Mythic Consultation - now finished.

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Brylle Madness

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
The worst thing Mythic implemented into Daoc was that it could be windowmoded or that you could alt + tab out.

Daoc has turned into some kind of Counter strike look alike where every megagamer sits on IRC "socialing" and then getting a group.

You didn't want any X-realming but you mythic you made it possible....

Everything else said is well said. Fix some artifacts tho like Jacina, make it possible to use both charges for all classes who can have the artifact.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Anarawan said:
Please remove the relics from the game.

Please ban all (drag window/speedhach/radar players) from game.

Put a timer on artifacts (or something) if a char on a account got a artifact X drop, the same drop of that artifact would only be avaiable in 7 real day times, in that account. (prevent camping).

Revamp the old classic zones, to gain apelative drops. This game is not only RvR. Classic zones aren't interesting anymore. Make more events.

Make White color avaiable for dying armour.

(bhaa when i finished writing this alot of people had posted new stuff already so ignore the duplicate ideas)

got no specific suggestion but i must say I like everything anarwan suggested, my vote for all what he said!


Dec 22, 2003
Class Changes

This class is still overpowered, it doesn't just need another damage nerf, the pure cast (moc) ability it has should be changed to a spell that reduces the chance to be interupted by say 30-50% (more the higher you spec it), it is not right a caster should be able to kill a light tank with ease in melee range.

This class should be given MoS or/and access to the Battlemaster line, (Warlord of soj taken away) Minstrels who once has great groupabilty now are rejected in place of thurgests or BG'rs are are forced mostly to solo/group in a stealth war where they have sub-par stealth. Make minstrel songs ajustable by dex/toa bonuses. (make shouts lifetaps!1 (joke but would be nice :p)) | Give minstrels an on-par Champion Weapon..end steal proc you gotta be joking right?

Add a dex/quick debuff potion, currently shadowblades are disadvantaged when it comes to poisens.

Reduce the value of the fumble de-buff, and reduce the value of the HOT, but add determination to give them a place in groups.

Reduce Pet intercept rate.

Give the ability to hire "Henchmen" (NPC's) for instanced and regular xping, you should be able to choose as many henchmen as you can fit in a group but the more you have the more the XP is divded by. This would allow new players to group when there are no real players around, and let exsisting players also level up new chars.

Give the "bosses" in instance dungons a chance to drop a rog item useful for the level of the player.


Make Master level group steps a thing of the past, make every step a battlegroup step, many people cant get on for both a pre-raid and a raid.

Make any scroll for artifacts drop off any mob level 51 and above so people who don't have a farming class have a chance of getting the scrolls. Remove the pre-quest for Cloudsong.


While Agramon was a nice edition people are not using the central island enough, a lot of people just camp bridges which is no more fun that "insta-rvr" redesign Agramon to force people to use the whole island.

Reduce all damage 30% accross the board, this would make fights last longer, and is not really a nerf to anyone as everyone is affected.

Add more fluff, add a mail system where (like in wow) you can e-mail items, also add an auction house..yes it rips of WoW but a good feature is a good feature.

Re-jigg drops thoughout the classic zones, and make classic zones more appealing to xp in.

FOR GODS SAKE MAKE ID'S MORE FUN, they are so dull atm, also make the xp bonus in ID's scalable.

Oh yes and add a "make all" option for crafting where you can autocraft untill your supplys run out.
Thats all I can think of for now.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 29, 2005
Okay, this is coming from the pen of a newish player. I've got a level 47 that I've got up to the master crafter level. I've not done artifact stuff or ML's and what have you. These are also the views of someone who, without having recently suffered an injury preventing me from having much of an outside life at the moment, wouldn't be a hardcore 12 hours per day everyday kind of player. Those, by the way are the only guys who can really suceed in this game as things stand. That said, here are the possible changes I honestly think would make the game far more enjoyable for everyone.

It's been touched on before, but without any real ideas I've noted. So, crafting... As it is, it's mind numbingly dull. The only way I've been able to do anything, is by slapping on some films, or watching as many sports matches as have been televised whilst simulataneously listening for the ding, dunk or "you just lost money, sucka!" noise and pressing "1". Not much of a game experience. So, what I think would work well here, would be, in the main keeping it as it is. However, unless you're going for items that are a million miles above your level, chances of failing are lower, but the quality range is massively altered. I.E. you could make items at 70%... These items wouldn't gain you any skill, but for say, 90% up, you gain 1 skill point. So, for 90 you would get 1. 91, 2 and so on. 10 for a masterpiece. Obviously it would need to alter for things below your skill, so possibly it works that way for orange items, then starts at 92% for yellow, 94% for blue and 96% green. And as is, anything grey doesn't improve your skill. In this case, there would need to be less chance of making items in the scoring percentile range until those items become easier to make...

I also think it should be more involving when gathering materials. Perhaps it should stay as is until maybe 700 at which point either merchants don't have materials you need, or they come at a massive price. Instead, you should have to gather say, 20 horns from the possessed iconnu in the lower crypt (for example. obviously this couldn't be the case because some don't have cata. But it's the first thing that popped into my head.) THen you would take these raw materials to a specific NPC who turns them into workable materials. Perhaps a new crafting trade could be implemented, a raw material based trade...

Third and final point on crafting. As it is, every LGM armourcrafter is the same, give or take a point or two... This makes being that high less appealing for money making. As is, with the player market, it's simply a case of undercutting everyone else to sell. WHat I suggest, is more variation in the cosmetics of crafting. High level crafters, for instance may have the ability to put individual touches to their items. A player specific emblem, or what I would really like to see, pattern designing. For example, each crafter has choices of design for shoulder pads, they may be horn like, or rounded. And a system like the guild emblem design where they can put creative touches to the items, they may want to have a breastplate with an individual pattern design on it made up of a series of set options, perhaps a V shape colour distinction with the top half red, the V white and the lower half blue... Little things like that that would make the player market and buying items down more to personal preference of styles. This probably needs to be thought about more, but hey, it's late.

Okay, that was crafting, on to the game itself...

Reavers for me need tweaking. Why bother with soulrending if everyone is just becoming slam reavers to stun and slap the leviathan a couple of times? I think that high end soulrending should become worth it in terms of PvP anyway. It is essentially, the way of gaining the upperhand by keeping yourself alive as you fight. The dark paladin... Perhaps not to make it easier to kill, but just to sustain ones own life.

And on the point of RvR, I dislike the fact that the only way to RvR as a new player is to either leech from people who have been doing so for years now, or to have established players "pimp" you until you can. As it is, whenever I entered higher BG's or the frontiers it was a case of any caster hitting me with one spell and bang bang, I'm dead. For anyone who doesn't have access to people willing to put in time to help them out, it's an immediate put off from the RvR side of the game, at which point, the entire game jumps down a couple of rungs on the ladder. A few suggestions I'd like to see would be;

THe tank rush. Casters should be powerful, but they should also be the backline of any attack. They should miss, or mess up as well as have spells resisted. Not a massive amount, but subtely. I also think a good idea would be that they have to gain focus when a battle commences. So instead of being able to target and spam cast, they would have to see the enemy coming, and go through a few moments of focusing their power before they can unleash it. In which time, tanks have a chance to get in there and mix it up. This I feel, would bring a better balance to the game, bringing in more fighters to rush in and engage other fighters before anyone makes it to the casters. This, essentially would end up with an initial fighter v fighter battle and then would possibly either see the casters hit the opposing fighters or try to take out the other casters. I don't know if it could work exactly like that, but something along those lines would be nice to see.

Arti's, in my opinion whould be less effective, allowing newer players to at least have a little chance of not just "Run! Target! I can't move? I'm dead!" The current system should be dummed down a lot. But, perhaps have some very, very rare items that spawn maybe twice a month on a completely random mob and don't respawn, so there's a chance anyone from level 1 onwards could luck out and get a little something that would give them the edge over others. These should only appear for an hour as well, so they can easily be missed. This would allow most players to be equal, but once in a blue moon, to have someone who has that slight upper hand. As it stands, it's just a case of rush to get the arti's for your character, get your ML's and bang, everyone's the same. This would allow for the existence of legends. There was only one Sir Lancelot if you see what I mean...

Also like to see the introduction of fatal blows for melee. These would be exptremely rare cases when a strike severs the throat, pierces the heart etc. I must stress, these would be a very rare occurance without the chance of getting items that raise it's likelyhood. This way, a stealther could sneak up and slit a throat, but the chances are, they wouldn't suceed due to armour ar counter manouvres. That in itself, would make stealthing worthwile. It would also occur with other melee classes, but for those it would be even rarer to happen.

In a similar vein, knowing all to well how unpopular this will be with the long time players, but I'd like to see the inclusion of fatalities that stick. Where on the very, very very, very occasional instance, a death would be a permanent death which basically deletes the character. Or, perhaps even retires them from fighting, still allowing them to participate for other purposes. Crafting etc...

And one last point, for now. I really, really beleive something should be done about buffbots. It's rediculous to have a system that rewards only those who have 2 accounts, or 2 PC's in the same room. Let's face it, it's these guys who probably don't need as much in game help as us who only have the 1 of each. Am I really to be punished for not being obsessed to that level? It boils down to cheating, when you think about it...

Anyway, I think that's about it... For now. Too tired to care anymore. Hopefully there's at least one idea there that someone finds interesting.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Okay, I know this is a bloody long post, but hopefully there's one or two good points in here somewhere.

- Consider adapting IRC network for chat system.
1) You can join a certain set of channels on default on every connect, i.e. a channel that me and my friends join every time we connect, so we don't have to try fourteen different character names to see who's got the CG, if any.
2) This opens for people that for some reason can't log into the game to actually chat with people that are playing, using a normal IRC client and a simple AUTH procedure (using game login, or possibly a new set of user/pass to lessen account theft chances).
3) You can stay in touch with people that doesn't even play the game by joining multiple out-of-game servers, i.e. I am in-game and want to get in touch with someone that doesn't have the game, so I connect to EFNet or QuakeNet and join their channel there.

I realize that this might make crossrealming too easy, but at least consider the channel/persistent CG-aspect. Besides, if you really want to cross realm, it's not that difficult to toss up a windowed DAoC, or alt-tab to whatever chat client of your choice.

- Please do something about the procedures when going Link-Dead. Add a 3 x Retry on a 30 second timer, or keep us in-game longer but display a message on-screen that says the connection is suspiciously silent and that the game is attempting to re-establish a working one, and THEN, when that fails, kick us out of the game.

- With such a gigantic number of players, is it realistic to expect all to have up-to-date top-of-the-notch hardware? Consider making some kind of Raid-mode to make RvRing more fluent.
For example, if we're planning some RvR-raid with 4 FGs and plan to take a keep, and we're planning to do this prime-time and expect some resistance... Wouldn't it be possible to either detect low FPS (2-3 frames per second), or just making it possible to choose raid-mode on login.
A raid-mode would mean lower resolution textures, lower polygon models and keeps (it's not necessary to be able to count the bricks in the keep walls, or to see between the planks in floors on the inside of the walls, when there's 10 vs 10 FG fighting, is it?) Also, with 10vs10FG, I think it suffice to see whether an enemy player is a fighter-, caster-, rogue- or seer-style character, not to be able to identify one particular character by his facial expression and the size of his nose. Anyway, I think you get my point. Massive RvR is fun, but not at 2 FPS.

- Confusion - make characters (yes, player characters) roam around completely mindlessly, maybe attack realm mates or fleeing from battle, at random.

- Charm - make enemy characters (again, yes, player characters) charmable as pets with basic commands such as aggro slider (passive/aggressive), attack- and release-buttons, etc. But of course with a timer. This way, you might have a warrior outside a besieged keep suddenly turn on his friends, or similar.

- Knockback - Fighters with shield styles or hammer styles should gain styles to knock back enemies, so that a warrior protecting a healer could perhaps wield a 2h hammer and swirl around the healer, knocking back people trying to engage the healer in melee combat, instead of just standing there looking dull with his shield. Imagine the force of a heavy sledge, it's not to be taken lightly; you can crush a lot of things in one blow using a sledge.

- "Pin down" - Add slow-style to archers. As it is, I feel there's not a lot an archer can do if an enemy leg it.

- what theoderic said about custom quests, especially the bounty on certain character's heads. might want to remove bounty quests when target character log off.

- Parse cluster databases for equal names, and don't add -PRYDWEN/-EXCALIBUR to unique names. These days, the death spam is ugly, and I no longer bother reading it, where I previously read it and noticed names for characters I knew and occationally sent a /cheer or /cry.

- Scouting - Add RP wages for being a scout in a raid. If I run solo with my shadowblade and scout a bridge for incomings for the 3FG battlegroup besieging a keep, there's basically no RP in it. One of the reasons is of course that I don't have the equipment to take on any stealthers I might stumble across, another is that I'm too far away from the keep to get RP for capturing, and I don't get any for the possible incomings that the 3FG are ready to dispose of because of my scouting. Maybe also add an all-realm version of /as, so that players in a small guild with no/small alliances can still warn realm mates about RvR activity without turning to /sends. Maybe make it so that stealthers can make "enemy spotted" notes on war map, things like that.

- Give the "where am i"-indicator on map a directional arrow. Also, make it a bit zoomable to easen up coordinating in stealthgroups. Using /groundassist all the time gets old.

- Make towers have more hitpoints and tower gates have less; the way it works now, people rather raze the entire tower than work the door. Towers should be something expensive that you don't want to wreck. Would you, if there were twenty french people inside Big Ben, tear the entire tower down, or try to work the door so you could use the tower yourself afterwards?

- Increase distance between towers and keeps, or lower it so that all towers are within reach from keep siege hookpoints. Make siege weapons releasable in the sense that they're destroyed and the siege hookpoint is released sooner than if you'd wait till the weapon was destroyed.

- Reduce Camouflage timer. At least reset it when we die, or possibly just to when we release to border keep.

- Consider revamping the character buildup. Start out equally, and gain levels in abilities we use. If I start out and pick up an axe, I gain levels in Axe when I use it. If I start out and pick up healing, I gain skills in healing... A bit like crafting, you don't get good at something without practicing. This is very far out, though.

In norwegian there's a saying that is very often abbreviated to TTT: "Ting tar tid" (lit "Things take time"). Say you deliver an item for repairs and pick it up at a later time, or possibly wait till it's done, instead of just clicking accept and it's done.

- Consider having crafters do the dirty work and deliver to shops. This way, you just go to the store in Jordheim, browse around a bit for something you like, and buy it, and the crafter either gets money when you buy, or when they turn the item in. Much like ME/CM is today, but central, in a store, where you can see some of the more fancy items (like rare TG drops, etc) on display in the window. Thus, you don't head down to the Market to have a look at the local ME, but you head to the capitol city to go shopping.

- The on-screen text that was introduced (with Catacombs?) was really nice, but please make it last a couple of seconds longer. Sometimes I hadly notice it because my eyes are fixed on status window, or similar.

- Add some way of visualization of what style you land on enemies. Say I queue up a Comeback in front of my Garrote. I have to watch the status window to see which I land, and even then it scrolls by so quick that I sometimes don't notice (or I have to notice the colors on my swings, which is often difficult to see if one animation is overwritten by another). My suggestion would be to display the style's icon quite big above my character, and then make it gradually smaller and fade it away. This way I'd rather watch the character than the status window in a fight. Also show what styles are queued up for next attack...

- Add radiant countdown on abilities with cooldown timer (like construction in Command & Conquer). Makes it easier to see how long it is before it can be used again. Don't reset the "disabled" visualization when changing between quickbars (if my camouflage is down, and I switch between quickbars, the icon is back to "enabled", but hovering tells me it's still 8:35 till I can use it again).

- Display styles on quickbar as disabled it the prereq's aren't fulfilled (show evade-styles as disabled until I evade), and don't make evade-styles engage in combat if I haven't evaded. Rather make them queued up so that I have time to queue up an evade style before my initial attack.

- Why can Shadowblades wield a shield and not Hunters? (I believe there are some artifact shield that even Hunters can use?) I don't see any point in a Huntress with a 1H sword, if she can't also wield some kind of shield or off-hand item.

- Rework titles/class names. There is no such thing as a female Runemaster, is there? Runemistress would be more appropriate. Make RR titles more realistic, Midgard titles hardly have any footing in real norse caste. Elding Vakten (translates to something like Guard of Elders) makes some sense, but Flammen Vakten? What do they do, make sure candles don't burn down?

- Add titles for heals and ressurrections. No chance in Helheim a Healer can get N solo kills or N deathblows. Master Healer for 2M hitpoints healed or something like that would be nifty. Also make spread heals count, please. As a healer in tower fights, I hardly use other spells, but I heal for thousands of hitpoints.

- Mobs should drop the weapon they use, and it should be usable to players. If I kill a mob that hits me with an axe, I would like to see that it's in the loot when I kill it. I can understand that the armor wouldn't be there, with sizes and anatomy and all, but weapons? Maybe also make mobs drop armors that are unusable till they've been repaired or customised by a player character. Say I as a kobold kill a troll mob and have to take the armor it drops with me to a crafter so that he can refit it to my size.

- Hunter's Speed of Prey spell is pretty much useless for anything but getting somewhere a bit quicker -after- a combat. To get around in RvR, for example, the recast timer is way too high, and the duration too low. Besides, it's very much interruptable, making it next to useless for getting away from combat.

- Duplicate insta-pet as a spell with casting time (5 sec or something) where you can have a customized pet in terms of name (call your doggie Fenris or Fido), race (dog, cat, snake, rabbit with sharp, pointy teeth), and maybe even size and fur color (love the halloween hunter pet, btw).

...I think that's what I bother with tonight. some of it might've been suggested already, but I read the thread through prior to posting...

Sidenote: Theoderic, you've got a lot of really nifty suggestions, I especially like your RTS-idea for keep fights. All you others, read The Black Company by Glen Cook! ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Friar - Griar specific weapons for ToA not Caster Sticks with different stats please.

Fix Friar having Str as Tertiary Stat when Staff is dex based :p - we get no Dex increases.

Either make Crafting easier (ie less time) or allow xp gains from crafting - so you can lvl and craft.

Reduce power of Seige - make a seige just that - a battle of attrition. Unlike previous suggestion make certain parts of towers imune from certain seige. Gates should only be damaged by Rams, walls by trebs etc.

Remove tower razing in Leirvik or remove towers and put in bridges too far to swim with no safe spot to rest up.

Remove BBs (I have 1 account and cannot ever invisage getting 2) makes all classes other than buffing types obsolete for me. Ranged buffs in RvR only be a ice idea - will encourage more teamwork as buff classes will get groups. Leave as s for PvE so ppl withthem still get benefits.

Sort out Warlock - too much utility in a single class - unlike Heretic wich has a similar wide range of abilities making them jack of all trades/master of none, warlocks seem to be jack of all and master of all. Chambers should have some sort of penalty - so pure casted spells go off full power but Instas have 50% less.

Spells/arrows should get a range penalty - if cast/shot from max range have more chance of failing/missing - getting more accurate/powerful at closer ranges.

Interupts - nm done above.

Armsman - remove need for Double speccing to bring them inline with other similar classes on other realms.

Remove auto training for all, just encourages Powerlevel.

Hib base stun should fail more than it does - my Minstrel has to spec to get it and fails as often.

Still a great game as it is - not tried nor found anything better.

1 last one - can you remove the restriction on creating chars of other realm - I had not created chars on Excal - and now can only create Albs 10 is enuff thanks :) (I know was warned about this prior to cluster but got caught out by the arrival - a short period of grace would be nice)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
ok for starters i totally agree with basically all of the crafting ideas that people have put forward, crafting needs to be more rewarding.. you should be able to salvage RoG drops from toa for their stats, at LGM a crafter should eb able to either design their own skins for the armour/weapon or choose from a vast veriety of skins for example if you create a cloth chestpiece .. you choose if its a robe or a hauberk type.. what colour scheme is it.. what pattern (more than the three, TOA, Classic or Cat's, that there is now , how far down the leg does it go, does it have a graphical belt if so what kind.. etc etc.. so much for your artists to do here.. and if i know graphics people.. they have prolly already done hundreds..

as someone said before please go back and look at the "old" classes armsman..friar.. hero etc.. give them something new.. anything really i dont care.. just make them groupable..healers (clerics druids etc) should get temporary group bonuses.. DO NOT GIVE THEM TO BUFFBOTS.. like in guildwars a 20 second buff that heals all groupmenbers when they are hit for the same amount as they would have been damaged, a group heal over time that heals for 200 every second for 10 seconds... basically anything that will make the heal classes more playable.. and also increase the time that fights take in RVR they are WAY to fast at the moment.

exapnding on my last point above.. i agree that you prolly will not want to remove buffbots as they make you almost double the money you would get without them.. in which case great.. but at the moment i really hate the fact that you have to buy a buffbot to compete with everyone else.. to be honest i think the main reason for this is that you A) made buffbots almost unable to solo anything.. when was the last time you ever heard of a cleric soloing to 50 ??? they just cant do it.. which you would have thought meant that they needed to group.. but no it just means that people will create a second account to make them rarther than actually play them.. what i said above with the shorter "uberbuffs" would help this a lot along with helping make rvr fights longer.. i dont like dying in 2 seconds or less as well as everyone else i would imagine..

DO SOMETHING about vampiir's/warloks.. they are totally CRAZY.. anything that can kill a pure tank before its even realised he's under attack is stupid.. in the case of warloks.. and in the case of vampiirs.. you made it to be plade agains buffbotted players.. obviously.. WHAT ABOUT THOSE OF US WHO HAVE NO BUFFBOT.. i dont want 2 accounts to be able to play..

necro's are over powered in PVE.. apart from the fact that a servant necro can kill almost any arti mob with a buffbot.. NO CLASS AT ALL should be able to kill cetus with just a buff bot and i mean NONE!!!!

friar was the best unbuffed pve charactr in albion b4necro's were introduced and thats fine that the newer class is better.. but not only did you make a better class YOU REMOVED DODGER!!! which most friars were relying upon to be as uber as they are! (as u prolly can tell i have a friar)

also as said above.. arti's should either be soloable.. or should be questable and tradeable.. or something so that solo or players who dont have a necro/buffbot can get them..

sorry for typo's


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
One request to Mythic:

Allow the transfer of characters from Euro servers to American servers... please.. please dear god do it now!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2005
Change the way artifacts and MLs are obtained. Make it more like the new system for championweapons and chmapionlevels in darkness rising.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Valkyrie Changes:
Give Valkyries TWF or ST. Total rewamp of stormlord or give valks access to banelord.

Armor resist rewamp:
Make all leather armor either slash neutral or slash vurnable and all thrust resistant.

Some are godly and some are pure crap. This needs a total makeover

Remove them from the game o make some other bonus like +%rp and +%exp instead

Lower fumble debuff rate.

Look into pet intercept. Reports show much bigger intercept rate then it is suppossed to be.

Master levels:
Make all master level steps battlegroup or solo.

Assassins have no role in todays game. To many anti stealth measures exist such as PN,BTs,SL.

Critical Strike line:
From stealth styles need to be upgraded to match todays game (Perforate Artery, Backstab)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 15, 2004
Insert in the graphical options menu the option to set antialiasing and anysotropic filtering levels.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Only one quick one , can you put a coloured border around weapons when they have poison on them ? I don't want to have to check them after every fight to see if the poison has stayed on with my ML ability. .... thx


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2005
some suggestions

1) i think its better to change the crafting system. in order to see the bar filling up zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz make the item instantly.
2) make artifacts easy to lvl. because there are many arties which take ages to ding lvl 10
3) because there are many complains from players that there was an artie stealing, make all arties bg credits(except 30 lvl artie) and if there is a drop move the artie instantly to bg leader. and i mean no more solo arties.

uspe 50 lvl merc
tommyknockers 47 lvl scout
sleepwalkers 50 lvl necro


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 27, 2004
More or less what everyone stated +

Give starter stats respec! (i am talking about the 30 points we set in the character creation screen :D)

oh.. and plz i /beg you , do not make DAoC an "easy mode" game,like some other mmorpgs... that don't even have different classes in their realms or that their main healing class can have better dmg output than their hydrid tank classes oO


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004

well i for one hate the current housing system, sure being able to buy direct from the CM is cool, but u still got to pay 20% on top of it, so if u wanna save money then you have to run around the housing zone to find it.

Why not revamp the Capital Cities into becoming the housing zone, this would make the capital cities at least be active of people. The models could be adopted like Minas Tirth in LOTR.

I know this will probably not be possible with the advent of clustering, but it is really a cool idea. As we know the housing are actually instances, so it would be possible to build a lot of homes into a smaller space.


Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
From the first post:

"open chat groups that stay open when all members have logged, increase the /b to cover every area (a different one for each zone)"

Realy like that idea.

make the pop rates on arti mobs no more than an hour.
Change the scroll system to a DF seal type system. The different areas droping different tokens that alow you to buy scrolls for that areas artifacts.
Get rid of solo and group steps in MLs (Dont have to change the tasks, ie 1 person has to solo Amenemhat and the whole BG gets credit). Let people get the thing over with in one raid.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2005
I would like to see a something like a hall of champions, a nuetral ground in the frontiers that you could challenge someone form another realm to a 1v1 duel. for no rp's just the pleasure in beating a enemy on a fair ground. this could be in a arena which all realms could gather round in a no PvP zone to watch the 2 fight.

Iam not sure on the best way to implement this, easiest would be to make it a instant so that the 2 participants could enter but i think the duel would be more fun if watched by other people.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Sort out the interupt system.

A battle ground, arena for solo'er where people can't group or add. Dueling grounds or something.

Lower the speed / damage of casters.

Fix the line of sight problems

Fix the casting through walls bugs.

Remove the durability from items. ONce we have spent all that time getting a character to 50 master leveled, ToA'd. We shouldn't have to spend money on new armour later.

Make getting artifacts and scrolls easier.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
realm and character balance please, removal of the acid/mushroom induced class that is the warlock or at least some balancing so they cant insta kill anyone.

Crafting needs making more fun or more profitable or both.

Potions needs to stack not only for ease of carry but also for ease of crafters making them. Perhaps make them a lot heaver to limit how many you can carry if it's a blanacing issue.

Mail system ingame to sendstuff to people perhaps centered around capital cities to bring a few more people back there.

NO NEW CLASSES, mythic cant balance the ones they have for gods sake don`t make any more.

Hugely reduce RPs earned by high rr groups killing very low realm rank people.

Hugely reduced realm points for a fg killing a solo person.

Increased realm points for killing a higher realm rank character.

Introduce a cooldown on grapple.

Increase xp rate 1-40 to make it easier and more fun especially for new players.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Few things

Revamp armsmen - Why play armsmen when a paladin is much better for pve and merc for damage in rvr. Also, rr5 ability sucks ass

Nerf powerleveling - Seems only groups that exp are powerleveling groups. Would like to see something done so it encoureges people to level within thier own level range, ie only levels 18-24 can group, 40 - 45 etc or better exp for soloers

Revamp classic lands - I want more pygmy/tree groups dammit! ;)

Give pygmy goblins a purple con evil d00m pygmy, who drops evil pygmy doom weapons! ;)

Revamp Dragon drops - Says it all really

Make Avalonians more balanced - Compared to saracen/inconnu as casters, they are pants :(

Give Avalonian scouts/Highlander casters!


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Oh forgot to mention, nerf editing :(

Better crafting - Boring watching 1 green bar go up over and over, make it more like swg or wow's crafting system

Make it easier on Camlann for those sub level 45 to not get chained by level 50's


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
My personal wishlist:

  • Add character model collision detection. I know the engine is capable of this. In Guild Wars this works very well; tanks can be true meat shields by blocking access to their weaker group members. Of course caster damage output should be balanced around this.
  • Overhaul of the interrupt system. Remove the timer, but decrease damage output and reduce effectiveness of other spells when you are being interrupted.
  • Handle LDs more gracefully. When the client loses connection to the server, either let it stay in a frozen game world or let it return to the character selection screen. Also, give the player the option to return in a dead state in the place where he/she died after going LD.
  • Turn /face and /stick into a small radius effect, so people can't abuse client/server delay by running through players.
  • Balance classic classes to bring them in line with the SI and Cata classes.
  • Make razed towers repairable.
  • Fix LOS issues with shrooms.
  • Add secondary LOS checks to all types of attacks (bolts, arrows, shrooms, etc).
  • Remove the 'your target is in combat' penalty for bolt casters. Please.

Loren Soth

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 18, 2004
hmmm things i like for the game?

I would first of all make it a little easier to get the artifacts as they are hard to do when you are in a small guild ie the bracer of zo'arkat encounter requires 2fg maybe more, make them doable with 1fg i suggest and make the artifacts a instance event so everyone gets a chance to get the arti it will not stop the farming but make it easier for others to get it. scrolls i would say make it quest based to get the scrolls make it a 3 part quest which matches the number of scrolls ie make it that you have to kill 1 nazos, 1 melos and 1 skyros in a quest and you get the 3 scrolls as a reward?

second thing do something about the warlocks/vampiir/animists they are just to stupidly hard to kill

3rd thing make it that you cannot suffer the mass hit of stun, mezz, root stun all the time makes us useless in rvr as you just stand there and be slaughtered.

4th thing remove the double speccing from albion and hibernia so it it on par with midgard

5. add more quests as some ppl like questing to 50 rather than the plain old grind method as they do not have time to find a spot and mass kill mobs.

6. add a mail system to the game so letters and items can be mailed between ppl when they are not on.

tidy up the classic lands and make the rewards drop wise better in si/classic lands.

thats about all i can think off at the mo.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
- A complete rebalance of ALL classes in game, mainly to get old classes up to catacombs standards. I'm not saying every class should therefor be changed, but at least every class should be looked at and discussed properly and their functions should be redefined and their CURRENT effectiveness properly retested and COMPARED with the other realm equivalents.

- Further facilitating ToA. Recent changes are all in the good direction, but it is still too much of a pain. Everyone has the right to acquire artifacts! For some people, gathering 2 fgs to help get 1 (!) artifact is too hard. All artifacts should be doable with 3 - 4 people. If that would seem TOO easy then add quests to them. I personally don't mind having to work to get it, but I do mind not being able to get it just because I can't rally enough people for it.
Artifacts should either level very fast or simply be given as a lvl 10 artifact.
Scroll hunting is terrible, even with the changes made recently. All scrolls should be available through quests/tasks that can be done solo. If that is too much, then make it 1 scroll per artifact.

- A general decrease in dmg output/power and end consumption FOR RVR ONLY. I personally think that fights don't last long enough in RvR. Insta's give a far to great advantage!

- An interrupt timer fix

- Rethinking of PvE in all of the older zones. Complete redoing of the drops in those zones as well as polishing them up with new graphics, story, quests... I'm thinking , for albion, of places like Cornwall, Lyonesse, Campacorrentin,.... that could be very nice with a graphic update and new quests, catacombs/toa-like drops, etc...

- RR RESTRICTED BGs for lvl 50s. For example, rr 1 - 3, 4 - 6 , 7 - 9 , 10 - 12
- A BG instance with a max of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 grouped people of each realm could enter in order to have 2v2vs2, 3vs3vs3,... etc fights. So the group has to be preformed before talking to a teleporter, who will then put you and your groupmembers 'on hold' till the same has happened in the 2 opposite realms. The teleporters in 3 realms could advertise what kind of setups they are looking for, based on the setups already being formed in other realms, so that the waiting period for 2 other groups of the same amount of members to be formed in the other realms before the BG instance can start is minimum.

- Facilitating crafting further. When I'm SCing I feel like I wanne die sometimes.

-(maybe) An expansion with zones where pvp is not possible and where the 3 realms have to work together to accomplish something.

I may add more later :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2004
I would like more Darkspire type dungeons. ie - 1fg only dungeons. With nice drops. Having to zerg the high level mobs to get the decent items is a bit dull really.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
do something (no i dont know what) to encourage roaming pvp as opposed to camping on camlann/mordred

cluster camlann and mordred ;)

nerf warlocks, adress vampiirs on pvp servers


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2004
Please remove DoT proc from caster armour parts as they break any kind of emergency crowd control a caster might have.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Ok a few thoughts (some maybe all have already been said).


Take away all instant spells and i do mean all of them, im not saying all do it but bonedancers just use the run through tactic and intant that target to gain a huge advantage. Instant mezzes are just silly and make all mezz spells the same range and fix it so a top spec mezz should hold back high det tanks a little more than they do now.

Nearsight - Take this god damn spell away from the game, its no fun for a caster or healer doing jack shit for 30secs which then the fight is way over, either remove it or make it like last 5secs or something.

Spell casting - Us casters do cast way to fast and still hit for insane amount of damage, best bet i think is that if you cast over a certain cap your spells are reduced in damage, or maybe just reduce the amount of damage delt from spells.
Make an albion class that has a group end regen like the shamans, its hell for a pally too twist resists, end, heal, af chants in rvr. I think it would suit friars having a group end buff.

Please FIX them WARLOCKS AND BAINSHEES they are too overpowered and what do albion get, a crap cloth healer with focus spells that get interupted too easily. I would of liked to seen Heretics to be able to use chain armour since they are battle clerics.

Bring back smite clerics, atm the other realm healing types have mezz root stun etc etc, clerics only have healing and buff shear. Bringing back the old style smite line would allow clerics to enjoy the attacking side of rvr.

Make more features in keep and tower battles, ladders would be nice so tanks can climb walls and attack the battlements. Also more hookpoints should be availible so you can add oil pots anywhere around the walls not just over the door.

The interupt system is crap, why does spamming mezz root and any other spell which dont hurt casters/healers interupt them from casting, this should be fixed! make it so only a damaging spell interupts them.

Fix the LoS bugs with shrooms and that bainshee cone effect spell.


Make so any race can play any class.

FIX heavy plate wearing tanks, atm mercs/reavers are in more favour than armsman. Make armsman more spell resistant or even have a higher damage output. Oh and fix it so armsman/pallys dont have to spec in slash/crush/thrust if they want to go 2handed.


All im going to say is SORT IT! I like some of the sugestions already being said. Instance dungeons for artifacts and ml's would be nice. Making artifact mobs spawn alot quicker but have a less chance of dropping could be another way around it. Taking away solo and group steps of ml's would be a huge boost, and making scrolls drop alot easier, any con mob should drop any scrolls imo.
Make some mobs that used to killable but in a recent patch they cant be touched now (levi and kraken) able to be killed again. 2fg mainly tanks couldnt even touch them.

Make drops in the classic zones alot better so it brings them upto scratch with toa and catacombs maybe add even more named mobs around these zones to encourge ppl to go there again.

One last thing and many ppl have said about it, make the crafting system alot better and easier. Atm its slow boring and it is just a turn off. Speed crafting up maybe make it so you can auto craft.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 29, 2005
like to qualify my earlier comments about crafting, to say that it should not become easier, cheaper or less time consuming. I think it's about right now in those terms. The day you make it easier, is the day everyone becomes legendary and the entire crafting system negates itself. Why buy from other players, when it's cheaper and easier to create a new character and make them legendary in the required field? Being legendary should be a true reward in itself.

I also want to put in my two pence about the artifact gathering. How about making it so you have to speak to an NPC to find out about a scroll, who will tell you that his research has led him to beleive such and such (random mob) was reported to have been seen with it. So off you go to find the group of enemies, which you kill until you are killing the one (randomly) selected to be the correct one. Sometimes you will get the scroll off them, other times, for selected rarer arti's you either beat them to within an inch of their life, wherein they submit and tell you that they did have it, but either were attacked by another (random mob), or traded it to another (random mob). So off you go again. And again, in other cases you would find out they dropped it at a (random location in a random area). So off you go to /search for it.

Also maybe like to see that, with that system, if you die trying to get one off a mob, you permanantly lose the oppertunity to have it. Or if you've gone off to /search for it, if you don't find it withing say, 3 searches you again lose the oppertunity to have it. And make scrolls untradeable, resulting in more varied characters.

Okay, for the levelling of artifacts, why not have it so level 1 is the item as is, but to get the next ability up, you have to find and kill a random named mob who is carrying the "shard of killmuchingness" which you can combine with the arti to get that next ability, and so on and so forth until you have all the "extra" components needed to get the abilities. Also, I reckon thos should be non tradeable, and the encounter with those mobs to be auto split loot, meaning anyone in the group might end up with the component, this would make it so you don't need to find 40 people to complete one would also mean soloers could get it. Let's face it, the game's not as popular as I hear it once was, so must you punish someone for not being able to find others kind enough to go with them? It makes it reliant on humanity, which really can be a bitch.

Also want to clarify the thing I said about sometimes characters permanantly dying... While this may sound rediculous, I feel that combined with the removal of the /level to 20 ability, it would bring life back to the lower level game. More people would be grouping in the early stages and more people would be in the capitals. This would also encourage brand new players because, as has been said before, they start the game, see a complete lack of action within their level range, get bored soloing, and log off permanantly. I've got a few more characters in the sub 10 range, I wont use the /level when my main hits 50. But I myself am fed up with the "/send <name of low level character> Hi, do you want to group and get a few levels under our belts?" "<name of low level character> sends: No mate, I'm just about to /level to 20 then go into Thid. Sucka."

One more final thing. Please, please, please for the love of god allow alternate characters to port to the personal house of your main. If like me, you're in a guild with lower activity, and you make someone new, you can't get to your house without first earning horse money and then spending an hour watching your dude on a horse...

I'm going to shut up now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
most of the stuff has been mentioned so i only got 1 thing to add.

lvl 47 str/con debuff poisen is silly, it needs lowering, takes off way to much str and con on the target
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