
I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I'm going to roleplay your average leave (notice I did say average, not absolute) - hurr hurr, brown people, voting leave will stop the brown people, and those eastern European buggers from stealing our jobs hurr hurr.

To quote a comedian (I forget which)

If someone from Eastern Europe, who can't speak fluent English is "Stealing" your job, maybe you're just shit at your job?

On a more serious note, I did vote (by proxy) to remain, it's pretty apparent that this is going to go ahead now, there is no stopping the rape train so to speak, the brakes are well and truly fucked at this point. I hope the country sinks, I really do. I spent a lot of years paying taxes. When my Anxiety and depression set in though I started to rely on the state as I could no longer work, even then, I'd rather see this country sink, than see it succeed outside of Europe. My grandfather used to tell me stories about WWII, one of the stories he'd bring up quite a lot is the Normandy landings. Seeing his friends literally cut to pieces in front of him by machine gun fire to fight for Europe, only to see the current generation and the old fucks who were only children at the time with no real grasp on just what people sacrificed for a united Europe piss it away because they don't like foreigners makes me sick... utterly sick. I know for a fact if my grandfather was still alive today he'd literally be crying at how far this country is willing to go purely based on racist ideals (again, I'm not labelling everyone that voted leave as racist, I'm merely saying that a vast majority of leave votes are just borderline racist, some did it because they believed financially we'd be better off.... most did it because they just don't like anyone who isn't white and speaks English)

Sorry, went off on a bit of a rant there, a point was put forward at least... I really should stop going off on these drunken rants, I find the only time I can be brutally honest though is when I have alcohol in my system (a very sad side effect of depression...)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I'm going to roleplay your average leave (notice I did say average, not absolute) - hurr hurr, brown people, voting leave will stop the brown people, and those eastern European buggers from stealing our jobs hurr hurr.

To quote a comedian (I forget which)

If someone from Eastern Europe, who can't speak fluent English is "Stealing" your job, maybe you're just shit at your job?

On a more serious note, I did vote (by proxy) to remain, it's pretty apparent that this is going to go ahead now, there is no stopping the rape train so to speak, the brakes are well and truly fucked at this point. I hope the country sinks, I really do. I spent a lot of years paying taxes. When my Anxiety and depression set in though I started to rely on the state as I could no longer work, even then, I'd rather see this country sink, than see it succeed outside of Europe. My grandfather used to tell me stories about WWII, one of the stories he'd bring up quite a lot is the Normandy landings. Seeing his friends literally cut to pieces in front of him by machine gun fire to fight for Europe, only to see the current generation and the old fucks who were only children at the time with no real grasp on just what people sacrificed for a united Europe piss it away because they don't like foreigners makes me sick... utterly sick. I know for a fact if my grandfather was still alive today he'd literally be crying at how far this country is willing to go purely based on racist ideals (again, I'm not labelling everyone that voted leave as racist, I'm merely saying that a vast majority of leave votes are just borderline racist, some did it because they believed financially we'd be better off.... most did it because they just don't like anyone who isn't white and speaks English)

Sorry, went off on a bit of a rant there, a point was put forward at least... I really should stop going off on these drunken rants, I find the only time I can be brutally honest though is when I have alcohol in my system (a very sad side effect of depression...)

Hate to point this out, but you do realise that Europe and the EU are two completely different things, don't you? It is entirely possible to love one of them, and hate the other?

And also, most didn't vote Leave becuase of "dem brown people", or immigration as it's otherwise known as - it was sovereignity that was cited as the main reason in Lord Ashcroft's polls taken after the referendum, with immigration being the main factor in around 40% of cases - hardly most as you say.

Having said that, another common cry at the minute appears to be "But we didn't know what we were voting for!". So which is it - not knowing what we were voting for, or sending all the brown people (well known for being natives of the EU) back? I'm confused about the projections being sent my way.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Hate to point this out, but you do realise that Europe and the EU are two completely different things, don't you? It is entirely possible to love one of them, and hate the other?

And also, most didn't vote Leave becuase of "dem brown people", or immigration as it's otherwise known as - it was sovereignity that was cited as the main reason in Lord Ashcroft's polls taken after the referendum, with immigration being the main factor in around 40% of cases - hardly most as you say.

Having said that, another common cry at the minute appears to be "But we didn't know what we were voting for!". So which is it - not knowing what we were voting for, or sending all the brown people (well known for being natives of the EU) back? I'm confused about the projections being sent my way.

You misunderstand, my grandfather said he fought for the freedom of the EU, to unite it in times of dire need.. the result of this after the war was the European Union. To see that pissed away now is an insult to the memory of every man and woman that fought on the frontlines. I admit, the EU has its faults, no one expected so many countries working together to do so perfectly, to simply brush off everything that our elders fought for though without truly considering the consequences? just sad, just sad.

As I said previously, I clearly didn't say people voted to leave because of "Brown people" what I did say is a majority did vote leave because of brown people and sadly because of propaganda from cunts like Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Iain Duncan Smith and indeed spackers like Britain First and sadly coverage from piss poor reporting from sources like the Daily Mail. People were basically scared into voting leave because they believed the whole "Omg terrorist brown Muslims with aids and spider diseases are coming to rape your family" - again, that's not to say EVERYONE voted to leave because of such things, as I've said and will continue saying, a vast majority DID vote leave because of racist ideals.

As for the Government and Theresa May? she's trying to be Margret Thatcher 2.0, she's a fucking useless sour old cunt that is hellbent on seeing people suffer as is most of the tories, they don't care about the poor, about people with disabilities or even about war veterans, all they care about is lining their own fucking pockets.

I never thought I'd say this but I genuinely think the only hope for this country is for Labour to come to power again, which sadly won't happen for as long as Jeremy Corbyn is at the helm because he's literally allowed himself to be setup to fail.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Only really really dumb people (its been covered numerous times) think people voted out because of "brown people" It's just the shrill wailing of the desperate idiot.

Membership of the EU will not have any effect at all on "brown people" immigration. If anything it might increase.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
NO, people want to halt immigration because they see their culture being changed in front of them by a culture they dont like..its as simple as that.
Omg brown people, is tiresome and simplistic.
You do realise of course that most of them are far, far more racist than us.
Indians, Pakistanis, Eastern Europeans, Chinese, various muslims, they have a racist culture in a different league to us, but the endless liberal white guilt sees them as poor victims of the white man.
Immigration will finish off the EU, it will be very messy, it is going to literally be our WW3.
Russias influence will increase hugely as America loses interest in the shitshow, previous soviet states and Eastern european countries will look to them for cultural stability.
After a brief flutter with the right wing, central Europe will fall back on to loving everyone as a fix.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
" Around three shots rang out outside the Palace of Westminster after a man ran through the gates into the front yard of the parliamentary compound apparently waving a knife. "

Why would he be waving it? Usual BBC embellishment.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Also, I bet it isn't a Muslim.

Oh wait.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
" Around three shots rang out outside the Palace of Westminster after a man ran through the gates into the front yard of the parliamentary compound apparently waving a knife. "

Why would he be waving it? Usual BBC embellishment.
Cnn website is sensational compared to that. Terror in wesminster splashed across the top of the site. You really dont know how reserved the bbc is.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
As soon as I read. 'Has lost touch with the modern world', I know hes right...whats so special about the 'modern world?'
Changed human nature have we, remapped the human brain and society?
No...history repeats and its very easy to point the dementia finger at someone with 3x the life experience.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Breakfast TV, Johnny Rotten backs Farage and would like to shake his hand.

Strange times indeed.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I like the way different parties are trying to come out with conditions for agreeing the final deal, my understanding is quite simple in that if they don't it has no effect since it'll become a hard brexit by default from the EU side surely.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Just 29% of Brits think Brexit will be good for the economy


(yes, yes, it's just a poll)


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Well, yes, but the results of that poll have barely shifted since August...

...whereas my poll comes with a pretty chart that says people have become more and more pessimistic as time has passed. So there.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Half the media says "We're doomed" for 9 months, and you wonder why people are getting more pessimistic?


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Businesses like Deutsche Bank you mean? Saying "Oh we're doomed, whilst simultaneously signing a new 25 year lease for a new building in London?


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
I don't think the media has much swing one way or the other at this point - they report good and bad news (although obviously some of it will be agenda-driven). The fact that there's apparently more bad than good is just reflective of the situation. For every story about a company committing to the UK there's either a subtext of them basically holding the government to ransom or other stories about companies moving staff overseas. On Monday Deutsche Bank said they expect the pound to fall to near-parity with the dollar, is that good news too?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I remember James Dyson having his pro-brexit comments repeatedly reported on. Including again recently.

Could it be that coverage is negative because business sentiment is largely negative?

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