

Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
4 months to 80 here and i played a lot.

The thing is, i didn't grind instances, read quest texts with care, leveled professions to fourfiddy(thanks general). Basically enjoyed the ride.

But, if someone wants to get to max level, why punish it too much. If you can stroke differently, it's good gameplay.

I agree took me almost 3 months to get 80 on my Rogue in wow, i stopped abit at 75 or so to max out engineering and make my turbo helicoptor and jeeves then i finished to 80 only to find that ICC raids wouldnt take me so toko another 2 months to get in a 6k gearscore set so i go try open world pvp and guess what it was shit and i got sick of doing dailies so i quit.

Any game should be a journey, if its about instant gratification expectations for what lie ahead will always be greater so expectations for endgame in Rift will be huge, so i think in making levelling TOO easy the developers have put themselves under huge pressure to keep their playerbase endgame.

Put short its made it harder to not be seen as a flash in the pan mmo


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Last week I was a resto druid, spent a few days as a holy pala, pvp'd with disc, but was usless for the 2nd insta so switched back to the pala varient.

gonna go back to resto druid for some instances tomorrow.

Yes you might have all 3 at L85, but in RIFT thats how easy it is to change your play style. if you enjoy tinkering with specs & all that jazz, this is for you. this is for me, was always a respec fiend in both wow & daoc :/


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Its gonna be fun being a shadowblade+ranged gun/bow class aand a bard for groups :p


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Does PvP server boil down to merely adding world PvP that is much less rewarding than the warfronts (BG equivalent) and a PvP aspect that will most likely fall apart as on WoW PvP servers? If so may aswell roll on a PvE one =P


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2011
It's mostly caused by the time to hit max level being infinitely faster these days

Vanilla wow took 200+ hours, FFXI ( lol try 300-500 back in the day ), Aion 300+

DCU ~30 hours, Rift 50 hours.

FFXI was annoying to level up, especially with the level down if you died alot.


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Meh, took the plunge, loving this game thus far :) Level 22.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Does PvP server boil down to merely adding world PvP that is much less rewarding than the warfronts (BG equivalent) and a PvP aspect that will most likely fall apart as on WoW PvP servers? If so may aswell roll on a PvE one =P

Sounds like sissy talk to me !

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Sounds like sissy talk to me !

Actually, its a crucial issue for me. The levelling content is great fun and I've enjoyed the Warfronts so far but I'm itching for the big stuff at cap level.

If its not available, then I won't be in Rift too long. Only reason I didn't go PvP server is it just sounded like DAoC's Camlann, which from my personal perspective was pretty crap.

Griefing raids is not my idea of PvP. I'm looking for proper invasions, consensual PvP when both sides are up for it, not that lame griefing shit that lamers pass off as PvP when really its just annoyance.

Lvl36 so far.

Had an interesting encounter yesterday in a rift when some Defiants enabled themselves for PvP then deliberately walked into the AoE. They didn't do it properly though and promptly got themselves wiped out. However, it shows just how little many people pay attention to their surroundings because I was warning people and they were still blithely spamming whatever it is they spam at mobs.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Have to admit, i've had more fun playing around with Dyes from the dye merchant than I had with any Cataclysm content.

cumon guilds in all Pink
cumon pallys head to tow in bright green.
cumon giving the PLAYER the right to chose, fuck you wow and your clones upon clones of ppl in the same gear, coloured the same way, looking well... identical :p

One of the many lil' things taken from the king of mmo's ( daoc that is). :clap:


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
44 atm, leveling is horrid, its just no fun to pve. Hope pvp at end game goes well or will jump back on daoc.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Im still gonna give it a go tbh and play abit of Uthgard on the side, infil is 50 and rr4/2 now Highest on Infil LWRP at 220,000


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Be warned - if your not playing regularly with a guild DO NOT do warfronts at peak time. I don't know how it is for other servers but on my mind, every fkin warfront is against a pre-made and we get absolutely crushed. Optimal group running optimal soul combinations, all max level.

From my own experiences of the game, I will be adamant in saying: the pvp is not better than Warhammers. I don't want to compare it with DAoC as nostalgia will dampen my views. Warhammer is the closest comparison we have to Rift and Warhammers' pvp was a lot more better.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
By total chance, just ran into Afran in the Codex & shennanigans insued :cheers:

If ya gonna come Ex Daoc'ers ! come to DEFIANT - Shivermere. lets make it the place old lovers of dye, cum.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I quit, playing korean tera now and loving it.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
It's a good game, no doubt, but it's still a clone with some personal touch.

Here we go again, no it's not a WoW clone.

Yes obviously if you look hard enough you will spot WoW in there, but also WAR, AC, AC2, DAoC etc etc etc. Hell you will find bits and pieces of pretty much every single fantasy MMO out there in it because it IS a fantasy MMO.

But that doesn't mean its any other games clone.

Stop comparing every new game to WoW as if it was the first real MMO.

You know, there ARE other MMO's out there to draw inspiration from....


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Here we go again, no it's not a WoW clone.

Yes obviously if you look hard enough you will spot WoW in there, but also WAR, AC, AC2, DAoC etc etc etc. Hell you will find bits and pieces of pretty much every single fantasy MMO out there in it because it IS a fantasy MMO.

But that doesn't mean its any other games clone.

Stop comparing every new game to WoW as if it was the first real MMO.

You know, there ARE other MMO's out there to draw inspiration from....

I agree in some respects :p you do realise half of the staff that worked on Rift worked for blizzard previously on WoW yea :p?

That said Trion have done it right, the only thing that they messed up is not having a dedicated RvR zone (Warfronts i'd hardly call dedicated and PvE zones reek of zerg) cancelled my subs today although I would renew it in a heartbeat if they added that RvR zone.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
i want to try it but don't want to buy it as i probably won't play much, is there a trial or anything?


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
i want to try it but don't want to buy it as i probably won't play much, is there a trial or anything?

Same here :(

Guess Ill have to wait 6 months and see how the game evolves.

I know the ppl @ Aesirs Blade are playing Rift, have you seen them?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I agree in some respects :p you do realise half of the staff that worked on Rift worked for blizzard previously on WoW yea :p?

That said Trion have done it right, the only thing that they messed up is not having a dedicated RvR zone (Warfronts i'd hardly call dedicated and PvE zones reek of zerg) cancelled my subs today although I would renew it in a heartbeat if they added that RvR zone.

No i didn't know that. :)

But either way it still doesn't make the game a WoW clone. :)

And i do seem to remember reading something about them adding dedicated rvr zones if there was enough demand for it.

/edit: also i believe there are going to be an open zone of Port Scion or something later on.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Here we go again, no it's not a WoW clone.

Yes obviously if you look hard enough you will spot WoW in there, but also WAR, AC, AC2, DAoC etc etc etc. Hell you will find bits and pieces of pretty much every single fantasy MMO out there in it because it IS a fantasy MMO.

But that doesn't mean its any other games clone.

Stop comparing every new game to WoW as if it was the first real MMO.

You know, there ARE other MMO's out there to draw inspiration from....

Saying it's a clone isn't a bad thing you know. I'd say beng compared to the most succesful MMO around is a good thing, and it is. It's taken good bits from Wow(and other games) to make a good MMO, but it's still a clone. I also said it's a good new/break MMO and was talking(in that post) about what it would be for an ex-wow player.

I compare it to WoW because that's what they're aiming for, WoW market. Hell RIFT marketing even used WoW as a target. (Ergo; "You're not in azeroth anymore" as a tagline).

If the makers know it's a clone, fanboi better realise.

RIFT may be many things; a great game, fun to play, "best MMO evah!"(subjectional), but claiming it's not a clone is silly.

The very first impressions of the game look like WoW, the marketing involves WoW, the talents, the quests and so on, similar to WoW. That's why i call it a wow clone, but i don't call it out of spite, they've cloned it well.

You know; i've played almost all MMOs out there ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2008
If you want to nit-pick - a clone is an exact replica of the original. Rift is not an exact copy of WoW.
Admittedly I played WoW for around 5 days then removed it from my computer so am not an expert on it but I did play Warhammer, DAoC, AC2 etc and Rift has a flavour of all those. I would go with "similar" rather than "clone" personally.

While WoW did not appeal to me I appreciate it did to a lot of folk and any game designers who want to run a successful game that will appeal to a large market should be looking at WoW for some inspiration.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Saying it's a clone isn't a bad thing you know.
It´s not a bad thing, but it´s plain wrong, because it creates the impression that WoW is "the original". WoW is just another step in the evolution of MMOs, it copied as many things from other games as RIFT did. So we might as well say "WoW is an Everquest clone".

I compare it to WoW because that's what they're aiming for, WoW market. Hell RIFT marketing even used WoW as a target. (Ergo; "You're not in azeroth anymore" as a tagline).
Because that´s where the market is. WoW is getting old and more and more vulnerable to losing players. It´s a marketing decision, that has nothing to do with the design, it´s still two titles fighting in the same market segment.

The very first impressions of the game look like WoW, the marketing involves WoW, the talents, the quests and so on, similar to WoW.
Depends on the definition of "look". If you mean Elves = long ears, Orcs = big noses, Mages = scary looking dudes with staffs, then you´re right. But then, I guess you´ll find that WoW looks rather similar to Warhammer (the table tops, not the MMO).
Apart from that, there´s little similarity in the look IMO.

the talents, the quests and so on, similar to WoW.
Now you´re getting silly. The quests???
Do you really think that "kill ten rats" is an invention of WoW? Quests for loot/xp are normal parts of MMO`s since MUD`s in 1985.


Dec 26, 2003
It´s not a bad thing, but it´s plain wrong, because it creates the impression that WoW is "the original". WoW is just another step in the evolution of MMOs, it copied as many things from other games as RIFT did. So we might as well say "WoW is an Everquest clone".

That would be wrong too - WOW was the first to realise you could hit a mass market with a dumbed down mmo.

All predecessors were much heavier on the grind and punished players if their characters died etc. - everquest was pretty much for masochists and those with OCD.

WOW did so well not because it was an evolution of previous MMOs but because it turned its back on them and redesigned the whole concept to make it accessible to casual players.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It´s not a bad thing, but it´s plain wrong, because it creates the impression that WoW is "the original". WoW is just another step in the evolution of MMOs, it copied as many things from other games as RIFT did. So we might as well say "WoW is an Everquest clone".

Depends on the definition of "look". If you mean Elves = long ears, Orcs = big noses, Mages = scary looking dudes with staffs, then you´re right. But then, I guess you´ll find that WoW looks rather similar to Warhammer (the table tops, not the MMO).
Apart from that, there´s little similarity in the look IMO.

Now you´re getting silly. The quests???
Do you really think that "kill ten rats" is an invention of WoW? Quests for loot/xp are normal parts of MMO`s since MUD`s in 1985.

Never claimed WoW as original, but it is a known comparison beyond other MMOs. As such, it's easier to say wow clone then daoc clone for example.

By look i mean the whole shibang, from UI to feel of the world. It's prettier, but otherwise the feel and look do remind of wow.

By quests i mean the variation to the kill ten rats thing. Kill stuff, ghost pops up to say hi and so on. There will no doubt be more personal quests along the way, but first impressions are first.

As a underlining comment;

I didn't mean that rift is bad, or that by saying it's a clone it has no merit, i infact said that it's most likely a GOOD new MMO to start with, or to take a break from WoW with as it would feel really familiar to any wow player.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Rift is a much a clone of wow as wow is a clone of daoc, as daoc is a clone of EQ, as Eq is a clone of Ultima online as ultima is a clone of.. .. ...


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Never claimed WoW as original, but it is a known comparison beyond other MMOs. As such, it's easier to say wow clone then daoc clone for example.

By look i mean the whole shibang, from UI to feel of the world. It's prettier, but otherwise the feel and look do remind of wow.

By quests i mean the variation to the kill ten rats thing. Kill stuff, ghost pops up to say hi and so on. There will no doubt be more personal quests along the way, but first impressions are first.

As a underlining comment;

I didn't mean that rift is bad, or that by saying it's a clone it has no merit, i infact said that it's most likely a GOOD new MMO to start with, or to take a break from WoW with as it would feel really familiar to any wow player.

no no no !

buy the fucking thing ffs !
The WoW UI makes daoc UI Looked very outdated, and and was one of the main reasons i left daoc. The Rift UI to WoW is what WoW was to Daoc. The feel and look absolutely, totally do not remind you of WoW. It reminds you of Daoc, with a new engine. The clerics for example look almost identical to daoc clerics/healers/druids. In the capital, on any given corridor i could just as easily be going round a corner is Daocs camelot, style v similar to daoc, NO WOW NOW( sorry excuse to get in a groovy song title).

It's not like any good new MMO. All have had terrible, buggy starts & fatal game flaws from day 1. Not encountered a single bug or error with the game yet, flawless so far. Gfx, quests, spells - all working perfectly from my POV.

Went back on wow account few days ago & it just looked and felt awful after a week of Rift, wow acc cancelled.

buy the fucking thing ffs !

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Careful playing of the AH has allowed me to advance trades beyond my current level of ability to gather. Rather enjoying this.

The Rift UI to WoW is what WoW was to Daoc. The feel and look absolutely, totally do not remind you of WoW. It reminds you of Daoc, with a new engine.

Hyperbole aside, I'd pretty much agree with this.

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