Wow, you are a fanboy aren't you :/ Brushing past Final Fantasy as if it's not important... heh.
Enjoy your FPS games, that's all you have.
What exclusives? oh you mean Final Fantasy 234? you can cross MGS4 off the list because that will be on the 360 by next year. You can have Resistance Fall Of Man i guess. You don't have RE5 exclusive, you'll get the good Jap rpgs now and then and that is your lot.
360 exclusives pwn the PS3 exclusives line up that is if you could call what the PS3 has a line up most of the games are 360 ports that we have had for over a year.
Wow, you are a fanboy aren't you :/ Brushing past Final Fantasy as if it's not important... heh.
Enjoy your FPS games, that's all you have.
MGS4 won't be on 360 this year, so that's a PS3 exclusive thanks. And PS3 will ave some form of Gran Turismo on it, so it wins thanks.
Wow, you are a fanboy aren't you :/ Brushing past Final Fantasy as if it's not important... heh.
Enjoy your FPS games, that's all you have.
Well if you can call a grumy demo that they will make you pay to download i guess you will have Gran Turismo.
"Truth hurts"? Look at the sales of, oh, any Final Fantasy game.
Anyway, On the back of God of War's success, and the fact that God of War 2 is already a sure classic, you can bet God of War 3 is another PS3 exclusive.
So, PS3 will have those "AAA" exclusives (like FF13, GT5, etc). What does 360 have in comparison? Hmmm... only one game comes to mind, Gears, which is coming out on the PC tooSo much for 360 exclusives!
Well if you can call a grumy demo that they will make you pay to download i guess you will have Gran Turismo.
PS3 has nothing going for it at the moment you don't have GTA to yourselves anymore so erm why bother with a PS3? i guess if you like th 50th Final Fantasy then it might be worth getting other then that?
Its a shiney bluray player.
Considering I prefer The Getaway to GTA and am happy to wait 2 years to play GT5 I think I'll bother with a PS3 cos the games I want to play are going to be on it. Quite obvious really. I don't want a 360 as I am already piss bored of Halo and the console has fuck all else on it worth playing. And I mean fuck all. ATTENTION 360 DEVELOPERS!!! THE WORLD HAS ENOUGH FPS GAMES ALREADY THANKYOUVERYMUCH.
Oh yeah and I refuse to pay to play games online. I can do it for free on a PlayStation, why would I pay to do it on an Xbox? I mean it'd be ok if Live was leaps and bounds ahead of anything else, but it just isn't.
Considering I prefer The Getaway to GTA and am happy to wait 2 years to play GT5 I think I'll bother with a PS3 cos the games I want to play are going to be on it. Quite obvious really. I don't want a 360 as I am already piss bored of Halo and the console has fuck all else on it worth playing. And I mean fuck all. ATTENTION 360 DEVELOPERS!!! THE WORLD HAS ENOUGH FPS GAMES ALREADY THANKYOUVERYMUCH.
Oh yeah and I refuse to pay to play games online. I can do it for free on a PlayStation, why would I pay to do it on an Xbox? I mean it'd be ok if Live was leaps and bounds ahead of anything else, but it just isn't.
I'll bother with a PS3 cos the games I want to play are going to be on it. Quite obvious really. I don't want a 360 as I am already piss bored of Halo and the console has fuck all else on it worth playing.
Megadrive >>> SNES
If a console doesn't meet your sepecific needs, then don't buy it, but don't come here and try to convince those of us that have bought one that we made the wrong choice when we bought it for a completely different subset of games and gaming experiences than you wold have.
Sonic > Mario
Sonic > Mario
That comment voids you from any future credibility.
The only good sonic game was on the dreamcast.
p.s. Brand loyalty is reserved for spastics with no mind of their own.
I will be buy a ps3 as soon as this come out
Sega Rally owns GT tbh!!!
Pissed myself when I saw this homemade music video dedicated to PS3...
I saw that, now I'm sick of the 360 and Wii because of how everyone assumes (before most people even touch the good games) say how much the PS3 will suck.