Mythic Consultation - now finished.

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Fledgling Freddie
Oct 29, 2005
Bring the A.I alive a bit more.Make npcs walk around and actuelly do things like sit in the pub and have a drink, make birds fly, rabbits run away etc

Give the ability to name pets and maybey a pet rez(i no this sounds a lot like w.o.w but these are good ideas and are some of the small reasons that sway my mates to w.o.w)

all these things could bring more atmosphere to the game as some times the game seems a bit dead.

thats all from me for now (i agree crafting is boring)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Balance !

The number one, and most important change of all:

1) BALANCE ! Balance the existing game for gods sake, nobody cares about more pointless expansions with pointless fluff when the game is STILL suffering terribly with huge balancing issues that have remained unaddressed since release in some cases.

Once you have balanced the existing game, THEN you can look at adding more stuff.

I suggest you start this from scratch, update the old world characters or nerf them as needed, then address the unbalanced ML abilities, then address the artifacts and then fix the expansion classes. You know what needs to be done, sod the whining and make the decisions that need to be made.

2) Crafting. I actually think the time-sink in crafting is about right, BUTI think there should be much more reward for getting a crafter to legendary status in crafting and in rvr.

What i'd like to see is :

Greater chance of MP result for a capped crafter, or some system for combining huge numbers of lower results into 1 MP.

Greater reward in RvR, as it is many people craft on lowbie thidranki alts creating a great lack of Legendary crafters in the frontiers to repair level 10 keeps reliably. I'd like to see more benefit for high crafting skills in rvr. Possibilities being:

Faster repair times
Chance to repair without needing wood
Reduced wood requirement

This should be for legendary or capped crafters of cause.

So as not to leave spellcraft/alchemy out they should be improved, possibly in the following ways:

Introduce ToA RoG proc's into the alchemy craftable options.

Introduce 'Cleansing' products for spellcrafters and alchemists that when used on a Spellcrafted piece of armour or weapon, will wipe all its stats off, at a high cost of cause.
This will solve the great lack of commercial armour crafters and the huge cost of MP armour if people can 'recycle' their old armour.
The same option for removing alchemy procs should be availible too.

3) Hastners, there should be a hastner at each friendly keep perminently like in OF.

4) Make ALL artifacts exp in DF just like PoC please ! Im not bothered about the exp but there should be more incentive to use this great dungeon and hunt there !

5) Solo Battle Ground ! Im well aware that Mythic only care about epic battles, but they should listen to what their players want first ! And there is a HUGE demand for a Soloing Arena and its not difficult to design one with a rules base that would make it workable all it needs is the following restrictions:

a) Grouping is disabled.
b) Buffing classes are unable to buff other players, only themselves.
c) Stat enhancing item charges wont have any effect.
d) Players will zone in into a random spot in a large central 'friendly' zone that gives them the option of moving out in any direction.
e) RPS will be rewarding as normal, but if any players 'adds' on a fight in progress no rps will be rewarded to anyone. Killing the winner of the fight of cause will be classed as a new battle and work as normal.
This system will encourage people not to interfere with a fight as it will be in everyones best interest to either wait or move on.

6) Strafing/Walk-through abuse. This is not a FPS game, its meant to be slightly believable for a start, I can see why strafing needs to be availible to a small degree and why theres no collision detection, but for gods sake why not put in a much greater penalty for the people trying to abuse it? Introduce a heavier penalty for people attempting to strafe or walk-through abuse and give a greater defensive bonus for those holding their position to discourage this lameness.

7) That is all for now, but if you fix all these things then you can always add bouncing-boobs like Lineage 2 :sex:


Oct 15, 2004
Balance existinc classes, dont make new ones.
Stop adding things to the game like DR we dont need more abilities

I would rather say remove some of the abilities

Help midgard pve

Make crafting better and more worthwhile, tbh I only have crafters to make dim siege


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2005
Improve what we have at the moment with regards to balancing classes and also the game as a hole.. address the LOS issues and wall bug issues with Los.. Give Goa more coding power to address things on the spot and also useable optional taggin system. so that Volenteers can be tagged as E&E so therefore be id'd easier. we do not need anymore addons this game is massive and the amount of abilties we have per class is making it to confusing and tech. to play.
I would not play this game as a new player as it is.. its to damn big and the main classic zones are empty (Improve content to these areas including GFX)

No More Classes or zones. -


Loyal Freddie
Feb 1, 2005
Way of the Sun: Single target stun, levels 5 and 15 need duration of stun increasing by 2 seconds each. Level 26 stun needs increasing to 7 seconds. Level 36 stun needs increasing to 9 seconds and level 46 stun needs increasing to 10 seconds. The single target stun also needs to be unbreakable, except against "Purge". These changes will help to compensate for the high resists against magic that many players now have. The stun is resisted a lot due to these high resists but there has been nothing given to compensate.
The Shadow Control specialism needs at least one more spell, to give it a similar number of spells to Mana. Maybe an aoe stun?

Way of the Moon: There should be a level 50 self-only damage absorption buff, due to the higher damage casters are taking due to ToA items etc.
Vacuumancy: Strength and Constitution debuff needs values increasing because off the effects of buff bots.
AoE point blank: Mana Elds should get a slightly more powerful point blank than Enchanters, because Enchanters have the advantage of a pet.
Attack Speed Debuff: The highest level spell from this range is level 44. It would be better if there was a level 50 version in addition.
Void Mastery: The Bolt spell should delve for the same damage as Fire Wizards' bolt to give parity.

The name of the Spellcrafter who imbues an item should show up in the delve. Yes, I know that several spellcrafters may have been involved, but credit should be given to the one who does the actual imbuing. This would encourage Spellcrafters to take on the responsibility for doing complete orders and would act as an incentive for lower level Spellcrafters to improve their skill.
Spellcrafters should be able to salvage gems from "dropped" items. These gems could either be used again, or sold as loot.

There should be restrictions placed on buff bot activity, e.g. where players leave them in specific locations to give buffs. Inactive buff bots should be automatically logged out after say, 3 minutes and in places like Frontier Keeps buff bots should not be allowed to congregate. If a character is logged on then it should be actively involved in the action.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Gandelf said:
Way of the Sun: Single target stun, levels 5 and 15 need duration of stun increasing by 2 seconds each. Level 26 stun needs increasing to 7 seconds. Level 36 stun needs increasing to 9 seconds and level 46 stun needs increasing to 10 seconds. The single target stun also needs to be unbreakable, except against "Purge". These changes will help to compensate for the high resists against magic that many players now have. The stun is resisted a lot due to these high resists but there has been nothing given to compensate.
The Shadow Control specialism needs at least one more spell, to give it a

Ok, hate to be first to say this in the thread (sorry req) but LOL!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Way too much "the other realms/classes have abilities that are OP'ed change something in my favor!"

Do a total review of classes looking at abilities/classes/ability combinations the community finds overpowered, and look at old and 'forgotten' classes.

Do a total review of RA's, especially RR5 ra's, it's not balanced when some are great, and some are extremely useless.

Revamp crafting and make toa easier (no ml xp and only half artifact xp needed, all steps BG and doable with max 2fg, slower spawn timers, increased scroll drops a lot on rare scrolls)

Stop making so many new PvE zones and so on, we don't need more PvE content, there's so much that isn't being used anyway, revamp that instead if doing anything at all.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
1) Bring back old frontiers, without toa. maybe on a specific server, the chances are if i predict correctly, more people will play them, because it was so much easier to find a fight etc.
2) stop jerking around making more pve for the game. it fucking sucks arse and is hard for casual players to gain items. power gamers win which i think this game was made for nowdays.
3) give lowbies a chance to gain exp faster. like make kill tasks more interesting maybe?
4) change the zones. they look boring and dull. if it was a real medievil game, it would be rolling hills with lots of trees, and small towns would be invaded by vikings and such. so maybe put towns in the frontiers which realms can occupie?
5) artis instanced.
6) Make mls like 5 steps, rather than 10.
7) make the game more social, ie improve roleplaying, make it so the crafters have to craft in a specific area, so it becomes more of a social thing... also maybe like you would have to seek out higher level tailors to gain experience from them for instance.
8) Improve crafting speed in which levels are gained.
9) The old frontiers used to have lots of pug grps. nowdays its either u run in a setgrp or you solo. its bloody pointless, hib seems to be the only realm that runs pugs. mids are like nota untoa'd etc bla bla


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003



Currently they are challenging and almost all can be done by 1FG balanced group, however there seems to be complaints about them being too difficult and spawn timer too long. I personally have no problem with how it is so cant advice what to do here.

-Scrolls @ Arti XP

The need to get both scrolls and then XP the artifact make getting them very time consuming for some people. This is mainly focused at the casual players who's time is limit as is. For instance Malice can take 20hr's /played to get the scrolls needed and then the same again to level it. If you can only play 2hours a night your looking at 3weeks at least before you can stop leveling it. I would advice one of 2 options:

1) Remove Scrolls: Make it so that you just need to get the artifact then teh scholar activates it. You still need to activate it as previously.

2) Remove the need to XP Artifacts: Make it so that you need to get the artifact+scrolls but it is activated at level 10.

Personally i would rather take option 2 out them but that just my preference.


Currently in RvR so no time to type up the Realm related stuff at the moment, possibly will get time tonight

Master Levels

The removal of alot of the group steps (ml3 etc) has made this alot easier, however people seem to complain about the issue still. I guess the main complaints are about ml5 and ml7. Can't advice what to do here. However removal of farming steps of ml7 would make things easier. 1-4hrs of farming same mobs is not enjoyable and as it not a challenge it doesnt really bring anything to that Master step.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Gandelf said:
Way of the Sun: Single target stun, levels 5 and 15 need duration of stun increasing by 2 seconds each. Level 26 stun needs increasing to 7 seconds. Level 36 stun needs increasing to 9 seconds and level 46 stun needs increasing to 10 seconds. The single target stun also needs to be unbreakable, except against "Purge". These changes will help to compensate for the high resists against magic that many players now have. The stun is resisted a lot due to these high resists but there has been nothing given to compensate.
The Shadow Control specialism needs at least one more spell, to give it a similar number of spells to Mana. Maybe an aoe stun?

are you out of youre mind?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003

Casters & tanks

(Point to note, i both play/played casters, tanks and hybrids)

No doubt as everyone could tell you, in many peoples eyes there is always imbalance between these too types. One patch there a huge advantage to casters the next it is tanks. This issue is tough to resolve with the current situation. Personally i would say Patch 1.75 was the closest there was to balance, reason being that the Determination boost in 1.76 swung it staight back in tanks favour.

Casters do extreme damage in a short time when they are left alone, with such high DPS how can it be fair on a tank? Well the arguement is counted with the simple fact that once a caster is under attack their DPS is Zero. They are constantly interupted by one thing or another.

So how do we balance it?

This is tough, you cant lower the DPS of a caster without reviewing 2 issues and fixing the problem. These will be 1) Survability and 2) Interupt system.

So lets look at these issues.


Once a caster is sighted by a tank (or another caster) they are as good as dead. The reason is that without heals, sometimes with them, they will die in 2-4 attack rounds, that is 4-8seconds or so. This means they need the ability to kill opposition before they can get into range. With the current situation with Determination and Charge abilities, along with artifact spell feedbacks in some instances this is very hard. More often then not you can only delay a tank at best for about 4seconds, not really enough time to move clear of them. This leaves casters needing the high DPS to take the tank out before they get close, else they are just RP fodder.


As stated before, though the initial DPS of a caster is high, the moment that something is in range and attacks them then their DPS drops to nothing, with their natural skills they cant do a thing, the only way round this is QC (once every 30seconds) or MoC (30seconds every 10minutes). This means more often then not a caster will be stuck doing nothing but being interupted and not casting a spell, so in turn when they have the ability to cast this lack of damage is soon balanced out by the huge damage they do when free.

So What?

Well, the reason i state the above things is that if you want a casters cast speed taken into account then something would need to be done to resolve the two issues above.

To solve Survability casters need to have methods to take less damage or have more health. The best way to limit the damage they take is to once again return the Determination RA ability to what it was Pre-1.76 where there was some form of balance. That will increase surrvial chances and so as such you can reduce the damage output partially taking into account dex due to fact once they closed the distance you can apply crowd control and move off to attack again without the tank being instantly free from it due to having a high level of Det.

To solve Interupts the first thing i can say is that ALL NON_DAMAGE SPELLS SHOULD NOT INTERUPT (so Mezz, root, ns, buggy debuffs (such as bd insta debuff) etc).

I can think of two possible methods to deal with attacks that cause damage and interupt, Personally i prefer the first method as it wouldnt make the MoC RA pointless (apart from level 1 of it)

Method 1) When you are being attacked you can still cast, but it is at a slower cast rate. This basically takes into account you have to focus more to get a cast off. (say double the cast time if taking dmg? )

Method 2) When being attacked you can cast at normal cast speed however the damage you do is reduced. This method basically saying you cant focus on the cast so it is not as effective. (say 50-85% normal damage range).


Meet these main issues and i think you find people would be more willing to accept the factoring in of cast time to reduce damage. It would not make a caster obsolete as they still can be effective even when attacked.


More to come after dinner possibly.. which be focused on different areas of realm vs realm combat


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 30, 2004
Gandelf said:
Way of the Sun: Single target stun, levels 5 and 15 need duration of stun increasing by 2 seconds each. Level 26 stun needs increasing to 7 seconds. Level 36 stun needs increasing to 9 seconds and level 46 stun needs increasing to 10 seconds. The single target stun also needs to be unbreakable, except against "Purge". These changes will help to compensate for the high resists against magic that many players now have. The stun is resisted a lot due to these high resists but there has been nothing given to compensate.

ROFL!! are you fucking kidding me ? what is actually wrong with you O.O!


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
soo many good idears from every1 and sorry if i have repeated any others have made first.

  • remove the /assist macro
this would make every member of the group have to pick their targets on their own targets. and not rely on just one person who can play well. this will also remove the 2 sec's im dead problem when facing any good grp who know how to assist. fights would last longer and the casual gamer in a random group might even have a chance vs the top end 8 man guilds who play day in day out with the same ppl. ! not every1 can play every night or every day so they used to go with random groups only to log after 1-2 hours of geting wiped on every run.
The casual gamer has left daoc in droves. most people who have left would tell you main reason of leaving the game wasnt that they was fed up with it or even it was a bad game. the main reason i belive is that it felt unfair and they could not compete with the Gank squads going out and dieing time after time just isnt fun so they moved on. (unless you are in a gank squad)

  • balance the realms by making them more equal !
i belive the reason that so many people get frustrated with this point is that is to hard to get perfect balence if different realms have totally different abilitys imo mythic have tryed to address this and come quite close in most classes light tanks/pure casters etc are faily balenced but what i feel is that there are a few skills/abilitys that really give an advantage these are unfair and there is no counter. AE stun / instant mes / pets that intercept / more healing classes on one realm etc etc.give them to all realms equally would be the best way imo. its a shame coz i like the fact we are not all mirror classes but it really does make balencing impossable.
another idear is to have skills that counter thease abilitys that only 1 realm have. ie 5 min buff for hibs and albs to allow u to ignore a SM pet guard. hell stick it on a 30 min timer but at least give us a chance:)(also single target stun is really REALLY stupid! remove it or give it to all realms in equal spread )

  • the inturpt system
would love this to be sorted but im guessing ppl have complained about this since day 1 and if it would of been possible to fix it would b fixed by now.i can only assume it would take to much re-coding to do. what about a weaker passive moc for all casters. but at same time bring in what other people susgested. faster cast time = less damage. imo if u implement both at once u will counter some complaints about inturpt and at same time bring damage in line with how the tanks damage is calulated.. this way wouldnt totally unbalance the game as much as if u just did 1.

  • RA's
the RR5 RA's need to be looked at but also i would like to see a BG for lvl 50's where either u cant use any RA's or every1 is a certain RR ie can spend points in RA's that can only be used in that BG .. make every1 RR8 say
remove assist as i said above and u will have some great even fights where a fg that has a lota skill can still do vv well but it wont be totally unfair 8vs8 as it is now.

  • Crafting/items
ive always wanted the game to have randomly generated items that can really be usefull say items with 90-100 unity. Yes they would have to be very very very rare! but at present i think the "cookie cutter" culture on daoc makes every1 look the same. (if this is commin with DR im sorry i havent done much research on this exp) how about giving crafting a chance of making a 100% qua unique item with vv high unity. i know at moment its like 1/50 for a MP .. how about 1/1000 for one of these. it would make ppl want to craft again. also the time involved for crafting is just way over the top.
Alch- cost prolly the most cash to get to LGM yet rewards the least in terms of cash for selling their items. how about actually making the qua of the proc etc make a difference. i also belive arrows for fletchers should be effected by quality.

  • solo RVR
i really used to like solo RVR but to find a 1on1 fight is rare now .. can somthing be done about this >? instances perhaps ?

  • ML ablitys
Put grapple on a timer, remove bodyguard ability while grapling.

  • realm population
this is a tuffie . when/if classic server comes out alb will be the lowest pop as on US servers i belive .. any1 wanna guess why ? Balence albs got it hardest and thats a fact(wont go into details of abilitys unity in grps etc etc we all know). only reason they do well is population and thus wining a big fight purely by numbers. (even then they dont win as much as we should with the numbers they field). balence classes/abiltys then alow ppl to move toons and restart on a different realm at lvl 50 with choice of class .. if say alb has 500 more ppl on than hibs or mids put out a message i dunno say first 300 ppl to signup to move will get spots .. dont open flood gates for ever1 to move or to many might move. yes u will lose RR equipment etc .. let them port the plat/cash they own thou. yes its like starting again but not nearly as bad .. yes it helps every1 coz population will be " fair " and i know a lota ppl would happily move realms lose everything just for a fresh start .. for instance ive played hib on excal and alb on prydwen. i always loved the game but ive only got access to 66% of what mythic have produced. if there was a 3rd uk server maybe i would of tryed mid but their aint.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Avoid instancing as much as possible! It's nice to be able just come somewhere and see ready encounter uncamped by necro, but if you make instance for every bit, game's gonna look empty even if you get 10k players on server... Try to solve these matters with quests imo.
Also I consider idea of instanced RvR a bit weird... it's so unrealistic it would imo destroy best PvP system ever made.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Everything is so, messy at the moment. xD Fix it for fuck sake.

More power to the caster classes too please. Would be much more fun if they had more survivability. (Except for necromancers) To fix it, remove the chance for melee, spell, root cc things to be 100 % interuptive, decrease it to like 50 %, in favour for the casters. And lessen the damage of the bleeding assist train mercs, blademasters etc.

Its too much hardcore as it is now, givf more roleplay, as daoc has evolved to some kind of tpsmmog (third person shooter MASSIVE multiplayer online game.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Too add to my previous post -

- Epic armor, needs reviewing and bought up to date with TOA bonuses.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
fix animist bug can spell that on air if u are on a NF britge

remake old daoc zone/SI drops
make mobs harder

remove coin lot from animals only 4 " humanoid" mobs

give old/si daoc cd on all pc magazine wee need new players


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
An instanced RvR "zone" where you can have 1v1-16v16 fights with equal number of players on each team. This can give solo people a place to RvR whilst not getting adds on, and give full group(s) the same oppurtunity.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
My thoughts.

Time to consider which game you want to make, one for existing players that'll gradually die, or one to bring in new players, and steal market share from the huge market WoW has built.

Having joined a guild with a lot of new people (real life friends), I've seen what it's like to join the game now. As they joined as a group (and I started characters to join them with), grouping wasn't as bad as it is for many. They enjoyed the PvE, Thidranki, Molvik, Leirvik, and had some fun with ML1, which wasn't too long. However, the frontier, with high RR / ML foes was a turnoff, as repeatedly dying in seconds isn't fun.

My suggestions, if we want this game to appeal to new players :


Reduce the effect of MLs. They should provide mild benefits, not I wins. Many of the ML skills considered 'gimped' are just what they should be. Some, such as power font, are too unbalancing - sorcerors/minstrels are no longer wanted for power song in PvE groups, clerics aren't wanted without it either. Power song should equal it, or surpass it, not be eclipsed by it. A buffbot with a power font shouldn't be able to heal far, far longer than a rejuve cleric without it. There are many more unbalancing ones in RvR. If people didn't need MLs to 'compete', the long time they take to complete would be less of an issue.

Reduce the effect of Artifacts. Same logic. Yes, let them have some small effect, but some are rather too powerful.

Reduce the effect of Realm Abilities. Same logic again. Some, particularly in combination, are very powerful.

Reduce the effect of buffs. Buffs are silly at the moment, making people a lot harder than others, and leading to buffbots.

Looking at many recent fixes (determination changes, for example), it appears that RvR combat is balanced around Level 50 RR5 buffed toons, with several MLs. How will new players reach that RR5? Will they play the game if they feel they need two accounts to play, or will they play another. Even just leeching Rps, as some have suggested here, only works for damage characters, not support characters.

Hopefully the above would get fights lasting longer. I have several 50's with capped resists, but they all die to stun casters without stun wearing off. Sure, I can get purge to combat it, but having to get to RR2L5 in order to start playing in RvR is paradoxical. Combat really needs to last longer, so that the advantage of fast reactions, fast computer and teamspeak isn't so great.

Somehow recode the code for RvR so that you can play with /effects all in large scale RvR without a supercomputer. I don't mind if it means far less detail on characters, you don't look at the looks in that sort of combat. What is right for PvE isn't what is right for large scale RvR.

MLs - A lot of hate for group steps of MLs here. I'd suggest a different approach, though one requiring a lot of changes. ML1 (say) to be solo steps only. Some others to be group steps only. All ML dungeons (except Celestius) to be open to all (maybe Aerus City to ML5+). Get rid of MLxp. Review certain ML steps - 4.2 needs far more people than any other ML4 step, for example, so the rest of the steps become zergs, rather than challenges.

PvE - Kill powerlevelling - I don't know how exactly, maybe limit experience gain in a group when 10 levels lower or something, limit it so that you'll only gain 1 level in the time it takes the higher level person to gain 2-3 bulbs (obviously not using the very much slower gain at 50), so that levelling is good with a wide variety, but fastest with people of your own level. Also improve the gain from grouping over soloing, so that it's worth having more people, like is done with instanced dungeons. Make sure all characters can provide something to a group, and that all can reasonably solo if they can't find them (but that no character solos better than it groups).

Crafting - Make MPs have the same imbue as 99%, or visa versa, so that MPs are nice bonuses, rather than demanded by 90% of customers. The time required drives many crafters (like me) out of the market. I also know people who left the game because they couldn't find crafters.

Quests - Add to the experience gain of classic quests, to put them on par with SI/TOA/Cats/Epic quests, which are a good way to gain experience.

Artifacts - Have to say I LOVE Bohdi890's idea for scroll gathering. Would make it more fun.

Gonna stop now, I'm sure I could froth about many other things.



Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
i think every class should have there own pet for PvE zones only (obviously excluding classes that can have pets).

Can buy them from merchants perhaps, differant variations, that do differant dmg, nukes/melee/healing etc, differant looking aswell.

Being able to name it and level it from 1-50 would be nice, make it so its capped dmg of course at say 100dmg (basically nothing to a level 50 mob).

also maybe the pet takes a certain % of the dmg dealt to you from the mob (example 15-20%) again nothing noticible, but would help ppl that solo (ie clerics if no groups about) level abit quicker


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
remove or reduce rez sickness timer from rvr - the current way rvr tends to work is, group up, buff up, fight win or die and some fg fights can be over in seconds (most fights are won in seconds, people just give up and die not wasting timers, items etc). if there is no rez sickness timer, or one of a few seconds, fights can be constantly swaying and more fun with people getting up and back into the fight - it should increase the length of fights too !!

remove power cost for rez and improve rez spells (uninteruptable and longer ?) - why not make it easier to rez and make uninterruble rez spells ? make the minimum rez spell 30% or more instead of the crap useless 10%.

two simple things that will make group rvr a bit more fun whilst not unbalancing it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
REALM vs REALM part2

The perfect team

Every opted group wants to make the perfect team, however sometimes it is more difficult for some then others in the various area's and sacrifices have to be made.

Mach 5 would be what everyone desires, especially as this brings SoS realm ability into it however Hibernia always have this, as the class (bard) brings alot of Utility and is needed for Crowd control (main mezzer)

Midgard and albion however gain little above getting mach 5 with the skald and minstral mainly bringing speed and a insta interupt every now and then. Therefore mach 5 often gets overlooked as other class can bring more utility.

Therefore it may be an idea at looking to see at what can be changed so that skald/minstral are more group friendly. Though it is difficult of thinking about what.

Hibernia has nearsight available to them in the form of an eldrich. This is a caster that brings the utility of NS, baseline stun and ontop of this they get a good spec nuke in the same line as the NS, often meaning they will have the top NS available.

Midgard have nearsight in the form of a Runemaster, however nearsight comes in a line which would mean them either having a weaker spec nuke, or a lower level NS. Ontop of the lack of utility in the class they often will have another caster instead and so unable to use this ability which leaves them at a disadvantage.

Albion Nearsight comes from the Cabalist, however it is in the weakest line going for RvR which is Matter. As most RvR cabby's will spec in spirit/body so that they can compete with the enemy it leaves alb with very little or no ns.

..As such all i can advise is looking at the possibility that it may be an idea to redistribute the line it comes in.


Albion has a range and cast speed advantage here, no denying that. However with the ability to cast instant CC in mid and hib this is quite even. Mezz often just depends on who gets the jump and takes group by surprise anyhow.


Albion can only really manage to run 2 clerics (2primary) and possibly a friar (1secondary) as healers which leaves them weak in this area. Especially as the primary healers are also the shearers/stunners. Alot of the time friars will not be in a group as they deemed as a weak class by most.

Hibernia normally bring 2 primary (druids) and 2 secondary (bard and warden) which leaves them with more chance of having heals available. Primary healer however is the shearer of the group.

Midgard are known at times to run 3primary (healers) and 1 secondary (shaman) however some opted for just the 2 primary. The main difference however is that the secondary healer the shearer and so it isnt a great loss of healing ability (however 1 healer has to cast the CC now and again so depends on setup how imbalanced this is)

Only way to achieve balance really is to have some shearing ability available to the secondary healers of the realms.


Midgard get stun on their healers, this is actually good as the class does not have the ability to deal out heavy damage as well. They get insta cast versions and AoE versions that can be very powerful though if used right, however healer is probably the best class to give the ability too as it leaves them with the choice of healing or stunning. Possibly though the instant versions all need to have duration lowered further

Albion have it on the clerics, most alb groups fit 2 clerics maximum in it due to the lack of class utilities demanding a stricter setup. Clerics however have 2 tasks of healing and/or shearing before stun can be used, this will often leave albion without a stun. They get a instant version on a minstral however not many groups will run a minstral currently due to the class lacking group utility. Due to fact that neither class can do insane damage in that time it does seem varily balanced. Possibily though the instant stun of a mini should have duration lowered a bit.

Hibernia gets Stun as a base spell on all of its 'classic' casters. This is very unbalancing as they can stun a target and then nuke them for very high damage not allowing the person a chance of survival. Stun nuking is very common due to this however with other realms needing to assist using classes that already busy hibernia are rarely on the recieving end. I would advise changing casters stun to a root and giving a stun to BARDS whom often ask for a secondary CC as that primary their job. Doing this will balance it out alot more in my opinion.


Albion often has a theurgist in the group however due to power constrants on the class do not run PBT, however in general this is balanced.

Hibernia mostly run with a warden, they bring resist buffs, base buffs, heals and the battlemaster ml line. This means hibernia have pbt available so in general is balanced.

Midgard dont in general have PBT available to them, this is because they rarely run a runemaster as they opt for more powerful casters. However in general i think this is balanced as well.

So here all realms have the ability to run a decent class that has PBT but may not choose to. I personally think this area balanced as the classes dont really bring any more or less then others. Runemasters merely rarely get used as SM has the intercept pet and bd... well is a bd.


This is interesting area to be honest. It is the one area where albion has a advantage in their groups if they run a theurg. However, other groups are able to fit in more casters/healers/banelord tanks which can actually level the playing field in this area. The mezz spamming/root spamming etc is what brings many interupts hence the equal playingfield.

Group DPS

You find that due to class constrants Midgard and hibernia have much higher DPS in their group then albion can bring. This is because of the basics needed to cover in an opted group take up more spots in albion then the other realms. Without giving more utility to certain classes i cant see a way to change this. Albion really needs one more slot so they can bring in the equal DPS (not saying this should be allowed :p ). Only way round this is to give a class an ability that means can drop out one the pre-reqs to get it, however if they make a gamble they could do this now (battlemaster merc = more dps then bm friar WHEN he can get on the assist train)


All in all, you can see there is some imbalance in the areas for a perfect group, however it is possible with some slight ability adjustments it is more balanced. I think the biggest point of conflict will be the change of hibernia casters stun to root and moving the stun to another class... however that really is the only way to balance it as a class that can stun you for 9 seconds, and in that time actually probably kill you 5 times over isnt exactly balanced.

Bring Skald/Minstrels more groupability (Minstral DPS increase slightly so they can take a dmg spot possibly, not sure on skald though as 2hander is good dmg as is so maybe midgard players can say what will make them more disirable within reason)


I think in places i maybe rambled on a bit, sorry about that. Just one more set of posts to come tomorrow which is to do with class balances/abilities. However that will be just a short review for my class view. I will try to be unbiased where i can on that matter :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 31, 2004
to be able to customise your create your own spells. say when you ding 20 and 50 you can mix some effects and create a totally new spell for teh casters classes, and something like that for melee classes(would be melee abilities then ofc, no dmg spells)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Thidranki is very very popular to many players and having to suicide so many times is a pain i have msgd the Camelot herald about this /cancelexp command wich will be sooooooo nice to have to thid players this would be such a great command:)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 31, 2004
nerf the edit time on FH but:

consider a character to have and "Utility Pool" lets say you can have 10 utility points, you can create and mix your own spells and abilities and really come up with ALOT more diverse classes. the more powerful the ability is or how many effects the one ability has it will cost more UP's


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 1, 2004
Id like to see a new 4th realm.

An EVIL realm with Orcs, Goblins, Skaven, Drow etc and classes to suit the races. It would be damn fun playing a Wolf Riding Spear Goblin. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
1. Fix and improve deeply albion old classes : armsman, friar (reminder, it took more than 2 years to avoid pally chant to override self-af of friars) - and not by bringing det back every 2 patches.

2. Simply remove warlocks, its not normal that people spend time (a lot in toa) to get a decent template with high resist and still beeing insta killed by another class, it makes no sense.

3. Get old zones back to life - Lyonesse, Dartmoor or Llyn Barfog are just dead now, with catacombs, make quests with deeper background leading people there easily, with a teleport for instance.

4. Let DF open to anyone, just not in frontiers. So on we would have one rvr dungeon in frontiers, one in our realm. Lower chars should be able to level in DF, protected by summoners and have a direct way out inside the BGs


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
Assassin RR5 abilities.

- Nightshades was given a totally different ability than the infiltrator and shadowblade. As it is today the RR5+ NS has big advantage vs. it's assassin enemies from the other realms. I suggest that Remedy is put on either a 15 minute timer, breaks stealth when cast or only works vs poison, dot/proc - not all three. Another idea is if a NS use remedy, it does not break stealth but the nightshades poisons will not fire either, but this is less ideal as it would for the most part make it better for a NS to purge the negative affects than actually use Remedy and/or just not use" specpoints at all on the envenom-line.

Another thing is the ability for people to use poisonbots - weapons with poisons applied by a NS/SB/Inf should only fire if the weapon is used by an assassin.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Give all Stealthers something for PVE ONLY to help them lvl up. As it is without a buffbott its nigh on impossible or VERY slow to lvl up a stealther on its own. Having said this, in terms of all melee classes it seems to be a big problem downtime wise taking into account hp.

For example, at lowers lvl's lets say.. an armsman or warrior, u do not have the points in shield or parry to block/parry a lot vs mobs. I have had , and with capped stats and 99-mp kit, Green con mobs hit through my shield about 5-6 times in the early 20-30s lvl. This initally isnt a problem at first but as u get higher up as a melee class and get hit more , u have to sit down for 3-5mins to regain your hp. Especially on a Heavy Tank class who have a stupid amount of hp. The same applies for stealthers, obviously because of the armourwhich is fair enuf, but in the mid lvls you can be hit down to say 60% from a yellow and u really dont want to be killing lower cons then this to xp with. This results in a hell of a lot of time sitting around.

To counter this , there is the realm abiltity First Aid which helps a lot. <3 Mins 25% hp regen> , but at the moment it costs 5rsp. No one uses the BG past thidranki so until lvl 35 for molvik u cant get it without leeching in the frontier. Lowering first aid to 3rsp or giving us some very better passive hp regen for PvE only would be nice.

I think they have done something along the lines of this last patch but tbh i havnt noticed a difference it still takes way to long. Yes u can use potions but these r on a reuse timer, and u will run out.

While were on the subject, lower the cost of recharging items too. Thats about all i can think of for now


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Introduce NPC classes that people can "hire/purchase" for some time in PVE Zones. i.e. if a hero wants to xp and can't find a group, he can hire a NPC bard that will provide heals, bases and end, and visa-versa.

To make player toons more attractive, raise the xp gained when you're grouped with them.
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