
Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I'm also OK with that - but it's the church thing for a lot of people, and the blessing from god and all that shite.

Still - madness. Me and Tam have been together 14 years and I still get asked constantly when we're going to get married. I could fucking burn those people. Especially the ones in my own family who ask repeatedly.

CTFOADOA you twats. You know how I feel. I turned up at your utterly self-absorbed boring ceremony at great expense instead of doing something fun for a weekend - stop trying to make me do the same. :eek:


So WHEN are you getting married?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
While they're at it, i say, go all fucking in and adopt Brits extremely immersive and explicit measurement system and wordings, such as every goddamn volume, weight, measurement and area-unit.

"five hides. A knight's fee was expected to produce one fully equipped soldier for a knight's retinue in times of war.", might as well be using this as current standards.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
This is the French, Brexit negotiations should be based on the fact the French sulk, then come smiling when the money stops coming in.
And I will say I admire them for their miserableness.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
French (Total) in with huge oil deals with Iran. Will be interesting to see if Trump manages to derail it all.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Thats hilarious after the French announced a huge fanfare climate hugging policy..'no more French oil exploration.
We're buying it off Iran instead.
The entire green industry is a bulshit scam lapped up by hippies who will cheer first and not ask questions later.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
So when its enviro hippies cheering first and not asking questions later its bad but when the orange baboon promises the moon and his crowd cheers and ask no questions later hes a genius?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
While Total is a French registered company (Possibly? Can't be arsed to check) it is most definitely a multi-national. They are one of the ones pulling the strings of the EU, UK and US governments.

It doesn't actually matter what the politicians announce, they do what they are told.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
So Bill Gates has now suggested that the EU stops migrant Africans or be overwhelmed.
Pretty well the line for right wingers including the EDL.
Lets see if hes shot down for his racist xenophobic bigotry.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Lets see if hes shot down for his racist xenophobic bigotry.
Actually - he said we should massively increase foreign aid to help treat the problem instead of the symptoms.

Hardly racist xenophobia when you're campaigning to treat Africa's problems eh?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Actually - he said we should massively increase foreign aid to help treat the problem instead of the symptoms.

Hardly racist xenophobia when you're campaigning to treat Africa's problems eh?

^ this, Bill Gates has spent countless millions if not billions by now trying to help Africa.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Ah, context then.

Yeah, seems fair enough. Sort out the problems to stop them moving en masse. Bit of a biggie but it is the only real solution.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Exactly the response I was expecting...Liberal billionaire, says limit migration..oh what a good idea.
EDL leader says limit migration...racist xenophobe.
I can see the thought process, its called hypocrisy.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The difference is in the context

EDL says : limit migration we dont want brown people here

Billionaire says : throwing money at the symptom wont solve the problem

The difference is that one provides a solution and so is constructive, the other is the statement of a child (i want this so the world should change so i can have it without me lifting a finger)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Bolocks...he doesnt want brown people swamping Europe..why woukd it matter if they did,
Because he fears for our culture and presence in the world.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You're such an intellectual midget @Job.

He said Europe hasn't the infrastructure to cope with the number of migrants that would want to come so lets spend big and solve the problems Africa is facing so they don't need to come to Europe for a better life - lets give Africa a chance by developing it faster so the better lives they want are where they already live.

It's fuck all to do with colour and all about equality, self-sufficiency and helping Africa succeed where it currently fails.

He's been putting his money where his mouth is for years - stepped down from Microsoft to do just that.

There is no comparison.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Thats exactly what the EDL and other right wing groups say...but out of their mouths its xenophobic a billion in the bank and its sensible measures.
If Tommy whatever his name is said those words you would rip him a new one.
Farage has often given similar speeches..fucking racist twat.
Gates has spent billions on Malaria, now he realises that saving Africans means their population increases by millions a week, so now its...ohhh lets stop them coming to Europe.
You are just holding on to prejudices against opinions based on your opinion of the commenter.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Perhaps it is media bias but i have never heard Farage or anyone from EDL saying "lets fix the problems in Africa and Middle East by imprpving their lives"

Their rhetoric has tended more towards "lets build a wall" kind of solutions


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Thats exactly what the EDL and other right wing groups say...but out of their mouths its xenophobic a billion in the bank and its sensible measures.
If Tommy whatever his name is said those words you would rip him a new one.
Farage has often given similar speeches..fucking racist twat.
Gates has spent billions on Malaria, now he realises that saving Africans means their population increases by millions a week, so now its...ohhh lets stop them coming to Europe.
You are just holding on to prejudices against opinions based on your opinion of the commenter.

Show me a single quote from the EDL or UKIP or any of those other fucknuts that says "let's massively increase our overseas aid budget". These are people who didn't want the UK to spend money towards the poorer countries in the EU, never mind the developing world. The usual narrative is "don't spend money on darkies, got enough problems at home" etc. And you fucking know it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Thats exactly what the EDL and other right wing groups say..
No it fucking isn't. EDL, UKIP, Farage et al all campaign explicitly for a reduction in the foreign aid budget.

Please provide links to where each of these groups or people have campaigned for increases to foreign aid budgets and more involvement in Africa specifically.

Whilst you're at it please provide evidence where these groups of people have demonstrated a lifelong performance of actions that back up that position - like Gates has. That will give weight to the evidence you will provide for the above (as actions speak louder than words).

If you cant provide that evidence - in links to official campaign documents and videos of them making speeches saying this explicitly - and let it speak for itself (instead of going off on a long diatribe like you usually do) then you are clearly talking fucking shit, so shut the fuck up.

If, on the other hand, you can provide explicit and reliable evidence then I will.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It must be embarrassing when you predict and desperately hope for imminent catastrophe and the real world refuses to comply.

Personally, 10% pay rise this year, staring down the barrel of a further 2.5%. Order books are bursting at the seams, we are literally turning work away because we just can't take it all on. We work in construction for manufacturing and distribution, they cannot build warehouses quick enough. Most speculative builds are taken up before the first foundation hole is dug, it's mental. It's getting to the point where we are struggling to keep up with demand.

Yeah, sure some banker wankers are losing their jobs to India and more efficient IT, who the fuck cares though, overall, unemployment hasn't been better in decades, Joe Society is doing very well for income and quality of life.

Meanwhile, in the EU, it's all starting to get quite scary, there is basically Germany matching us for performance, quite a large Spanish, French, Italian boil is about to burst, they are at their absolute limit and they will drag Germany down with them.

I wouldn't find it particularly funny if it wasn't so ironic, but as they have so desperately hoped for us to fail and then run full speed into a granite wall, it's going to be golden.

I mean, lol,

France 10% unemployment
Spain 18% unemployment
Italy 12% unemployment

Meanwhile in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands, Less than 5%. I think the serious countries need to start thinking about jettisoning the time wasters.
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Finger on the pulse as always. Luckily the UK's figures aren't being propped up by the better part of a million people being on potentially meaningless zero-hour contracts then (which the government has no intention of stamping out because ignorant people see "low unemployment" and automatically assume it's all roses).

Also, take your first sentence and apply it to the entire second half of your post. You're practically touching yourself waiting for the EU to collapse, you desperately wanted the far right to win in the Netherlands, you told us all that Le Pen was going to be running France by now, you loudly claimed that the Pound would bounce back to $1.40-something within a few weeks of the referendum. You've (loudly) made bad prediction after bad prediction and it's *you* that says it must be embarrassing when they don't come true? Well yes, yes it must.

I still think leaving is a dreadful mistake, I still think irreparable damage has already been done, I still think the country has been set back decades on the international stage, I still think future generations are going to pay for it, I still think May and Co are going to make a pig's ear of the negotiations. That she's so desperate to cling onto power that she gets into bed with the DU-fucking-P should make it absolutely clear where her priorities lie. She was a terrible Home Secretary, she's a terrible PM, she's obviously a terrible leader, a shit politician and an awful person. She gives no shits about the future of the country, she just wants to be in the big house on Downing Street. Even if I was a Leave voter I'd be terrified about having her in charge of the process. If I'm wrong about all of that then woohoo (apart from about May, she is clearly a cunt of the highest order). It's not a fucking competition, I don't *want* the UK to fail like you (very very obviously) want the EU to fail.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Such a shame that all that nonsense you just typed isn't reflected in reality :)

I do genuinely feel sorry for Average Joe in the EU, nobody wants to be part of such a horrible, insular mess but you make your bed and so on. It really doesn't matter how successful a state is if 10%+ of it's population can't even pay for the roof over their head, it just means the country they are unfortunate enough to live in is broken. We all know the EU supports the "shit" counties within the bloc but when the big payers are struggling it all starts to get slightly dodgy.

Leaving a functional, fair EU would be a huge mistake, leaving a broken, horrific mess that the EU has become is the only real option. I won't deny that May is going to fuck it all up but even a fucked up exit from a pool of turd is better than bobbing about in one.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Also, lucky for some who got a "10% pay rise this year", lots and lots and lots of people haven't. I guess working for a foreign company during a period when the exchange rate is piss poor has its perks.

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