
Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
one Great Britain

Oh fuck sake, it's over. OVER. It's like a toxic relationship between a married couple that everyone can see is doomed. It doesn't matter if it was taken as a "whole", the arrangement does not work and is made worse by Brexit.

Your point about me being SNP - whilst they are nationalists, they are the only party in Scotland doing a good job of convincing the electorate that they know what their doing. What other options do we have on the table? LOLbour? Scottish Conservative? I like Ruth Davidson, she's the only one to hold a candle to challenge the nippy cow.

Scotland can take an alternative path to Brexit, so as I said, Sturgeon is doing the right thing by offering the 60%+ pro EU Scots that alternative.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
We took a brexit view as a union.

You either take that on the chinor keep throwing your toys
We took the decision to join the EU as a union. A tiny number of people constantly threw their toys for 40 years and they changed things.

It's the height of hypocrisy for a Brexiter to say the Scots should stfu and take it when Brexit came about because of a minority not shutting the fuck up and taking it.

We live in a representative democracy. It's proper process for minorities to peacefully throw every toy out of every available pram in an attempt to get what they want.

Personally I don't like the SNP and don't want Scotland to leave the union. But they're perfectly entitled to do what they're doing.

At least they're not blowing shit up like the IRA did.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Actually we voted to join an economic bloc, not to be governed by the likes of Junker and his equally corrupt mates.

Now we have voted to get rid.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually we voted to join an economic bloc, not to be governed by the likes of Junker and his equally corrupt mates
Not quite true m8.

A common complaint from those who voted to remain in the EEC in 1975 is that they were hoodwinked - they thought they were voting for a trading arrangement but ended up with a bossy "superstate".

This is not entirely true. Sovereignty - the ability to run our own affairs - was very much an issue in the 1975 referendum.

Enoch Powell, the maverick right wing Tory who had just become an Ulster Unionist MP, and left wing Labour cabinet minister Tony Benn - the loudest voices in the Out campaign - talked endlessly about it.

In its leaflet to voters, the Out campaign warned that the Common Market "sets out by stages to merge Britain with France, Germany, Italy and other countries into a single nation," in which Britain would be a "mere province".

The In campaign openly acknowledged that being a member of the EEC involved "pooling" sovereignty with the eight other nations who were members at the time.

We knew what we were getting in to and we exited on the basis of epic lies in a time of huge economic turmoil.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Actually we voted to join an economic bloc, not to be governed by the likes of Junker and his equally corrupt mates.

Now we have voted to get rid.

No, we didn't."Ever closer Union" has been an objective of the EU (and EEC before it) since The Treaty of Rome sixty years ago, long before the UK joined. Its one of those enduring myths that we didn't sign up for this. If people were wilfully stupid about the objectives of the EEC in 1973, that's not the EU's fault.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Bring on the United States of Europe tbfh.

I want a US-style constitution to go hand in hand with it however. The people need that protection.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Oh fuck sake, it's over. OVER. It's like a toxic relationship between a married couple that everyone can see is doomed. It doesn't matter if it was taken as a "whole", the arrangement does not work and is made worse by Brexit.

Your point about me being SNP - whilst they are nationalists, they are the only party in Scotland doing a good job of convincing the electorate that they know what their doing. What other options do we have on the table? LOLbour? Scottish Conservative? I like Ruth Davidson, she's the only one to hold a candle to challenge the nippy cow.

Scotland can take an alternative path to Brexit, so as I said, Sturgeon is doing the right thing by offering the 60%+ pro EU Scots that alternative.

Christ. If the SNP are the best option you have, Scotland is fucked. They are an absolute shambles who couldn't run a piss up in a Brewery, and the constant agitating for yet another referendum is just a distraction from that.

Also good that they're completely ignoring the 1 million plus people who voted Leave in Scotland. I'm guessing they don't count?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
@Bodhi - more of a shambles than our parties dahn sarth?

To me the SNP are doing a reasonably competent job of getting what they're after - independence. Everything else for them is secondary.

As for ignoring leave campaigners - there are less of a percentage of them in Scotland than there are remainers in England - and you don't seem to have a problem ignoring them. In fact, it's your preference.

How can you be so brazenly two-sided about these things? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, no?


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
@Bodhi - more of a shambles than our parties dahn sarth?

To me the SNP are doing a reasonably competent job of getting what they're after - independence. Everything else for them is secondary.

As for ignoring leave campaigners - there are less of a percentage of them in Scotland than there are remainers in England - and you don't seem to have a problem ignoring them. In fact, it's your preference.

How can you be so brazenly two-sided about these things? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, no?

Nicely projected, but if you bother to look back through this thread, my preference has always been the "Norway" option, which seems the best compromise at this point.

Edit// they're also conveniently ignoring the fact that most polls seem to indicate no appetite for another referendum in Scotland, apart from the rabid nats.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Bring on the United States of Europe tbfh.

I want a US-style constitution to go hand in hand with it however. The people need that protection.

Shame its USSEU rather than USEU.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Shame its USSEU rather than USEU.
Don't think that analogy bears up to any reasonable scrutiny. Not at all really.

It's a nice soundbite, but basically crap*.

The EU is definitely far from perfect tho. Hence my statement about a proper constitution.

*Edit: like the "dicks, pussies and arseholes" speech from Team America. You won't believe the number of retards who quote that to me as an actual model of politics, rather than a lighthearted oversimplification turned into joke designed to get people to laugh...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Seeing as most people go for an easy life..if it aint broken, dont fix it.
You really have to go out of your way to fuck things up so badly that people start voting for racists and closet Nazis.
The EU...well done guys.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
We took the decision to join the EU as a union. A tiny number of people constantly threw their toys for 40 years and they changed things.

It's the height of hypocrisy for a Brexiter to say the Scots should stfu and take it when Brexit came about because of a minority not shutting the fuck up and taking it.

We live in a representative democracy. It's proper process for minorities to peacefully throw every toy out of every available pram in an attempt to get what they want.

Personally I don't like the SNP and don't want Scotland to leave the union. But they're perfectly entitled to do what they're doing.

At least they're not blowing shit up like the IRA did.
Yup a few didnt want it. And in the end more than 50% didnt want it. Thats democracy.

Scotland voted and more than 50% wanted to stay. Democracy again.

They can keep asking but shouldnt be suprised when they have their requests rejected.

SNP is a one trock pony. They had that trick and lost and now are trying to remain relevant.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Scotland voted and more than 50% wanted to stay. Democracy again

Westminster / better together said "vote Yes and you'll be out the EU which would be TERRRIIIBBBLLE, and your currency will tank" - just as well that didn't happen WELL FUCK.

No voters were swayed significantly on EU and currency which turned out to be a shed tonne of bollocks. The landscape has moved massively since Indyref 1 (yes yes, including oil) and as I've said about three times already, Sturgeon is right to call it out.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
SNP is a one trock pony. They had that trick and lost and will keep trying rather than give up like a bunch of losers

Democracy doesn't stop when you get the result you want. It's constant. Things get turned around. Circumstances change (and in the case of brexit change massively).

Brexit makes the SNP and Scottish nationalism more relevant than ever.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Cool, the people of Gibraltar might get the opportunity to vote themselves into destitution by becoming one of the EU feeder countries.

What a lucky bunch of people, actually getting the chance to vote to take on so much debt they are essentially owned.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
That's almost as much nonsense as your original post of "oh noes the Spanish are coming".


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
No fucking way, thats up to the people there, if Spain tried to blockade it or take over by force, the EU would have a war on their hands...
lol :D

So, you are saying that EU is instrumental in the prevention of war and that Brexit makes war more much more likely then.

Lets face it. Blair wanted to give it away. We'll probably end up ditching Gibraltar for "the greater good". And the Brits will suck it down.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, well Blair is was and will forever be the ultimate asshole chancer of British politics.

Oh and yes, the EU caused Brexit and now they are stirring more shit by backing the Spanish.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
When I tell people I want to vote Yes:

How Freddyshouse think I look:


How I really look:



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Wrench in the works I'd say.

EU hands Spain power over Gibraltar's future

+ the UK has to pay its £50billion bill, guarantee migrant worker rights among other things before talks can even begin.

Pretty safe to say Theresa Mays political career is over.
Yeah, worth a try, but they can fuck right off with that, theres no way the trade deals will cover 50 billion in the next 5 years.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Wrench in the works I'd say.

EU hands Spain power over Gibraltar's future

+ the UK has to pay its £50billion bill, guarantee migrant worker rights among other things before talks can even begin.

Pretty safe to say Theresa Mays political career is over.

Sure, no problem. I am sure the EU will be more than happy to pay us for our previous investments, no issues.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Why would they need to, the bill negotiation is for stuff the UK has already agreed to pay (mjch of which has already started based on these past agreements), in no treaty is there any compensation for past input

For this same reason the EU will not be attempting to recover any investments it has made into the UK based on past agreements

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