

Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Took the bait and bought this, fun game so far (only level 9)..

On Seastone atm, may roll another toon on an EU server .


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It's not like any good new MMO.

Fine, it's like any bad new MMO out there then? :p

FYI; you can't say what an UI reminds people of, to me it reminds of WoW, to you it reminds of DAoC(can remember f*ck all about daoc really). People can watch sh*t and decide, i give my opinion only as a viewpoint among others.

I'm not a god deciding what people play :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
No i didn't know that. :)

But either way it still doesn't make the game a WoW clone. :)

And i do seem to remember reading something about them adding dedicated rvr zones if there was enough demand for it.

/edit: also i believe there are going to be an open zone of Port Scion or something later on.

Aye I read they would add one if people showed interest aswell, I just have to wait now until they do :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Zede likes to kill stuf in rifts :p

great xp, and well after 3 invasions i've bought like 4 blues ! 29 now and not done a quest since L19, just Warfront, BGs & Rifts - xp from Rifts is rather good.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
I got to 50 about 2 weeks ago (warrior). I kinda rushed through the quests etc and now im 50 im a bit bored. Theres plenty of instances to do on elite - but ive done them all on normal, so theres not much new, except a few extra boses. The warfronts are dissapointing imo. Everyone seems to want to play Scion, but is a pve warfront. They are all zergy aswell (often with no cleric healing), so I have little chance of soloing, and being a warrior (some may laugh), and its probably down to a few factors.. but its hard to kill things without insta dying. Theres far too much CC in the game. As soon as you charge in on a champ, your insta stun chained, insta rooted, insta morphed into a squirrel. People moan at warriors being OP, yes on 1v1 or so, i agree. But with warfronts in their current state - i think they are weak if you do not have a good group. Ive also tried the Riftblade, i think again its a very good class (and id kick most asses 1v1), but theres not enough burst to kill things in a group which a good healer.

I assume a good group with a good setup will be very good. This is just my experience of soloing with the groups given randomly. My equipment isnt all that good either. A few purps and blues from elite instances, so its about average.

These factors made me role a support class (bard), and tbh in warfronts its alot more enjoyable (black garden).. i actually make an impact on the group with my heals, 95% getting top heal stats .. i wonder if it will be the same at 50 .. but again i think the randomness of the warfront classes will be another big factor.

I should mention I have only gotten about 25k prestige, so i cant really say that its a fair test as a warrior in PVP. perhaps ive just been unlucky with my groups. Theres times i charge on a class and can drop them within 5 seconds, but they are rare with crits etc.

Will also say they should nerf sabs - my biggest hit from them is 4k so far, and considering my champ has 4.8k hp its not very nice ;(


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I'm taking my time and enjoying the Quests, (never thought I'd say that)
but seems my break from mmo's has been long enough for leveling and questing to be interresting again


Dec 26, 2003
Whats the story with all the hacked accounts? Seems to be a number of them...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Whats the story with all the hacked accounts? Seems to be a number of them...

Same as any other mmo :) stupid people get "hacked" because they have the IQ of an m&m, not once been "hacked" in 10+ years and why is this? because I don't click on phishing links or give my password to anyone including friends, also don't use hotmail as an e-mail address :p funny that i've never been "hacked" eh :)

above all that every password I have is between 16-27 characters long and I virus scan daily.


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
I use hotmail for my accounts, have given my password to people on various MMO's and only ever been "hacked" once but that's irrelevant because it happened when using a friends PC with literally no security :p

So it amazes me that people lose their accounts so easily =/ No0bs.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Lol at people getting phished, i have a good friend who i know is gonna get his wow account hacked sooner rather than later he goes to the most dodge gold sites imagineable with no de cent security :p

I lost my eve accounts once but was because a friend got his msn account hacked and told nobody and i clicked a link in a mail he send me and it was so cheesey i assumed it was a joke as he always sent me funny links :(


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Im 2h or so into the game now and im enjoying it but i must say its almost a mirror of Wow which is good and bad in its own ways, got the name Deception too on bloodiron which is nice


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
nothing like wow when you get into it

and why you not roll on Shivermere, it's where the DAoC/Fhers are at!


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Got level 10 earlier, the warfronts are rather fun :) Shame most people in there are level 19..

Going to respec to Saboteur tomorrow, does the respec cost vary with level?


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
nothing like wow when you get into it

and why you not roll on Shivermere, it's where the DAoC/Fhers are at!

Im in a 200+ Irish Guild

Guardian or Defiant ? Also havent most of the FH'rs quit ?:p


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Got level 10 earlier, the warfronts are rather fun :) Shame most people in there are level 19..

Going to respec to Saboteur tomorrow, does the respec cost vary with level?

Just save 30g for a 2nd Soul so you can swap between pve/pvp specs im Ranger/Marksman for pve with abit of Bladedancer for lolz :D


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
Im in a 200+ Irish Guild

Guardian or Defiant ? Also havent most of the FH'rs quit ?:p

Defiant - Don't know about people quitting, but it'd be nice if people that pick up the game all went there ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Im 2h or so into the game now and im enjoying it but i must say its almost a mirror of Wow which is good and bad in its own ways, got the name Deception too on bloodiron which is nice

I wonder if the clone/mirror/etc is dependant on hwo much you've played WOW, would have to ask around really. Seems to me that if you've played for a long time, you notice the things.

As said, not necessarily a bad thing ;)

The funny thing here is that if WoW suddenly started putting in random "Portals from the Core" that spawn stuff and you have to kill thme etc, people would be outraged because wow rips off rift :p


FH is my second home
May 24, 2005
Without reading back 7 pages.

Will this game survive do you think?

PVP wise?

DAoC 2.0!?

Does it even come close to DAoC PVP system?

The WAR system was good, but the game was generally crap.

Quest grinding is full of fail


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Unless the PvP is improved a lot - it will indeed be a 'DC Universe.'

However the potential is very much in the game already. This isn't a broken game. It's a neatly polished game. What it lacks is PvP content.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Without reading back 7 pages.

Will this game survive do you think?

PVP wise?

DAoC 2.0!?

Does it even come close to DAoC PVP system?

The WAR system was good, but the game was generally crap.

Quest grinding is full of fail

Prefer the pvp in RIFT to WAR, but at the moment with there being so few 50's and guilds concentrating on getting their members up to 50. There isn't alot of roaming pvp (I think part of the problem is everyone being so spread out) A single zone needs to be implemented.

That being said the Goon squad from Defiant had a raid group running through our zones last night killing everything they came across. We grabbed 15 people ourself and set off trying to find them, including a funny moment of surrounding a single defiant player and asking him to do a /who goon squad and telling us what zone they were in :p We eventually tracked them down and destroyed them, they kept comnig back and there were alot of skirmishes with them.

It was a brilliant night and my hope is that Trion implement a single zone where pvp can be focused.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Lords of England are now playing on Blightweald, shall be joining them myself next week.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Got level 10 earlier, the warfronts are rather fun :) Shame most people in there are level 19..

Going to respec to Saboteur tomorrow, does the respec cost vary with level?

respec cost me 22g at L30, decided to get my 3rd soul for 300g.. better option :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
I wonder if the clone/mirror/etc is dependant on hwo much you've played WOW, would have to ask around really. Seems to me that if you've played for a long time, you notice the things.

As said, not necessarily a bad thing ;)

The funny thing here is that if WoW suddenly started putting in random "Portals from the Core" that spawn stuff and you have to kill thme etc, people would be outraged because wow rips off rift :p

done that, elemental invasions few months ago, same same :p


Dec 26, 2003
Same as any other mmo :) stupid people get "hacked" because they have the IQ of an m&m, not once been "hacked" in 10+ years and why is this? because I don't click on phishing links or give my password to anyone including friends, also don't use hotmail as an e-mail address :p funny that i've never been "hacked" eh :)

above all that every password I have is between 16-27 characters long and I virus scan daily.

Its interesting because it looks pretty widespread for a new game - its too early for phishing to be likely and the official thread has 'corporate shills' masquerading as normal game owners which is never a good sign.

If it was a trojan or keylogger people were picking up from some other site they would surely name it?

It looks more like a man in the middle hack or a direct server hack.

Oh dear...


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