

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Wow, you are a fanboy aren't you :/ Brushing past Final Fantasy as if it's not important... heh.

Enjoy your FPS games, that's all you have.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Wow, you are a fanboy aren't you :/ Brushing past Final Fantasy as if it's not important... heh.

Enjoy your FPS games, that's all you have.

its not the only reason dumbass


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
What exclusives? oh you mean Final Fantasy 234? you can cross MGS4 off the list because that will be on the 360 by next year. You can have Resistance Fall Of Man i guess. You don't have RE5 exclusive, you'll get the good Jap rpgs now and then and that is your lot.

360 exclusives pwn the PS3 exclusives line up that is if you could call what the PS3 has a line up most of the games are 360 ports that we have had for over a year.

MGS4 won't be on 360 this year, so that's a PS3 exclusive thanks. And PS3 will ave some form of Gran Turismo on it, so it wins thanks.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Wow, you are a fanboy aren't you :/ Brushing past Final Fantasy as if it's not important... heh.

Enjoy your FPS games, that's all you have.

Truth hurts huh?


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
MGS4 won't be on 360 this year, so that's a PS3 exclusive thanks. And PS3 will ave some form of Gran Turismo on it, so it wins thanks.

Well if you can call a grumy demo that they will make you pay to download i guess you will have Gran Turismo.

PS3 has nothing going for it at the moment you don't have GTA to yourselves anymore so erm why bother with a PS3? i guess if you like th 50th Final Fantasy then it might be worth getting other then that?

Its a shiney bluray player.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Wow, you are a fanboy aren't you :/ Brushing past Final Fantasy as if it's not important... heh.

Enjoy your FPS games, that's all you have.

Brushing past Final Fantasy is pretty easy when it has turned into a cash cow i'm afraid it's about time they started something new.

Look at Halo after number 3 and Halo Wars that will be it done and they will move onto another project not just milking it for every last penny.

Final Fantasy got very very boring around Final Fantasy 10 and everyone knows FF7 made the series what it is, add to the fact that Europeans will have to wait more then a year after its released in Japan to even touch the box.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
"Truth hurts"? Look at the sales of, oh, any Final Fantasy game.

Anyway, On the back of God of War's success, and the fact that God of War 2 is already a sure classic, you can bet God of War 3 is another PS3 exclusive.

So, PS3 will have those "AAA" exclusives (like FF13, GT5, etc). What does 360 have in comparison? Hmmm... only one game comes to mind, Gears, which is coming out on the PC too :) So much for 360 exclusives!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well if you can call a grumy demo that they will make you pay to download i guess you will have Gran Turismo.

You mean the one that's already available... for... free?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
"Truth hurts"? Look at the sales of, oh, any Final Fantasy game.

Anyway, On the back of God of War's success, and the fact that God of War 2 is already a sure classic, you can bet God of War 3 is another PS3 exclusive.

So, PS3 will have those "AAA" exclusives (like FF13, GT5, etc). What does 360 have in comparison? Hmmm... only one game comes to mind, Gears, which is coming out on the PC too :) So much for 360 exclusives!

wtf? what side of the fence are you, so i can argue appropriately


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Well if you can call a grumy demo that they will make you pay to download i guess you will have Gran Turismo.

PS3 has nothing going for it at the moment you don't have GTA to yourselves anymore so erm why bother with a PS3? i guess if you like th 50th Final Fantasy then it might be worth getting other then that?

Its a shiney bluray player.

Considering I prefer The Getaway to GTA and am happy to wait 2 years to play GT5 I think I'll bother with a PS3 cos the games I want to play are going to be on it. Quite obvious really. I don't want a 360 as I am already piss bored of Halo and the console has fuck all else on it worth playing. And I mean fuck all. ATTENTION 360 DEVELOPERS!!! THE WORLD HAS ENOUGH FPS GAMES ALREADY THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

Oh yeah and I refuse to pay to play games online. I can do it for free on a PlayStation, why would I pay to do it on an Xbox? I mean it'd be ok if Live was leaps and bounds ahead of anything else, but it just isn't.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Considering I prefer The Getaway to GTA and am happy to wait 2 years to play GT5 I think I'll bother with a PS3 cos the games I want to play are going to be on it. Quite obvious really. I don't want a 360 as I am already piss bored of Halo and the console has fuck all else on it worth playing. And I mean fuck all. ATTENTION 360 DEVELOPERS!!! THE WORLD HAS ENOUGH FPS GAMES ALREADY THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

Oh yeah and I refuse to pay to play games online. I can do it for free on a PlayStation, why would I pay to do it on an Xbox? I mean it'd be ok if Live was leaps and bounds ahead of anything else, but it just isn't.

omg, i thought i was the only one who thought that... but the ui and achievements thing is really nice... i would and did buy it for that reason:p

still its a rocking peice of kit, if only it had the ps games:(


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Considering I prefer The Getaway to GTA and am happy to wait 2 years to play GT5 I think I'll bother with a PS3 cos the games I want to play are going to be on it. Quite obvious really. I don't want a 360 as I am already piss bored of Halo and the console has fuck all else on it worth playing. And I mean fuck all. ATTENTION 360 DEVELOPERS!!! THE WORLD HAS ENOUGH FPS GAMES ALREADY THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

Oh yeah and I refuse to pay to play games online. I can do it for free on a PlayStation, why would I pay to do it on an Xbox? I mean it'd be ok if Live was leaps and bounds ahead of anything else, but it just isn't.

Live is years ahead of what the sony has to offer you.

Anyway its pointless arguing but as it stands right now unless you want the Bluray there is no reason to buy a PS3 until MGS4 comes out.

When i look back at when i bought my 360 i guess i could have waited a few more months there wasn't really anything great that came out for it except COD2 (only launch game i completed)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
It made me smile to see ST disagreeing with Aada.

ST you're the perfect guy to nullify Aada's Microsoft loving! Just don't bring in wuffalar or Aada might cry :p

It's a shame no one see's fit to argue that all three consoles are starting to charge us gamers for things that used to be free. Charging for content will become the future if the manufacturers get their way, maybe Gran Turismo 5 will be the first huge game to use this method fully and maybe not, but it's coming to all three eventually and it's bad news imo.

Also I find that neither the PS3 or 360 have/had particularly appealing launch line ups. The 360 only became a worthwhile purchase when Gears of War came out. No one talked about the 360 until that game appeared and suddenly it was like the 360 had just been launched the amount people went on about it. If the PS3 starts in a similar way then it just goes to show both manufacturers are slipping up.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
god its like being back at school with the mega drive and SNES arguments.

the best console is the one that has the most games that suit your taste.

ps Megadrive >>> SNES


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'll bother with a PS3 cos the games I want to play are going to be on it. Quite obvious really. I don't want a 360 as I am already piss bored of Halo and the console has fuck all else on it worth playing.

It only has fuck-all worth playing if you're after the type of gaming the PS3 offers. I have a 360, PS2 and Wii at the mo (Plus many other older consles) and I love them all as they offer different gaming experiences. I wouldn't rate one of them above the other.

The PS3 will be no different to me and most people, although personally, the launch titles do not hold interest for me and as such I'll be waiting to get one further down the line when the price has dropped, there are some games or features that interest me and the HD-DVD Vs. BlueRay war has a clearer outcome.

If a console doesn't meet your sepecific needs, then don't buy it, but don't come here and try to convince those of us that have bought one that we made the wrong choice when we bought it for a completely different subset of games and gaming experiences than you wold have.

For anyone who got to here and thinks this is a 360 fanboi post, please realise that I am a fan of gaming, not of Bill "Take your money, fuck you up the ass and run" Gates


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If a console doesn't meet your sepecific needs, then don't buy it, but don't come here and try to convince those of us that have bought one that we made the wrong choice when we bought it for a completely different subset of games and gaming experiences than you wold have.

Rational statements like this have no place in a thread of this kind. Begone!


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Sonic > Mario

That comment voids you from any future credibility.

The only good sonic game was on the dreamcast.

p.s. Brand loyalty is reserved for spastics with no mind of their own.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
That comment voids you from any future credibility.

The only good sonic game was on the dreamcast.

p.s. Brand loyalty is reserved for spastics with no mind of their own.

Sorry but ST is clearly correct there...

Sonic >>>>>>>> Mario.

Mario 3 was good fun, but Sonic 3 destroyed it.. and don't even get me started about Sonic 3 & Knuckles, beat that Mario!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Sega Rally owns GT tbh!!!

GT MGS and Devil May Cry when another consol has all 3 i may give up on Playstation untill then no chance.

And i generally hate racing games i play GT and Need for Speed i can't stand most other racing games its wierd really.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I saw that, now I'm sick of the 360 and Wii because of how everyone assumes (before most people even touch the good games) say how much the PS3 will suck.


Who said the PS3 sucks? The song and all the bad press is about Sony fucking up the launch and ripping off the Euro customers by charging MORE money than anywhere else for LESS hardware by removing the PS2 chips for backwards compatabilty. Even you can't defend that. The PS3 is sure to be a nice peice of kit and eventually have some great games, that doesn't change the fact that Sony are behaving like ***** and doing more PR spin than Tony Blair on crack cocaine.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
as Cho pointed out, it has nothing to do with the console itself, but the company. They've simply made too many mistakes (ie. fucking up their launch date, charging more money in eu than everywhere else, and now the limited backwards compitility)

PS. sorry for repeating you Cho, but I just wanted to make the point clear :p

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