Once again GoA, what are the plans for Dyvet?


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Well, I think it isn't hard to save dyvet.

I definately agree, the solution is very simple, multi-clustering.

Also I don't really understand your reasoning.

For a casual player being competitive isn't important, but enjoying the game, when you can play it, and having a good chance to have fun in good groups even in the begining is an important.

Then you go on about casuals player are shut out from groups with serious (or leet) players because they don't meet the 'requirements' to join. If they now aren't competitive players, why would they want to group with competitive players? Aren't they making up the problem by themselves?

Also Mythics process of making leveling, RP-gaining, master levels, artifacts easier to obtain was aimed at the casual players, however it didn't succeed since the 'leetz' just set new demands on RRs and MLs, so the 'problem' remained exactly the same.

Also a solution for the 'problem' you are describing is also very simple, make different servers for different playstyles, like Blizzard did. And Tadaaa if you are more into PvPing in WoW you have to stand hordes of the most fucking impolite, stupid, ignorant and arrogant players of all MMORPG's.

The perfect game is DAoC, without the total mess that Mythic (& GOA) caused, a mix of casual and more serious players is the ultimate, the 'conflict' will always be there and is harmless, unless it starts affecting the whole server negatively by actions of a very small player base (Good morning ACers!). Prevention of the problem you've described without interfering from Mythic/GOA are done by the players.


Dec 22, 2003
I am always amused by some of the players that post in these kind of threads. Some people (No names) that have posted here thought nothing about steam rolling you with 3fg's when solo and /laughing at your corpse, adding on your 1v1s and generally making the game unpleasant for others in the name of the holy RP about 1-2 years ago.

They were told time and time again by me and other players, you will kill the game to which they replied "lol mates yea whatever, you elitist prick" now they have actually killed the game and they are on here crying their little eyes out that GOA are not doing anything to save the server.

To be honest, some of the players here took a shit on the server for several years and now the time has come to roll in it they want to come out smelling of roses.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 10, 2004
Sad but true Gamah.

Glastonbury is/was (R.I.P) a classic example of this.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
I dont think i will be resubbing either or playing till 1.88 comes to EURO servers, and there is some news on what decision GOA are making for the English servers.

there is not enough people in the game right now, to make it fun, most guilds have been decimated with people leaving or not resubbing, a lot of people have moved on, and i am thinking is it my turn now....

Not sure about resubbing now, was thinking of reactivating my Scout, but looks like have made 1.88 critshot worse than it is now. Will still have to see when the servers come up today if there is any overall improvement.


Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
1.88 is turning out to be a waste of time - it pretty much destroys the archery class in DAOC. Damage is down significantly, they've made archery more complicated than it was, and speccing past 35 actually decreases your damage instead of raising it. Misses are up to 20% (from about 5% now), blockrates are a 100%.

Mythic pretty much missed every target they set out to reach with 1.88. It is going live in the US today, and last night they slipped in a 30% damage nerf to all archery attacks (not just Critshot, and not 'small' as reported either/)

In all it's a big disappointment. GOA can skip 1.88. Not worth the resources Mythic poured into it (all two developers). :)


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
1.88 is turning out to be a waste of time - it pretty much destroys the archery class in DAOC. Damage is down significantly, they've made archery more complicated than it was, and speccing past 35 actually decreases your damage instead of raising it. Misses are up to 20% (from about 5% now), blockrates are a 100%.

Mythic pretty much missed every target they set out to reach with 1.88. It is going live in the US today, and last night they slipped in a 30% damage nerf to all archery attacks (not just Critshot, and not 'small' as reported either/)

In all it's a big disappointment. GOA can skip 1.88. Not worth the resources Mythic poured into it (all two developers). :)



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
1.88 is turning out to be a waste of time - it pretty much destroys the archery class in DAOC. Damage is down significantly, they've made archery more complicated than it was, and speccing past 35 actually decreases your damage instead of raising it. Misses are up to 20% (from about 5% now), blockrates are a 100%.

Mythic pretty much missed every target they set out to reach with 1.88. It is going live in the US today, and last night they slipped in a 30% damage nerf to all archery attacks (not just Critshot, and not 'small' as reported either/)

In all it's a big disappointment. GOA can skip 1.88. Not worth the resources Mythic poured into it (all two developers). :)

I think part of the nerf is the fix to the speccing past 35, so speccing 50 will be better than 35 now.

However, does sound like a huge nerf. At the moment it looks like if GOA stopped with 1.87 (much less time spent crafting), and don't patch to 1.88 ever, they'd get a huge influx of US players.



Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
I think part of the nerf is the fix to the speccing past 35, so speccing 50 will be better than 35 now.

However, does sound like a huge nerf. At the moment it looks like if GOA stopped with 1.87 (much less time spent crafting), and don't patch to 1.88 ever, they'd get a huge influx of US players.


Would be nice xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
If they now aren't competitive players, why would they(the casual players) want to group with competitive players?

cause as you find the answer more than often is ''cause you make good rps''. what mythic has done then to keep these casual less skilled and inept players happy is boost the rps per person killed. why? so they feel like they have achieved something if they make 10/20k in an evening by just standing at a bridge leeching. and tbh your not going to take a casual player you dont see often into a grp that is full of regular players who know how other grp members play, simply for the casual player to fuck up a whole fg.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kivik: Multiclustering won't stop the problem since the source of the problem wouldn't be touched, and with the new server language more would leave, and with the new problems, etc. thet other cluster would suffer as well.

While PVP server have that kind of people both in WoW, and daoc, it is because of the PVP people, not because others are free to avoid them. But if you think being on a server with people who has goals, motives, style and personality similar to you, because they would be bad people based on your experience with these kinds of people, and wouldn't want to play with the likes of you, I have to ask: Why should I? Why should others? Well, they don't even have a common playstyle to enjoy.

In WoW, sadly blizzard is slow with removing some people from RP servers, who should belong to other servers (where they aren't expected to RP, and where they don't disrupt RP). Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against PVP people and "leet kids" as long as they stay in their realms they are fine by me.

Also US has Roleplay server type (where they enforce certain playing style), have cooperative server (for us carebears) and they have classic servers for another playing style, etc.

Gamah: You are free to solo, even if the game isn't designed for soloing. They are free to add, in fact when people organized some fights with rezzers ready, GOA and Mythic both explained: You are expected to attack other players when you see a chance of winning, and organization, agreement, made up player etiquette that changes it and helps someone to maximize RP, make some duels private fights, etc. are cheating.

So you knew they are more than free to add. It is exected to add on such fight other ways are cheating for extra RP (for some elitist) yet you expected otherwise, they heard signs of anger after afew such incident /laugh was well deserved.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Esselinithia said:
Kivik: Multiclustering won't stop the problem since the source of the problem wouldn't be touched, and with the new server language more would leave, and with the new problems, etc. thet other cluster would suffer as well.

Depends what you refer as the problem, should be clear it's the declining population that's the prob. And I'm fully aware of multi-clustering won't stop people from leaving, it's a very old game after all. However, multiclustering would make Dyvet playable once again with some proper action.

Esselinithia said:
While PVP server have that kind of people both in WoW, and daoc, it is because of the PVP people, not because others are free to avoid them. But if you think being on a server with people who has goals, motives, style and personality similar to you, because they would be bad people based on your experience with these kinds of people, and wouldn't want to play with the likes of you, I have to ask: Why should I? Why should others? Well, they don't even have a common playstyle to enjoy.

Mostly it's because of the typical WoW player is a 14y old idiot. Rest make no sense at all, clarify, if you can.

Esselinithia said:
Gamah: You are free to solo, even if the game isn't designed for soloing. They are free to add, in fact when people organized some fights with rezzers ready, GOA and Mythic both explained: You are expected to attack other players when you see a chance of winning, and organization, agreement, made up player etiquette that changes it and helps someone to maximize RP, make some duels private fights, etc. are cheating.

Bullshit, you are free to choose to attack or simply not attack a player from an enemy realm, wether you have the chances to win or not. Solo/FG - zones that have been organized over FH are perfectly legal. However, naming 'exact' place and time and using bots to ress is not ok.

Esselinithia said:
So you knew they are more than free to add. It is exected to add on such fight other ways are cheating for extra RP (for some elitist) yet you expected otherwise, they heard signs of anger after afew such incident /laugh was well deserved

Oh the irony, competitive soloers are RP cheaters and adders are the protectors of the holy RP :rolleyes:

Just don't come here with that self-madeup 'rules' shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
kivik: PVP servers in DAOC has the same problem, and I can name like 5 more games where PVP servers have the same problem. :)

Organized fights are labeled as Illegal by official posts.

Adding IS what you normaly do in a war, when you see your friends fighting enemy. :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Organized fights are labeled as Illegal by official posts.

Solo/FG-zones organization in the kind of those posted here on FH are perfectly legal.

Adding IS what you normaly do in a war, when you see your friends fighting enemy. :)

Yes, and sometimes people challenged eachother to a duel were no one interfered, however comparing this to a similar IRL situation is the worst possible useless argument you can spout out cause this is a;

  • GAME

  • G - A - M - E




Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Yes, and sometimes people challenged eachother to a duel were no one interfered, however comparing this to a similar IRL situation is the worst possible useless argument you can spout out cause this is a;

True, and if you were a peasant that brought down a night and captured him or killed him, you would be punished by your own commanders.

Lovely rules of chivalry


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
The reason that organising FG fights OR solo dueling is not allowed is down to the people who organise a solo vs solo fight bring their bots along to the fight to reduce down time by rezzing up and rebuffing instead of getting a boat back to where they were fighting.

I got no problem with dueling if yoru willing to take the boat back and fight the person again, however folks that bring their bots to rez / heal are the problem.

Now unless they do rp off and gain NO realm points from rezzing or healing up their mains it is Realm point Powerleveling.

Ok so you dont make that much but you are still providing your bot that may be 50 aug 20 mend spec shaman with realm points they have had to do zero work for.

AS for full group fights the difference with them is that at lest 1 side of the fight will end up having to release back to a portal keep to rebuff and rearm. You dont break off from a fg fight to have their healer/support characters rez up everyone and then start again.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
well nothing in the news again, about anything much :-(

am getting a bit sick of it to be honest, the news is not really newsworthy.. just same old sh!t...

maybe in 6 weeks time we will get some info on how GOA/Mythic hope to improve the population.. me i dont think i can wait around that long...



Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
well nothing in the news again, about anything much :-(

am getting a bit sick of it to be honest, the news is not really newsworthy.. just same old sh!t...

maybe in 6 weeks time we will get some info on how GOA/Mythic hope to improve the population.. me i dont think i can wait around that long...


Try out US, cant move in Emain due to all the people there :D


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Please GoA, implement some the character transfer/character copy ASAP and end the misery for us that want to play our Prydwen / Excalibur characters!


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Please GoA, implement some the character transfer/character copy ASAP and end the misery for us that want to play our Prydwen / Excalibur characters!

Nah, they want you to resub and get your money, no matter how crap you find their service!

Playing on the US, with the appeal system as they have and the way the subs pages are, could never go back


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
1.88 is turning out to be a waste of time - it pretty much destroys the archery class in DAOC. Damage is down significantly, they've made archery more complicated than it was, and speccing past 35 actually decreases your damage instead of raising it. Misses are up to 20% (from about 5% now), blockrates are a 100%.

Mythic pretty much missed every target they set out to reach with 1.88. It is going live in the US today, and last night they slipped in a 30% damage nerf to all archery attacks (not just Critshot, and not 'small' as reported either/)

In all it's a big disappointment. GOA can skip 1.88. Not worth the resources Mythic poured into it (all two developers). :)

what i found playing the US servers, the archers are good at burstdamage.. they are good at doing damange without people knowing where they are if they disguise themselfs, you no longer get target on them when they hit you for example..

as for blockrates, they are capped at 75%.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
well nothing in the news again, about anything much :-(

am getting a bit sick of it to be honest, the news is not really newsworthy.. just same old sh!t...

maybe in 6 weeks time we will get some info on how GOA/Mythic hope to improve the population.. me i dont think i can wait around that long...


Tiiiime is on my side, yes it is! tiiime is on my....


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
Another week goes by... poeple check in and out again.. nothing happening...or no news of anthing happening...is the cluster population problem not even worth a mention on the weekly news ?......goa realy should be ashamed of what they have done to the cluster....what they hoping .. ignore it and it wil go away ?.... just logged on excal.. 6 mids in nf on a saturday afternoon......heart breaking .....


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Another week goes by... poeple check in and out again.. nothing happening...or no news of anthing happening...is the cluster population problem not even worth a mention on the weekly news ?......goa realy should be ashamed of what they have done to the cluster....what they hoping .. ignore it and it wil go away ?.... just logged on excal.. 6 mids in nf on a saturday afternoon......heart breaking .....

yes because you and your kind making the game unplayable for a lot of people through zerging/adding/camping/shit tactics really helped the server.

makes me laugh when the shit for brains people that killed the server complain about it :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
yes because you and your kind making the game unplayable for a lot of people through whining about fair fights, zerging and adding really helped the server.

makes me laugh when the shit for brains people that killed the server complain about it :p

Welcome to the wonderful world of irony.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
yes because you and your kind making the game unplayable for a lot of people through zerging/adding/camping/shit tactics really helped the server.

makes me laugh when the shit for brains people that killed the server complain about it :p

get a grip of your self.. come down off your high horse.... no one has to play by your personel game ruleset...theres enough room for alltypes of rvr if the population was here.....if you just want to solo 24/7 maybe daoc is not your game.....


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Noob add's on a fair fight ...

You say ''Wtf meight'' !!111

Noob says ''LOL ...NoCare meight''

Copy/Paste over a year or so ...

Dead Cluster :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2006
Character Transferation

In case we get the abilitie of the "Character Transferation" between European Servers, what will happen to our houses?

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