Mythic Consultation - now finished.

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Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
1. MAJOR overhaul of TOA. Currently, a highly substantial amount of players have to elbow their way ahead to be able to get artifacts - artifacts they are dependant on in order to be able to compete in RVR, and it sucks more than Annabel Chong. What's worse is that alot of players fight their way through the crowds, but still end up with empty hands. Not to go blasphemy on things, but try take a look at how questing etc. is done in WoW - it's truly brilliant, and problems are close to none.

2. Change so that the specific higher base acuity that some races have will at level 5 be allocated to the actual acuity of the class the player chose, instead of being forced to ie. INT as common; it's really stupid that Inconnus have forced 70 INT as base acuity when they as for instance a Heretic would want to have that as 70 PIE, or yet worse if they would want to make an Avalonian Heretic, having 80 INT - 20 points down the toilet. Sure, people can counter this with something utterly stupid as "well, that would be just too good for these classes", but I doubt that the same someone ever cried that it's too good that a caster class benefit from the higher INT these races have. The examples and annoyances on this point go on and on.

3. .....give Friars DEX as tertiary instead of the now outdated and for a friar totally useless STR, after the absolutely no-brainer-brilliant change of turning staff WS into 100% DEX to aid casters melee (bhahaha, definately one of the biggest laughs so far - great job, Mythic crap-team)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
I fully agree the crafting system has to change.
For one it takes a very long time to reach lgm.
But what definately needs a change is the quality on items. Lets say you're a lgm - you should have all the experience to make high quality items. Especially if the items you make a grey con. Yet it takes a hell of a long time and a ridiculous amount of retries to get a masterpiece.
This doesn't make sense as you're a) lgm and b) it's grey/green.
A more increased ability to provide a mp lets say... 50-60 retries instead of over 100 - 200...

It's happened in the past recipes changed. I'd like to see the recipes change for armourcraft so they don't need to rely on a tailor to make linings. There aren't that many around or not active anymore or they are too busy with things they want/need doing.
It would make it alot easier for armourcrafters to get back to crafting that way.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2004
Might as well post seeing as I can't log-on to play atm :)

1) The 'original' game - areas, drops, etc - has been almost rendered redundant by the various developments. Some zones are now empty except for ppl levelling arti's that have a specific area req't. The quality of loot that drops is dross compared to what you get dropping in the new areas so there is no incentive to visit these zones. Either drop them altogether or bring them up the same level as new areas.

2) Fix collision detection and stop run-through lamers.

3) Get rid of arti levelling if you are going to keep the daft repop times and grp requirements for actually getting hold of the thing in the first place. Farming scrolls or money for scrolls can take long enough without having to level Malice at the end of it :puke:

4) Fix archers - if I want to attack a caster with my scout I often have to fire 3 arrows (6 sec's) just to get past BT and brittles. By that time its QC CC and boom x 3 in the blink of an eye and I'm roasted.

5) Sort out SM pet intercepts - they are OP.

6) Reduce crafting time at higher levels - either reduce time to make an item or reduce failure rate but atm its sick how much time you can spend levelling from 900-1000+.

Thanks for asking.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
Get rid of cluster.

Change ToA, make arties on a Instance (will lower prices etc) and get rid of scrolls. Should be able to kill any mob to level an arty up. Arty /use 1/2 abilities should be PvE only

Give catacombs Item stats on Normal zoned drops.

Give the ability to drink the alcohol in game :)

Change the buff system, buffbots killed the game far to much.

Bring old FoP back so it works in combat (no ml's were to effect RvR, but yet they nerf it for PVE)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
- interrupts are completely out of hand especially when thinking about banelord abilities (leave banelord abilities but remove the interrupt componenet; also remove interrupt from any instant cast spell)

- the timesink that is toa: make all ml steps BG steps; remove the ml xp requirement; make it so that any 8 out of 10 steps are enough (in case you miss one)

- toa changes (2): artifacts are too hard to optain for the wrong reason: the hard part should be actually DOING the quest and not WAITING for the artifact to spawn; scrolls are the biggest annoyance: make 1 or max 2 scroll per artifact with decent drop rate

- reevaluate ML abilities: some lines are overpowered (banelord) while others are completely gimped (stormlord)

- nerf and boost classes more radically: dont be afraid of changes - if they are not good just undo them in the next patch but having ridiculously overpowered or gimped classes in the game for periods of 2-3 years is not a good approach


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 13, 2004
1*Remove Instant Mezz/Stunn
From my point of view instead increase hibs/mids Range on mezz
Reason ? well they have allot easyer gettin mezz in on suprice inc's
when they get supriced they hit button and mzz or interupt
and i dont think Speed + Sprint takes much longer for em to get in sorc mezz range.

2*Also would like to see a little more Balanced New classes when they do come
SI expansion
1: Necromancer > completly a PVE char imo and i dont think no1 ever yelled Group looking for necromancer
2: Reaver: an ok class but that's it :p

now we come to the fun part



1: BoneDancer, kinda Oped class who could almost gank a fg?

2: Savage who 2 shoted players



1: Animist : Clearly OPed and were no match gettin rps with

2: valewalker : cant remember about those, feel free to edit the love on those


Catacombs came


Heretic> Once again a who Aint really good at anything
Reju speced char with lausy healing a dmg who helps nothing in rvr
and wear Cloth, Cool monster ress


1 Warlocks, once again midgard gets an amazing OPed Class
think 1 month after or so there were a RR7 runnin around ?
they Basicly instant kill Tanks Fully buffed. do they try the classes at all ?
when they made WL's i cant see how they could nerf Infil, DF, remove IP from Assasins and nerf Evade because assasins killed tanks or evaded arrows...
valkyrie: not sure about this one
Vampiir , think it's Oped again
Banishee, Oped..

perhaps im wrong but it's how it seems to me


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2005
Too many people are playing stealth classes so not enough people are available to form groups so remove all stealth classes from the game.
Have a seperate area with different code of conduct rules. Only 1v1 fights or 8v8 fights in that area, no one is allowed to add or form groups of less than 8 and groups are not allowed to kill solo players.
The code of conduct rules for the rest of the frontier are that you always have to go to the aid of your realm mates ie: you always have to add to a fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
1. Drop stealther evade rate being SB, Infil, and NS. Find it ridulouse in some fight i might not even hit a stealther once due to he evades 10 times in a row.:(

2. Make getting arti's easier an in making just the arti drop and no scrolls, when you activate the arti it's already level 10. Seems stupid i have to spend all this time getting a rare artifact, then having to get very rare scrolls, and then having to exp it all the way to 10 is riculouse imo.

such as malice. The scroll 3o3 is virtually non existent, and when you finnaly activate it takes DAYS to exp it to lev 10.:(

3. Give solo people in RvR more benefits in my opinion. Not everyone likes the Fg v Fg life style or zerg v zerg lifestyle. So why not give solo people advantages such as bonuse rp's/money per kill for example. After mindlessly running around for half an hour to find one solo person, for limited rewards is not nice. So more benefits should be given to people that solo, to make the game more rewarding and therefor more fun.

Also gives the solo rvr community a better chance of staying in the game, rather than leaving to overwhelming frustration that can occur. But again not everyone likes Fg v Fg RVR so i fel this should be addresed.


First Post on FH so forgive the Noob! Lots has been suggested already that I agree with, so I wont start repeating it. Something slightly different, how about having a combined group cast? For example if you have say three fire wizzies in one group give them a special ability cast which allows them to cast together to cause a single unique group spell, which a solo caster couldnt cast alone. Could cross class it too, and increase the different types of unique group spells. Would also encourage groups to play together.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2005
1.make the pots stackables at least X5 pots in 1 slot of inventory,cause that will make everybody use pots more usually also will increase the market in pots,more use for alchemist.
2.LOCK the exp for ppl in Battlegrounds with a command like /lockexp cause many ppl dont really want to leave that bg,me for example I play 40% of my camelot time in Thidranki(bg1) and is a pain to have to suicide twice in a day.Twice means like 18 suicides.9 for lose 9 bubles...


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
few more things :)

change the interuppt system, its currently lousy atm.

Re-vamp the cost of RA's, they cost alot of points :(

stop pl'ing, make the lowbie get no EXP unless there 7-8levels below the highest in the group (example) then we might get some fun back in leveling with groups


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
*casters damage way to high for the speed it takes to cast..make all spells take 3 to 4 seconds to cast ...or vastly reduce damage.
*put hunters back to where they were going to be before release of the game ..IE the only class allowed to spec bow higher than 25..thats why hunters are rubbish at mellee, hunters were going to be the best shots at range .
* allow some sort of grp duel ,so guilds could train against each other .
*change the way relic gates system works maybe you only have to break the gates in the outer realm wall, but give them massive hitpoints so you could have epic battles to take out the gates to the inner realm /relic keeps.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 18, 2004
- PLEASE remake crafting system, its absurd time consuming. way to old system, why dont u make a system where u kill some wolfs and with their pelts u can craft a pair of boots and earn 10skill pts? Remove random skill gaining
- Make an NPC or public board to put WTS / WTT / WTB notes. atm we must come to FH for this, it should be used ingame.
- Make a mail post where we can send and item to someone else ingame, with a tax to be charged on destination.
- Make Artis Quest Based Encounters
- Make MLs doable with FG or all steps BG.
- Remove /level
- Remove ALL INSTA spells (DD, CC....)
- Make fights last long, its too fast atm. an WARLOCK can INSTA kill in one second
- Review Heavy Tanks (Armsman / Hero / Warrior), their utility in group its very low
- make casters DMG like Melee dmg, the faster the less dmg u make
- Make a BG only for players from rr1 to rr5, so they dont have to be food for rr6-rr12 players or make high rr players gain very very low rps from low rr players, it s not good to see ppl dieing over and over for high rr


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2005
1. Casters should get some damage reduction from magic with their shield up
like 25% the damage, if a caster start nuking another caster it will die in 3 seconds.

2. Add a brightness/gamma control in options.

3. Increase every stat on all characters like vampiir and remove buff shearing from the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
DocWolfe said:
I agree something needs to be done to encourage people to play on the pvp servers. Its pretty dire at the moment killing the same people over and over again :p

Towns = Safe Zones

Also I would like towns to be safe zones, let the guards actually do their jobs. If a pvp encounter happens in a town, the guards rush in and kill the attacker.

This will stop portal camping, and especially in the toa zones I get pissed off when trying to get/complete quests and the same fg kills me over and over again everytime I return back to speak to the quest giver, or I get mezzed and killed just before I get there. This would also encourage more roaming instead of just camping Gothwaite or ToA zones, so you can't do any encounters.

Negative RPs For Killing Greys

I would also like to see a system where, if you kill a grey (who didn't attack you first ofc) you get negative rps, as its counter productive. It discourages people from coming to the server, and just pisses people off. It would also stop the lamers like Odins rushing in and pbaeing with their uber warlocks level 20s gathered around the bindstone.

Health Based RP Reward

I'm fed up of doing a 1on1 and people rushing in at the end and killing you, and then killing the other person you were fighting and getting all the RPs. When you're dead you get no rps for the kill even though you did the majority of the damage. They basically get a pat on the back for being lame and leeching off people trying to have a fair fight.

Rewards For Killing Groups Of Similar Size, Less RPs For Group v Soloer

On a similar note there should be a negative effect when a group kills a solo player (i.e. not grouped), such as getting less RPs for killing a solo player, but getting more rps if that person is grouped, with the same number of players. For example,

8 v 1 = 50% RPs
8 v 4 = 75% RPs
8 v 8 = 125% RPs

I didn't have a particular formula :p

Lower Reward Timer

Reward timer is too long :p Its annoying when you get attacked by someone and kill them only to realise all your effort gets rewarded by rubbish RPs.

Basically what I'm saying the whole PvP server needs looking at in depth to try and encourage people to get there and play. Instead of making more crappy servers that lower already dwindling numbers on the other servers.

I'm disappointed though with the alot of the other posts in this thread, they are just listing things that they want fixing without any kind of reason why they should be fixed. Though at the same time theres alot of quality posts by people who actually care about the game, rather than people who are simply interested in how many artifacts they can farm in an hour.

Maybe chance the level from when lvl 50 ppl gets rps from you.. ^^ camlann is reallly fun from 20-36 but then you turn green for a lvl 50 an you have to die everytime they c you.. This really means you cant pvp much the places where all the ppl are.. Other reason maybe that ppl are so fucking rude on that server.. You cant kill someone with out getting a pm like FUCK YOU NOOB!!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE kill powerleveling
pl is killing this game stone dead. I dont care what ppl say about how toa killed it, the fact of the matter is, if ppl are able to pl thier alts for much longer we are not going to get any new players in game.
i can think of 2 new players who recently joined my guild but then quit after a week or so because there was no groups avaliable.
in my opinion any new char under level 45, grouped with a lvl 50 char should get no xp at all. Harsh maybe, but if its not sorted i fear that this allready dying game will be dead in 2years max.
also increase the amount of xp that a full group gets, so as to give ppl a reward for being in a group......

Oh and give heros some loving, they need a total overhaul to make them viable once again in rvr :clap:

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Prolly biased suggestions:

- Allow Heretics to become Battlemaster like Friars. Remove Banelord from them. With high armor factor and damage absorb they are suited well to protect others. The Perfector line is too inferior and a Heretic is not able to replace a Cleric anyway. His utility for groups needs to be a different.

- Remove the charge realm ability. Determination and stoicism combined are strong enough and defacto enforce bodyguarding and destroy tactical placing of casters to avoid melee damage. Furthemore it unbalances the so called light tanks vs the heavy tanks.

- Remove base line stun from damage casters, give them other form of CC or make it break upon damage like root/mezz. It completly ruins small scale RvR without healing classes as one can not react to the situation upon taking damage.

- Double the hit points of heavy tanks (Armsman/Hero/Warrior). Fix endurance usage on two-handed weapons. A heavy tank should be the last to go down and the last to stop fighting because he is too tired. Give the heavy tanks a quick cast ability on 30 seconds timer that will make their next attack definatly hit the target and definatly apply the attack's effect regardless of immunity timer. Increase the range of two-handed weapons, they're longer, they should hit from bigger distances than normal weaponary. Heavy tanks are currently considered inferior in comparison to the so called light tanks and they need a groupability boost.

- Fix tertiary attributes like quickness on casters. Give them constitution as tertiary attribute like the Warlock got it. Allow to reshuffle starting points with a trainer quest.

- Remove speed buffs completly from the game, increase base moving speed. The different range of spells is highly irrelevant considering that players are incoming to each other with Bard/Minstrel/Skald speed and perma sprint just to clash into each other. It gives instant cast spells a boost they shouldn't have. Speed also completly destroys tactical positioning in 1 vs 1 and and group vs full group scenarios. It also destroys strategical movement of troops in realm wide warfare. Very often players have not the choice to decide if they want to pick a fight or not. Revamp endurance chants/buffs and the long wind realm ability to allow players that spec in sprinting to catch up with others.

- Put grapple on a timer, remove bodyguard ability while grapling.

- Fix the Cleric class. In comparison to Druids and especially Healers the class is simply inferior. Have a look at the smite line.

- Consider to increase the overall surivability in the game. Pressing the same button (e.g. damage spell) three times to kill an enemy player does not require any skill and it is not challenging. It's too often about the "jump".


- Remove stealth from the game. Give stealthers other abilities.

- Introduce instanced and to a degree dynamic dueling zones.

- Accept the existance of the Hibernian Hypocrisy movement and the Midgard group easy mode and the Albion zerg. Fix all :p.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
-Revamp of rr5 abilities - some need upgrade, some need downgrade. Examples:
i)Blinding Dust - Mercenaries have 45seconds worth of fumble vs his opponent with dirty tricks and blinding dust.
ii)Dreamweaver - the illusion is too easy to see through.. add some ToA items to it, otherwise it's pretty useless.
iii)Epiphany - one of the only rr5 RA's that has absolutely no use when solo.
iiii)Snapshot - never played an alb character, so don't have much experience with it, but I imagine this is rather useless in general as well. Might be good for interrupting, but not on a 10min RUT.
iiiii)Soul Quench - simply too strong - when charging into a big zerg of enemies, they can wipe it out and be the last person standing by a combination of ml abilities (the ae dd one in banelord line), this RA and TWF. Downgrade would definately be in order, or calculate area damage compared to count of enemies nearby - lower dmg at high amounts, highten dmg at low amounts.
These are just some examples of what could need a proper revamp.

-Remove chain on Mercenaries, or upgrade armor compability on Berserkers/Blademasters to chain as well.

-Add some type of pulsing ablity to Runemasters other than speed - when grouped with Skalds, the speed is useless, and many groups often go for Spiritmasters or Bonedancers instead because of better group utility.

-Decrease speed on Savage champion h2h weapon to 4.4 instead of 4.2 and 2h weapon to 5.6+.

-Increase buff duration on Savage shouts to 20 or 25 seconds - Or atleast double buff duration on Blissful Ignorance. Hp loss as it is now often is the reason many groups chose Berserkers instead of Savages (that and the fact that zerkers get BL and charge)

-Add a RUT on Savage shouts with same value as the duration of the shouts to prevent losing too much hp if accidentally pressing button too fast.

-Make taunt insta cast again - it's virtually useless when on a casting timer, compared to when it was insta and interrupted casters.. why do Paladins get insta interrupting taunt, when savages lost theirs?

-Revamp all Savage RA's - only light tank class that gets treated like a hybrid, yet still doesn't receive hybrid RA's. Examples: Berserker/Blademaster/Mercenary all get Charge RA. Paladin/Friar/Skald/Champion/Thane/Mentalist get hybrid RA's (probably missed some classes in hybrid list, or mixed some up), however Savages didn't get access to either of those lines, being often categorized by Mythic as a hybrid, yet in general mostly considered a light tank due to the usage of 2 weapons, light armor (studded) and high dmg output.

-Increase droprate of Aerus and Volcanus scrolls - certain scrolls simply are too difficult to farm, or only drops 1/10000 kills or so. Either this, or make better mob camps especially in Aerus.

-Add a charm spell to Runemasters spell list - they can chose Convoker ML path, yet they have no use of the ml9 pet spell. Alternatively make the pet charm spell usable in PvE zones only to prevent people from complaining about it in RvR.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003

-Update of classic & SI loot lists
Ever since ToA the loot from the epic encounters/dungeons in these zones are seen as so inferier you will not find them on a lvl50 rvr toon. There are a couple of exceptions to the rule but not many. Best method is to add at least 1 stat slot and possibly have a review of the procs on the weapons.

Special focus needs to be put on Dragon's and SI epic dungeons.

-Review of Classic Zone Quests
Ever since SI classic zones are barely used, along with this the quests are very rarely done. I believe this will be due to the fact there is little benifit in them. SI brought in high XP rewarding quests making a very good time:xp benefit ratio that the classic zones did not compete with. ToA and Catacombs has further increased this. I would advice reviewing the reward of quests in classic zones in order to make them desirable once again. This will then mean people have a better idea of the DaoC 'story' as well as the side affect of populating classic zones again.

-New players and XP
The addition of level 1-5 quests was very beneficial, however after that most new players are left on their own to slug it out in repeatative combat till level 20 at least, sometimes further.
To this end the removal of /level may be the best option, as well as increase the number of quests that give a good reward for level 5-20 range. By removing /level you may have the affect of more people leveling so groups are formed once again, however with power leveling this may not happen.

Introduction of more quests that will dramatically speed up the leveling process to get to same level as all people that are using /level will help to keep them interested in the game and not get bored of repeatitive killing.


- Crafting is time consuming, repeatative and costly.
In the long run the Cost:Benefit ratio is really not worth it. Leaving most crafters only willing to make armour for theirself and/or friends.

The most cost effective and quickest/cheapest way to level your craft is to make the same item over and over again. This gets dull and often people get bored and give up in the end. I advice the following:

Introduce NPC Master crafters that have tasks for you. You carry out these tasks for him (doesn;t necessary have to be a build this item, can included "Collect this item/Kill this creature for said item etc) and in return you get a guarenteed gain in the craftskill of that master, the number of gain dependant on the task and average time it would take.

This gain can be covered by the fact the NPC 'trainer' is teaching you, 'his apprentice' about the craft after you complete the task. This training is what translates into the skill gain.

Time consuming to cover orders for little gain
With the introduction of SC and the Min/Max theory people run by nobody wants less then 99% armour/weapons. With the random chances of getting said quality, and the time it takes to do each craft you often spend many hours trying to make it. And in return you could of made more money farming mobs for gold then the profit you make from the items.

When reached a certain craft level, i advise the following. 3 time teir levels with various different quality ranges. For example, at high end materials

15 Seconds to craft = 94%-100% quality (very low chance of getting top level stuff, but good for leveling craft)

30seconds to craft = 96%-100%quality (slightly increased chance of the better quality items with a higher low band for it. Armour good enough for when leveling)

45 Seconds to craft = 98%-100% quality (chances of these qualities something like 98% = 80/100 chance, 99% = 15/100 chance, 100% = 5/100chance.) Will make the chance of getting the high end item that you desire and once again make it worthwhile craft.

Now, as in the real world this would cover "Put more time and effort into a task and you gain greater benefits". So by focusing and taking your time making the build you will always get a better outcome then if you make the quick build items.

Weapon Crafting

Started with SI and enhanced by ToA, now a larger problem come Darkness Rising. Crafted weapons are very rarely wanted now, with the exception of some classes main weapon being a legendary one.

This is because there are much better weapon drops/artifacts/class weapons now available making this craftline mostly obsolete. I would advise the following: Give crafted weapons (no change to crafted armour) an extra slot for a imbued stat (make it 5 slots) with some extra imbue points. I would set the fully overcharged limit on a MP weapon at about the equivelent of 5*22stat imbue points.

This will possibly get more people back to wanting crafted weapon for some situations but not make it overly powerful. People will still go after artifacts etc because of the much better procs but with luck some people be fitting crafted in as well (crafted shields, off hand weapon etc)

Review class natural attribute gains

Casters and some hybrids (ie friars) really need to have the primary/secondary/tertiary stats reviewed. Can give more details if needed but you probably aware of the problem areas.


I will post later on the Caster Vs Tanks, class balance and RvR issues


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
I wonder if it bould be that hard to give crafters the ability to imbue loot in the armor. For example some leafs drop of a mob you imbue the leafs so you armor look different with leafs in. that should work on used armor aswell, after it went to the enchanter. or give the ability to draw a patern that act as gravure on a blade or armor.

Add Coppy/paste on the chatwindow. could be handy to copy paste a teamspeak ip number.

Make a npc where you can buy buffs off (for the people who dont have buffbots)

when my armor take 5 plat to repair it it would be nice if i actualy could gain 5p from rvr aswell in the same time the armor degrade. or a mission to fix the armor something you can do solo. or maybe do the armor repairs like ml xp. gain con by doing ml's and arti's

redo the stands of the floor tropy's. now they way to large, ugly and lack detail. or even remove the stand or get the option to choose from a few stands.

chance to drop scrolls allso of mainland or new frontiers mobs, catacombs and shrouded isle mobs

give jewelcraft for bracers, ring's, necklace

put imbue points on cloaks

give unique items (like 1 in the game, not 1 a player) wich are verry rare and imposible to farm for people with 4 accounts more like a ml raid and only a small drop chance.

Cap Consignment merchant prices at 5plat :)

give index number like in real life, the more things coast the more you earn from mobs and rvr kills

add a group bonus for players if they group with people of there own level they get a xp bonus. and zero xp if grouped with higher levels as atm its easyer to level up a character solo with red buffs than to group with other players.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
make stealthers visible for group members

expand the warmap so you can see keep status on the mini map, aswell as groupmember dots on the warmap allso a BG leader dot would be nice.

it would be nice to have a option to mark a spot on the map so you groupmembers and you could see it (like the map in age of empires)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
1. give special quests - killing high level mobs (the named one) that reward you with permanent + points in stats (each quest increases st)
2. fix LoS bugs - it's kinda stupid being killed by banshee at ground level of closed tower
3. balance all chars to be worthy of taking in groups in RvR, for one ability or other, don't make RvR only for fixed groups of 2 clerics, bg pally, sorc etc. etc.
4. crafting - redesing whole this crap and especially do something with crafting of MPs - it pretty sux you craft grey con on line 600 tries while other crafter does that in 10. Crafting is thing of crafter's skill, not of random number generator!
5. purge - nice thing, though pretty sux you purge and are instantly stunned or st... give afterpurge 5 sec god-shield saving you from all possible crowd controls
6. remake older zones to increase it's popularity - look at Gothic1,2,Night of Raven, Gothic 3 games to know what I am speaking about - that's game where level designer reached the LGM :)
7. make armsmen and wizards usable - armsmen hit too weak to be of any good use and wizards - the same. they are supposed to be pwning casters (wtf imagine Gandalf in DAoC would be pwned by some gimpzor theurg or sorc!!)... or more generally, redesign all the chars to be of good use both in PvE and RvR - make all specialisation lines equally usable (ie noone takes earthwizzy cause it's of no use taking it)
8. Don't make any new chars or areas - just tune & bestow current ones
9. remove /level - it's crap, new players can't find grps
10. remove powerleveling
11. make /anon with customizable level (/anon all - noone sees you, /anon guild - only guild members can see you, /anon alliance, /anon off)
12. make the world of DAoC living and dynamic (birds, flies, etc..., again see how to make this in Gothic games - it's marvelous example how this shoud be done...)
13. Advertise, advertise, advertise... Guess why WoW has so many players.. Is it because it is so good? No.. It is because you can see WoW advertisement spam all over the internet. GoA guys made nice new trailer... give it a few shots in TV primetimes across the Europe (note for french guys: Europe begins in Ireland in the west and Russia in the east, it's not just france ;p)

my ... 13 cents ;-)


Loyal Freddie
Feb 22, 2004
Make Inconnu or Saracen (or both) allowed to be Wizards!
Seriously, Hibs have Luri (80 dex) that can be Eldritchs. Midgard have Kobold (70 dex) for Runemasters whilsts Alb has Brit/Ava with 60 dex. Its just unfair! I would renew my account just for this.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 30, 2005
*I think that RvR is not that fun like before with old emain, u have just placed Agrammon, but i donr find a utility for it when New Frontiers is too big and is even hard to find battles.

*I would remove New Frontiers and came back to Old Emain.
Another ppl told that mlxp, artixp, and mlgroup steps should be removed, i think the same because u may lose a full ml raid for not to have gruop steps in ml5 or missing mlxp to do ml9 when u have done a ml rush the last week. For artis it is the same --> U have to find the mob up which is hard when the repop is TOO long, when u get the arti, u have to get 3 scrolls which drop specific mobs in toa and have a % to drop really rare so most times u have to spend too many time to get a scroll and u finally get tired and buy it for 20p or so what is a many money. When u get the 3 scrolls u get a lvl 0 artifact,,, which is useless and u have to spend again too many time to get it to lvl 10

Conclussion --> Boring, stressing and a waste of time for most of the ppl as they have to work or some other things and u really need too many hours to get ur char ready to RvR.

*Another player told it also and i liked it a lot because tbh i had never thought on that and its 100% right:
When u increase quickness in a tank u do less damaga, the faster u hit, the less damage u do. So most light tanks prefer not to cap quickness so they do more dmg. When u are a caster, if u increase ur casting speed capping dexterity, u dont get a "penalty" in ur damage, so u cast 1 nuke/second or something so and u do about 500-600 dmg if u re decent RR.
600 dmg/second means that if u arent a tank u die in 4-7 seconds and if u are a tank add 3-5 seconds more... What i want to show is that hit points are UNBALANCED with casting speed of a caster so it is really hard for a healer to keep some1 alive. With this thing battles are also less longer,,, the longer fight i have ever lived took about 3-4 minutes i think which is not too long.
Conclussion--> U should implement hit points in all chars like 3500-4000 hit points in a normal character imo so... fights would take longer to finish, which is funnier for all ( imo ), it would be easier for healers to do its job, and the difference of tanks-caster wouldnt be that big.

This thread is just my opinion, and very good idea to let players show their feelings of the game. Good Job :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Housings - make personal houses more customizable - ie buy new rooms etc.
As for guild houses - make a location that is situated in capitol of each realm behind the great always closed gate situated near round table (at Alb)... make these houses dependant on level of guild... every 5 guild levels allow you to buy/build more to your guild castle - stables, trophy rooms, crown room etc.. - as much variability as possible... and cap this on guildhouse lvl 30 (guild level 150) - though make it that way it's only guild's problem if they first buy stables or armory or moat or or or... <put here your imagination>


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
get rid of spellcrafting.

make RvR mean something, if alb loose a certain amount of towers, we loose the option to travel to SI main town, if we loose a certain amount of keeps we loose option to travel to Main city.

get rid of /level.

add a level 45-49 bg.

fix certain classes so there viable to join groups and make a differance.

Improve some classes, atm albs main healer is the "cleric" and thats there worst out of the main healers in the game.

Get rid of Eng regen buffs
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