Once again GoA, what are the plans for Dyvet?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Just admit it, it cannot be pinned down to one thing.
It isn't about one thing, but it isn't about people killing soloers in their organized zone.

I think biggest reason why people left is that they are bored. Those who were 16-18 on release are now like 20+, with uni, beer and sex to keep them busy. Its a game, abeit a more grown up one, but people get older and find new things to play with
Many games, even ones started before daoc survive, since they get new subscribers even without advertisements. Sadly, DAoC isn't one of them. Also boredom is a true cause and we agree about that too. The problem is: other games try to fix it with new content, in daoc most new content didn't work that well.

Why? Because many people don't want to enjoy the new content and have fun, but want to be ready for more PVP, which after a time gets boring too.

About age of the people: I spent most of my time in a guild called: Hand of Chaos. We had many many members older than 18, I am still helping guilds, and they have such members. Yes, members who have kids, who work, who want to relax after work.

Some of these people are still here, and still see something new they would like to see in daoc, but they aren't competitive.

Other reason are TOA which ive stated and you all like the qq about that!

Well, for older people who play after work, enjoy PVE too, and can't realy compete in PVP anyway, TOA was a new chance for fun, and on some servers it worked, on other servers it made problems with griefers, and greedy kids camping everything. TOA, with a good community can help to fight against boredom. But imho TOA was a bit too easy. If it would be comparable to SIDI (pre TOA) and DRs in difficult, noone would want everything and we would have funs on many weekly runs for a good amount of time.

But several casual guilds enjoyed the game after TOA, even if they had their first ML1 guild runs much later. I was doing MLs (not at too high rate either) on some alt (done it on other chars before) when I asked for help in /gu. Most said, they would be glad to help with the group steps, but it is ML3 required to enter, and only 2 people have such characters in guild. But we will have an ML1 run soon. TOA had no effects on such guilds. Yes, and we often had a tower claimed.

Server problems, such as the Database crash, made some stuff just pointless, look at Golum Girls guild, decimated after the database crash.

Yes, Database crash killed several good guilds, Golem Girls was one of the good guilds (I miss them) and also it made difficulties in one of them. I remember most of my friends from Hand of Chaos leaving and moving to WoW (where we had a guild) even if they didn't like WoW before. Yes, people working hard for money, deciced they don't give a cent to GOA any longer. And yes, with this the community lost many good members, and with losing some of the good people, the problems from the rest became more visible.

So we agree fully that Prydwen Crash, and how it was handled is, and was, one of the most important factors in the decline. It was the time when I decided to be more inactive, first saying DAOC US is enough, then following my guildies from HoC to WoW. Kept myaccounts open for some raids but later, when they vanished, I no longer had an reason to keep paying for EU accounts.

But I know what would make me, and a lot of friends start playing again. It mightbe interesting, but the time I spent on US servers increased, and while I play a few different games, EA and Mythic finally done something that makes me spend more time with DAOC again. Yes, it is "more PVE".

NF may have helped at the start, no designated fg area for those that enjoy it, Agramon was slightly too late I feel.

I think NF itself, and TOA came a bit too late. Both made the game better for several of my friends, but both came too late for one reason: Most of the magazines, etc. already written off daoc, no hype, etc. Also most of the players who was there wasn't recruiting, the stores didn't and doesn't pack daoc.

So I think, while NF and TOA was here to maete game enjoyable for more people, they didn't came, mostly for problems in the past. And the game started to lose some of the other people too.

The playerbase remaining the same also helped. Where is the fun in fighting the same person 5 times in one night for 7 days straight? Whereas the Yanks/Germans have different people to fight, different playstyles etc.

Yes, but I think it comes down to the fact, it is hard to find a good chance for groups on Dyvet. It is sad, when I don't speak a word in french, when I had only like 5 hours of spanish lessions (or 10) many years ago and doesn't remember a word from them, I met more groups easier on both spanish and french server compared to dyvet. And you can't say that poor cumbria has lots of players!

With more variety in groups, more variety in style, etc. it would be better. If the odd soloer would help the odd PVE people sometimes, then the PVE time would try to give something back (respecting solo fights) then they would help a friend who enjoy sieges, we would have this variety. This is how it works on other servers, and this is why I say, here the community is one of the problems. Not the only problem, but it is on the list.

You let it rest Esse. Dont keep dragging it up. Same wth everyone else that posts here, myself included. Yes the server is dire now, GOA havent said anything for past 3 weeks or so.

I doubt if GOA will find any meaningful answer, but if we want Prydwen as a playable place three things must be done:
  • GOA should re earn the trust of both old and new players
  • The server should be playable for new players who use LFG, don't come here, don't care if you are a soloer, etc. but want to have fun.
  • Active recruiting both by players and by professional adveritsement
Without this three, the server is dieing. :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
GOA should re earn the trust of both old and new players

Did they ever have any trust? They will never get my trust, but I and many others I know would return to 'Dyvet' if we got character transfer to a proper server or multi cluster. Are there any other alternatives I ask you.

The server should be playable for new players who use LFG, don't come here, don't care if you are a soloer, etc. but want to have fun.

For that you need a server with a proper population, wich multiclustering or character trasnfer will give.

Active recruiting both by players and by professional adveritsement

Sure, all my friends play WoW and would never consider to play on DAoC at it current state. And...

GOA - professional advertisement



DAoC would get back many old people and perhaps some new by clustering what's left of it to make a strong server with a stable population.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
DAoC would get back many old people and perhaps some new by clustering what's left of it to make a strong server with a stable population.
My thoughts on clustering with the germans/french is taken from experince on both their servers and Glastonbury.

I think the Dyvet people as a whole will probably hate it even more, the French run 2-3FG fully twinked groups more or less permanantly, which leads to "no solo action" or "soloers getting ganked" whine. So they wont be happy again.

Make Laby crowded and no one will be able to farm mobs/drops without being perma raped by 1fg of German twinks, again, they run really decent gank squads and again whine.

Its not just the population numbers thats the problem, its the type of players too. For some inane reason on Glast we stuggled to maintain our cool in a multicultural server.

I do hope it does work out, but I think the whine here will just increase, and the RVR section will fill with threads about players who wont even be members of FH. Should be quite a read ;)

As for GOA regaining trust, sorry, you paid your subs, thats all they need :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
kivik: We seen what happened with glast, when they changed server language and clustered with germans.

French would be nice, they have not only fully twinked groups, but they can organize actions for bigger groups and stay as a team. I would happily run in an 4+fg BG, but I doubt you wouldn't like when we would find you.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
kivik: We seen what happened with glast, when they changed server language and clustered with germans.

French would be nice, they have not only fully twinked groups, but they can organize actions for bigger groups and stay as a team. I would happily run in an 4+fg BG, but I doubt you wouldn't like when we would find you.

Guess you dont understand what i mean by leave it be......

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
GOA is working on something, but won't post anything until they're sure their solution is doable. I can understand their motivation behind deciding to do it this way, eventhough I'm not particularly happy with it.

Personally, I would prefer a clustering with one of the more populous clusters, and I don't care if it's the French or the Germans. Would be nice to at least have the choice of going out and fighting lots - compared to going out and meeting sod all to fight.

Then again, I don't know if clustering is going to be what they'll eventually show up with as being a workable solution. I won't deny that my faith in a happy ending is slowly paling like a picture left in the sun for too long. We have to keep in mind that maybe there isn't going to be a workable solution - no magical cure to help the current situation. The longer we wait, the less likely that the solutions they work on are found to be viable.

It's really up to you, you can decide to wait it out or leave for greener pastures, those being other games, other clusters or the US servers. I can assure you that GOA is not going to post anything on the weekly news or here until they are certain of the workability of the chosen solution.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
GOA is working on something, but won't post anything until they're sure their solution is doable. I can understand their motivation behind deciding to do it this way, eventhough I'm not particularly happy with it.

Personally, I would prefer a clustering with one of the more populous clusters, and I don't care if it's the French or the Germans. Would be nice to at least have the choice of going out and fighting lots - compared to going out and meeting sod all to fight.

Then again, I don't know if clustering is going to be what they'll eventually show up with as being a workable solution. I won't deny that my faith in a happy ending is slowly paling like a picture left in the sun for too long. We have to keep in mind that maybe there isn't going to be a workable solution - no magical cure to help the current situation. The longer we wait, the less likely that the solutions they work on are found to be viable.

It's really up to you, you can decide to wait it out or leave for greener pastures, those being other games, other clusters or the US servers. I can assure you that GOA is not going to post anything on the weekly news or here until they are certain of the workability of the chosen solution.

House rep for one scrounging bastard ;)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
kivik: We seen what happened with glast, when they changed server language and clustered with germans.

French would be nice, they have not only fully twinked groups, but they can organize actions for bigger groups and stay as a team. I would happily run in an 4+fg BG, but I doubt you wouldn't like when we would find you.

I know, I know. But as tezzla said, there would atleast be something to fight. Then there is always the option of solo zones.

You have clearly stated what the server needs to get back it's population, but you haven't stated how that's going to happen, any ideas?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
We need to be clustered with what ever die hard fans are left on another server, if that happens to be a non english client server then it will be goodbye DAOC and hello new online game, and im at the end of my tether so if it does not happen soon then i will most likely close accounts anyway tbh.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
The Prydwen server crash, ahh yes we remember. Took them 8 month's to restore my mentalist. Account whas closed, in between, for a short periode (month orso). And i get the mail, sorry we cannot help you, because your account is closed. Fair enough, but when i reopened it took month's and shitload of email's (we are working on the problem) to RN to get it fixed.
When i threatened to not renew, it got fixed the next day, 2 days before my subs would end.

Still don't know what exactly whas in its inventory.

Now lets mention PvE raids. The amount of shit we (the english servers) hade to go through on ml's is amazing. Hardly ever a gm online that could or would fix stuff, when it whas bugged. The ml's got a drag very quickly, not some fun experiance i would like to try over again and again. For example; notoriously bugged ml2.9 (i think) where only 90 people or so would get the encounter, no grandcredit back in those days, so you could do it over again, if enough people where arsed.
As people mentioned before, to see how this is done on Limors is an eye opener.
Did notice a job opening for english server gm though, but more likely cause 1 is leaving.

Toa wasnt excessable for everyone. Those in small guilds, no ingame cash, 1 character only, where d00med quite fast. You hade GSV instead of GoV, you hade traldors instead of tarts, band of stars instead of zo'bracer, etc, etc.

Artifact xp, needed to kill bugs for GSV for example or the sun/moon (jacina's whas nearly impossible to come by) belt only leved at day/night time. It took eons and for people who where done PvE'ing after the ml's where d00med anyway. Never whas there a bigger differance in rvr, with the so called l33tist fully toa'd vs the roglords with their 2 precious arti's. They should have patched up ToA so far sooner and making it difficult isnt gonne change the money farmers. There will always be people who can run 4+ accounts at the same time.

Hardly any event is done l8tly and we ran around with that agramon mark for over a year. Makes me wonder where the roleplaying guilds are.

/rant off.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
The Prydwen server crash, ahh yes we remember. Took them 8 month's to restore my mentalist. Account whas closed, in between, for a short periode (month orso). And i get the mail, sorry we cannot help you, because your account is closed. Fair enough, but when i reopened it took month's and shitload of email's (we are working on the problem) to RN to get it fixed.
When i threatened to not renew, it got fixed the next day, 2 days before my subs would end.
These were dealt with in the order we received them, if you kept updating your request then it's likely that you would be putting yourself back to the bottom of the list. In any case the timing of the final resolution would be entirely coincidental. We know that it took a long time to fix the issue but it was done as fast as it could have been done. It took a long time because there was a lot to do. It was not because we couldn't be bothered to fix it or because we decided to make people wait.

Now lets mention PvE raids. The amount of shit we (the english servers) hade to go through on ml's is amazing. Hardly ever a gm online that could or would fix stuff, when it whas bugged. The ml's got a drag very quickly, not some fun experiance i would like to try over again and again. For example; notoriously bugged ml2.9 (i think) where only 90 people or so would get the encounter, no grandcredit back in those days, so you could do it over again, if enough people where arsed.
As people mentioned before, to see how this is done on Limors is an eye opener.
Sorry but this is rubbish. I know for a fact that there was an English GM online almost every day back when ToA required constant fixing. I ad no internet at home in thse days so I'd play from the office at evenings and weekends and I was continually logging in my GM account to fix problems. Other GMs at the time did the same. There's always a GM in the office and mostly on the server every weekday even now when there aren't so many gamestopping bugs with encounters. You're also confused about what is and isn't a bugged encounter. Some steps (like 2.7 for example) were specifically designed to only give credit to a limited number of people. That wasn't a bug it was the way the encounter was intended to work.

Did notice a job opening for english server gm though, but more likely cause 1 is leaving.
We're recruiting a lot of people at present. There will be two new English GMs for DAoC soon.

Toa wasnt excessable for everyone. Those in small guilds, no ingame cash, 1 character only, where d00med quite fast. You hade GSV instead of GoV, you hade traldors instead of tarts, band of stars instead of zo'bracer, etc, etc.

Artifact xp, needed to kill bugs for GSV for example or the sun/moon (jacina's whas nearly impossible to come by) belt only leved at day/night time. It took eons and for people who where done PvE'ing after the ml's where d00med anyway. Never whas there a bigger differance in rvr, with the so called l33tist fully toa'd vs the roglords with their 2 precious arti's. They should have patched up ToA so far sooner and making it difficult isnt gonne change the money farmers. There will always be people who can run 4+ accounts at the same time.

I'm not sure why you bring this up in relation to your other points. You do understand that we only operate the game as it is provided, we have no power to modify core content or make any balance changes?

Hardly any event is done l8tly and we ran around with that agramon mark for over a year. Makes me wonder where the roleplaying guilds are.

/rant off.
Looks like you missed the last few events then. We don't run the fortnightly raid events any more because we weren't getting enough interest in them to make it worth the amount of work that went into creating them. Instead we moved to situational events such as Beltain or Samhain and to mark major new additions to the game such as LoTM or the Isle of Agramon.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
These were dealt with in the order we received them, if you kept updating your request then it's likely that you would be putting yourself back to the bottom of the list. In any case the timing of the final resolution would be entirely coincidental. We know that it took a long time to fix the issue but it was done as fast as it could have been done. It took a long time because there was a lot to do. It was not because we couldn't be bothered to fix it or because we decided to make people wait.

Great so updating my request (cause nothing happends) puts me at the bottem of the list again. Good to know now.

Sorry but this is rubbish. I know for a fact that there was an English GM online almost every day back when ToA required constant fixing. I ad no internet at home in thse days so I'd play from the office at evenings and weekends and I was continually logging in my GM account to fix problems. Other GMs at the time did the same. There's always a GM in the office and mostly on the server every weekday even now when there aren't so many gamestopping bugs with encounters. You're also confused about what is and isn't a bugged encounter. Some steps (like 2.7 for example) were specifically designed to only give credit to a limited number of people. That wasn't a bug it was the way the encounter was intended to work.

Strange then how we've missed them over the years then. Anyways, yes it is step 2.7 i whas referring too. However it whas just given as an example, doesnt change that atleast i (and i know a lot more) have bin quite annoyed over the last years, due to having no gm available. Some thing's just go wrong on ml's, or encounters are bugged.

Could it be gm's are on anon, or w8'ing for an E&E responce first to log into the game?

Does leave me wonder what Mythic whas thinking when they created an encounter like 2.7 :|

We're recruiting a lot of people at present. There will be two new English GMs for DAoC soon.

Good news.

I'm not sure why you bring this up in relation to your other points. You do understand that we only operate the game as it is provided, we have no power to modify core content or make any balance changes?

I do realise this, it whas a rant on ToA in general :|

Looks like you missed the last few events then. We don't run the fortnightly raid events any more because we weren't getting enough interest in them to make it worth the amount of work that went into creating them. Instead we moved to situational events such as Beltain or Samhain and to mark major new additions to the game such as LoTM or the Isle of Agramon.

Meh, even though i'm not really a roleplayer, I did enjoy those "fortnightly" event's. Anyways thanks for the responce Requiel.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Tip said:
We need to be clustered with what ever die hard fans are left on another server, if that happens to be a non english client server then it will be goodbye DAOC and hello new online game, and im at the end of my tether so if it does not happen soon then i will most likely close accounts anyway tbh.

No loss.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Another Friday news, no dyvet news only stupid goa portal so instead of rvr i can play tennis ;/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tuthmes: there are many things wrong about the Prydwen crash.

The first: It happened
The secound: When Database was already inconsistent GOA restated servers, etc. without checking what is wrong and it led to more data loss, more overwritten backups.
The third: They haven't learnt from their mistakes, in fact they haven't even admited or recognized them
The fourth: If your characters are unplayable because a problem on their side, AND they don't hire people to fix them quickly, and you have to wait for months: You have to keep your account open. Pay for a game, that isn't bringing you fun (doesn't serve its purpose) because they screwed up for months, just to hope you will get a partial, temporary maybe working fix at an unknown date, and you might still have friends on server at that time.

Honestly? It speaks about how customer focused GOA is, and what kind of quality they aim for. I hope, that people who are going to buy WAR will learn about it in time and can decide if they want to import US version instead.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Tuthmes: there are many things wrong about the Prydwen crash.

The first: It happened
The secound: When Database was already inconsistent GOA restated servers, etc. without checking what is wrong and it led to more data loss, more overwritten backups.
The third: They haven't learnt from their mistakes, in fact they haven't even admited or recognized them
The fourth: If your characters are unplayable because a problem on their side, AND they don't hire people to fix them quickly, and you have to wait for months: You have to keep your account open. Pay for a game, that isn't bringing you fun (doesn't serve its purpose) because they screwed up for months, just to hope you will get a partial, temporary maybe working fix at an unknown date, and you might still have friends on server at that time.

Honestly? It speaks about how customer focused GOA is, and what kind of quality they aim for. I hope, that people who are going to buy WAR will learn about it in time and can decide if they want to import US version instead.

xml........need I say anything else ..... :s

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I know for a fact that there was an English GM online almost every day back when ToA required constant fixing. I ad no internet at home in thse days so I'd play from the office at evenings and weekends and I was continually logging in my GM account to fix problems.

I remember this. Though I've been gone from DAoC for a couple of years now I remember when ToA raids were having all kinds of problems back after release. The GM support was topnotch.

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