Mythic Consultation - now finished.

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Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
I agree something needs to be done to encourage people to play on the pvp servers. Its pretty dire at the moment killing the same people over and over again :p

Towns = Safe Zones

Also I would like towns to be safe zones, let the guards actually do their jobs. If a pvp encounter happens in a town, the guards rush in and kill the attacker.

This will stop portal camping, and especially in the toa zones I get pissed off when trying to get/complete quests and the same fg kills me over and over again everytime I return back to speak to the quest giver, or I get mezzed and killed just before I get there. This would also encourage more roaming instead of just camping Gothwaite or ToA zones, so you can't do any encounters.

Negative RPs For Killing Greys

I would also like to see a system where, if you kill a grey (who didn't attack you first ofc) you get negative rps, as its counter productive. It discourages people from coming to the server, and just pisses people off. It would also stop the lamers like Odins rushing in and pbaeing with their uber warlocks level 20s gathered around the bindstone.

Health Based RP Reward

I'm fed up of doing a 1on1 and people rushing in at the end and killing you, and then killing the other person you were fighting and getting all the RPs. When you're dead you get no rps for the kill even though you did the majority of the damage. They basically get a pat on the back for being lame and leeching off people trying to have a fair fight.

Rewards For Killing Groups Of Similar Size, Less RPs For Group v Soloer

On a similar note there should be a negative effect when a group kills a solo player (i.e. not grouped), such as getting less RPs for killing a solo player, but getting more rps if that person is grouped, with the same number of players. For example,

8 v 1 = 50% RPs
8 v 4 = 75% RPs
8 v 8 = 125% RPs

I didn't have a particular formula :p

Lower Reward Timer

Reward timer is too long :p Its annoying when you get attacked by someone and kill them only to realise all your effort gets rewarded by rubbish RPs.

Basically what I'm saying the whole PvP server needs looking at in depth to try and encourage people to get there and play. Instead of making more crappy servers that lower already dwindling numbers on the other servers.

I'm disappointed though with the alot of the other posts in this thread, they are just listing things that they want fixing without any kind of reason why they should be fixed. Though at the same time theres alot of quality posts by people who actually care about the game, rather than people who are simply interested in how many artifacts they can farm in an hour.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2005
- all stealther classes should self buff in the way vampiirs do
This would go a long way towards self reliability of these classes. While it means that non-stealthing soloers have a bit harder time then these classes would still have the option of grouping.
- restricting buff range
One reason that casters are that fast are buffs. Reducing the effectiveness of buffs would
a) encourage played buffers (more healer classes as well)
b) reduce damage by a little margin thus making fights more enjoyable
- Classic zones (and to an extent SI zones) are underused as the drops are no longer of good use to characters
A revamp of the loot tables would be appreciated.

- allow items to be salvaged by spellcrafters and receive a gem with one of the stats on it at 99% qua that can be used with or without imbue value in a template
This takes out items from the money gained by salvaging, provides value and allows to an extent TOA boni to be incorporated into templates to round templates out. 1 or 2% gems should be the limit.
- more skins
Shar armor was a nice step. Using drops as ingredient is a nice fluff idea.
- MP guaranteed
While more skins are appreciated the insane amount of farming to produce MPs is in direct opposition relation towards crafting as most people expect crafters to farm the items needed. An easy way to upgrade the quality (quest item with 6 charges) and/or a dropped item would take out a lot of the grind that crafting is right now.
It would allow crafters also to be more consistent with their pricing (maybe even lower the prices for MP). As a lot of drops now come as MP there is no longer a reason to restrict MP crafting by time anymore in the game.
- Same imbue value for 99% as for MP
The main reason for only buying MP is the 32 imbue value. Upping the imbue value for 99% qua item to be the same would open a lot of the market and allows more crafters to be competitive. If that happens, guaranteed MPs are not needed and can be seen as a status symbol.

Dreams: :D

:) Mob intelligence
In almost all zones mobs behave static. They agro within a certain range, come in limited numbers and repop in a certain time.
This makes PvE quite dull and repetitive.
One idea could be that certain factions build outpost camps and restrict travel to an extent or minimise the things possible around the area if a certain number of camps have spawned.
As the number of camps grow the earlier camps increase in difficulty (numbers or level or both) making it a challenge to take them out.
It could also lead to an invasion of the homeland.

:) Arena and common zone
An underground demon zone opens where players from all realms can come together and pit their fighting skills against each other.
On non-coop servers communication between players would be impossible other than emotes and therefore once a player wants to take parts in the duels they put their name down with an NPC and the type of duel they want to take part in (1v1, 1v2, 2v2).
One NPC then announces the participants of the next duel and the combatants have 20 sec time to enter the arena.
The winner of the battle earns bps and gold but no or a very reduced amount of rps.
Optional it could be possible to put wagers on the fights for watching people.

In addition there are multiple Quest NPCs in this area that allow solo or group (or even battlegroup) quests that will lead the players into the surrounding (hellish) zones (think of it as crossover of Ashen Isles with Darkness Falls) with new intelligent mobs along the way and boss mobs that can't be just farmed.
The item (or bonus) to be gained by this would be in relation to the difficulty. Possible ideas for this are:
- +3% rps for the duration of an hour
- couple of realm points
- special one time item with damage
- special one time item with heal
- as above and in addition
- Orb of Tremor - one time item that damages a keep door or wall with a certain percentage - to be placed near there and activated - will go off after 30 secs
- Shroud of Darkness - a sphere of darkness that makes seeing the wearer and surroundings more difficult - 1 min duration
- 5% damage add against siege targets (time restricted)
- ... other things
As a group/player from one realm takes the quest the challenge for other realm groups/players is announced and they can try to compete against their counterparts using an alternative route to the end mob.
The entrance to this could be located for example in Agramon.

:) Dragon world
(this idea comes from the VN Boards - but I think it is good and fits and therefore I just sum it up with a few modifications)
The constant fight against the inhabitants has left the dragons in each realm weakened. Unknown to the inhabitants the dragons acted as guardians for their realm holding back legions of creatures known only from the oldest legends shrouded in mystery and time.
Now that the dragons are weakened these creatures see a chance to make their comeback and open portals all over Hibernia, Midgard and Albion and set up camps for their invasion (speak Classic and SI zones). As their camps grow they establish new bases from which to strike the realms.
As the camps are fought the invaders can be fought back and if the original base camp is defeated the portal closes.
To defeat this threat the strongest fighters of each realm have to open a portal to the realm of these creatures (which would be like the ML10 arena a common zone able to RvR in). There are riches to be found there (speak loot similar to ML drops and full respec stones) and if the overlord of these creatures is defeated the threat of the camps is eliminated for a time.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Mythic should look at increasing the amount that GOA can do to fix things and sort things. Maybe look at sending some technical staff from the US over to france to train GOA's staff (though not requiel, we've seen previously he aint technical :p) so that GOA can do much more for the community.

Patch delays need to be HUGELY reduced, waiting 6+ months for a patch where we know the game gets massively improved sucks. Last patch delays have been lower than before, but lets face it its possible to sync patches on the English servers with those on the US.

Edit: Instanced rvr should be made, or at the very least give every server a tournament rather than just the french servers.

I think rvr does need some key balance issues sorting (understatement i know) imo they are as follows:

Casters need toning down generally, they deal way too much damage compared to tanks. (Think caba/sorc assisting, or rm/sm or chanter/eld)

Albions end chant on the paladin needs increasing to 2k or even 1500. Having such a low end range seriously cripples a fair amount of alb groups by reducing the effectiveness of the mercenaries. Christ i play hib and i feel sorry for albs having such a low end range.

Stealthwars need a fair bit of balancing, but i'll let the real stealthers go into detail there. I barely play my ranger in rvr so what do i know :)

I think, going off the patch on the US servers atm, wardens need nothing so thats something I'm happy with.

Intercept on sms needs to be fixed, make it so that the sm pet must be in combat with the attacker to be able to intercept, which is much more realistic. How the hell can an sm pet jump infront of 3 tanks beating the shit out of its master? Either that or maybe make it so you have to spec for it, in summoning.

DPS debuff needs fixing again on chanters, I'm fairly biased towards this not being fixed, but it was fixed previously.

Rework the interupt system (as many have said)

Thats all i can think of just now, only just woke up :|


Fledgling Freddie
May 7, 2004
artifacts :
1/ make unactivated artifacts over a certain age dissapear (prohibiting artfact camping)
2/ make artifacts easier to get for those without access to the "farming" classes and/or groups to help

rvr :
1/ fights dont last long enough .. period (be this due to overpowered classes and ml abilities, caster dmg output, etc)
2/ siege additions
2a/ ladders are a great idea
2b/ towers can be razed to fast, make opening the doors more worthwhile
2c/ make repairing keeps/towers rewarding by granting rp or bp
3/ give shamen back group end
4/ remove casted buff limit
5/ add collision code

pve : (too nakered and much has been suggested already)

crafting :
1/ enable spellcrafters/alchemists able to repair rings/neclaces/bracers durabilty, AC/WC/Tailors/Fletchers able to repair durability on items associated with their trade ... thus enabling the extended use of ROG items any who use them in templates
2/ (too nakered and much has been suggested already)

additional :
1/ (too nakered and much has been suggested already)


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
-Put player names on their pets for easier identification
-Introduce seige towers (like the romans) where they can be pushed into place on keeps, this would give tanks a role in tower taking :)

Pohjan Poika

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Raven said:
remove the /level 20 command, new players join the game and find nobody around of thier level.

an overhaul of the interupt code. (say no more)

give heavy tanks more utility

make all artifacts quest based, with a much faster repop on encounters.

oh and a personal favorite, make caster damage obey the same rules as melee, the faster you cast the less damage per "hit" you do, or make tank damage stay the same per hit, whatever the speed you swing

YaY! :worthy: :worthy:

need to add afew more tho,

since the begnning of daoc ive been wanting tabards (no not since wow) or other parts another than horse/shield/cloak that can be mark with teh guild emblem - or even the leader sets a guild color scheme that everyeon can buy so everyone looks the same.

abit easier crafting to eliminate macro crafters, make it more like svg but with a minimum timer and a maximum timer. where maximum always gets higher the longer you craft on cetrain item, and has a cooldown taht ticks back after like a week or month. might sound harder but might be easier for alot of ppl to find crafting my interactive and giving. (aww rip from another game? so what all MMO** are based on other games)

expand agrmon so its about the size of 2-2½ zones, so we might be able to hear some: where are the soloers in agramon - and not the usual its not possible to solo in agramon whinage.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Casters vs Archers

I would really like to see either:

More archer anti-caster tools/Ra's/abilities etc (eg. more things like longshot)
Less caster anti-archer tools/ra's/abilities etc (eg. less things like brittle guards)

casters are no longer the archer-fodder they used to be, while this used to add a little challenge to archery, now its just plain stupid, takes 2 or more archers to go up against any 1 caster nowadays, assuming all things are equal. while archers are not meant to be the equal of casters in a straight 1 on 1, even if the archer uses stealth to get the edge (more height, further range etc) the caster still has too many advantages most of the time.

brittle guards, blade turn, caster PD and MoC, not to mention pet intercepts, pet heals, quickcast and the insane casttimes, make going up against any caster who isnt AFK a real pain in the backside.

Archers effectively need to kill the caster twice or three times over, just to get rid of thier defences such as brittle guards and BT, before we even start putting damage down on the caster itself. meanwhile the only defence an archer has against the caster is stealth, which is null and void as soon as we shoot, or abilities such as AoM or the empty mind Ra's, which still dont solve the problem of the difference in DPS and speed at which they're delivered.

Pets Guards and Mobs vs Stealth

I would REALLY like to see either

stealth changed so that re-stealthing breaks agro from Mobs Guards and/or Pets(in most cases).
Give a stealth-spec timed active (non-combat?) ability similar to (but less power than) vanish that will break agro on Mobs Guards and/or Pets(in most cases).

At the moment casters have an edge over archers, stealth is meant to be the reason for this unbalance - since we can hide when we need to and avoid them and pick our fights.

But with the pet situation atm, once we get that pet on us, even if we CC the pet, get away from the caster and then manage to re-stealth, the pet can just keep its agro and come and get us as soon as CC wares off.

I cant see any reason for this - if the caster is foolish enough to lose us, how can the pet he is controlling continue to have us targetted?

giving pet classes a timed active(duration?) RA or ability that would allow pets to keep tracking after someone has restealthed would be a good counter to this - it would balance the current one-sided situation.

Guards are another problem, they're supposed to be NPC's guarding the keeps etc, similar to players but lesser in ability, yet once a stealther gets agro from them, the guard will proceed to chase said stealther to the ends of the earth at mach5.

Whats the point in this? giving the stealthers a counter to this, even if it was a timed active ability similar to vanish but only applicable to guards and mobs is really needed.

I cant see how such an ability would overpower stealthers, as infiltrators get a version of this at the moment, why shouldnt archers - who are meant to hunt casters, many of whom have pets - get some version of this ability?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
My wish for the future of daoc is to bring back an aspect of the game that I feel was lost when the New Frontiers were introduced: Realm invasion. I am not just talking about keep/tower fights (NF has plenty of those). I am talking about invading land.

The Old Frontiers had land worth invading. And equally important, land worth defending. Uppland, Forest Sauvage, and Cruachan Gorge were the hearts of each frontier. These places were somewhat popular to invade, because there was a good chance of meeting "defenders". Other than that, the Old Frontiers did not encourage realm invasion much either. The first discouragement was the milegates. Another discouragement was the guard/mob aggro. Players were forced to travel along the zonewalls. However, the Old Frontiers had the foundation for realm invasion: The defending realm in one end of the frontier, and the invading realms in the other end. In my humble opinion this is the key to realm invasion, and the New Frontiers destroyed this foundation by allowing players to teleport between keeps.

I would like to propose some changes (based on Midgard in the Old Frontiers) that I think would encourage realm invasion:

- First of all, bring more "life" to the frontiers. Give mids a reason to travel to, or through, Uppland (the entire zone). An example could be to create small villages with realm task NPCs in Uppland. Uppland should be the heart of Midgard. A place that mids would be proud to defend. If mids were proud to defend Uppland it would be an ideal area for invaders to invade.

- In the other end of the frontier we need to replace milegates with more subtle borders. Something that gives invaders a greater chance of getting through, while still giving the defending realm a slight advantage.

- With defenders ready to defend, and invaders ready to invade, the frontiers should be designed with this in mind. Create (obvious) routes for invaders as well as defenders to use. I think three overall routes would be ideal, but they should cross each other many times thus giving players a greater variety of routes to use. The idea is to use the entire frontier for fighting, not just the end zones. Therefore, these routes should be designed to be interesting places to fight. An example could be a route going through a ruin of what used to be a castle. This would be an awesome place for melee classes to fight (but the important thing is to give all realms a reason to travel through this ruin).

- Give each keep a unique design and perhaps a unique feature as well (like a keep from which you can dispatch a caravan with wood for repairs to other keeps). The keeps closest to the "heart" of each frontier should have the greatest unique features. Also, use lots of landmark structures to make the frontiers more interesting. Remember the little tower in OF emain? Despite being very exposed this was a popular meeting point simply because it was the only landmark in that area.

I don't expect the Old Frontier to ever be re-introduced to this game, but the reason I based my suggestions on OF is that it is impossible to achieve that kind of "realm invasion" with NF. My hope is that some day Mythic will completely revamp the Frontiers and focus more this aspect (wishful thinking, yes I know, but isnt that what this thread is for? :))


Rework DW penalties against shield/parry/evade etc

Stop dual wielders destroying block rate despite if they aren't specced in CD/DW/LA but have a weapon equipped, it's not fair to spec 50 in shield and have its effectiveness at 50%.

Make the penalty dependent on how high you spec CD/DW/LA and how high the persons shield spec, also reduce the bonus of shields v arrows, and give 1hand and 2hand a higher chance of breaching shields.

Reduce casting times but change interupt codes, think this has been covered

Crafting obviously, a game is suppose to be fun.

Add a MOC for archery, archery dps is pretty low anyway so no reason not to do it.

Make critical strike attacks and critshot negate brittle guards.

Add anticasting abilties, pbt, bt, guard, BG, brittleguards etc etc etc... where's my spellturn? :)

Add towns in the frontiers that can be captured (no gates or walls but guards etc) create insentives to actually capture them.

Reduce realmpoints gained from groups ganking soloers but increase realmpoints from soloers ganking groups etc

Give archers safe fall...we have to spec it... every other class but archers can get them with champion levels ;(

Reduce the effectiveness of mez when its just aoe spammed several times on the same person, would mean that a degree of skill is actually required.

Stealther love... over the years as the game has evolved, people in groups stength has increased a lot more significantly than stealthers, as a stealther fighting nonstealthers i feel like im in a completely diferent league.

Back in the day i could pick out some casters from groups and have a good chance of taking them down and escaping, now the chances are the caster will drop me in 3-4 seconds and barely break a sweat. Casters are a much tougher target now days than tanks :l


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 29, 2005
Okay, once more on the topic of casters and how quickly fights end, I reckon a good inclusion would be to have damage spells becoming reliant on certain openings. Like the melee classes. For instance, melee damage is insignificant until say, the 4th in a chain that required you to block in the first place. Obviously casting can't work like this, but what if the damage spells required the target to be focussing on the caster at that time. So it takes opposing aggression to allow you to pull off the spell.

And I'd like to expand on my previous though about casters needing to charge first, I realise this would result in melee charges straight to casters, removing them entirely from fights. So what if each realm had a caster that could produce effectively, a barrier for the casters to hide behind which can only be penetrated by other magic. But it would have a limited time length and a very long recharge time...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
Master level's: Main thing I would like to see is master level group step change's make them soloable or quests or a choice between group/solo/quest encounter or just plain remove them :D

RR5 RA: seriously sort these out, some are godly some are situational some are not worth a slot on a qb.

Artifacts/scrolls: rework some of the less useful artifacts it gets very boring practically everyone using the same ones, and as a knock on effect the popular ones become very expensive and excessivly camped.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 11, 2004
Seen many good ideas here but have some of my own aswell.

1. Make respecs free and unlimited. (whats wrong with people beeing able to toy around with different specs without having to spend all their money on it?) The skill and full respec stones gets taken away and dragons get new loottables.

2. Seen thisone earlier but cant be repeated enough. Make ML's and artifacts easyer to get.

3. Collisions would be very nice to see in the game. Tanks would have much more utility in many areas. A tower or keep battle would get much more intresting when a group of tanks can further stop entry to a keep or tower after the gate is rammed down.

4. The assasin class npc guards on keeps really need to have their stealthdetection reduced. They have almost totaly taken away the possibility to sneak inside a keep and report numbers of enemies or attack enemies during a siege. I think it is easy enough for players to set up defences vs stealthers on keeps. Theres only two climbspots on a keep and players dont have any problems covering them with own stealthers/nodes. Take the assasinguards away or reduce their detection, its ridiculous to climb up a keep and instantly see a npc jump down from a tower on the other end of the wall and home in on you.

5. Thisone has been repeated many times already. Warlocs need the nerfbat. atm they are like the most deadly nuker aswell as the most deadly "meleeclass" (i would like to call killing a melleclass in meleerange for meleeing). My sugestion is that warlocs have to be on a minimum range to use the instanukes (600-700 radius?).

6. Seen quite a few people ask that the damage on melee and nukes should be lowered all over to make fights longer. This is a bad idea in my opinion since it would be a bad thing for some classes depending on playstyle. As an infiltrator i would suffer very much since on for example sieges i rely very much on beeing able to hit a caster and kill him fast and then disapear. If the damage is lowered i will be forced to join the stealth war wich i personaly dont like that much. My prefered playstyle is based on finding the right target and hitting it fast and then dissapear to look for a new target.

7. Give love to armsmen to make them attractive for rvrgroups again. Or atleast give the free and unlimited respecs at point 1. Then i can atleast have a S/S template to be welcome into pve groups and have a polearm template to dish a tad more damage in rvr if i can find a solofight (wont get into a group anyway:mad: )


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
I'd like to see the following:

1) Caster interruptions changed to be more like in WoW
2) Caster DPS reduced significanly
3) Peak Melee DPS reduced (banespike + battler + vendo/champ rr5/eyeshot/etc) is over the top
4) Cool down timers on potions and items reduced significantly
5) New unique item /uses (not just artifacts, see WoW for how there are many intesting toys to play with)
6) Style review
7) Instanced RvR options (1v1, 8v8, 16v16), with perhaps a 30 min cool down so that regular rvr isn't hurt
8) Old emain


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Give Runemasters some form of AoE CC (ie. AoE Root, AoE Mezz) like EVERY other caster class has.

And fix Runemasters RR5 ability so that is actually is 90% evade as it says instead of being based on WS which casters have very low and there for results in like 10% evade.


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
Have caster damage scale with time uninterrupted or lock it to the same rules as melee damage - less time between nukes = less damage. This could respresent the caster pumping out as many nukes as he can in haste as opposed to gathering his energies and waiting for one devestating strike.

For example a spell that does 200 damage per cast with a 1.5 second cast time does 400 if you hold cast for three seconds, 600 for 4.5 seconds etc, 800 for 6 seconds etc etc.This means that a free caster left alone for 10 seconds would be devestating and also would mean that MoC is not as overpowered if it was locked to the same rules. Obviously there would still be a hard damage "cap" for the time invested.

Maybe not a good idea but this could be partially taken onboard with healers too but with less of a penalty and more of a bonus (would up the survivablility element and make fights last longer).


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
Things i'd like to see really are...

1) Sub speccing, abilty to be a hybrid and tailor your character to how you want. Would bring more variation to classes rather than the PVE or RVR spec choice you have currently. (obviously more variation thorws in more possible overpowered combinations, be very careful about this).

2) overhaul the entire RVR balance issues already noted here.

3) TOA was the death of many casual gamers, ML's, Arti's etc shoudl all be possible to complete solo. Not everyone has chance to make lasting relationships within the game, dont deprive them of a chance to compete.

4) Stealthwars is a joke. Obvious whinge from visibles has caused stealthers to be left far far behind. Its a nice class to choose to solo with (with said casual gamer waiting to form fg, can just log and play. For people with kids, stealing an hour here and there this is ideal).

5) NPC group mates as idea to help the classes that cant solo take down arti mobs etc (yes im looking at you chanters, SM's Necro's).

6) more things to do in RVR, scouting (more like active clicking on roaming groups to identify them on the war map, earning rp's this way) as opposed to having to kill enemy or siege towers.

Balance, listen to the clientbase, keep the clientbase high (ive never seen any real market push over here), and entertain.


- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
I would like to see the original theory of classes which can beat classess, for example. When I was leveling 4years ago, rumor had it that a inf could kill a red caster. However infs can kill anything now. I think this long lost theory needs to be really balanced and rethought, and you may find the heavy tanks become more better.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
- Give rangers back the ability to hit casters in less than 5 arrows (3*britle+bladeturn) or make the javelin the same range as the bow reach.
- Make some item (quest) that give the abilitie to popup the channeler window from anywhere in the game (exclusive rvr zones ofcourse)
- serverwide chatchannel would be nice
- the ability to give back a activeated artifact to a npc to recieve the book and the artifact again to pass over to anoter character.
- stop pets from folowing a stealther when he is in stealth mode
- decrease the timer on camoflage so that rangers could actualy use it.
- give alchemists speed potions (pve zones)
- vampiir speed on group base
- more power gain for vamp's if the style fail.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
Mythic Consultation

Before i start i have to give Mythic more points for Catacombs but less points on Aggramon.


* Reduce all encounters respawn time

* Make all artifacts encounters possible with 1fg

* Reduce Artifacts leveling


* Give Classes more utlility and equalize the oposing classes of other realms the same amount of utility

* Remove all insta spells on casters (deffubs are not included )

* Re-check all bugs on RvR such as pbaoeing through walls, Los abuses, strafing etc

* Reduce Crafting time as it is dull at the moment and not worth for time spent.

* Renew the drops on High level mobs such as Golenstad Xanxicar Legion etc


* Faster response on rightnow

* And last but neither the less very important have a GOA GM or someone that can resolve game issue problems on a lets say marked time line (10:00-19:00) to resolve game issues.

* And now looking Excalibur, Avalon, Prydwen, Logres and Cammlan down without any technical issues.

Best Regards


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I've not read all the threads here - just too many of them, so I apologise if I mention things that have already been covered.

My Pet issues.

1. Give all groups a reason to have a stealther (archer, or assassin) in their group, currently there is no reason for a stealther in a group. They do not do enough reliable damage, and all their special attacks that are powerful require stealth, which is incompatible with grouping.

2. Make it possible for stealthers (archers and assassins) to kill casters, currently hitting any caster as a stealther is a certain loose senario. As an assassin they will just QC some CC, (which purge can help, but minimum purge II is needed), and then hit you with 400+ damage every 1 second. If you manage to get the drop on them and avoid the QC (quick cast), then they just MoC (mastery of concentration), and proceed to kill the assassin/archer. The speciality attacks of archers and assassins is pretty much nulliifed by all the caster defenses (Blade Turn, Brittle Guards *3, Physical Defense (RA), Absorb self buffs, casting speed, and so forth).

3. All melee face a diminishing return as they are exposed to haste, and hit faster - eg celerity, haste and quickness. Archers can trade damage for faster shooting (approx 1 second delay), but hit for 1/2 damage. This means that for all melee and archers there is a cost for hitting faster, however for casters there is no cost associated with faster casting speed, and as thus a caster can achieve near on 500 damage every 1 second, while maintaining melee class like defenses. There must be introduced a cost for the damage that casters do, currently there is none.

4. Anyone less than RR5 is simply free rp's for all the RR9+ classes out there, and stand very little chance in any fight. Some means of fighting (PvP) and obtaining realm rank without fighting hopeless fights, or always being outgunned must be considered, currently low RR players are forced to resort to leeching (stealing realm points) to attain RR, until they finally are able to fight on even ground.

5. The class balances are highly skewed, some classes have no or very little purpose in RvR (Valk, Hunter, Shadowblades and more), because they do neither high DPS, nor have anything that is necessary for a group. I.E. Rather than strengthening the group by adding some unique ability, these classes actually weaken the group, which means they are always "not wanted' in groups. This must be addressed, in some manner. Sure Stealth gives the hunter and SB the ability to solo, but the only viable targets solo are other stealthers, which creates a sub-game for these classes.

6. It is highly frustrating playing a hunter with a 5.3 spear, when I hit an assassin (good damage lies in the range of 250-500) I am hit back by a one hander for nearly the same amount of damage, then add in the offhand damage, as well as the much higher swing speed of the dual wielder. Currently anyone fighting dualwield classes with a 2-hander is at a huge disadvantage. The damage of 2-handers vs dual wielders needs to be examined, because dual wield should hit faster, but not harder than 2-handers, and 2-handers should hit hard, but slower.. currently the Dualwield is a win-win with no penalties at all - except against parry. This affects particulary the hunter - but also the scout- in that these classes are barred from dualwielding. This puts them at a significant melee disadvantage against all other stealthers - which are the only targets that these classes reliably can fight.

7. Basically the class balance needs to be addressed, this will mean the redesign of some classes, and alterations to others.. You basically need to create balance, so that a high damage dealer (caster), is an extremely soft target, without support, in the form of healer, and guarding tanks - like the game was originally.. And low damage dealers, (tanks, assassins, archers etc) are harder targets, such that no one obtains the option of high damage and high defenses. Additionally special attacks such as the assassin Perforate artery, and archers Critical Strike must be something to be feared, there are sufficient counters to these attacks, so if the attack succeeds, it must deal significant damage, currently this is not the case.

8. Dark age of camelot is all about range now, so it is important that the archery between the realms be equalized, so that each realm has the same kind of abilittes. The old model with scouts being best archers and hunters worse, does not function anymore, it just unbalances the realms signifcantly.

9. Scale down the artifact effects, currently fights are not determined by player skill, but rather what artifacts that the class has available. This means that artifacts are bascially I-win buttons, that when used, will nearly always win the fight. This is highly frustrating - and promotes a get a fight, go sit in a keep for 15 mins waiting for your artifact timers - this is boring.

basically Class and realm balance needs to be adjusted.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 28, 2005
Revise crafting system - good suggestions above - it is soo boring for very little return.

Allow sorcs to control groups of mobs as pets - number and level equivalent to power of caster - one high level pet or swarms of low level.

ban bb from port points in the same way that POC entrances are protected or make their buffs radius dependant.

get rid of insta spells

make bolt spells more blockable by shield tanks.


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
ide like to see artys doable 1 time only in the likes of say 8 ppl do shades of mist u kill the 3 mobs with no som dop

then u kill the yellow con mob in the middle when it is dead 1 player in the grp gets the arty ( this is untradable) then that 1 player who go the arty cant get it agane but can do the encounter to get ml exp

to 1 class ui love to use

necros why is it necros are so gimp in rvr now 3 hits from a loc runmaster there pet is dead why not give them a bit more heal/hp pluse the buggd on necros there is all overe the game from classice to catas in DF going thow to the gate keeper when u enter the GK room with all the knights if u want to go out the necro pet is stuck and can not exit the room and sins the last pach i have been in so meny difrent zones from classic SI TOA and found out that my necro pet dus not follow me and i lose controle of it

plz plz get all the necro buggs fixed and dont let necro armer exsetra degrade as qickly as it dus it cons loads of cash to replace it when u repiar it


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
I think high lvl boss mobs should be abel to drop cool speciel looking/glowing armorparts for the horses in Darkness Rising.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
I'd be happy if nothing else was adding to the game (zone wise)

things need to be fixed, crafting system i agree is a joke currently, far to time consuming and boring to even get started on.

lots of class imbalances already mentioned above, rr5 Ras being some of them, comparing runemasters to sorcs for example, noting the fact that sorcs have lifetap runemasters don't

charge RA, not sure if this has been mentioned already but it goes like this, If i go rvr and see a charge tank (usually banelord) they press the charge button and its game over, i just sit down nowadays as there is nothing i can do, I'm picking on this Ra as i play a caster, but silly RAs and abilities need to be balanced, determination is strong but combined with charge, well...

i know its already been mentioned but i think it needs saying again, improve heavy tanks, warrior/hero/armsman having recently made a warrior i can tell you how silly it is to play one vs any caster and tbh most tanks, to even have a chance of competing you need the best items and ml10 etc which is VERY time consuming, otherwise you brave, war hardened warrior goes down in 2 seconds flat without even reaching the enemy.

ML9 - Not only destroyed pve for the casual player, but has a massive impact on rvr aswell, why should a player controlled pet have the power to take down mulpiple enemies on its own when its merely jsut sent to attack requiring no skill whatsoever? is it right these things can hit over 800+ damage?, chain stunning ml9 pets making it impossible to excape whilst being hit for insane damage, ml9 pets that can't be CCed:( , buffed ml9 pets:( , ml9 pet vs a tank with the pet winning, the list is endless and the fact that some of the stronglest classes in the game get this ability drives me insane.

Only a few things but nice post, hope you take inter consideration whats being said. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
soo, alot of "boost-my-char" suggestions here, some good some not ;p

anyway, here is a few ideas of mine;

- Ingame Teamspeak - Make it easier for everyone to use while grouping, i mean the technology is there, its just that no gamecompany bothers. Chatting with keyboard while trying too RvR is generally a bad idea(same with pve usally).

- Redo the Teamleader system - it doesnt work as it is. But a good feedback from entire community about certain classes/realm abilities/ or whatever should be a very high priorty for Mythic. And if the game evolved as we gamers want it, it would be a much more attractive game if you ask me.

- The GOA, translations and updates - Ok, everyone is pretty much tired about daoc-europe being 6months or more behind in patching. Deal with it please. Blizzard manages, why wouldnt Mythic?

- The Mailsystem from WoW - its a great feature, implement it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004

  • Major revamp of the Trophy and display system. Trophy art work - some are excellent, others are awful. If you have to zoom in to look at a trophy it's too small.
  • Make trophies personalizable - say with (trophy) dyes.
  • Tooltips so you can mouse-over to see what trophy is being displayed. Atm you have to take it down.
  • Names on plaques, round stands etc.
  • No two different trophies to be identical. Variation even in shades of colour would be enough.
  • Fishtails? Since when? Heads are what trophy hunters stuff. Same for Medusa and Talos.
  • Make Martikhoras, Ammut and Runihura wall plaques of a size like Chimera. They are MLtrophies after all.
  • Make trophy slots separate from furniture. I have a house full of trophies and nowhere to sleep :)
  • A grid to help place trophies (like the minimap has)
  • Let trophies (and decorations) be placed OUTSIDE the houses.
Housing etc.
  • Allow purchase of more hookpoints and NPCs. Allow NPCs to be dressable in guild outfits etc.
  • Allow NPCs for any crafting to be near the craft table, lathe etc. Why all the running around?
  • Allow a Market Explorer as one of the purchasable NPCs.
  • Search of CMs needs to be more flexible - eg. when you buy something allow search window to stick. Allow searches for things like Power pool cap and so on. Allow alphabetical searches.
  • This one is a 'must' : allow the NPC that sells tokens to accept them.
  • Allow purchase of a 'rover' ticket which when given to the NPC will bring up a list of possible destinations, tabulated properly
  • When an arti etc is delved using SHIFT-I set out the information in the screen clearly and in table form. It would be much easier to list the lvls of an arti 1-10 and say opposite each one what you get, if anything. At the moment its a shambles, especially when the arti could be for a tank or a seer.
That should do to be goiung on with...:)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
I would remove Arti Xping, it boring and too time consuming.

Stop PLing and force people to group again in all realms.

Rebalance support and boost hybrid classes across all realms so albs mid and hibs can acheive the same core abilities End regen, Resists, Heals, CC with the same no of chars to the same effectivity.

Reinstate the orignial 300 spec pt cap. There is too much disparity now between all classes due to insanely high ws that certain classes can achieve, Insane casting speeds etc.

Remove all Insta cast CC spells or restrict there range to half that of normal spells.

Remove castable stun from all classes, It simply is not fun to be stood in one spot and nuked to death without being able to do anything about it.

Correct spell walk though bug and Melee walk through and strafing.

Cap brittle guards at 1.

Reduce archer effectiveness in melee and reduce archer stealth detection effectiveness (currently archers are best char at detecting all stealth types) and remove range benefit from high structures. Assisting kills from the top of tower and subsequent player insta death is not fun.

Reduce Nearsight timer again not fun to be stood around for 2 mins, 1 min or 30 secs should be long enough.

Allow only 1 TOA proc or charge to be active at any one time. Stacking Winged helm and SOM or Battler and Malice combos are an I Win for classes that spec or have this option this should not be the case, the person should make a choice to use a charge or take a gamble and hope for a proc.

Remove or rework Remedy from NS its the most overpowering ability ever in its current state, to block a complete spec line (Env), ml path (Poisonspike), a person sced armour procs, toa weapon procs and any new Darkness Rising weapon procs is a bit much from a free RR5 ability it should block a portion of the damage say 50% not all of it.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 1, 2005
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary attributes for "Classic" primary casters:-
These need resetting from Intelligence, Dexterity and Quickness to Intelligence, Dexterity and Constitution.
With some of the new primary casting classes, e.g. "Bainshee", Constitution is the tertiary attribute. Constitution is more important than Quickness (in fact Quickness is of no use at all to the primary caster). It is only fair, therefore, that the Classic primary casters are modified so that Constitution is the teritary attribute.
Also, it would be a good idea to maybe introduce attribute respecs.

It is often the case when you type something in the wrong chat channel and don't realise it before it's too late. Maybe the colour of the text could change to the colour of the chat channel as you type it, so that you can spot when you are typing in the wrong channel before your press "enter"?

Accidental loss of money through buying the wrong/too many raw materials:-
Sometimes, mistakes are made where you accidentally buy too many units of a raw material because you leave the "keep quantity" box checked. This can be a very expensive mistake if you buy something like 100 Ra gems (29g each), when you only needed 1! It's an easy mistake to make, especially if you're tired from hours of crafting. Therefore, players should be allowed to sell all raw materials that have not been used for crafting back to the merchant for the same price as they were purchased. Then, mistakes could be rectified easily and without losing lots of money.
There should be some option for ensuring that crafted items turn out at 99% quality guaranteed. Maybe the crafter could buy some sort of compound from the craft merchant, for each level of item, that would ensure that items crafted would be 99% quality guaranteed? Crafters generally accept that there are going to be many remakes, especially in Spellcrafting, to get 99% quality. It would save a lot of time and frustration if crafters could pay so much extra so that 99% quality was guaranteed, to save time on remakes. For example, a spellcrafter could buy some "Level 1 Compound" for say, 1g so that all Raw gems were 99% quality guaranteed and some "Level 10 Compound" for say, 100g so that all Perfect gems were 99% quality guaranteed.

There should be some reward for creating groups that have a mixed selection of classes. Quite often it is the case that players can't get a space in a group because they are the wrong class. For example, in Hibernia it is common to find all-Animist setups for a group, or maybe 5 Animists and healers. As such, "unwanted" classes can often find it difficult to get groups.
The whole idea, I believe, of DAoC is for different classes to complement each other as they work together in groups. There should be bonuses for groups that have less than, say, 2 of the same class in a group. Maybe melee and magic damage bonuses?

It would be really nice to have seasons in DAoC. It would be nice to see the leaves change colour on the trees in Autumn, to see them fall so that by Winter trees are bare. Then it would be great to have snow and ice in Winter, before seeing trees blossom in the Spring. Also, to see Daffodils and other different flora according the to season. In addition, it would be nice to see the Moon change phase instead of being stuck on the same phase all the time. Maybe we could also get constellations fitting for the Northern hemisphere? Possibly shooting stars, Northern Lights for the people of Midgard etc? These changes would make the game seem more realistic, even though they are not directly linked to gameplay.

The frontier zones for the 3 realms are too similar. Also, the gravitational restrictions when trying to climb mountains are too severe. The terrain in the frontiers needs to be more varied.

It would be good if you could actually sit on chairs and lie on beds.
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