Stargate Universe


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
"all the character development" ... yeah, there was fucking loads. (my turn to /sarcasm)

Finding the chair was useless without actually finding anything out. It was one minute of interesting TV surrounded by 42 minutes of filler.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
"all the character development" ... yeah, there was fucking loads. (my turn to /sarcasm)

Finding the chair was useless without actually finding anything out. It was one minute of interesting TV surrounded by 42 minutes of filler.

There was loads of character development, we found out plenty about Scott and Camille, not to mention further developments with Young and Telford and insights into several of the other characters mental states.

And finding the chair was anything but useless. It showed us how Young would approach the use of new, possibly dangerous technologies, how Rush would willingly sacrifice someone other than himself to find out more and the lengths he would goto in order to manipulate a situation in which he could get someone to sit in the chair. It's also undoubtedly a setup for further episode, both in terms of using the chair itself and the aftermath of Rush's claim that they might have had a way home is a year.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Scott's and Camille's stories are just filler, boring filler at that. Even Scott didn't know about his kid until now, so how has the character been developed? It was never a part of his character. Useless fillter. Really reminds me of the shitty flashbacks in Lost.

We already knew that Rush was a manipulative bastard.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I was dissapointed with this weeks episode as well, there wasnt much about the stargate, or the universe in it.

I'm all for character development but this week just didnt feel very sci-fi to me.

Why should I care scott has a kid? I think them telling us that is just an excuse to write a bunch of episodes about him using the stones to try and forge a relationship with him.

I think the bald guy will end up sitting in the chair, find out it is actually a control chair and then crash them into an asteroid.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
We already knew that Rush was a manipulative bastard.
True but they're now layering on the "self-serving" to go with that. He's very much now in it for himself. However I agree that the episode was lots and lots of filler and the guy who used to be in La Femme Nikita is really starting to just piss me off. His characters conversations with the annoying Asian chick seem poised to become storyline of infinite boredom :(


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Spoilering as per usual;

Well, seemed like a filler with only the chair showing some interest. The character development felt shallow and glued on, like the writers were fumbling with coming up with something relevant to show.

Good example; the guy used the stones for the first time and went to see his 8 year old ex? (he said he had an 8 year old kid). Why would he bother with some 8 year old girl? Only reason there would be to push the kid in his storyline. Not to mention, why would an army officer suddenly appear at some 8 year old flings doorstep to talk this and that?

Now this time would've been well spent with a "filler sci-fi" episode, let the writers come up with interesting character devs, dwelve into the chair more, concentrate the episode on the finding&trouble of new tech and so on. Instead, the only interesting part of the episode was on the backburner.

Also the only plot twist(the "year and we can go home") wa taken away right away, removing the only plot twist that would've set the show on an A to B plot line. Now it was "this is the goal" and seconds later "Nah just kidding." and back to the old "So...they be lost'ish still?"

I've grown used to the show and what it is, so this review above is based on a sci-fi show leaning on character development, not on previous SGs.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Spoilering as per usual;

Well, seemed like a filler with only the chair showing some interest. The character development felt shallow and glued on, like the writers were fumbling with coming up with something relevant to show.

Good example; the guy used the stones for the first time and went to see his 8 year old ex? (he said he had an 8 year old kid). Why would he bother with some 8 year old girl? Only reason there would be to push the kid in his storyline. Not to mention, why would an army officer suddenly appear at some 8 year old flings doorstep to talk this and that?

It was quite clear from the episode that he had recieved an unexpected letter from her. It was also quite clear that she happened to be the same girl that he had got pregnant at 16 and had told him she had an abortion, which led to him leaving the church and set in motion the events that caused the priest who raised him to drink himself to death. There was nothing random about him turning up on her doorstep, and I think that, given the effect the supposed abortion had on his earlier life, finding out he actually has a son is quite a development. And no doubt will have an impact on him as a character going forward.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Still would have preferred they never had the stones and it just focused on life on board Destiny. Every single earth storyline is dull.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It was quite clear from the episode that he had recieved an unexpected letter from her. It was also quite clear that she happened to be the same girl that he had got pregnant at 16 and had told him she had an abortion, which led to him leaving the church and set in motion the events that caused the priest who raised him to drink himself to death. There was nothing random about him turning up on her doorstep, and I think that, given the effect the supposed abortion had on his earlier life, finding out he actually has a son is quite a development. And no doubt will have an impact on him as a character going forward.

Unexpected letter 8 years late, just happened to arrive as he's on the destiny? What? They pop out with communication stones to read mail?

Obviously it wasn't that clear and since many of the character "growth" things feel like they are plastered on, you don't pay that much interest.

Especially since there's about 30 of them that bounce around more then the medics titties :p


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It was quite clear from the episode that he had recieved an unexpected letter from her. It was also quite clear that she happened to be the same girl that he had got pregnant at 16 and had told him she had an abortion, which led to him leaving the church and set in motion the events that caused the priest who raised him to drink himself to death. There was nothing random about him turning up on her doorstep, and I think that, given the effect the supposed abortion had on his earlier life, finding out he actually has a son is quite a development. And no doubt will have an impact on him as a character going forward.
Indeed and anyone paying any attention across episodes (or just the opening 30 second recap) would have picked up on all of this.
It will also be interesting to watch the developments in his destiny relationship flowing out from this. It was also quite clever of them to have throw in the possibility that this girl now suffers from the same problems as his priest.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Indeed and anyone paying any attention across episodes (or just the opening 30 second recap) would have picked up on all of this.
It will also be interesting to watch the developments in his destiny relationship flowing out from this. It was also quite clever of them to have throw in the possibility that this girl now suffers from the same problems as his priest.

The thing is, one doesn't care and one skips over the 30 sec recap because they have a tendency to spoil things in those.

There's 20+ stories going on at the same time and you care for none of them just because of that.

If they focused on a smaller portion of the team, like 4 or 5, it would work. Now it's a mashed tater fest.

And there's nothing "clever" in the writing. I've seen better stuff come out of this forum lot when they are drunk.

Aaaaaall of this stone jump crap should've been dealt with BEFORE they left, now it's worse then BS:G because atleast in BS:G they stayed on the f*cking ship :eek:

To recap;

"We're lost in space." - Nope, you can pop on earth any time for a lesbian f*ck(Anyone else thinking; she's using another persons body? Ahh f*ck the rules, it's only the military.) and some hot dogs.
"We'll get home in a year." - Nah, let's take that away straght away. Why keep people in suspense.
"It's about human relationships!" - Yes, so is bold & beautiful.
"We have technology!" - Use it sometime.
"We have the gate!!" - Used it three times now have we? Should rename it to Starship Universe.
"'s new!" - Not really, BS:G did most of this already. Right down to the sinister scientist. By moving away from SG, you should've made something NEW, not copy it all.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Best episode so far, shadows cast everywhere!


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Best episode so far, shadows cast everywhere!

Totally agree, some what unsure why the long build up... :p

One thing about the show thats very apparent now is, trust absolutely no one... well maybe apart from Eli :)


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003


so rush will obviously fix the alien sand buggy and catch them up OR whatshisname will recover, realise he is now neo and can control the ship and turn it aorund to find rush. will be intersting to see which one will happen.

ps I think he spoilers are a waste of time. If you are not up to date, you really shouldnt be in this thread at all!


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
You are so full of fail Chilly. Sort out your spoiler tags.

I think it is more likely that Rush now becomes the main enemy, he will chase Destiny and attempt to undermine them. I don't think he will just try to go back on board. He want's the ship, and the secret to ascension, I think he is looking for a way to bring his dead wife back, he does not care about anything else.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
didnt mean to not spoiler that, forgot the last / can a mod edit it?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I have to agree with Chet, I think Rush is poised to cause them some serious aggro. We're assuming that he can even catch the ship.

In any event whatever happens, I am more interested in what's on the USB stick Young has had Ely make. I'm not convinced that the video has actually been recovered where you see Rush move the gun.

I think Young simply confronted Rush on the planet knowing that Rush would do what he'd done before and basically confess and say "yes I did it, so fucking what, I'm going to keep going until you cave" and once he did that just beat the crap out of him because he was venting over the loss of his officer (because Rush's actions are leading to unnecessary deaths)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
5 minutes worth of watching...5 mintues of sci-fi! the rest is just a "every show does this" murder mystery with non-exciting results. Oh gee, the commander was framed and Rush did it...i was at the edge of my seat!

Ending could've been written with a better cliffy(show the ship only at end, when rush is already left behind), the chairguy was forgotten completely (hey, why concentrate on that when we can twist our panties together) and dibidibiduu.

Rush surviving the planet long enoughto start an alien ship, that he's NEVER handled, without any supplies, on a seemingly non-habitable area...i'll love to see the plot-copout in that.

It's a sci-fi show, mediocre at that and slow as hell, stargate shouldn't be on the tin though at any cost.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Science fiction is at its best when the science is not overdone, but it supplements a good plot.

Watching a show that you don't like, just so you can complain about it afterwards seems ... absurd?


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
Science fiction is at its best when the science is not overdone, but it supplements a good plot.

Watching a show that you don't like, just so you can complain about it afterwards seems ... absurd?

When Toht isn't here reviewing his most hates shows, he is dressing up in a little white robot suit...



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Then again, people could put the Rush replica suits back in the closet and accept that everyone doesn't have to LOVE the show :p

Turamber, the setting doesn't absolve the lack of sci-fi.

I don't watch the show to complain about it, i watch the show in hopes of it getting better and since i am watching it, i can give my opinion on it. Mind you, it has had good moments, but the latest episode fell back on old problems.

Now if people want to drop the fanboi hat and actually discuss points put forward, i'm all for it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Turamber, the setting doesn't absolve the lack of sci-fi.

The setting is what makes it sci-fi, not the amount of discussion about science/technology. In fact plenty of very good sci-fi has damn near no discussion about science/technology and instead focuses solely on the characters and their dramas.

Now if people want to drop the fanboi hat and actually discuss points put forward, i'm all for it.

Put some cogent points forward rather than "wah wah, it's not SG1/SGA and I don't like it" and people might discuss them.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
The setting is what makes it sci-fi, not the amount of discussion about science/technology. In fact plenty of very good sci-fi has damn near no discussion about science/technology and instead focuses solely on the characters and their dramas.

Put some cogent points forward rather than "wah wah, it's not SG1/SGA and I don't like it" and people might discuss them.

It still needs some more sci-fi content then just "we are on a ship"(which they every now and then drop too...). Especially considering what the world is.

I did put some point in my last spoiler, only last bit being anything about it not being SG (which is true).

If the show was called Destiny and had nothing to do with SG, it would be an ok show, now the pre-set does set some standards (guest appearance now and then doesn't cut it).


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
*Toh in I hate stargate universe shocker*


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
That's the problem, i don't hate it.

But anytime on this thread anyone says ANYTHING against SGU, you lot have only one type of answer;

"Don't watch it", or something to that extent.

No matter who, what, where or to what extent, no one shall judge SG:U for it is of gods tiit!

How about people learn that shows can be judged, but it doesn't mean those that do, hate it.


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
I think its a case of people judging the show on SG1 or SG:A, I was a big SG1 fan... loved the show, up to the last season where I felt they could have done better and it ended maybe 1 season too late. Films, meh... not as good as the original that started it all. SG:A - wasn't a big fan, again it was more of the same. I like the fact SG:U is trying something different and it is making people think a little more. They could have done the safe thing and pumped a tonne of cash into the Aliens and A-Team style action scenes. Its nice to have a different pace and one that means everyone can enjoy it, and not just the die hard SG1 fans.

Don't worry Toht, it just seemed that for someone that was that opinionated that you came across hostile to the series... and the fanboi thing, well it is a thread to talk about the show... thats like going into a candy shop and telling the kids they are too fat :p

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