

FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Its interesting because it looks pretty widespread for a new game - its too early for phishing to be likely and the official thread has 'corporate shills' masquerading as normal game owners which is never a good sign.

If it was a trojan or keylogger people were picking up from some other site they would surely name it?

It looks more like a man in the middle hack or a direct server hack.

Oh dear...

Login/pwd credentianls transmitted in CLEAR in support login page?!?

Don't click that, he's trying to phish on you! :p

Seriously though, i saw gold sellers in rift beta so, they are as(if not more) fast as hardcore players in getting their act together.

the problem ofcourse is player apathy(using third party software to simply block goldsellers, when they should report any and all) and developers not allocating serious firepower in coming up with a solution.

Same goes with account hacking, online gaming needs to realise that it needs protection too.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Trion have introduced the coin lock system today. At first it seems interesting but now I've had a bit of time to think about it, the system seems more of a placebo than genuinely useful and will actually annoy players more than the hackers it is supposed to prevent.

If you've got a keylogger and they send the code to your email, then potentially the keylogger just gets access to the email as well. So it doesn't really do anything to increase security on your account. What it will do is cause annoyance if you are someone who plays while away from home or such as everytime you use a 'significantly different IP address' you'll be coin locked until you confirm via email.

So, placebo.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
With WoW you have an authenticator key fob which works a treat. Anyone who doesn't also provide this is full of fail.

Blizzard suspended my account a few months ago, simply because I played on one day and then the next day changed ISP so appeared to be playing from somewhere else. quick phone call to a real person and it was sorted out. It's very re-assuring that they put so much work into protecting my account.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Dont share your account, dont open strange emails, and dont serf pron!


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
No RvR zone.
All warfronts at 40+ have at least one afk'er in them. No way to remove them.
WF honour/prestige >> Open PvP honour/prestige
Class imbalance. I even notice it on my own character - shaman. I have a 1min30 seconds i-win and I can't kill jack (except some awful players) without it.

The only redeeming quality so far is, as most servers' have high pop's, you can enjoy good open world PvP. As people quit/get more into raiding etc this aspect will die.

Oh and the hackings was in part due to the support site being a) non https [data not encrypted] and b) not managed directly by Trion. But a lot of users weren't sure of this and were signing up using their Rift details.

It is immensely frustrating because the game has so much potential but it's being wasted away.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
No RvR zone.
All warfronts at 40+ have at least one afk'er in them. No way to remove them.
WF honour/prestige >> Open PvP honour/prestige
Class imbalance. I even notice it on my own character - shaman. I have a 1min30 seconds i-win and I can't kill jack (except some awful players) without it.

The only redeeming quality so far is, as most servers' have high pop's, you can enjoy good open world PvP. As people quit/get more into raiding etc this aspect will die.

Oh and the hackings was in part due to the support site being a) non https [data not encrypted] and b) not managed directly by Trion. But a lot of users weren't sure of this and were signing up using their Rift details.

It is immensely frustrating because the game has so much potential but it's being wasted away.

done more open world pvp in 1 day than i've done during the whole of cataclysm, defintely more of red is dead daoc type efficiency, which is yay tbh. As for the rest - its a very new game, and considering this they have done a damn fine job. Moaning about class imbalance in a new mmo is like moaning about why the tories are so damn conservative. 6 years into wow, class balance is not only still very out of skew, its on purpose. Give them a bit more time.

The game has more redeeming features than wow will ever, ever have. I'm on AH, i want to look at my character screen, and maybe my achivements whilst browsing - and i can. On Wow, impossible - RIFT feels like im using windows 7 ffs, not feckin 3.11 like WoW is, and always will be.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I'm on AH, i want to look at my character screen, and maybe my achivements whilst browsing - and i can. On Wow, impossible - RIFT feels like im using windows 7 ffs, not feckin 3.11 like WoW is, and always will be.

Do you use some kind of retard UI? I find pressing the correct button brings up whatever I need when browsing the AH...character sheet, crafting sheet, achievement sheet...whatever sheet. How else would you search for whatever crafting item you need...or compare armour?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Do you use some kind of retard UI? I find pressing the correct button brings up whatever I need when browsing the AH...character sheet, crafting sheet, achievement sheet...whatever sheet. How else would you search for whatever crafting item you need...or compare armour?

Must be the case, or haven't been in wow for a while :p

Class balance is a pipedream that will never, EVER, come to life for one simple reason; unless you give everyone the same skills, same exact gear and same exact stats, a class will always overpower another.

You can get close, WoW has, but perfection will never happen.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Warrior s being needed I imagine. Easiest mmo I've ever leveled in dinged 50 tonight and while I could feel the enemy hitting me hard i didn't feel out of my depth. Again I really have to take my hat off for trion I encountered very little in the easy off bugs despite experiencing all of the zones/dungeons. Class balance I can deal with something always slips through beta over powder sabateur/warrior to name two.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Anyone else playing a healer? i find the healing system a bit naff tbh. I can't stand my only useful single target heal taking 3 seconds. It all just seems really slow compared to daoc and won't get any faster at the cap level.

I miss proper crowd control, interupts and people being killed/getting healed quickly... in this it just seems like the team with fewer low level players / mongs wins. There's no advantage in getting the jump on someone, any decent abilities are on massive cool downs and every class seems to have the ability to kill you while running around (too many insta spells imo).

That said the game is quite fun :p The rifts/invasions are great imo. The PvE is much better than Daoc but the pvp has a long way to go.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Chloromancer healing is great fun. Nuke stuff to heal the group/raid. I've not tried it as primary healer though so I don't know if its viable for that.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Just got 20 there on my Rogue, damn servers down again for 30 minutes tho is a bummer :(


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Do you use some kind of retard UI? I find pressing the correct button brings up whatever I need when browsing the AH...character sheet, crafting sheet, achievement sheet...whatever sheet. How else would you search for whatever crafting item you need...or compare armour?

can you drag each window & put it were u want ? NO.

case closed.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Warrior s being needed I imagine. Easiest mmo I've ever leveled in dinged 50 tonight and while I could feel the enemy hitting me hard i didn't feel out of my depth. Again I really have to take my hat off for trion I encountered very little in the easy off bugs despite experiencing all of the zones/dungeons. Class balance I can deal with something always slips through beta over powder sabateur/warrior to name two.

sentinal for dungeons - best aoe spec. didnt like Warden, far to many spells in the rotation. Purifier for pvp, best self healer imho, the insta spammable heal is cool :).

The end bosses in the 3 dungeons ive been in so far required the same sort of healing as a wow heroic, ie pretty much none stop healing for the duration of the fight.

not sure why u dont think u have any groovy spells ! Sentinel is full of em, happy tbh.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
My Rogue is like 18 ranger and some marksman/assasin(i want envenomed arrows)


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Level 44 now.

Still nothing bad to say about the game yet. Had much fun in this timeframe than I had with Cataclysm overall :p


Dec 26, 2003
I like it - the UI is very cool - probably the most advanced I have seen.

Its quite a complex game in terms of character design - I love the 3 souls idea - great flexibility - probably quite hard to balance because of that tho.

So far - based on the low levels it feels a lot like WAR in pve (even has the public quests mechanism) - will try PvP later.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
My Rogue is like 18 ranger and some marksman/assasin(i want envenomed arrows)

I'd suggest for pve'ing having atleast ranger as a 3rd soul with no points for pet, when i had a quest objective with 4 mobs around it I'd just send it in to get agro and pick up the item and speed off. Around 35 or so you need to decide what to do since the base pet wont go above lvl30 and wont hold agro, so its either ranger/mm spec for a better pet and ok dmg or MM/assasin for pure dps and no pet.

At 37/38 I went 23 Marksman for all the dmg passives, push back shot and snare shot + SoS ability; then rest in assasin with all the passive crit bonuses from that I was easily killing mobs my level before they got to me. And it was much better for PVP with crit's.

Also my be worth getting a 2nd or 3rd role to try and variation of a bard/sabo spec, merely so then you can get into instance grps as dps or support heal/dps which is decent exp and nice drops.

As for a Melee assasin spec's i'll let you figure that out yourself since that seems to be your thing, and you'll fin you best path eventually :drink:

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
with some memory hogging, far more complicated than it should be UI from Curse no doubt.

umm..no and you know it, so sushh and BUY IT and SEE !

press escape and click UI .. arrange how you want and press save.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Bard/Ranger/Sab.... makes pve questing very easy
duo it up with a sab and you hardly need clerics or warriors ;)


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
so im buying it now, wanna play it. Any tips? (maybe a guild to join?! :D)

Its actually very nice starting off im 21 atm been playing on off for 2-3 days :D

Bloodiron is where im playing the rest are on some other EN PvP server


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
You'll also find me online on Shivermere, as Afran. ;)

Would be welcome to join our guild~

Defiant side btw.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Finally dinged 50 last night.
Last level is a pain, because you´re running out of quests at 48-49 and need to grind the last level, daylies and riftsurfing. Not a bad thing actually, but it´s certainly a difference from the 1-49 easymode questing.

Arenas are a bit frustrating because they´re filled with set up groups in high end gear. A warfront would be nice. Started a cleric twink now, just for the fun of it.

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