

I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Aada said:
Yeah i saw that yesterday about time MS started doing stuff like this.

There will be alot less exclusives this generation, the development costs are so high now that the profit margains are very tight when you only develop for one format. The only reason PES6 and FIFA07 are exclusive this time round is because both developers have only recently recieved final PS3 dev kits in the last month and there is no way they can get those games up and running in the next 6 months as both games are using new graphics engines. It is looking like there will be very few EA games on PS3 launch, those that will be there will just be ported X360 games as EA just haven't had enough time to get to grips with the PS3 so that they can showcase it's strong points. You can bet your bottom dollar that FIFA08 will be on both formats though.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
less exclusive games are a pain, past couple of years between xbox and ps2 was dire, ps2 had shadows of the colussus, mgs3, gt4, guitar heroe. xbox wise halo2, ninja gaiden black. jade empire and fable not much in 2 years


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
TEZ said:
the ps3 is retarded and its a pile of useless junk :p

What an informed and well reasoned argument you put forward there.

Welcome to the forums! You'll fit in just fine!


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
WPKenny said:
What an informed and well reasoned argument you put forward there.

Welcome to the forums! You'll fit in just fine!

Ignore him, he is my 12yr old nephew and has joined the forums even though he was told not to. I have just rang him and will be speaking to his mum later :)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
not in bed by 8pm = ban tbh? ;)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Wonk said:
PES6 and Fifa07 won't be coming for the ps3. Only the 360.

Hmmmmm. PES6 is coming out for PSP tho. Cracking exclusive deal there M$!!!!


Kicking squealing Gucci little piggy
Dec 24, 2003
It's probably more to do with the delays of the PS3 rather than any exclusivity deal Microsoft have, so Sony likely only have themselves to blame for it.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
FuzzyLogic said:
It's probably more to do with the delays of the PS3 rather than any exclusivity deal Microsoft have, so Sony likely only have themselves to blame for it.

Aye that is true, they just haven't had the dev kits anywhere near long enough to get the game up and running for PS3 to make it a launch title. It certainly isn't an exclusivity deal, just good fortune on Microsoft's part.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
cHodAX said:
They have plans to kill the second hand market as well, the Gran Turismo game is thier big experiment it seems.

aye, selling every car/track for real money :/


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
tbh they are shooting them shelves in the foot with gt4 hd. and this grey import thingie, sega tried and fialed, ninty tried and failed a few pc game publishers tried and failed, sony tried before with ps2 and failed.

and if im honest im not too sure if i wana jump on the ps3 band wagon atm only games that are grabbing me are mgs4 and heavenly sword


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi said:
The pictures of next gen Gran Turismo made me spunk in my pants, so I think I'll be having a PS3 thanks. Nothing I've seen on 360 so far looks much cop to be honest. It just looks like Xbox 1.5 to me :|

You would buy a PS3 no matter what you saw on a 360, because you are Bodhi.

Sony is sitting in the seat of arrogance, and I reckon that seat is going to break and hopefully Sony will get a rather nasty bump on the way down....they certainly wouldn't be the first games company.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Bodhi said:
Hmmmmm. PES6 is coming out for PSP tho. Cracking exclusive deal there M$!!!!

PES6 for the PSP but not for the PS3, seeing as the BBC gadet guy said Sony have a one of exclusive version of Pro Evo Soccer coming March next year i don't see a problem in not getting the same version :) Also its just intime for euro PS3 users seeing as PS3 has no regions on games :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Thats nothing new 360 lose 75 or 125 dollars a pop don't they? And i think when blu ray and the new pcus get cheaper to produce they will start making a proffit so as long as they sell 90 million over the next 7 years they should be fine :)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
soze said:
Thats nothing new 360 lose 75 or 125 dollars a pop don't they?
No, they make money.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
MYstIC G said:
No, they make money.
A quick search on google shows first year losses on $380mil for the 360

“An up-close look at the components and other materials used in the high-end version of the Xbox 360, which contains a hard drive, found that the materials inside the unit cost Microsoft $470 before assembly,” the report states. “The console sells at retail for $399, meaning a loss of $71 per unit -- and that is just the start.”
“Other items packaged with the console -- including the power supply, cables, and controllers -- add another $55 to Microsoft's cost, pushing the loss per unit to $126. These estimates include assumptions that Microsoft is getting a discount on many components. That was the case with the first Xbox console, which contained about $323 worth of parts and materials when released, but sold at retail for $299. It's certainly not going to help Microsoft reverse the trend of losses in its home-entertainment segment. In the fiscal year ended June 30, that unit lost $391 million on sales just shy of $3.25 billion. That's a little more than 8% of Microsoft's total sales of $39.8 billion. A Microsoft spokeswoman said that the company's plan calls for a "gross margin neutral" strategy through 2006, meaning that between the sales of consoles, game software, and accessories, it expects to essentially break even. Profits should follow in 2007.”

So they are making moeny now like Sony will do eventually


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
MYstIC G said:
No, they make money.

If you think MS make money for every console they sell you are very wrong. With all the shit inside the 360 it is dirt cheap they could easily put the price up another £50-£100 but they know how to make a dollar.

Thats why the joypads/headsets and all the rest of the stuff is not cheap because that is where they make the $$.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
ms woulda made more money off the joypads if they released wireless adpators for pc when the 360 came out. the wired controller has naff drives as well analogue stick cant be used in bf2 for cars and choppers you have to use homebrew drivers xbcd for that. and i think its been reported that they are taking a hit with the HD DVD addon as well


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'm not a fanboy of either console, infact I probably only ever achieved close to fanboy status over Sega stuff, but they rule and it's hard to dispute that so there!

I have not always gone for consoles much and never buy at launch, not since the Saturn anyway and that wasnt really launch time just near it.

My last two consoles were a PSX and a PS2. The PSX I was given by a friend with many games and hardly ever used it at all, all I played was GT and GT2. I ignored the PS2 for a long time, didn't like the game selection, never really had with Sony consoles, always preferred the Sega offering. I am all about the PC for gaming and since my Saturn which I traded for an N64 (oh how I regret that one) I have avoided consoles until I was given the PSX.

I got a PS2 for GT3, after checking it out, reading up on it. It was backwards compatible and had some nice games. Traded in the PSX for a new PS2 and whatnot, got about 7 games for it now, pretty happy with it. I never really played it much compared to the consoles of old however and I'm still all about the PC.

I think the PS2, as much as I don't like to say it really, was a fantastic console that easily deserves it's victory over the others. I don't feel it with the PS3, I think it's good, but it's no longer a mile ahead of the Xbox, the gap is closed and it's anybodies guess who will triumph out of these two.

As for the Wii, it looks promising, fun, exciting.. a good console to have if you regularly game with friends irl, but in the back of my mind there's a small niggle saying "remember the GC, remember the N64". By that I mean the way those two consoles seemed to get pretty tired rather quickly and the games tapered off near the end a lot compared to the excitement you got at the beginning.

All I can say is, I definitely wont get a 360, it's unlikely I'd get a Wii and if I got a PS3 it would have to be lower in price and have a game I really want on it, such as GT5. I'd only do that since it has backwards compatability and I could play most of my PS2 games on it too.

I am rather fed up with consoles personally.

Sorry for a long post with history but I wanted to give some base to my opinions :p


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Skyler said:
I got a PS3 it would have to be lower in price and have a game I really want on it, such as GT5. I'd only do that since it has backwards compatability and I could play most of my PS2 games on it too.

This sums up my reasons too really my favorite 2 consol games are Metal Gear Solid and Gran Turismo, so i will be buying a PS3 just to see those two in high definition as i think both of those games set a new standards for graphics when they come out. The Memory card convertor is a nice addition as well i think copy your old saves to the hard disk, im not sure what that will cost though.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
im sure they'll fix it

they aren't interrested in fixing it. That's the problem. 98% of all ps2 games works on NTSC ps3's, so it's a little silly that they aren't doing the same for europeans.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
they aren't interrested in fixing it. That's the problem. 98% of all ps2 games works on NTSC ps3's, so it's a little silly that they aren't doing the same for europeans.

i hate sony! im sure they'll do something about it, i dont fancy having my ps3 + ps2 set up at the same time

though super rep for wii play(when i get a wii:mad:)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
It's not something they can fix, they are actually removing the hardware to save on costs! So not only do we pay more than almost everywhere else, we also get less... Lol! Fuck you sony, fuck you in the arse! Also this may be the case for all PS3's in all regions from now on.

My mind's made up now, I'm going to completely ignore the PS3 and get a 360, maybe a Wii as well when the release schedule is a little less empty.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
It's not something they can fix, they are actually removing the hardware to save on costs! So not only do we pay more than almost everywhere else, we also get less... Lol! Fuck you sony, fuck you in the arse! Also this may be the case for all PS3's in all regions from now on.

My mind's made up now, I'm going to completely ignore the PS3 and get a 360, maybe a Wii as well when the release schedule is a little less empty.

you make a compelling argument, me 2, until today i was intending on getting the ps3 for the exclusive games and such... but now i have so little interest in it... however, ill probbly end up getting one, just for FF games and some of the catroony games like ratchet and clank, and jak(if they make more:()


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
you make a compelling argument, me 2, until today i was intending on getting the ps3 for the exclusive games and such... but now i have so little interest in it... however, ill probbly end up getting one, just for FF games and some of the catroony games like ratchet and clank, and jak(if they make more:()

What exclusives? oh you mean Final Fantasy 234? you can cross MGS4 off the list because that will be on the 360 by next year. You can have Resistance Fall Of Man i guess. You don't have RE5 exclusive, you'll get the good Jap rpgs now and then and that is your lot.

360 exclusives pwn the PS3 exclusives line up that is if you could call what the PS3 has a line up most of the games are 360 ports that we have had for over a year.

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