

I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Anyone got a good melee rogue soul spec for pvp ?

Im just 29 ranger 5 marksman or so at 26

When i have to i pull 4 mobs my level right ontop me me take aggro on 2 or so with my Greater razorbeast and drop some envenomed Hail of arrows with my trusty shotgun :p

tbh melee rogue in wf's at 50 is a total waaste of time. Spend most of the WF stunned and then dead. Most rogues use the Sab as it is seriously op atm.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
hah afran, almost got revenge for you ganking me on the lift :/ got you pretty low :p

EDIT: btw how high are you your level was " ?? "


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
ffs did a bunch of level 35 puzzles and found secret loot loc's; got 3 of the same hat and 2 of the same staff :mad: the last loc was right by meridian. So I had an Anakin skywalker moment and started killing lvl14's for a laugh :p then the main city guard hit me for 4500 dmg. oh well. killed a higher lvl than me at the spinning plates test, so im not that bad hehe. But I have just got server notice to say I was first on it to obtain a certain staff, which is a pretty bad-assed for my level.


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
hah afran, almost got revenge for you ganking me on the lift :/ got you pretty low :p

EDIT: btw how high are you your level was " ?? "

I actually just hit 50 that hour. :D Rocking some green lv40 weapons as I just respecced

I'd advise saving the puzzles for 50 btw (atleast the last 3 higher zones)

I just did em myself, got an epic 2h lv50 axe (server 1st) and epic plate tank legs (also server 1st), mega lucky :D


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
the puzzles all have a max item level, so there is no point saving them past the max item level.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
yeah thats why i was like "wtf" when afran came to the lvl35 Scarlet gorge one :p


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
bard is fun! i wonder tho, how do i get new souls?

level 13, if your on guardian theyre from sanctum for clerics and rogues... or argent glade for mages. Should come up on mini map. Just have to finish a full rift, loot an item; use the quest item to summon a mob then kill it. That will get you your soul :).


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
So how many of you came from WoW and actually think it is different?


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
ffs did a bunch of level 35 puzzles and found secret loot loc's; got 3 of the same hat and 2 of the same staff :mad: the last loc was right by meridian. So I had an Anakin skywalker moment and started killing lvl14's for a laugh :p then the main city guard hit me for 4500 dmg. oh well. killed a higher lvl than me at the spinning plates test, so im not that bad hehe. But I have just got server notice to say I was first on it to obtain a certain staff, which is a pretty bad-assed for my level.

done the freemarch & stonefield ones, got an epic shield & nice blue hat, doing gorge later :)


Dec 26, 2003


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
I cant see how the pvp combat in rift isnt a dps race that you seem to despair of - even war had various buffers and damage prevention methods so it wasnt a pure dam v heal race.

I think this is coloured by your liking for one game over the other rather than objectivity.

I think your response is coloured by wanting to read it that way, because I certainly didn't intend it to come across like that. Either way, you can't say Rift doesn't objectively have much more CC/ways to prevent damage than Warhammer because you'd be absolutely plain wrong. If you think that is the case I suggest you do some research.


Dec 26, 2003
you can't say Rift doesn't objectively have much more CC/ways to prevent damage than Warhammer because you'd be absolutely plain wrong. If you think that is the case I suggest you do some research.

Fine - tell me what novel things there are then that arent in WAR?


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Take a look at a 44 point Dominator spec - there is as much CC on that build alone than you can get in a balanced group in Warhammer. I played Warhammer for 1-2 years, I enjoyed it a lot, I liked the game, but what I'm saying is objectively true and you simply can't argue against it as far as I see it.

I'm honestly not trying to be a dick for the sake of it, or trying to lord it up that Rift is a great game compared to Warhammer. I like Rift a lot, it does have problems though which I have highlighted in this and other articles, but on this point I won't budge.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Fine - tell me what novel things there are then that arent in WAR?

best you get to 50, pvp for a 'while' and come back to this. Making assumptions when your a few days into the game is a tad silly, its full of novel ideas, we kid ye not !

fyi on my inquisitor cleric i have like 4 types of cc :)


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Guess who just realised, after grinding to level 26 as a cleric, that you can train skills up by talking to a class trainer...

Yes, I really am that much of a mong.

The spectacular thing is I've been getting the highest hp healed count in more or less every warfront I've been in with all level 1 skills :D


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Wish I hadn't pissed all my money on the auction house getting better gear because i thought that must be why I can't kill more than 1 mob in pve now...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Guess who just realised, after grinding to level 26 as a cleric, that you can train skills up by talking to a class trainer...

Yes, I really am that much of a mong.

hehe, nice to know i wasnt the only one :)


Dec 26, 2003
fyi on my inquisitor cleric i have like 4 types of cc :)

You realise novel means new right? Is there actually anything new in rift cc etc? No-one wants to answer that bit for some reason :p

I like the game but I think whats new that it brings is the ability to have 3 souls in multiple sets for incredible flexibility of choice within a base class.

I thought the analysis of WAR as simple dps race and this not was overly simplistic.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
What does 'newness' have to do with anything, at all? I'm really confused about what point you're trying to make (if at all). The difference between Rift and War is the amount/diversity of CC, not anything new or ground-breaking in some way.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
You realise novel means new right? Is there actually anything new in rift cc etc? No-one wants to answer that bit for some reason :p

I like the game but I think whats new that it brings is the ability to have 3 souls in multiple sets for incredible flexibility of choice within a base class.

I thought the analysis of WAR as simple dps race and this not was overly simplistic.

Rogues - not sure what its called, think its "detonate". your running with the flag carrier in whitefall. Your fc is just up ahead, just out of range and BAM ! you take 500 damage from an invisible mine and are knocked back 10ft. FC dies, u were not in time.

lets be realistic - only so many forms of cc can exist, a root is a root, a snare a snare. But its the way that you do it. Confuse/Mez for example - for 5 seconds the char slowly wanders round "confused", they might run into a mob, out of range, out of LoS. its not a stun, or a mez ..its a confuse ! Dont remember this being in WAR, but i only played for 4 months.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Guess who just realised, after grinding to level 26 as a cleric, that you can train skills up by talking to a class trainer...

Yes, I really am that much of a mong.

The spectacular thing is I've been getting the highest hp healed count in more or less every warfront I've been in with all level 1 skills :D

hahaha I did the exact same thing, though I was level 10 when I realised!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
How come you left dude?

I was only really interested in world pvp w/ my guild, but there just isn't enough open world content to stimulate enough pvp to keep me interested.

I've done enough pve grind and battleground/scenario/dredgion grinding to not want to only do that and nothing else in yet another game.

Im gonna give it a chance till im 50 a month or so, what people don't understand is when Daoc and even WoW was released there wasn't many options so people just slugged through it, the market has gotten alot more picky and wants instance OMG GOODNESS.

Just my opinion

People do understand this, mmo content will be completed as fast as humanly possible ( sometimes faster w/ account sharing ), if your game launches w/ insufficient content these days then your game will die.

I don't get this whole get to 50 quick then abandon the game because there is no endgame mentality that seems to have evolved in mom's

Games these days are never a finished product on release and mmo's are no exception, endgame always grows from release and it's been that way for years now so why are people who get 50 within a month of release surprised when there's

A - not much content, and

B - no one to fight (as the majority aren't levelling as quickly)

I was slow to 50 in rift actually, it took me about a week or so, a bunch of guildies were there within 3-4 days.

A - there is a decent amount in rift actually, just not what i'm looking for - if pve grinds are your bag then it's ok.

B - plenty of people, just none in the open world because there isn't enough open world content to fight over.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I'm a bit concerned over the World PvP content myself. Not seeing anythng that indicates there will be any.

There's talk of Raid Vs Raid level BGs but thats just Alterac Valley all over again.


Can't get enough of FH
May 18, 2006
Got to lvl 37 and got bored to crap, havent logged on for the last 2 weeks anymore, really had fun in the start then i got pissed of the retardness in the bgs, then the quests started to annoy me.

I tried every mmo that came out after daoc and i still prefer daoc, but i wont play daoc anymore cause mythic can go fuck themself with there shit lies and crap service.

Im setting @ my pc now going hmmm wtf do i play :lol: I tried to pick up singleplayer games again, Tried Dragon Age 2 lol what an easy crap :s

Think im done with gaming, guild wars 2 seems also casual crap, hope that star wars fails so hard that EA sells mythic and bioware.

So what else do we got? Is it so freaking hard to make a 3 realm pvp game! With positional styles and that casters and healers cannot heal or cast when you bashing on them with 50 people and they still survive?

How fucking hard can it be :twak::twak::twak:

I was a internal game tester with chronicles of spellborn in holland, every freaking idea i had they ignored so i told them the game will fail so hard its not even funny anymore.

Well guess what it failed even harder!!

Lets hope some company will make our """DAOC 2"""

Have fun all what you are playing atm ;) And remember someday i will gank you again ;)


Dec 26, 2003
What does 'newness' have to do with anything, at all? I'm really confused about what point you're trying to make (if at all). The difference between Rift and War is the amount/diversity of CC, not anything new or ground-breaking in some way.

Its quite simple - your article stated that WAR was a simple DPSvHealing race - it wasnt - simple.

Now your stating that the difference is the abundance in CC - perhaps you should go back and look at your article.

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