Stargate Universe

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Season 2 so far has been pretty mediocre. I enjoy carefully built-up plots but there is more filler than tension so far.

Ep5 Triffid episode was ok. The worrying part is that the parts that might be considered weak in other TV series' seem like the stronger parts in SGU.

So far I've enjoyed most of the SGU season 2 content in a low-brainpower kind of way; its completely dispensable TV - forgettable and far from classic. Its like reading a newspaper, it passes some time, gives mild enjoyment but you wouldn't want to give it credence for having more depth than it really does.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
For once, stretching would've done some good.

The whole "I dun wanna" by el capitan, if a bit corny, would've worked a lot better if it hadn't been a 5 minute speech and a shave.

The combat simulation thing didn't seem to fit either, they could've had someone else go mentally bonkers by it and leave the capitan just handling all the sh*t and be off on a binge because of it.

Maybe have hinm command drunk, people noticing, him making some big mistake, getting relieved of command, this and that, then come back.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Kinda funny (and worrying for the people on Destiny) that Scott is the next best thing when it comes to having a strong leader.

Still mostly filler. Chloe now has alien skin growing on her, the ship likes to run battle simulations in human brains. That's about the jist of it :<

HOWEVER I just checked the next episode description and it could be quite interesting.


Resident Freddy
Dec 24, 2003
Kinda funny (and worrying for the people on Destiny) that Scott is the next best thing when it comes to having a strong leader.

And this is why they 'had' to get rid of Telford a couple of episodes ago.


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 12, 2004
Any thoughts on the most recent ep?

I'm not sure I'm convinced as to Rush's explanation of what Destiny's "mission" is.

Why would the Ancients not have found that out already?


Resident Freddy
Dec 24, 2003
Any thoughts on the most recent ep?

I'm not sure I'm convinced as to Rush's explanation of what Destiny's "mission" is.

Why would the Ancients not have found that out already?

Which 'already'? Remember Destiny is meant to have been going a long time by now, from long before the ancients ascended and possibly went "Oh, that's why". Also as far as we know the ancients only ever got from one fairly local galaxy to ours, not exactly on the same order of travel as Destiny's travels.

I always have been wondering why Rush et al were so excited over such an old Ancients' ship mind. Maybe a bit closer in tech. to what our current understanding is so easier to figure out ?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Similar episode to previous ones on scale of 1-10.

Moving along nicely, finally moving along that is :D

What i think of the spoilery stuff;

I still think Rush knows that destiny can be used to alter history and as such, save/visit his wife. Basically a glorified time machine.

Would be a boring thing, but not out of reach.

The whole thing Rush explained, not necessarily a lie, but not the whole truth.

Nice to see they didn't completely drop the "captin is unfit" line.

Very interested to see what happens in the whole "i is bad guy, i come to rub your body lady, even if you not the lady, but still a lady" at end.

'Most likely he abuses the chick before the stones run out, then they are none the wiser...until! *shockawe* it's revelaed and Rush/Eli blows a big ol hole in the baddyguys head.

What i don't really like in shows is if they do some kind of a cliffhanger when the audience and their dog knows the outcome. Luckily there's not much of that going about.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Very interested to see what happens in the whole "i is bad guy, i come to rub your body lady, even if you not the lady, but still a lady" at end.

'Most likely he abuses the chick before the stones run out, then they are none the wiser...until! *shockawe* it's revelaed and Rush/Eli blows a big ol hole in the baddyguys head.

Nope, he kills her.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Personally I was far more disappointed at the epic acceleration of them gaining control of destiny than anything else of late.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Personally I was far more disappointed at the epic acceleration of them gaining control of destiny than anything else of late.

Ofcourse YOU would be.

Don't worry, they'll be sure to hit the brakes on and make another episode where all they do is talk about feelings, just for you girls :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
If he does then he doesn't do it yet - the Eli/Ginn story arc is supposed to span about 6 episodes.

There's spoilers for people who haven't seen the episodes, then there's spoilers about future events. If you could, mark the latter next time ;)

No harm etc from me, just saying for future reference :D


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 12, 2004
There's spoilers for people who haven't seen the episodes, then there's spoilers about future events. If you could, mark the latter next time ;)

No harm etc from me, just saying for future reference :D

Point taken, my bad.

Was only a little one though :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
If he does then he doesn't do it yet - the Eli/Ginn story arc is supposed to span about 6 episodes.

No, I think Ginn was only supposed to be in 4 episodes, all of which have now aired. If you go check IMDB for the actress who plays Ginn (Julie McNiven) she's only credited for 4 episodes.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Pretty good episode today. :clap:
Bit darker than most episodes lately... which is a good thing!


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
It left me feeling a bit meh, the last two episodes seem like nothing but a Rush job (hur hur) to bring a head to Rush's actions and his relationship with others.

As for the stupidity of trained soldiers in that episode, well that was just appallingly bad scripting. You are tracking someone who is armed with a rifle, is highly trained and has explosives. So you just walk around in the open talking and arguing amongst yourselves? Rush beating a well trained member of the lucian alliance who had taken out 7 people before him? Shockingly bad.

Good things - Eli's emotions were handled well, the issue with Chloe and the distrust amongst others was handled well. The sense of loss in the infirmary scenes as marines died was good.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Prison break guy was planning to use the gate to get back to the lucian alliance? Um how? Why havent they all got back home if they can do that.

Ok episode but too many stupid bits. He could have used some mines and his rifle to massacre anyone who came through the gate


Resident Freddy
Dec 24, 2003
Prison break guy was planning to use the gate to get back to the lucian alliance? Um how? Why havent they all got back home if they can do that.

Not back to the Lucian Alliance... back to the others from it that attacked Destiny and got left on a random habitable planet. They're still in the same galaxy so in theory he can hop planets/gates back to them.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Not back to the Lucian Alliance... back to the others from it that attacked Destiny and got left on a random habitable planet. They're still in the same galaxy so in theory he can hop planets/gates back to them.

What he said. He wasn't that bad ass though :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Bleh inc;

LAst episode did what i didn't think was possible;

Killed all suspense with one swift kick to the testicles with a miracilous boot of resurrection.

It's been coming a while, but why oh why wuld i give two f*cks about anyone anymore when in any episode, they can be magically brought back. Dead or alive, from anywhere they happen to be.

Not to mention the huge ass plot device just to get a shuttle into the mix. Let's just throw that "poor us in space" aspect out the window too.

So far, they've done the following;

- Leave people behind (only to be brought abck via aliens, or other aliens that kidnapped them). That aspect of lost in space dead.
- Stranded away from earth, lost, alone. No wait, i forgot, magic stones!
- Remove all shuttles. Oops, killed that aspect too.

Not to mention, they've offed so many soldiers(and crew) that i'm starting to wonder about the size of the first icarus base(rewatch that, there weren't THAT many people going through, especially since they all got stuck in the gateroom of the destiny at start).

Don't get me wrong, it's kind of interesting to watch still, but there's no sense of suspense in there, everyone can be brought back, nothing is ever really lost and the sense of danger is right out the window.

Overall; filler episode for a plot device, with a touch of "scary alien chick" thrown in.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Good filler episode, raises more questions about Tj's baby and the advanced aliens.

I enjoyed it, some of the best sci-fi comes from filler episodes.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
"the sense of danger is right out the window."

Its Stargate for crying out loud. Did you ever think the main characters in Stargate would ever die? I was in shock when Daniel Jackson was killed ... less so the third time he died and got resurrected.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
"the sense of danger is right out the window."

Its Stargate for crying out loud. Did you ever think the main characters in Stargate would ever die? I was in shock when Daniel Jackson was killed ... less so the third time he died and got resurrected.

Well i expect there to be SOME sense of danger to some aspects.

Atleast, LEAST have some sense of alone in space without earth.

Or maybe, just for a fun change, actually have problems with equipment.

Now it's "Oh yeah we had these flamethrowers all along", "No sure, the big robot thing, we don't need it." or maybe "Shuttles? Nah, we can always get new ones.", "What? Someone died? Might be back."

Someone getting left behind isn't even remotely interesting anymore.

When everything possible that is lost, is brought back in an episode or two, the sense of loss isn't really there.

The show had balls in season 1, i give you that, killing off peeps and leaving them behind, but's gotten a bit convinient. The show can't seem to stick to it's guns.

Oh and FYI; according to many MANY people on this thread alone, it's not the stargate were used to as the old stargate was just brainless "shooty alien explosion". This one is so much darker and cleverly written ;)

Again; have to say that it's still rather fun to watch, but all the plot devices and stuff brought back, it's lost most of it's suspense. Not to mention that "ultimate answer to everything" will always, ALWAYS be an anticlimax ;)


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Oh and FYI; according to many MANY people on this thread alone, it's not the stargate were used to as the old stargate was just brainless "shooty alien explosion". This one is so much darker and cleverly written ;)

Well, yes, it is darker and has a more adult feel to it. But it is still Stargate.

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