Mythic Consultation - now finished.

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Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
knighthood said:
First Aid which helps a lot. <3 Mins 25% hp regen> , but at the moment it costs 5rsp

sorry if you knew this already (dont wanna sound silly) but First Aid isnt a Regen, it just replenish 25% of your health, like a ickle heal.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Starting stats respec please - lots of us old school players were misinformed as to right starting stats. On my SB I didnt add any +Str at creation :(

Balance Balance Balance!- Would rather Mythic worked on balancing the classes than adding more expansions, SBs are grossly underpowered (Especially at low rr) compared to NS's/Infs. 2.5 spec points, Str/con envenom disparency, Armour resist tables (Biggy here) and Remedy is a mad rr5 ability compared to other steath classes.

Stealther Wars- Mythic needs to realise that as stealthers have been more and more pushed towards the Stealth Wars - Balancing is more of an issue. Casters are harder to kill than tanks are now-a-days and need somekind of toning down (the faster u cast the lower dmg u do idea is great - same as melee). I remember an old SB TL report where Mythic stated SBs need to find their Niche and maybe start grouping with conventionals, with advent of toa (Brittle guards, anti stealth measures) sbs are pushed even more into the unbalanced Stealth Wars.

Skald Defence- Skalds need Defence upping (parry, evade or something) as it is they have useless defence. Maybe make Melodies affect caster too?

Will think of more things im sure


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
I think moust have been said so ...

However, what about a respec for the 30 starting base points? I think it would please alot of people if this was implemented.
Lots didnt have a clue when they made their chars years ago..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
and please, do something about pets that are able to find stealthers "miles away" even 30-60 seconds after they stealthed.. as it's utterly frustrating and silly vs casters with 4 brittleguards, BT and moc+lifetap.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003

Introduction of SI and Catacombs have meant the introduction of classes that simply overshadow the old classes and so something needs to be looked at in respect of that. A Class review needs to be done for sure for each of the realms.

My expertise in other realms isn't the best but i will put in some things for all realms/classes. Will start with ALBION, and do the others later.

Nearsight is needed in RvR however it has been put in a weak line (matter). I would advise putting something in the matter line other then a dot which is no use in rvr (matter based spec nuke? ). This will make spec'in it to get nearsight for rvr more appealing without totally unbalancing it.

Alternatively move nearsight into one the other lines. Moving it to body may be the better idea as it would mean specing for a decent spec nuke and top NS (like other realms) or spec'in for better debuffs/pet and having an average NS.

Matter line needs a review, I never seen a sorcerer that RvR's have it. This is because they go for the 2 forms of CC (body/mind) which have much more use then anything you can get in matter.

The issue with the inability to MoC while BoF is in use needs to be looked at.

Smite line needs to be reviewed. With the increase of resists from SC this line was made worthless (due to the original nerf). Also smite spells need range increased to 1500 preferably (would say it either Damage or range fixed not both)

Review of strength being tertiary as it does nothing. Self dexterity buff was originally given to them to make up for this however with buffbots introduction it put them sub-par again. Would advise changing this or giving them a slightly better self dex buff to compensate.

In general they are lacking something (can only Bodyguard and give resists) for groups, dont know what to give them without unbalancing it though.

Double spec'in for 2hander/polearms still hurts them alot compared to other realms heavy tanks.

RR5 needs reviewed, it isnt really much use.

Being a heavy tank they should be on the front line of a battle, as such with the rate that damage is done they need better passive defences or should get a health boast.

Double spec'in again.

Chants need to be looked at to fix twisting, everyone does it however it a good way for a player to get RSI.

RR5 needs reviewed, isnt really that good

One the most balanced classes going to be honest, light tanks between realms are quite even.

RR5 may need reviewed, alot of mercs report a very high resist rate on it.


Is a strong class as is... the RR5 may need reviewed as combined with banelord abilities it can be overpowered in some situations.

Is a strong class as is.

Theurgist in a keep situation needs sorting out so that pets can be used from battlements.

RR5 ability is nice but 1 aoe spell will destroy it most the time, maybe look at giving it slightly higher healthpoints so it not made useless by a single pbaoe.

No reason to spec in earth line

Needs utility or better spells unless fix is made to other classes. It was meant to be a pure nuker and have the best damage going however compared to, for example, a banshee it is no longer this.


Pet issues still need sorting so that can RvR effectively. Constantly runs off, sometimes you cant cross a bridge without it buggering off. Cant take boat to other frontiers or lose pet so RP fodder if anyone camping other end.

The level of Absorb/AF they can get is considered too high by most players in other realms.

Dex or piety (so cast speed or ability to concentrate? ) should affect the time between tics. Often they cant get damage up because of the easy to interupt (hello DoT) before they do so. That said damage would need to be adjusted as 1500+ nukes on 40% resists is a little extrememe.

Insta snare needs to be true insta, not one need to stop and cast. That or range needs to be increased to about 1000 units.

Move thrust stun (dragonfang) to a lower spec level (to bring it on par with other realms) or increase the stun so it slightly above that which hibernia can get at half the spec cost.

In general it strong class, however they can no longer target high ml casters if they got brittles up (well they can if they use mine to kill brittle but they whine at the moment about this issue)

RR5 is weak compared to a NS


Shield tanks can block arrows easily still.
General shield issue of DW making it worthless.


Very strong class for solo and unbalances the stealth wars, however come grouped RvR other then speed and the odd insta interupt it really doesnt bring anything. As previously stated maybe up the DPS slightly for this class. Hard to balance it for groups though due to the effect it can have in stealth battles.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Exactly what Thornea Said...

Fix the blimin ShadowBlades..
Our Dmg is so Crappy compared to Infs/NS its stupid.
usually, actually 99% of the time, i lose a Stealth fight.
even if i get of my PA Chain im still bloody dead, coz of the amount of dmg inf's/NS's Do.

You hit for 160+
Inf hits your for 350+
NS hits you for 320+

This is a Template set up. both RR5 fights. capped Resists. apart from one. wont say which :p

This is the Main thing i want fixed, Until it does, i wont be playin me Stealther much.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 16, 2005
Raven said:
massive and i mean massive overhaul of crafting, at the moment its dull, repetative and far to time consuming for a tiny gain, there should be rare drops that you can use to create unique to crafting, bonuses to armour/weapons/jewelary. Maybe add more crafter quests giving special abilities as rewards, much like the bonus to qual/speed etc "weapons" that exist now, maybe open new patterns as a reward.

I would just like to add to this that the basic concept of crafting is @ present ridiculous. How you can justify a LGM crafter haveing to make, at time's, 30+ of a particular item which is say, a skill level of 500, just to get a 99% quality item, it is ludicrous. Need i go into the realms of Masterpiece items. i once had to try 136 time's to make a Masterpiece item that was 500 Skill level. That says it all to me. When you have reached the level were only Legendary items con to you, to make something that is grey and still get 94% is, quiet frankly, ridiculous. It take's a hell of a long time and a stupid amount of platinum to reach LGM so come on, play fair. We put the time in now give us something back.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2004
I would like to see an end to the mezz-spam interrupts. It used to be that everytime you cast an additional mezz or stun on someone, the duration of it halved. This should be brought back, as it would stop people standing around hitting mezz over and over and over again.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
sort ml9 pets in PVP, its ridicious that you cant out sprint them, and they hit harder than zerks in vendo mode!

also drop BM stun to snare

slam stun should be based on size of shield, something like:

small 5sec
medium 8 sec
large 11 sec

base stun on hib casters should also be a root (like all other realms)

ML Banelord abilitys should have their range shortened ( something like wrath of champ radius )


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Give ingame mailsystem, it should be possible to send things to once alt/friends.

And please, no more new lands!


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Create an Albion healing class with some utility, comparable to bard/shaman, so it doesn't take five-six spots to fill buffs/heals/cc/end, leaving two-three spots for damage.

Add some features to the Chronicles, so you can look up how many deathblows/deaths you had in a week or how many hours /played you spent in that week, or something the like, as I personally find it fun/interesting to go through the Chronicles and see what's going on/who does well etc.

Redo crafting from scratch, like others said before me. Make it have something to do with the actual gaming area, rather than just buying things from a npc. Make it possible to gain crafting materials by salvaging monsters and such.

Make levelling up easier/fun, so people will actually group up again rather than powerlevelling a new character. Decrease xp needed per level, a lot.
I quite enjoy levelling sometimes, but it's the downtime that kills the fun. Increase mana/end/health regen as much as that you won't have to sit down for several minutes, but so any character can 'chain' monsters and spend the time fighting monsters rather than sitting down, waiting for power/health.

Give healing classes some kind of offensive abilities so they can actually solo enemies when there aren't any groups around, in pve. It seems to me that the majority, or pretty much every healing class seems to be powerlevelled, due to the levelling system aswell as being totally incompetent in solo pve.

Drasticly decrease the defence on pets, as a buffed/ml9/juggernaut pet is pretty much impossible for a tank to kill without getting killed by the caster meanwhile.

I'll think of some more ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Make so when you die at low lvl you dont lose over 1 dot that take you 1 houre to get back solo or something :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 16, 2004
I've seen a lot of interesting things (and a lot of less interesting things..) and if I repeat them somehow it's because I think they are really awesome and need more attention. ;)

Firstly, the crafting system should be changed. I think it's ok as a timesink, but 100 tries for a MP level 51 chain is painful. Also, there's little difference between the same crafters. This isn't very interesting and RPG-ish.
- The current crafting tasks end at 650 in your crafting line of choice. I think this should be upped to the maximum; ie always able to do the crafting tasks to make a little money and get some skill ups. Also, the crafting tasks should be changed so that you get to pick one from, say, a list of three. For example armor crafting tasks: "[Brach Leof] would like a nice new pair of arcanium reinforced lamellar boots, [Ethan Farley] is looking for two arcanium plate helmets and [Serena Muftar] wants five arcanium chain gloves.", then you pick the one you want and off you go.

- There should be a lot more variation in armor models. Maybe include specialization for armor models? (Gloves, Sleeves, Boots, Chest, Legs or Helmet and then Studded, Chain, or Plate for armorcrafters). Allow for a few combinations. That way you can have players telling you "Gee, you should go to (player1) if you want nice helmets, he has a nice selection!".

- A good idea would be variation in what you can craft, or what you are GOOD at crafting. ie; armorcrafters can select chain armor to specialize in and thus get better quality results per try, maybe more imbue points, better choice of models, special bonusses (+5 AF or +2 Con Cap) before SCing.

Secondly, housing.
I think housing as it is is way to limited. All villages look alike. There are too little item slots too if you ask me. I always fill my houses up with trophies and then have to struggle to place furniture.

- Housing would be so much cooler if you can actually design your own house. Place walls, doors, stuff like that. Like how UO did it. This is probably technically challenging, but it would add a lot to housing. (Players getting 'stuck' into walls or something because of the house owner building a wall where the guy is standing could be fixed with a /exithouse command.)

- Please add the ability to properly sit on chairs/benches and lie down on beds. The animation is there (TOA boats!), why hasn't it been implemented yet?

Thirdly, for the love of god and all that is holy, allow clerics to target the necro pet through the group window. Showing the necropets health through it was a good idea, however it's still a pain to find then target the pet.

Maybe a neat thing would be focus healing? Select a target, click the focus heal, then heal the target with increasing amounts like heretics damage lines do. This could add some more strategy.

There are lots of little things in DAoC that really need fixing. Friars and Clerics getting Strength instead of Dexterity for example.
Also, what would be neat is an anon-friends list that have people that can see you even if you are on anon. Maybe /anon all (anon to all), /anon friends (anon to all but friends), etc.
Then change the racial limits for classes some by allowing all races to be any class IF it complies within the setting of the world. (Inconnus can't be clerics, I mean, they follow Arawan after all.)

As for Artifacts, either remove scrolls or remove artifact levelling. Having both is a huge timesink and most people don't really enjoy it. It's really hard to get the Cloudsong cloak, THEN it's really hard to get all three scrolls and THEN you have to spend AGES levelling it. It's just too much.

The bounty system, "SomeAlb has put a bounty of 200g on the head of a lurikeen called SomeHib" is a neat idea, however, beyond roleplaying it actually has little use. Players die too easily and too often for it to be useful. It would be better as "SomeAlb has put a bounty of 200g on the repeated killing of a lurikeen SomeHib", which means you have to kill the hib 5 to 10 times or something.

Last but not least, make the world more lively and eventful! Revisit the old zones, have mobs try things, for example, invading the outposts and villages (equal to the level, ofcourse). Like, have the brownie rovers invade West Downs and the NPCs and stablemaster dissappear because they are hiding. Or have the giants in Dartmoor march for Castle Sauvage and camp the entrance bit if they aren't killed occasionally. You can add story to the world this way without requiring GM intervention. You can even 'warn' the players of events like these happening by sending scout mobs a few real-life days ahead of the zerg. Players that run into the scout mobs suddenly appearing nearby could go "Hmm... Seems something is up in Dartmoor, I better check it out!", take a group of friends and slay the Dartmoor Giant Leader trying to get them to attack Castle Sauvage.
You can add this into /social by "At <time> a group of heroes lead by <(battle)group leader> has succesfully stopped an invasion by <mobs>!". And players could earn titles for this "Hero of Albion" after stopping, say, 5 invasions.
More ways to make the world eventful surely exist. Villagers could generate random quests "Hey, I need some wolf furs, can you get me some?" or "Darn those pesky goblins, they wrecked my harvest! Teach em a lesson for me will you?" simple quests will do. Basically, random kill tasks for every level.
This could even be linked into more events, after killing the goblins wrecking the harvest the stronger goblins get upset and attack the village.
If you kill too many wolves there's an increase in boars, kill too many boars and the wolves start attacking players more aggressively because they're hungry. (Larger aggro range, roaming towards player populated areas.)
Just be careful not to have level 50 mobs running through West Downs, this could potentially upset level 17-22s trying to exp there.

I'm sure I can think of more in time. :) I'll watch this thread carefully.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Kill Buffbots!

Remove concentration buffs from the game altogether and reduce the effect of timed buffs and adjust PvE difficulty accordingly.

Drastic changes but I think it's the only thing that could keep daoc alive for a few more years. The fact that to be competitive in daoc you need to pay for two subscriptions is pure stupidity on Mythic's behalf. Without buffbots daoc would have reached a much larger audience. Gamers usually don't have much money.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Raven said:
massive and i mean massive overhaul of crafting, at the moment its dull, repetative and far to time consuming for a tiny gain, there should be rare drops that you can use to create unique to crafting, bonuses to armour/weapons/jewelary. Maybe add more crafter quests giving special abilities as rewards, much like the bonus to qual/speed etc "weapons" that exist now, maybe open new patterns as a reward.

open chat groups that stay open when all members have logged, increase the /b to cover every area (a different one for each zone)

while catacombs brought with it plenty of quests there arent nearly enough, would be nice if you could exp to 50 by just doing quests.

remove the /level 20 command, new players join the game and find nobody around of thier level.

an overhaul of the interupt code. (say no more)

increase VW and animist lifetap to level 50, or drop all lifetaps to level 45.

give heavy tanks more utility

make all artifacts quest based, with a much faster repop on encounters.

remove all insta spells.

oh and a personal favorite, make caster damage obey the same rules as melee, the faster you cast the less damage per "hit" you do, or make tank damage stay the same per hit, whatever the speed you swing

fortunefish said:
Artifacts should be quest items, They are on no repop timer but are 1time drop for everyone and non-tradeable. This wont make doing them easyer but collecting them would be alot easyer. This would target your casual players and i would much rather we had this than free levels.

I agree I agree


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Hmm not sure if its been posted before, but about arti's:
you first have to farm all 3 scrolls and combined.
then you go to the spot where the encounter would take place. and the arti mob spawns.

End of arti farming (atleast it will reduce).. and makes it allot easier for new players/new chars to get good gear :)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Starting class respec: Stats/race - as hardcaps for some stuff been changed - removed.

Remove razing of towers.

Account splitting on GOA accounts

This might have been posted earlier but to many posts to read :)

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Simba said:
My ideas:

There's a bug if you play with a stealther and you normaly stealth away from a pet, wich has benn commanded to attack you, the pet still follows you and hits you out from stealth, this bug should be fixed.

Foreful Zephry should be on a lower timer, because its almost useless now in fg vs fg fights. It should be on 5 min timer, and the victim who is beeing fz-ed should be unvulnerable to physical attack during the riding, or at least fz should be purgeable.

Artifact ecounters repop rate should be faster. Whats the point for mythic for makeing players to camp artifacts for hours.

Weapon crafting needs some new featuers. At the moment weapon crafting is only used to make legendary weapons. All of the non causal players using artifact weapons, or legendary weapons.

The 20% counton when buying itmes in housing zones threw the market exploler should be removed, or set to a fix price. It's really not worth to buy threw market expoler expesinve items.

agree with this, especially about the FZ timer, its basically useless, however what defence has a healer got versus a charge 3 tank?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Armour sets

There are alot of nicely designed items sets such as Epic Class sets and the ToA Zone Armours which you would not normally wear all together due to not being able to cap stats/skills/resists

Add an ability (prehaps via crafting) to take Armour Quality and stats from one item and transfer them to another. By this I meen you could collect a set of Areus Chain and a set of Crafted SC'd Chain and transfer the stats from the crafted set to the Arues chain so haveing the asethics of the themed set with the benifit of the stats of a crafted set.

This would give guilds an additional way to make them selves stand out

Instances -

ToA - Make all indoor ML's instanced and alter the difficulty so they can be completed by 1 FG (drop rate may need to be altered due to increased farming). Give bonus XP for each stage completed. By doing this players can progress through the master levels while xping from 40 upwards.

SI - Instance the 3 dungeons in each realm for a minimum 1FG and a Maximum of 2 FG (to prevent people going in solo to PL and createing to many instances). Edit some of the encounters in these dungeons so gives you an advantage to use specific skills from a specific class, so to progress all the way through you will need to utilise all the classes in your realm but still be able to progess though in a well played PuG. Make each of them a quest hub telling you more about the events surrounding them (most players like to get involved in the story of the zone rather than generic mob bashing)

Prehaps also add new Armour sets Dracorian style ones for Avalon City(see above) for each of these Zones to encourage high level players to group with lower level players in these instances

SI - Items

Update the drops in the two world dungeons (the main epic one is fine, Calss sets though could use new skins). Prehaps add some rare epic style drops such as a Draconic Charger Player horse


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004

Paladin's are one of the most defensive classes in the game, with the free Tireless for Det tanks plus their obscene percentage to get through a shield it seems unfair your are granting them the 1 thing they used to lack...endurance.

Tireless is given to Paladins but iirc it does not stack with our end chant, i find it unfair that they have been given something to help their offense yet we receive nothing to increase our defense.

All tank sc's have +% melee dmg, Style Dmg, attack speed. This only makes the Det tanks stronger.

Paladins should be given something to boost their defense, an increase in their chants effectiveness would cover this. Maybe a new chant could be introduced but that i leave to you.

Our hybrid counterparts get a str/con buff, due to our wpn skill it would be nice if we could get this buff.


This is useless, if Paladins even get a group they are expected to play endurance, when you try and use the RR5 you have to to go End, heal, end as the group screams blue murder if its not running. Also the 15 minute timer is a joke.

Our RR5 does nothing for us, Paladins are also the agro holders for PVE and its a pointless RA for that, we are the ones being damaged...not the group. They dont need heals yet the tripple affect does not affect us.

I propose you re-work the RR5 ability to make it more favourable for us, or create a new RR5 ability.

If we are the defensive characters of a group....why do you make the offensive chars so much stronger? seems unfair to leave our defense.

Rising Stats

Please change Piety from our rising stats, its useless for us.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Fix Alb Double speccing.

You cant increase the spec poiints otherwhise s/s players will be impossible to kill.

Introduce a weapon skill buff that lasts 20 minutes, if this cannot be done, remove double speccing and let us spec like midgard.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
I would like to see all zones made to the stats of TOA, its pointless adding new islands / lands and not making them fit in the TOA standard as people wont use them. Look at Llyn Barfog encounters now, noone ever goes up there as its pointless, its old and its not worth it.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Bahumat said:
Rising Stats

Please change Piety from our rising stats, its useless for us.
I agree on this, but not only on paladins. I think the rising stats should be revised on on several classes. Clerics in example don't need strength, yet they receive it. Change them to stats that are actually useful.

Primary/secondary/tertriary, in that order:
Paladin: Con, dex, str.
Clerics: Pie, con, dex.
Friar: Pie, con, dex, if I'm correct about their staff dmg being based on dex, rather than str.
Casters: Int, dex, con. What's the use of giving them +qui?

I'm not going to be the first to mention this, but I'd like to see the rr5 ra's revised, as some are way overpowered/anoying, like the sorc/eldritch ra's, and some are simply useless. I'd like some new ra's to choose from and some others removed, or from certain classes at least. I think Physical Defence on Bonedancers is just silly, as they won't be bothered too much when interrupted and strafe/get healed when attacked, in combination with this ra making them silly opponents.

Update Classic/SI zones etc, like the previous poster said, as apart from one or two encounters are of no use for finding new loot and such. It's been a while since the Cata release now, so it might be nice to somewhat raise the bonusses on pve in Classic/SI zones, so you could actually level in places other than task dungeons. It would be nice if there were places with similar xp, but with more diversity of people/monsters/areas to choose from, as it just gets plain boring to go to the same dungeon over and over, doing the same tasks.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Make melee speccing to 50 really worth of
And if you don't rebuild cleric class, give them 1,5x skill points per level instead of 1,0x at least


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I'm quite happy with most aspects of the game but I'd be happy with the following:

1. Completely overhaul Crafting - crafted weapons should be at least on a par with TOA items.

2. Make realm defence/attack more profitable in terms of realm points (keep/tower takes/defence, repairs etc.) - it's not just about RP farming 8-man gank groups.

3. Advertise and promote the game to increase the player base and give benefits/incentives to long term active players.

4. Implement in game voice communications.

5. Do NOT introduce instanced RvR of any kind.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
remove scrolls all together, make artifact mobs 100% spawn and 100% drop rate, maybe making some of the encounters harder to counter it, make arti's easier to level, XP in all PVE zones.

add a range to conc buffs like on the classic ruleset.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Ooh Ooh and while im back on subject...

Givf all melee style classes Tireless at lvl 5-6 , seems a bit retarded vamps get it lvl 6 and all other classes get at 15. Minor issue i know but it helps the lowbies out :)

Also fix dodgy los issues on keeps so we cant be nuked through walls.

Decrease some normal cats mobs difficulty a bit, atm even greens and so seem to parry like mofos <including caster mobs lol>

Lower overal time on CC effects. Lower overal Dmg on spells. Fix runthrough, LOWER THE SODDIN COST OF ARTI REPAIRS... i know they were upped like they were as they no longer have durability but asking 500g odd to repair 2% is a bit extreme.

and my major one...

STEALTH - Atm stealth in PvE to me seems a bit dodgy , from what i heard cappng OVER your lvl in stealth has no added effect , now my char has +stealth that takes it over her current lvl, yet on several occasions blue con mobs have uncovered me b4 i go to PA. This considering i have trained to be a "" lol - Master of Stealth"" in realm ability seems a bit ridiculous. The detect rate on lower con mobs needs to be lowered. U could argue and then say but blues and greens wouldnt stand a chance vs u then. But lets be honest unless theres multiples of them they dont anyway. Yellow shuld have a small chance to uncover and have it increse as it goes up, not be uncovered by lower cons. Oh ands to add to insult ive also had a grey uncover me lol.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
Make artifacts like Malice/Scalars level a LOT faster, as it takes years to level them the way they are now, and make them easier to level in rvr aswell.

Remove the 'too steep to climb' stuff in the frontiers. It used to be a lot more fun being able to walk up hills and so in old Emain :p

Make it possible to buy (somewhat) custome titles from merchants or so. Not the ones like 'Master Soldier' or anything like that, but titles comparable to the ones in Fable. In case you're not familiar with those titles, they kind of show more about your personality than about your amount of kills, which I'd like to see done. As it is now there are numerous Master Soldiers walking around, and to me it's kind of pointless to walk around with the same title as everybody else.

Concider giving Minstrels/Armsmen/Wizards some new abilities, or something else, to make them more viable in rvr groups, as they're usually on the bottom of the 'who to invite' list now, which isn't the way it should be.

Think about a mix of a pvp and coop server, or hold a poll to see if people are interested. Think along the lines of a classic server, with typical rvr, but being able to play different classes in different realms. Kind of like a coop server, but with actual rvr.

Give bonusses in classic/SI zones to somewhat even out the difference between task dungeons and regular zones, exp-wise. The monster levels got adjusted near starting zones, but it's pointless to do so if you get 50% more xp in a task dungeon, because you won't go to the regular zones in that case anyway.

Work on a mailing system similar to WoW's, so people can trade items without having to use a second person, or so they can send items/money to friends, aswell as messages.
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