
Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Which is reciprocal. The EU isn't as powerful as you would like :) It's slow moving and held back by poorer countries that are used solely as a source of cheap labour to compete on the world stage.

The only way around that is federalisation, which is their ultimate aim I guess, which will go down as well as a fart in a submarine with all the right wing nationalist nutters in Europe.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Of course it is reciprocal which is why I did not vote for Brexit oO but we are where we are and if anyone expected anything different then they are delusional....

The UK includes NI and that part of the border is anything except normal....as stated previously.

Sorry @Embattle this was known and understood before the vote, after the vote and before the agreement was signed however the UK government signed the agreement knowing full well that it would be a clusterfuck... That is my point.....


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Really...I mean because we are the first to do that :rolleyes:

This is why I end up giving ratings because most of you sprout the same stuff you have before while wearing rose tinted glasses.

Anything to back this up or?

Do you also really think it's acceptable behaviour?
Last edited:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
"But the other boy did it too!" Is a wonderful argument to run international diplomacy and prove your integrity ;)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
That isn't the point though is it.

The point is that Boris agreed to stuff that he now doesn't want to follow.
So he's basically the same as every other politician ever... *shock*


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
So he's basically the same as every other politician ever... *shock*

Thing is, doing that to your own populace is one thing, doing it to the international community who you want to get good trade deals with is another.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You mean the UK follow the rules and the EU do whatever they like? Sounds about right, dealing with EU countries on imports, they are fucking useless. The rules have changed, for both parties, we seem to be the only ones actually doing what is required.

And that was the case when we were in the EU but less important then. Country of origin is a completely foreign concept to the EU.

EU regulations are frameworks; they need to be adapted to the needs of 27 countries. The UK routinely chose the strictest interpretation of those rules; the usual argument was it was the safest for the UK because the Common Law meant it was possible to diverge from the framework too much via precedent, but Ireland and Malta never seemed to have that problem and the Cameron government even agreed with the EU that the UK's approach should be stopped, but it was still going on when they did an audit a few years later.

Here's the thing, other countries have customs relationships with the EU and they also moan about it; nothing that's going on should have been unexpected. The EU has designed things that way from the start in order to make being part of the Customs Union the more attractive option.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Theres a big difference between disregarding a campaign promise and disregarding an international treaty imo
There's a difference in consequence but there's zero difference in morality, if your words no good then it's no good full stop


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
There's a difference in consequence but there's zero difference in morality, if your words no good then it's no good full stop

It's politics, where's the morality? Haha

It's like this Biden wanting to rival the Chinese Rail and Road thing, let's not kid ourselves, he wants to rival it as in give poor countries infrastructure in return for their trade and natural resources, we ain't being nice.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
I do not believe that Europe promised the Europeans anything, they stated that it would become harder to trade with the UK which it is. They stated that if you were a British Citizen and wanted to stay in Europe you should apply for residence as soon as possible, most British people I know living in Europe have either applied for citizenship or residency and have received it or are still waiting. There have been a few that left it very late and they are not really stressed as the length of time to decision have increased immensely since I applied for citizenship...(mine took 3 weeks, now it can take 12 to 24 months).... This is not only due to the increase in demand but also due to the pandemic.

I am not saying that European politicians are any better than those in the UK, however the UK leaving the EU has meant yes there are some small changes that Europeans have had to make (subsittute products etc) however I can assure you it has not affected the average Europeans life in the slightest... The same decision naturally effects UK citizens living in the UK and in Europe (if papers, tax belongings are not in order) immensely - the EUs job is to look after its citizens and if I am honest I do not want the EU to give the UK a free ride, it is not equitable in that the UK are not contributing anything anymore. The UK need to stop whining and blaming everyone else for their woes and as I have said "make Britain great again oO"


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
The EU is not gong to cooperate with the UK any more than it cooperates with other "third country" without being able to implement some of their rules - sorry but that its just how it is.... The UK and its citizens need to realise that is what they are ... a third country - nothing more nothing less...

A scheme designed to keep the EU competitive by forcing their social and workplace rules on other countries. Fair play if you can get away with it.

Never wanted UK out of the EU but right now both sides are acting like primary kids in playground dispute.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Facepalming facts again. Trade with the EU has fallen off a cliff. Facepalming doesn't change that.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Macron is still a better leader than we've had for a very long time.

He's done some pretty unpopular things for the sake of the climate whereas we've been rolling out sound bytes and pledges 50 years in the future.

Obviously that's gonna piss off the gammons who are gonna vote for Le Pen, whereas our approach was to appease the gammons :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Facepalming facts again. Trade with the EU has fallen off a cliff. Facepalming doesn't change that.

How about you post your endless whinging and tweets from femi in the brexit thread rather than pollute 2 threads, which ultimately won't make any difference.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
How about you post your endless whinging and tweets from femi in the brexit thread rather than pollute 2 threads, which ultimately won't make any difference.
Maybe you should go back to the first post in this thread to see what it's about. Don't try and deflect by moaning about semantics instead of actually trying to argue against the facts that you facepalmed.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Maybe you should go back to the first post in this thread to see what it's about. Don't try and deflect by moaning about semantics instead of actually trying to argue against the facts that you facepalmed.

It is just a shame it'll be another thread I won't bother with even looking at, listening to the endless whining of remoaners go on and on and at the same time trying to disguise it with crap excuses.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Maybe you should go back to the first post in this thread to see what it's about. Don't try and deflect by moaning about semantics instead of actually trying to argue against the facts that you facepalmed.

Its for slagging off the EU and praising the UK!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
It is just a shame it'll be another thread I won't bother with even looking at, listening to the endless whining of remoaners go on and on and at the same time trying to disguise it with crap excuses.
This is one of the few forums I've seen on the internet that seems to have a bit of a balance of remain / leave, and it's good to see some discussion as obviously in general social media is very remain leaning. Are you genuinely suggesting that political discourse should be suppressed because it doesn't line up with what you think? That's known in some parts of the world as facism.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
@Embattle doesn't have actual conscious thought on this subject @Aoami. It's a feeling, with nothing to back it up - a bit like a religious belief.

The utter tosh he posted above was quite a departure from his usual engagement - so @Wij's cold hard facts must have hit home a little.

But then, like most religious people, he got angry, shouted a bit, then settled back down into his comfy beliefs.

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