Mythic Consultation - now finished.

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One of Freddy's beloved
Jul 23, 2004
- Give the heavy tanks more utility imo. Why does an armsman ( i dont know for the other heavy tanks cause i dont play another realm than alb ) actually exists when he is unwanted and always overchosen by other classes? Maybe add some kind of defense bonus that is only for the heavy tanks. Or increased magic cap for them. Maybe be able to block magic atks with the chance of 10% or something.
- Make Toa'ing a lot easier ( like much said before ).
- Remove PL'ing i can't do pling cause i dont got 2 accs and its rly boring to lvl them whole solo.
- Give all kinds of melee classes more utility in RvR and specialy in group RvR all tanks can do in group RvR is just watch how the casters trying to kill each other and the healers healing like mad ppl
- Remove the Ml's or make them lot easier

This is all i can think of atm sry if something is already posted


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
Implement an in-game mail system so people can send messages or packages containing items to each other, even when the recipient is offline. For extra credit : add "payment-on-delivery" packages (for secure trading) and very expensive "express" packages (delivered nearly anywhere in the game by a courier NPC). Default mail can be delivered to the house of the player or any haven or inn (install a mailbox there).

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Ok, Ill post but I doubt it will be taken into consideration

1) THe first thing and only thing that will improve this game is that Mythic/GOA listen to their customers. We pay and play, yet they implement shity things that noone wants. For example, the 'det' revamp has totally fucked casters over. A lvl 50 purple root lasts for 9 seconds... great.

And this is all im going to say atm :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
  • Do an overhaul of the paladin chant line, too many of the resist chants are useless with cleric and friar buffs and with Darkness Rising and the subclassing resist abilities the paladin resust really become pointless
  • Give the 3 realm dragons upgraded loot and also change their tactics, these days they are just there to be farmed and it would be nice to make them a challenge again
  • Upgrade the epic dungeon loot for all SI dungeons so that people will have a reason to go there again, also upgrade Xanxicar's loottable and maybe make Crystal Caverns bigger and add a few mini-bosses in there with decent loot to make it worthwhile
  • There are quite a few RR5 abilities that are pretty bad like for example the paladin RR5 one which is a bit useless in rvr because fights are usually over to fast
  • Add a new housing zone where only guilds can place houses so that the guild houses are all in 1 area, also make them castle like by upgrading them and put a merchant outside that sells market return tokens to make travelling from and to this zone fast. This would be great to improve communication between guilds and would add a bit more fluff to housing.
  • Remove the doublespeccing issue in Albion where armsmen and paladins have to spec into their main weapon line in order to be able to do decent damage with polearm and twohanded. This might allow armsmen to spec heavily in defence because of the extra points they will get but that would only benefit the class.
  • balance all the weapon stun styles in all lines for all classes, for example a sub-30 style will stun for 3 seconds, a sub-40 style for 4 seconds and a 40+ style for 5 seconds. This would give all classes the chance to decide if they think sit's worth speccing higher in a weaponline to get a better stun. ofc only gives this to the classes that already have a stun in one of their weaponlines.
  • either remove instant CC spells ot reduce their time significantly, rvr is already fast enough as it is and instant CC only makes it faster, also reduce the time on all mez spells and ofx reduce the effectiveness of determination accordingly so that det tanks won't be overpowered vs casters
  • introduce realm PvE missions much like realm RvR missions, these could be to go kill Apocalypse for instance and would award 3 levels of artifact xp and 2 levels of normal xp, ofc my suggestion of upgrading the SI dungeons and the dragons would have to be done to make it challenging and worth the reward.


Dec 26, 2003
How about an ingame flag on new accounts for their first month - many people would like to help new players establish themselves in the game but at the moment its difficult when you dont know who is genuinely new.

Alternatively make it a flag that only people who have voluntarily flagged themselves as advisors could see.

MMO's are initially quite daunting to people new to the genre - the new starter npc's are good but its still nice to have people around to ask questions :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
Add player-made quests to the game to create a demand-driven economy.
(These quests should only yield money and no xps to avoid exploitation.)

Such quests should be easy to construct like e.g. "<Paladin> <Theoderic> is willing to pay <34p> for the <Guard of Valor> <artifact>". Or "<Cleric> <Elleyna> has a bounty of <2p> on the head of the <Hibernian> <Lurikeen> <nightshade> named <LameHib>". Or "<Necromancer> <Ketone> is willing to pay <7p> for a <masterpiece> of <Inconnu Double Stitched Cloth> <arms> imbued with <11> <heat resist>, <9> <cold resist>, <9> <body resist> and <9> <spirit resist> and <no reactive effects>".

The rewards should be paid up front when the quest is created. If a quest is not solved after a self-specified timeout, the money is refunded. Creating a quest should also cost a small amount of money to avoid spamming. A published quest can be picked up by a player for a small price and returns to the pool when that palyer fails to complete the quest in due time. E.g. when Theoderic creates the Guard of Valor quest for 34p, he actually pays 34p and 1gp to create the quest. He also specifies the maximum time that another player can "hog" the quest : 2 hours and the timeout for the quest : 2 months. When another player looks up all quests involving artifacts, paying more than 30p he will find the quest from Theoderic and can pick up the quest for a "small" fee (let's say 2% of the bounty - 680 gp). When he fails to complete the quest in the 2 hours, the fee is gone and the quest is returned to the quest pool.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
give stealthers a role in RvR
stealthers (bar the minstrel) lack groupability in trade for being good at soloing.
Atleast that was said at the start of the game. Situation now is that stealthers fight stealthers mostly, all other classes got plenty of anti-stealther tools by now. With ToA abilities not even a caster (initially our primary targets) has to fear an assassin.
Keepsieges used to be an aspect where Assassins could shine and be of value, now just keep buying some NPC stealther guards and most won't even bother going near the keep.
It's just way too much.

work on BALANCING!
can't comment much on group RvR, but the Stealthwars really need a look at in terms of balancing.
nice start would be evening the spec-buffs available on the primary and secondary buffers. Not taking buffbots into balancing discussion would be ignorant.
Style-review would be nice if it would be taken up again, having a Style in the Left Axe line that requires an Axe in the mainhand just doesn't look like right. Two realms get an off-evade stun in their mainweapon line, 3rd one doesn't. Midgards styles in general seem to be left in the dark compared to Alb/Hib ones.

more fashion wear!
more emotes!
more shiney decorations! :D
give the roleplayers something to toy around with :)
make the world more 'alive', let lumberers chop wood, miners mine ... the tutorial-zone is a step in the right directions. Atleast the world of Midgard appears to be pretty dead.

think that's been commented on enough already, but it's needed.
Too boring, little use of the items for the most part.
Jewel crafting would be a good thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
A more dynamic world ...

Make the NPC's more dynamic. Let them go to bed at night or seek shelter from the rain. Simple state machines will do a lot already. Let the smith craft stuff during day hours. Or let him fetch some food or have a chat with the neighbouring healer NPC. Simple stuff that makes sense and doesn't take up too much A.I. processing time.

Same thing for monsters. Implement decent Level of Detail A.I. for monsters. When a monster can be observed by a player, let it do sensible things, stuff that monsters are supposed to do. Like picking it's nose, sleeping or rummaging through a pile of items e.g. Also never let a monster spawn in plain sight or on top of a player. Spawn the monsters out of sight and it will create a more natural feeling. For extra credit : allow monsters to grow in level or acquire extra skills over time. When they are left unharmed for too long, let them raid towns or attack other mobs.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
For beginning players :

Allow solo players (or small groups) to take NPC henchmen with them in the instanced dungeons. Only up to level 40 for example. This will allow non-soloable classes like clerics to level without having to beg for help all the time. (No henchmen above level 40 to avoid exploitation.)

Horse routes, portals and channelers and even zone maps should all be individually "unlocked" by each player. To unlock a zone map, a character would need to enter the zone. This would encourage exploration and give an extra sense of progress to beginning players (who often have to solo for lack of decent groups). People who have unlocked something with one character could maybe choose to unlock it for all characters on the same account.


May 23, 2005
1, I really hate the fact that the "Master Level 8
Forceful Zephyr skill" have a reverse effect on the "Charge realm ability". as you know, "charge" is supossed to "Grant unbreakable speed for a 15 second duration. Grant immunity to roots, stun, snare and mesmerize spells. Target will still take damage from snare/root spells that do damage."

but thats not the case when "Forceful Zephyr" is involved...

It can't be right that a ML skill is more powerfull than a RA.

2, warlocks is still far to overpowered... today i ran into a rr6 warlock,
i'm a mercenary, he killed me in four hits while i was hitting him... i tried again with a friar, he killed us both in two AE's, doing about 1000 damage per spell."THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME IT HAPPENS"
no one can do anything against that kind of damage. and i really think that you should consider to remove the "Mastery of Concentration RA" from them, if you havent already, since they are kinda born with it.

3, When you hover your mouse over the hit points bar, it dosent show your base hits or item bonus.

4, The most powerfull items in the game are way to hard to get.
if i want a really good weapon i would have to win it in a /random
on a ML 10 raid, it never happens, never will...
level 50 mobs should be able to drop some better items--ALOT BETTER! and
more of them. items in the housing zones are very expensive because there is not many of them.



A last one:

I think a Gold and Glory server would be great. a server like when NF
was getting tested, no one would be more powerfull. EXEPT THE WARLOCKS!!!!!. same items, same level, same realm rank, untill you got it better yourself, give everyone a good start!


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
ok pretty important one here:

Give faction xp bars please, to see how much u have to ill to gain faction for one race (ie Mau for GsV artifact)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
Implement a "Call to Arms" which can be launched by the RvR quest NPC's (like General Kogis) or by guild/alliance leaders. A "call to arms" should give nice RvR bonuses for relic retake, keep defense, ... and a small penalty for all other activities like PvE, crafting or even ganking in other frontier zones. When the realm needs you, you should be rewarded to answer the call and slightly punished for not doing that. Guild or alliance call to arms would only apply to the specific guild or alliance of course.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
RvR changes:

SM pet, either remove the class or fix the pet, 50%+ intercept rate on a pet that takes 30 dmg a swing just doesnt work.

Remove Warlocks or fix the class, at the moment its completely out of proportions.

Instantspells, remove them all from the game, and i mean, literally every last one of them.

Mezz blockers/stun blockers, remove them aswell, mezz fights was loads more interesting when they werent dependant on whoever had immunity up.

Rethink the entire Midgard being melee realm, Hibernia being caster realm theme, at the moment, it's just not like that, more like the other way around.

PvE changes:

Instanced arti's but harder, right now the only thing that separates people from having arti's and not having arti's is the time it takes waiting for the mob to pop, the encounters are not hard, they're just time consuming.

All scrolls common, but leave the drops from mobs as they are. but it just can not be right that you have to kill some mob over and over for 5 days in a row to get the scroll you need.

Remove /level, it makes new players stay away from the game.

Remove xp gaining if grouped with someone x levels higher than yourself, this will force people to make regular xp groups, and since we have catacombs leveling still won't be that horrible.

Make all ML steps Battlegroupbased, and remove ml xp, its enough of a hassle as it is, again, it is not hard, just time consuming which makes people stay away from the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
Implement a "war room" in each keep. A battlegroup leader could set up camp in the war room and get a special (real-time strategy) RTS-like UI with a detailed overview of the whole RvR battlefield (or maybe just a certain range around the keep where the war room is). Spots on the map that are not covered by members of the battlegroup are clouded by fog of war - this will encourage scouting. The leader should be able to track individual battlegroup members or groups and give them clear instructions like attack this tower door or use this palintone to destroy that trebuchet - like in a real-time strategy game. This would make it possible to ACTUALLY LEAD an RvR raid and keep a good overview of the situation. The raid leader could also pay for siege equipment or wood that would be needed by the battlegroup members. Battlegroup members should be allowed to put money in the battlegroup fund for these purposes.

For extra credit : allow the battlegroup leader to define the RvR goal of the BG as a BG RvR quest (like capture the Midgard Strength relic). When such a goal is then achieved, an extra reward should be granted (rps/bps).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
To add to the crafting issues:
  1. More conversion recipes right up to tier 10 material
  2. Be able to convert directly to tier 10 material rather than staged
  3. Crafting needs to give end user choice over player crafted or arti/CW. Currently weaponcrafting and fletching has very low demand from level 50s whereas armourcrafting/scing/tailoring and alchemy still get business
  4. Improve and quicken up salvaging/trinketing, a very tedious timesink. Items such as redoing DF salvage, in a similar manner to classic dungeon loot is a start but will affect seal prices.
  5. Bonuses to quality, and skill up for crafting in capital cities

Other items
  • Class revamp for older classes (Mythic have stated something about this) making every class have a use/advantage in RvR and bring original classes up to date compared to SI/Cata classes
  • More siege (towers/ladders/digging/mines)
  • Towers with climb points
  • Moats to stop wall hugging
  • Weaponspeed currently capped at 250 QUI plus TOA bonus (with reduced style bonus but more damage over time) whereas casting speed can be capped but with no damage penalty
  • Elemental bows should fire elemental arrows (I believe they don't at the moment)
  • Fixes to stats rises (or not) on certain classes such as bards having EMP as a rising stat, friars not getting DEX as a rising stat
  • Remove autotraining (advantage to PLers) for consistency over all three realms
  • Think about Alb doublespeccing and whether it should go Hib/Mid 2 handed weapon way (i.e., none) or keep as the current method which tends to be more Wyrd speced. Removing it would give rise to more varied Armsman/Paladin templates that could have more defence/offence
  • Instanced and questable artifacts to avoid camping and farming and reduce timesink. Artifact credit and item based on achieving the quest thereby giving 100% drop rate and preventing the farming of artifacts for sale at high prices which casual players cannot afford. Consideration on increased scroll rate drop or removal.
  • All artifacts should xp in TOA not just some (well they got obtained there after all). Also consideration on XP reduction on certain artifacts (they level at the same rate of xp they did before changes so SoM levels 3 times or more as quick as GS for example).
  • Serious rethink on MLs especially as server populations drop and how people will achieve them. Maybe move towards more fg orientated ones and consideration of ML XP reduction/removal.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
Convergence ... Extend the game to the web by creating forums where your avatar is one of your characters (choose upon login) and you actually log in with the same account name and password as in the game (same authentication). People logged in on this forum could even be allowed to send private messages to people who are actually logged in to the game and vice versa.

Let people display/hide their actual stats, rankings, achievements (quests etc) and items on the web. Allow searching the market explorers of their server (cluster) over the web and even allow buying/selling items over this secured DAoC web site. Implement offline (maybe even NPC-mode) crafting over the web.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
ok heres my ideas..

. make heavy tanks useful.... Armsman get a raw deal, especially when they should be considered frontline with paladins, perhaps not the double specing issude but make plate have a higher absorb say from 34% to 50%, they should be hard to kill in melee.

Also give heavy tanks charge as an ra.... shield tanks especially as charge followed by slam would be a very effective caster attack.

re balance the game, albions casters are all messed up. IN the original User manual.. it states that wizards are the most powerful of all realms casters...

put a wizzard and warlock together of same lvl and rr and the warlock would win.

Too many Classes have CC, imo HIB have way too many classes with heal and cc abilites.

Just rebalance the game and give the plate wearing tanks a reason for actually existing.

Remove the master level xp, and make them quests rather than an encounter.

Make the Artifacts a quest item with no leveling, but make the encounter harder with instant respawn...this will stop camping, perhaps make it a quest using the sphinxies as npc quest givers


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
Allow crafters to try to improve existing items. This could be very expensive, very dangerous or very unlikely to succeed (to avoid exploits). Items could be improved by raising the quality, raising the durability or even by changing one or more of the bonuses. Artifacts or über items could be flagged as "unmodifiable" to avoid tampering. A 89 quality Stonehenge Barrows staff could then be upgraded to a 100% staff with better mods e.g. Or a nice ROG item with 3 good bonuses and 1 totally useless bonus could be upgraded to an item with 4 decent bonuses.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
Give all healer classes a high level spec-line buff-preserving resurrection spell where buffs you had before you died return when the resurrection sickness is over. Currently, people prefer to /release their characters in RvR instead of accepting (even decent 100%) resurrections because getting resurrected leaves you unbuffed, miles away from your buff bot.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 11, 2005
ok here goes my two cents... (had a drink as its friday and my spelling and grammer is not going to be great)

1. Instance TOA so ALL artifacts are easily accesible and acheivable by guild groups IE 8 people. No camping, no silly prices on ME so casual players cant afford them and less TOA stress as i like to call it. For example player A. with a chanter, mana menta and buff/fopbot can farm anything thats up and camp it when it isnt, when geizer B. has only 1 or even 2AC's and doesnt have 24 hours in a day to play, with no family or/and work to camp it untill its up for their template or to sell it for extra platidge.

2. The easiest way to balance the realms with charactors interms of specs and classes is to ensure that each realm has a mirror of each class, that looks different and has a different "name of spell" but really are the same thing.

3. Sort out crafting i see no motivation to enter crafting towards LGM. I have a few 600+ chars in different trades but people in my guild and in game friends have this ability and are willing to spend time to help me and others. It needs to be unique and attractive and USEFUL to the individual as well as affordable.

4. RVR now in my opinion player A. rvr's all day everyday and earns x100 amount of rps. Geizer B. Only plays 2 or 3 hours a day and should earn a time/ratio of rps depending on ingame time same with normal XP and MLXP. They dont get as much time in game but should still have access to the same quality of game as everyone else. For example Player A plays 8 hours a day and earns 100% xp ... Geizer B should earn 150% xp for 4 hours ect. People pay the same amount of money and get the same quality services and "gameability" ( hey i like that word so erm TM) as other players.

5. Do more things like this where you listen to the customers, because if goa/mythic do not advertise their product to new customers you will not get new customers. So you guys rely on REPEAT business so therefor you need to see what the customer is saying, to change the game. Also take more notice of other games and what OLD daoc'ers are saying about other games and impliment them to DAOC.

6. Sort out them poor people on prydwen who still have their items missing (i dont play pryd) as im sure if that had happend to me on escal i would not be renewing my account this month.

PS. i apologise for my tone if its out of sink ... its friday and ive had a drink


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
Make it less boring! Add a little skill based game (maybe something like seeing a sword being made and having to hit it with a hammer whenever it gets too hot in a particular section - the quicker you hit it the higher the quality at the end). Reduce the huge time sink needed to produce MP items - which everyone "requires" in the modern game.

Class balance
Casters kill players far too quickly at range - and casters are too soft when faced with a melee class up close. Change the interupt system so that a tickle with a dagger doesn't have the 100% chance to interupt that it currently has.
Increase the hits of the heavy tanks of each realm (up from say 1700 now to 2500). At the moment heavy tanks bring very little to groups, particularly in Alb where the paladin wears the same armour, uses the same size shield, has greater AF with self buff, and has end chant to increase the effectivness of the Battlemaster ML path. My personal pet hate (being an Armsman) is the amount of aggro the pally heal chant generates - its practically impossible to get mobs that have aggro'd a pally off them onto you if they are running the heal chant - making armsman practically useless in pve in comparison.
Make the Parry line worth speccing in - introduce parry styles (like a disarm "stun" which stops your opponent from being able to attack for 9 seconds or so). At the moment it costs as much to spec in parry as shield, yet you get far fewer benefits. Also - make large weapons parry in a similar fashion to shields - ie. parry up to 3 defenders without parry penalty like a large shield.

Make all artifacts instanced dungeons that allow 1fg max to entire like DarkSpire. This will stop the insane camping which goes on at present, and also open up artifacts to the player who doesn't have access to a fully ToA'd buffbot with DI3 and a necro.
Make all MLs take place in instanced dungeons which allows 1fg max to tackle the ML. The high numbers needed to complete some steps at present are no fun, as they usually degenerate into /stick and hit every so often. There is no skill, no aggro management, and ultimately no fullfilment (especially considering the framerate drop which occurs when 100+ characters are in the same area at one time). The stories behind the MLs are good - its just the implementation which is poor.

Buff Bots
One of the main appeals of the classic servers is the ranged buffs, and the non-requirement to have another account running just to "compete" when not running about in a full group. At the same time, this makes buffed groups very difficult for unbuffed characters to defeat.
My recommendation is to:
(a) Reduce the effect of buffs to approximately 50% of their current effectivness
(b) Make them ranged in the same way the Shaman endurance buff is. Stray too far from the buffer and they become ineffective.

This will reduce the number of bb accounts clearly - and thus reduce revenue for the provider, but I feel the need to have a bb account puts a lot of people off playing (I know a lot of people who have stopped playing because they simply can't justify/afford two accounts just to compete). Personally I'd remove buffs altogether, and give the buffing characters another skill line.

Add a LOT more variety to player clothing that just dyes. Make hundreds of new skins to make players more individual

Race Choice
Drop the racial restrictions on all classes. I see no reason why any race can't be any class - if you want to make a Troll Spiritmaster why not? They won't be as effective with their low dexterity and piety, so there's the incentive not to choose the race/class combination but I strongly feel this should not be a forced restriction. (why on EARTH can't Inconnu's be wizards/theurgists? They are casters!)

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
I would like to see game balancing and instant rvr areas.. It would be good if agramon could be only entered with a fg or something


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Upgrade the free level 20 armours. These might have been good when we first got them but the monsters hit way to hard in catacombs to even think about using them to xp in.

Other stuff peeps mentioned such as upgrading ALL the zones. Atm why bother farming anywhere for armour besides toa?

Oh and Fluff wise.. neaten up housing. I want that nice pebble stone effect covering upto my house not a having a horrid gap inbetween. even if you cover it completly there is still a gap. Oh and having some of the nice decor available in dungeons for your house would be nice.
The skelentons on poles in DF would look lovely if making a makeshift dungeon :)


oh and i know we havent got it yet but worth asking about for the future.

Apparently in DR you can name your horse. But only you can see it. Would it be possible for everyone to be able to see it :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
a Style revamp for old classes (friar, berserker, blademaster etc.) would be quite fun. Add new effects, procs on styles etc.

This will also include giving a few better positionals/reactionaries for classes in need of it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2005
Stop adding more PvE zones to the game, i bought catacombs and been there once!, instead "upgrade" the curent zones with new loot/itams(the world is big enough as it is)

Make it easier to get artifacts/scrolls(spawnrate/droprate or put artis in instances), this affects the hole endgame in RvR..
would make it easier for guildgroups to form groups and a bigger selection of a player choice(most players cant sit and play daoc 24/7 to get ToAd up for RvR with different charas)

remove the limit of siege equipment used on keeps

put speedwarps on some sort of a timer(tbh pissing me off!)

relook rr5 abilities( some classes got them uber and some classes got gimped)

relook RA abilities and maybe add some more of them.

Remake the Crafting system, atleast add some autocraft if the person got material to make 10-20 swords in a row

make spellcrafters imbue gems with ToA stats on them(might be high lvl mobs that drop gems)

oh and reduce lagg on the server!(yes this is to goa)

Remove the CM fee (this is a great punishment for ppl not having houses by the entrance)(like me:)

oh and add that frigging glow to weapons you promiced us some years ago!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 24, 2005
I would like a /accountfriend command which would have to be mutually agreed similar to a duel request and would carry over between characters.

Just a bit of fluff compared to all the discussions of revamping and rebalancing I guess

Also, can we have characters which bang into each other ie collision coding


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
My ideas:

There's a bug if you play with a stealther and you normaly stealth away from a pet, wich has benn commanded to attack you, the pet still follows you and hits you out from stealth, this bug should be fixed.

Foreful Zephry should be on a lower timer, because its almost useless now in fg vs fg fights. It should be on 5 min timer, and the victim who is beeing fz-ed should be unvulnerable to physical attack during the riding, or at least fz should be purgeable.

Artifact ecounters repop rate should be faster. Whats the point for mythic for makeing players to camp artifacts for hours.

Weapon crafting needs some new featuers. At the moment weapon crafting is only used to make legendary weapons. All of the non causal players using artifact weapons, or legendary weapons.

The drop rate of special alchemy items should be improved and given for more mobs.

Spellcrafting should use some new features too, putting toa bonunes to armor, like stat cap increaser, etc.

The 20% counton when buying itmes in housing zones threw the market exploler should be removed, or set to a fix price. It's really not worth to buy threw market expoler expesinve items.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
  • Artifact Instants
  • More utility to heavy tanks
  • Redo RR5 RAs
  • TOTAL Revamp of Crafting
  • Remove /level 20 - Or make it /level 5

Reasons are in other posts.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 13, 2005
The option of running two instances of DAoC should really be removed. As it is now, next to no one needs a druid to help them as they just log in their own buff bot. If players could only run ONE instance of the game they would be forced to have other players who play buff/ heal characters help them. I have tried to play as a druid but have run my head against a wall as nearly everybody has a BB logged. The same problem arises with power leveling. One player. One character logged at a time.

And make artifacts non tradeable. That would lower the massive farming going on. And let them respawn more often.
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