Trem said:Picking my Wii up from a guy off another forum tomorrow.
Zelda for dole dosser Trem ftw!!!
Tilda said:I'm sure that within a year there will be a fantastic tennis sim out there which will blow the socks off wii sports.
Ch3tan said:How much?
Tilda said:lol chet
Cal, on wii play, theres a cow racing game, its quite simple, but the noices are just comedy. The tank game on that is awesome too.
Wii sports and play are the only games I have atm cause of christmas.
Wii UK said:Today, I finally understand WiiConnect24's greatness. Waking up to see the blue neon light of joy pulsating at me in that alluring, sexual manner and then, to my surprise, switching on my console to find a new message from Nintendo. Slowly opening it with intrigue, i'm delightfully informed that the Wii's Forecast Channel has now launched and that I can update straight away. This is what WiiConnect24 is all about - waking up to find something new.
So, in brief - update your console today, internet users, and delve into the world of atmospheric phenomenon, hemispheres and...stuff. Or you could just check the weather for Bognor Regis. Its your call.
Free Opera Internet Browser Connects The World To Wii
Starting Dec. 22, Trial Version Lets Users Surf from the Comfort of their Couches
Dec. 19, 2006 – Nintendo’s wildly popular Wii™ home video game system not only revolutionizes how people play games, but it also entices new people into the world of gaming. On Dec. 22, Nintendo and Opera Software bring the Internet to the living room couch with a free trial version of the Opera Web browser. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can download a free trial Opera browser to activate the Internet Channel of the Wii Menu and begin surfing the Web.
“In addition to providing innovative and exciting new ways to play, Wii also offers further services and entertainment for all the family. This newest Wii Menu Channel is just the latest example of how we are doing this” says Nintendo of Europe Marketing Director, Laurent Fischer. “Wii is the perfect console for everyone to enjoy and this is being reflected in the phenomenal sales across Europe. ”
“Our software brings the power and reach of the Internet to the hottest video game system available,” says Scott Hedrick, Executive Vice President, Devices at Opera Software. “Wii’s unique interface adds a new dimension to our browser, making it a useful tool that the whole family will enjoy operating with ease.”
The final version of the Opera browser will be available at the end of March 2007, and will be free for all Wii owners to download through the end of June. After June 2007, the browser will be available for download in the Wii Shop Channel for 500 Wii Points.
The Internet Channel provides an optimal Web browsing experience on people’s home television. The Adobe Flash-enabled trial version of the Opera browser puts the Internet right onto owners’ television screens and lets them browse with ease, enabling them to check sports scores, plot maps or visit their favorite Web sites. Multiple family members can gather around the television to plan a holiday or make online purchases. The pointing abilities of the Wii Remote allow users to click on links they want to see or to zoom into any part of the screen through the motion of the controller. In addition, the Wii Remote can be used with an on-screen keyboard to make text entry as easy as point and click.
The Forecast Channel, provided by Weathernews which allows users to check out weather information for anywhere in the world using a 3-D globe, is available from 19th December.
The Internet Channel joins the four channels which have been available since launch: Disc Channel, Photo Channel, Mii™ Channel and Wii Shop Channel as well as the newly available Forecast Channel. The Internet Channel, Forecast Channel and Wii Shop Channel are available at no charge, though they require Wii owners to have a high-speed Internet connection. For more information about Wii, visit