Mythic Consultation - now finished.

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Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
blejs said:
- Make artifacts mobs have 1-3h spawntime
- Remove scrolls from the game
- Nerf minstrell class, removing stealth or their stuns.
- Remove solo and groupsteps from MLs
- Make so eatch ML is possible to do without a problem with 30ppl.
- Give mid a pve char like theurg,animist.
- Give mid some class with high range that works in pvp

Hahhahahaha. Yes like mid need another OP class to make the realm more easymode. Oh wait lets give pets to SM's... cos they need it... cos there sooo underpowered with there pbaoe. capping 800dmg DD's pets that intercept, mezz and whatnot....


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 14, 2004
After reading the Mythic Consultation halfway through...

.. a Few thourghts.

I'm writing this in a new topic since the other post is finished and i dont really think that there will be any attention by GoA/Mythic on this one, so let it be.

What I have noticed from the suggestions that people have given in that post is in general that the Crafting system has to be re-vamped, and upped so that Crafting will be usefull like it is in WoW. ( I will be refering alot to WoW since the Crafting system in that game works wonders ).

Now, where to start... The general thing in WoW is that you can craft Magical items with stats etc, and they stay usefull since there is recipie drops around the world that allows crafters to make stuff that other crafters cant. This Could be done in DAoC aswell. What im thinking of here is that we have the Artifact system in the game with ToA, This requires that we Farm 3 scrolls, combine them ( such hard work ), and the Get the artifact it self. Now, If there was a combination of Armor crafters to get the skill to craft a Armor such as Guard of Valor, then the scrolls for learning to imbue some of the stats to the armor, and finally finding a certain mob for some final scroll or book that allows the last stats to be added - This would make crafters very much in demand, but Again it will take alot of efford to get Artifacts done.
Ofcourse then the Encounters should either be instanced and a few riddles be solved before it will be possible to accomplish the encounter.

For the Boredom of pressing "1" every time you have to make a object the implementation of some sort of Auto craft system like the one included in World of Warcraft could save us alot of time. Also like Elricsonstormbringer mentioned, a Increase of Qual, lower Crafting times and Higher % chance of getting 1,2,3 or more skill points of a successfull craft when skilling in Capital Cities.

As im a Spellcrafter my self, and know the pain of having to make 32 gems for a full set, and thats what you have when your done and have sold all the <99% gems that youve made is a pain!. I could tend to see a system for this that allowed you to make 1 gem, with a certain requirement in skill, and some special components that have to be farmed instead of bourght to allow you to make 1 Gem with stats of the 4 gems that is needed now. You should ofc be able to customize the 1 gem by typing the stats that will be needed in a Dialog box, then it should calculate the materials needed and make a Qbar macro of someking that could allow you to craft the gem. It should take slightly longer to craft that the single gems that we have now, but not too long.

And for the "Fun when Crafting" part.
As someone mentioned in the other post, some fun added to the crafting system would be a blast. There is some stuff tha you can craft atm, stuff such as Wooden Swords etc, but you cant wield em, and If you could, i would belive them to be modeled as a normal longsword. Add stuff like this to the game.. maybe include paper hats and allow lurikeens to run around , pokeing eachother with the wooden swords, and a paper hat on the head..

Enough of the crafting for now...

The enviroment in this game is BORING! add more NPC's to the game, make chickens, pigs etc run around in the smaller villages/towns, and even in the capital cities. This game is sort of "middleage" styled and if you look back in time to that period, there werent such thing as clean villages - atleast not in england. I know this would take alot of CPU power on the servers, but there is a way to make it use less, and i have been whining about this several times on the VN boards before.

What do I mean with this ?
Well, All the issues with Strafing, window draggin and stuff is all allowed because of the way this game is coded.
According to my Information and research on the behavior of the more techinal part of the game, this game is controlled by the clients and not the server, meaning that it the Clients that is useing the server to ask where the other players are, and not the server that is telling where every object in the zone is.

If it was like this, then you wouldent see the Stafing crap all over the game, you wouldent be allowed to window drag since the server wouldent be affected by it at all, and finally the delay between 2 clients would be reduced.
I know I might be wrong about this, but my knowledge on this topic is quite ok.

The last thing on my mind right now is the Class issues....

The new classes in Catacombs made alot of people very angry, and then the angry people created a OP class from Catacombs and now the bomb is ticking.

I will here start to mention Warlocks...

On the papers it looked like a decent caster with some very good skills, but in reality its stupid.
The Idear of Chambers is nice, and I still like the idear of that, but the fact that they get the same damage on spells that the Primary casters of this game got make the Chambers Waay overpowerd. Suggestions ? - Nerf the Damage, or even redo the whole idear of Warlocks.
I dont mind that they have the Primers and Secondary spells that they have to cast, but the fact that a decent warlock can kill any Class in this game in less than a Second if played right does just not seem right. Buttom line of this class - Try again Mythic.

Idear is great, but put some timers on the claws so that they wont be able to spam them, also do something about the fumble debuffs etc.. I know that they dont have the ability to Parry, evade or anything if not those buffs are up, but as it is now Vamps that knows what they are doing is insanely overpowerd. With this im not saying that every vamp is OP since it does take abit of efford to play one as some does. Only just had to mention that the Claws could use to get a longer cooldown...

I Prolly will come up with more crap later, but its around lunch time and im starving :p

Feel free to discuss, and flame me if you want - i dont care really. This was just some thourghts on the game as it is now, and some idears of how making the crafting usefull, I do hope this will get you guys to think about some alternatives aswell that arent already mentioned in the Original post and I do hope that this will make the GM's start to think aswell....


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Funkdocta said:
This aint a thread to cry nerf because you got pwnd by a warlock guys, its for ideas on how to progress the game of DAoC. Try to be objective and not subjective.

Here is my 2 cents....

- BETTER ADVERTISING!!! 90% of european gamers have never even heared of DAoC

- Massive UI overhaul. The current interface is tired and dated. Even the customized ones aint up to much. Most customized and standard ones are graphically amatuer. Spend some time and effort on a new UI, maybe even a whole new UI system.

- Auction houses in capital cities.

- Remove or drastically reduce the xp needed to lvl up artifacts. (camp artifact for days + farm scrolls for days + lvling up for days = mind numbing waste of someones life)

- Make scroll drops a lot more common.

- Remove the stupid ML experience. My god its just time sink after time sink.

- Add a lot more artifacts with bold new designs so there is a lot more choice. Make them easier to activate but maybe harder to get (I mean in terms of needed a good full group at least to do encounter). Variety is the spice of life. see WoW for examples.

- Total overhaul of crafting, its so mind numbing and in the grand scale of things un rewarding as the items you can make dont come close to drops/artifacts.

- There will come a point when either DAoC 2 has to be made or all classes and realms need o be completely overhauled. The idea for a new server with overhauled classes and new abilities was a nice idea.

- Steal all the good ideas from WoW.

- a LOT more variety in customizing your character. The armour and items from WoW make for a huge variety of different appearances.

- Arenas for 8v8 group fights and guild v guild fights.

- Tons more high xp quests to make lvl grinding easier.

- scale up all mobs, trolls are actually bigger than about 80% of all the 'big bad' mobs in DAoC.

- Maybe another Realm introduced. It could be a non player realm and the other 3 realms have to defeat them/keep them at bay. Maybe even make it a new player realm like an oriental realm (samurai, ninja etc)

- Add a new realm/s and them ally say Midgard with Hibernia and Albion with the new one to evolve the story of the fueding realms.

- More epic bosses throughout the world of DAoC, maybe some epic instances.

- Ive always enjoyed the addition of new races and new classes.

- Level cap increase to 60-70? with new bosses, zones and equipment for them.

- A time travelling expansion where the defenders of the realms must travel back in time to keep <insert big bad guys name here> from changing the past and altering the present.

- Add speech into game, get some cool voice actors.

- Add some new weapon lines for heavy tanks.

- In general just really expand and re-invent every aspect of the game, from characters to stories to mobs to zones to items. Keep the good bits totally remove what didnt work so well and try again.

mhm..go back to playing WoW as i see wow allmost evry 2 lines you write. this game IS not WoW and never will be. id hate to see that some stuff be borrowed from other game.

i aggree on ads, make more daoc adds, only ones i have seen are in PC Gamer. and thats all. crafting..........cant say much couse i just started a crafter myself, not that high to have eny opjective opinions.
more lvls ?? up to 60, 70 ?? no thx, they could make it more fun to lvl tho, make lower lvl quest more appealing. get better items from lower lvl quests and so on.
the artifact part i completly agree whit you, thats a must overhaul. hard to get arti, even harder to get scrolls, and the ontop of that lvl the god damn thing for soo long.
and arenas for fg v fg and so on.......pointless....its not daoc if they do that :D

one thing id like to see is make few quests for lvl 1-5 characters what can be done quickly and they get good money and items from them. so it wouldnt be so hard for new players to start.
remove /lvl 20, dont like it.thats why all of my lvl 50 are from 1-50 (exept farming ani).
give full tanks more hp, its silly to see how fast can a tank be LT do death. or how a assasin can kill a tank whit ease (well depends on the players skills totally)

well thats whats from em


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2005
Make RR skills better

Since cluster, make it like we can't travel into others ToA cause farmers come over and do encounters just to earn money on drops. ANd less gets encounter this way


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Haggus said:
Hahhahahaha. Yes like mid need another OP class to make the realm more easymode. Oh wait lets give pets to SM's... cos they need it... cos there sooo underpowered with there pbaoe. capping 800dmg DD's pets that intercept, mezz and whatnot....

Coming from the realm of chain-stunning, not CC-able, pet-speed-buffing realm and whatnot ... :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Cylian said:
Coming from the realm of chain-stunning, not CC-able, pet-speed-buffing realm and whatnot ... :eek:

why do you think I rolled a theurg? to atleast make rvr a little more balanced. Obveously I havn't done enough...

I must respec to earth someday... L40 pets not being CC able... woot...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
1. Rework old encounters, add better rewards for Classic/SI (for example, rework sidi drops..that place is still a Pain to farm) Tougher Dragon encounters, remove the warning messages for Dragon Glare and Dragon Pbaoe, but increase the Animation when casting.

2. Leave ToA scrolls the way it is, if anything scrolls are too easy to farm now. You should gain MLexp when a realm mate Gains a level (for example small ammounts for a level 1 to 40, bigger ammounts for a level 41 to 46, large ammounts for a 47 to 50). All Artifacts should have a repop chance between 30 Minutes and 8 Hours, none of this 32 hour repop cloudsong.

3. Catacombs, add more portable Monaliths to Catacombs zones, increased epic level encounters (something on the lines of Draco or Apoc), was hoping to lead meny epic catacombs boss in cats with worth more than 1fg.

4. 'Fix' MoC with other lifetaps not just sorcerers. Also increase the recast of most active RA's(Like MoC,TWF,ST) to 30 minutes.

5. rework the classic class's, what the hells the point of playing a Mentalist/Enchanter when you could play a Banshee. Armsman improvements, maybe a Better line of Polearm styles, also a Polearm Artifact with a 30% Haste proc.

6. Rework stormlord line so its more effective in FG combat or PvE. Most players will not consider this line due to lack of realistic RvR abilitys (20 seconds for a DD storm in FG combat is useless, maybe lower it to 6 seconds)

7. banelord abilitys- Increase the recast timer

8. to help new players in the game, remove /level and give all players below 40 a Perma 50% exp bonus (this will allow new players to get groups, exping will be found in lots of locations not just Avalon city)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
lol why bother, mythic got a team lead for all the classes and for rvr and such... they didn't use much of it. So what's the use. I don't have much faith in Mythic fixing anything. Focus on the new game instead.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ztyx said:
lol why bother, mythic got a team lead for all the classes and for rvr and such... they didn't use much of it. So what's the use. I don't have much faith in Mythic fixing anything. Focus on the new game instead.

Pointless as it may be (Go WARHAMMER ONLINE!)
theres a small chance some of the little changes might be actioned


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Bubble said:
Pointless as it may be (Go WARHAMMER ONLINE!)
theres a small chance some of the little changes might be actioned

im looking foward to Warhammer xD


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
UndyingAngel said:
im looking foward to Warhammer xD

Hearing good things about it, as much as people moan at mythic, daoc was a pretty good idea/game.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004

Do something about lag casting, I see it abused everyday

Keeps, tower and Guilds :

Quite often I see guilds claiming keeps and not looking after them. There should be a realm point penalty to guilds who do not repair their own keeps/towers or a realm point bonus given to the guild that repairs its own claimed tower/keep.

Reduce the amount of time to repair a keep. The time of repair should be more applicable to the number of people repairing and staying there over a period of time in that a capped time for any number of people repairing should stay the same ie 2 people repairing = Keep repaired in 30 minutes or less, or with 40 people repairing in 30 mins or less. Thus = the same amount of down time.

Realm points awarded to those that stay and repair towers and keeps in defence of their realm. Bonus realm points awarded to those that repair keeps/towers in enemy lands. At the moment this is pretty much a thankless task that not only costs in game money but a lot of downtime and it penalises those that stay and repair because they are not able to have any optimal rvr because of the repair.

Strafing :

Increase the chance to miss when strafing. Decrease the range to hit on players attacking while strafing. This is a general bug I see from melee classes in particular and mobs during PvE sessions that hit you when not even in close combat.

Casting :

Quickcast is just stupid at the moment - Especially in pve. The quickcast ability is supposed to enable a quick cast and then cast again as soon as mob/person is stunned. As it stands at the moment if the mob/person hits you just before you quickcast and you stun, you cannot cast again for five seconds even though it has been cast and it is supposed to be one second you can cast again. By the time you can cast again the stun is in effect useless.

Archers :

The term 'cannot get a good shot yet' should last a maximum of 2-3 seconds. At the moment this can go on permanently unless you physically do something in order to change it. This seems stupid when in instances the enemy whether it is pve or rvr is in perfect view.

Fix all LoS issues concerning archers.

Navigation of hills:

Fix all issues concerning low level hills or ditches so that you can navigate through them without being hindered. All low hills should either be raised in order to visually show that they are too steep to climb or enable a hindered motion in which you will not be able to navigate them as quickly. All flat vertical walled hills should be climbable by stealthers - after all the stealther class has this ability and should thus be able to use this ability not just only on keeps but on terrain. Introduce climbing tools of a varied sort for terrain and keeps be it ladders or something new to the game. Climbing is a natural feature of life and should also be a part of the game as it is already with classes like vampiir and stealthers in general.

Fluff :

Would like to see visual blood effects when in close combat with pve or rvr to give the game more realism. Even allow when a fatal blow occurs a severing of a body part to signify the blow and thus give more realism.

Pve :

Dungeons should be mapped and visual in game. It is ridiculous that you can see people in game on a dungeon map yet not be able to navigate the dungeon properly in order to get to them properly. This would particularly benefit those in high level dungeons such as Darkness Falls for example.

General :

While I have been roaming all parts of every realm I have found various navigational problems. There are some flat parts of the map that you cannot pass through simply because it has not been pathed properly - there is a particular example of this near Dun Scathaig.

Make trees have a circular blocking of path instead of a square, the range of navigation on them is far too wide.

Fix all known bugs and reward E&E's or anyone else in game for any faults that they find with the game and then do something about it instead of blaming the parent company for the code you are given. This measure would help the game massively.

Pets :

Fix all pathing on pets in any instance be it rvr or pve. Pathing on necro pets at the moment is just ridiculous and most other pets have similar issues. Enable the command of all pets actually 'obey' what the user is asking instead of the pet wandering off a million miles and ignoring what the user has told it to do.

As for the rest I pretty much agree with what has been said above.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Guild Features :

There should be also a penalty imposed to a guild whom does not defend its keep/tower. Too many guilds just claim a keep/tower and then forget about it. So to encourage more responsibility I would implement the following measures.

1. The guild pays a levy to another guild who repairs a keep that is not responsible to them.

2. There must be a percentage of the guild present at any keep/tower defence in order to avoid incuring any penalty given to the guild.

3. Smaller guilds given a bonus to realm points/ml xp/ experience for claiming a tower/keep and maintaining it.

4. Alliance members of any guild within an alliance given a percentage bonus of realm points/master level xp/experience for defending another guilds keep as long as it is within their own alliance.

5. Any guild taking a keep/tower that has not been defended by a percentage of the guild that owns it should be given a bonus to realm points awarded for taking the keep/tower.

Master level experience :

Reintroduce master level experience to those attackers taking a keep or tower along with the current rate of realm points.

I hope these measures would be productive to the game.
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