It's not like any good new MMO.
No i didn't know that.
But either way it still doesn't make the game a WoW clone.
And i do seem to remember reading something about them adding dedicated rvr zones if there was enough demand for it.
/edit: also i believe there are going to be an open zone of Port Scion or something later on.
Zede likes to kill stuf in rifts![]()
Whats the story with all the hacked accounts? Seems to be a number of them...
nothing like wow when you get into it
and why you not roll on Shivermere, it's where the DAoC/Fhers are at!
Got level 10 earlier, the warfronts are rather funShame most people in there are level 19..
Going to respec to Saboteur tomorrow, does the respec cost vary with level?
Im in a 200+ Irish Guild
Guardian or Defiant ? Also havent most of the FH'rs quit ?![]()
Defiant - Don't know about people quitting, but it'd be nice if people that pick up the game all went there![]()
Im 2h or so into the game now and im enjoying it but i must say its almost a mirror of Wow which is good and bad in its own ways, got the name Deception too on bloodiron which is nice
Thats all i needed to hear!DC Universe redux.
I give this game another month around FH![]()
Without reading back 7 pages.
Will this game survive do you think?
PVP wise?
DAoC 2.0!?
Does it even come close to DAoC PVP system?
The WAR system was good, but the game was generally crap.
Quest grinding is full of fail
Lords of England are now playing on Blightweald, shall be joining them myself next week.
Got level 10 earlier, the warfronts are rather funShame most people in there are level 19..
Going to respec to Saboteur tomorrow, does the respec cost vary with level?
I wonder if the clone/mirror/etc is dependant on hwo much you've played WOW, would have to ask around really. Seems to me that if you've played for a long time, you notice the things.
As said, not necessarily a bad thing
The funny thing here is that if WoW suddenly started putting in random "Portals from the Core" that spawn stuff and you have to kill thme etc, people would be outraged because wow rips off rift![]()
shoo, should you not be out drinking lots of beers right now?The guys playing on Shivermere whats your guild called ?
Same as any other mmostupid people get "hacked" because they have the IQ of an m&m, not once been "hacked" in 10+ years and why is this? because I don't click on phishing links or give my password to anyone including friends, also don't use hotmail as an e-mail address
funny that i've never been "hacked" eh
above all that every password I have is between 16-27 characters long and I virus scan daily.