. I take it all back, clearly you have made excellent points and really exposed the flaws of the show...

Rush surviving the planet long enoughto start an alien ship, that he's NEVER handled, without any supplies, on a seemingly non-habitable area...i'll love to see the plot-copout in that.

You've seen the next show then? Because as it is I don't think anyone outside the actual crew who work on the show have any idea what's going to happen next. And considering that SGU has, so far, been far more reluctant than SG1 or SGA ever were to use a deus ex machina as a way to resolve a plot then I am really interested to see how they deal with Rush's predicament.

It's a sci-fi show

Yes it is, first thing you've said I can agree with.

mediocre at that

In your opinion. And seemingly based on the view that sci-fi must involve 45 minutes of technobabble, playing with machines and blowing stuff up.

and slow as hell

If compared to a show where everything is nicely wrapped up at the end of every episode, say SG1 or SGA, then yes I supposed it could be considered to be slow. But if you actually look at it as it's meant to be seen, i.e. one season long story, then it's paced perfectly well.

stargate shouldn't be on the tin though at any cost.

Why not? It's a show, based in the stargate universe, using stargate mythology, stargate organisations, stargate characters, stargate technology, how much more stargate could it be?

Just because they're using a different style to tell the story doesn't stop it being a "Stargate" show, even if you don't happen to like their new direction.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You can say it's based on the characters all you want, but that doesn't mean shit unless the characters are interesting enough to focus on. And they're not.

Rush seems the most interesting but we've quickly seen that he has no depth. The latest episode just proved that he is quite one-dimensional.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
You can say it's based on the characters all you want, but that doesn't mean shit unless the characters are interesting enough to focus on. And they're not.

I disagree, there's plenty interesting about them to focus on. And it doesn't make any difference how interesting the characters are to whether or not it's based on them.

Rush seems the most interesting but we've quickly seen that he has no depth. The latest episode just proved that he is quite one-dimensional.

In what way did the latest episode prove him to be one-dimensional?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004

"No, the entire episode was sci-fi. Sci-fi isn't just the bits where they talk about some piece of technology and spout a load of technobabble."

Ofcourse not, but there's a lack of it in SGU. There doesn't need to be 45 minutes of it, but there should be a bit more.

"SGU is a character drama, i.e. it's about the characters. If you still haven't managed to grasp that then you're never going to understand the show."

That would require the character stories to be a bit more clear. Now there's A; too amny of them shoved in and B; many things are explained in way too little detail to stick.

"In what way would that have been better? The cliffhanger was that Rush was left behind, not that there was a space ship there for him to find."

It's an opinion, better or worse, you liked that ending, i didn't.

"No, the chair guy was discussed as far as was relevant for the story they were telling in the episode. There was no need or reason to discuss him further at the time, but I am certain that it will come up as a major plot issue in later episodes (when it is relevant to the story)."

It was put in the background too easily and too much focus on the trial and such. Some balance between the chair and trial thing would've worked better.

"What fantastic criticism. I take it all back, clearly you have made excellent points and really exposed the flaws of the show..."

You took that part way too serious.

"You've seen the next show then? Because as it is I don't think anyone outside the actual crew who work on the show have any idea what's going to happen next. And considering that SGU has, so far, been far more reluctant than SG1 or SGA ever were to use a deus ex machina as a way to resolve a plot then I am really interested to see how they deal with Rush's predicament."

Like i said, i'm interested to see HOW they cover that. There is a valid problem with him being stranded. If he, for example, just starts the ship and flies off, it's not really good writing. While they avoid dem solutions, they now need to make things logical and WORKING. I see it as a big problem in this scenario.

"In your opinion. And seemingly based on the view that sci-fi must involve 45 minutes of technobabble, playing with machines and blowing stuff up."

Yes, in my opinion, go figure i'm not a carbon copy of you :p And you're wrong, it doesn't have to involve 45 minutes of techobabble, machines and explosions, but it shouldnt' be bold and the beautiful in space either.

"If compared to a show where everything is nicely wrapped up at the end of every episode, say SG1 or SGA, then yes I supposed it could be considered to be slow. But if you actually look at it as it's meant to be seen, i.e. one season long story, then it's paced perfectly well."

No i meant slow as is. It could easily do with cutting a few corners and speeding thigns up, it's not like there would be a lack of stuff to write about.

"Why not? It's a show, based in the stargate universe, using stargate mythology, stargate organisations, stargate characters, stargate technology, how much more stargate could it be?"

The stargate part is too shallow, it's like a made in china copy of a rolex. Sure, it might look like a rolex and tick like a rolex, but something just doesn't feel right. Mostly the problem is that all these episodes could've happend on-board galactica and it wouldn't change one thing.

"Just because they're using a different style to tell the story doesn't stop it being a "Stargate" show, even if you don't happen to like their new direction."

True, it doesn't, but there's also a lack of stargate in it.

And it doesn't make any difference how interesting the characters are to whether or not it's based on them.

Actually it makes all the difference. If a show is, as you say, based on the characters, how interesting the characters means ALL in the show.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Late EDIT: Oh and Krazeh, the answers inside the spoiler are just my opinions on it, not accusations that your opinions are wrong, and i doubt either of us can change eachothers mind, so let's not start a big argument on it :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
If you don't like it, there's a simple solution!

Personally I've been underwhelmed and I don't think a 4½ month hiatus will help much.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
And it doesn't make any difference how interesting the characters are to whether or not it's based on them.

If it's based on the characters but those characters aren't interesting, how does that work? As far as making good TV goes?

In what way did the latest episode prove him to be one-dimensional?

Rush is a manipulative bastard and that's really his only character trait. We already knew this and yet they spend a whole extra episode proving it to us again.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually I don't think that is what they spent the episode proving. They're drawing battle lines between the characters (the whole "I wasn't asking" line). Also each episode wraps itself up quite well whilst feeding back into the main story arc.

The hiatus could frankly kill the show and is a fucking stupid idea but then unfortunately this is US television.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
I thought that was an excellent episode, well constructed and nicely acted. The writers are taking the show down some very dark paths. Of course we know from BSG that the standard sci-fi fan doesn't like that, and whether fans of the other Stargate series (generally very cheerful shows) will stick with it seems doubtful to me.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Any reason on the 4 month hiatus? What am I going to do without my weekly fix now? :(


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Heatedly debate the existing episodes over and over with certain people?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
A bit less soap opera stuff in the new episode, let's hope it continues like that.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
I saw Michael Shanks ("Daniel Jackson") is to be a guest star on a two parter episode ... no idea how they are going to do -that-! When does it re-start on Sky One btw?


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
It's back on sky 13th april, so I shall be getting it via the usual routes as I just can't wait!


Dec 26, 2003
I see Stargate Universe got the green light for a 2nd Series which is cool :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004

Couple of new episodes aired...

Don't know if it's the pewpew among the usual SGU, but it seems better.

Or i've watched other shows and mindset has changed toward it.

Even if the whole mutiny thing is from the "Corny things to do in series along with "24 hours earlier" and "body switch"" book :p


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I just don't see where the series is going, it seems to meander from one mini crisis to another without anything very interesting happening. Most of the characters aren't particularly likable, infact the only one I do have any time for is the character who is supposed to be the obnoxious anti-hero in Dr. Rush mainly because he actually shows some balls. The rest of them I just couldn't give a shit about, even the good looking women and that is unusual for me. :D


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I see Stargate Universe got the green light for a 2nd Series which is cool :)

That depends on if the series improves, so far it's been pretty poor and me and my gf are huge Stargate fans.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The last episode was just filler. If it didn't happen, I don't think anything would be different.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Enjoying it. Yep, it's not "high art" or anything but they're attempting to do something different with it.

I completely disagree with cHodAX's assessment as I think there's a lot going on. It's not all complete situation-changers (which happened all the time in Battlestar and was both a strength and a weakness) - but that does give them time to explore the character dynamic a little bit more.

G/F was a huge stargate fan and wasn't sure of the first half dozen episodes but she seems to think it's picked up. Personally, I liked the old SG but was always of the opinion that it was (like most things) a fair bit too dumb.

SGU ain't half as dumb and feels more coherent and is better for it. Even without McGuyver... :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
The last episode was just filler. If it didn't happen, I don't think anything would be different.

This is true of mid season episodes of pretty much any US series.

SGU is worth watching imo, it's not fantastic but its decent. Loved the Brand New song at the start of the last episode :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
The last episode was just filler. If it didn't happen, I don't think anything would be different.
If we're talking about the ep where they drop out of FTL early, I have a feeling we're going to see more of the ones behind it all.
Pretty major episode spoiler...
Two things that seemed to get skimmed over were radiation from the obelisk and the beam from it. That's why I think we're going to more of the beings behind the star/planet. Nothing much was made about it, *right now*.

It was also an excuse for a montage. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
It's still not really Stargate. Keep the show, just change the title.

It's voyager, farscape, or people on a ship lost in space. It still just doesn't 'feel' Stargate.

As a sci-fi show, it's ok, a little slower than what I normally like, and that ditzy brunette needs to get over herself, stupid cow.

Let's hope they get on with whatever story they're going to choose, it does seem like there's no direction for the show to take as yet.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Let's hope they get on with whatever story they're going to choose, it does seem like there's no direction for the show to take as yet.

I like it precicely because of that. They're a group of humans, stranded on a ship that wierd shit happens to.

The lack of direction (dictated by the ship) is great. It makes their objectives more immediate :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
The lack of direction (dictated by the ship) is great. It makes their objectives more immediate :)

Immediate I like Scouse, it just seems nothing happens with any great sense of urgency and I put that down to some weak acting / dialogue.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think they have to build up. At the moment it feels like a natural progression to me. First they have problems they solve together, then they squabble amongst themselves and I would imagine at the end of the first series they're going to realise that they're in "big trouble" somehow. At that point I believe it will go more Stargate with less focus on finding food/water and more on finding x/y/z to help them decode destiny/stop alien menace/find the ancients who didn't ascend (planet from nowhere anyone?)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Spoiler might be unnecessary.

Just think they spent too much on phone-home-stone garbage at the start, one whole episode i think? and didn't concentrate on the one thing that would've made the show a bit different from other SG; people stranded.

The stranded aspect seemed to fly out the window with the stones and the only logical drama, aka dispair of never being home again, quickly switched to "avast ye this be a mutiny!" shenannigans.

There's too much moronics going on and everyone acts like a stereotypical american, NOT like a regular american in the SG universe.

Slow start, very slow, but it might work if they skiphop and throw some stuff out the window.


Dec 26, 2003
I really like it and look forward to each new episode - it is slowly building an epic story.

One thing I would like to mention is the incidental music - whoever is picking it has great taste (i.e. like mine :p ) - what was that track they played in the jungle on the time looping episode where they were attacked by alien leeches?

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