Crackdown on tax havens eh?A big reason for Brexit?
I'd call him up too if I were them...
Edit: Anyway, no consequences continue to not run amok. But meh.
What are you actually saying there Job?Crackdown on tax havens eh?
Theres a policy with a very high factor of coming home to roost
Another good result from Brexit, they can stop wasting money on posterboy renewables that barely work.
I shop at Tescos, don't use their reward card though.
Free trade, normal relations...sidestep the EU, everyone realises you don't need a middleman.
What the fuck are you talking about? The EU negotiates as a block. We're leaving the EU because of it (apparently) but the EU will still exist and will still negotiate, as a block. Sidestepping isn't an option. Ignoring the EU and saying "ooh we'll do deals with India and China instead" also isn't an option, well, it is, but ignoring the upper decile part of the planet by wealth is a pretty retarded way to do things when your economy is based on high value goods and services. So we have to do a deal with the EU, and the most likely deal involves free movement of labour. Back to square 1.
No, I mean corporations will start doing deals outside the EU rules, an EU that was even in the room that discussed penalising the UK and thus losing EU companies money would be toast in a week.What the fuck are you talking about? The EU negotiates as a block. We're leaving the EU because of it (apparently) but the EU will still exist and will still negotiate, as a block. Sidestepping isn't an option. Ignoring the EU and saying "ooh we'll do deals with India and China instead" also isn't an option, well, it is, but ignoring the upper decile part of the planet by wealth is a pretty retarded way to do things when your economy is based on high value goods and services. So we have to do a deal with the EU, and the most likely deal involves free movement of labour. Back to square 1.
Bear arse like this?No, I mean corporations will start doing deals outside the EU rules, an EU that was even in the room that discussed penalising the UK and thus losing EU companies money would be toast in a week.
They are fucked...plain and simple, trade barriers to the UK...the Germans would revolt...let us carry on while be outside of the restrictions...the rest of the EU would be like...we'll do that as well.
Brexit has exposed the EU huge bare ass.
More expensive square 1.Back to square 1.
PossiblyMore expensive square 1.
We'll have to pay the same for access (like the nordics), accept the free movement of people but have no say on the internal EU standards that we have to meet to trade with them...Possibly
The market instability isnt necessarily a long term thing. And some of the other things that may not be as cheap as before could be off set some what by the money we wont be paying in to the eu kitty in the first place.We'll have to pay the same for access (like the nordics), accept the free movement of people but have no say on the internal EU standards that we have to meet to trade with them...
Oh, and imports are already becoming more expensive as the value of the pound plummets through the floor.
No you are not Norway, you have no oil, currently you have low taxes, higher unemployment and a much bigger gap between wealth and poverty... I'll not start on social and educational standards....We are not Norway...we are the second biggest economy, the largest military might and responsible for a huge chunk of Europes security through Nato.
Bring back Maggie I say, if she had todays UK to bargain with and an brexit vote, the EU would be kissing her ass.
Wtf has happened to us?
You are nit picking...We have a bit of oil and gas. Not none![]()
And since brexit we've fallen behind France on size of economy - so we're the third biggest in the EU and six or seventh globally.
The EU can't afford to kiss our ass. They *have* to fuck us over.