Level 25 Stingay Vs Unbuffed 24 Thugs Gimped Kob


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Level 35 jewellery

Hell m8y I got all that from Darkness Falls ;) .

That is an old film. Mah new one is against players in the last few weeks. Jam packed with level 50 lads and their twinked alts.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
hahahah thats the story of a gimp that can´t get skillz beyond thid....leave game so some new players with brains can take your spot


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
end game wasnt designed for thid, thus a lot of classes are OP at that level, sbs can use 2h which dosent have to face the high AF and evade rates u see at lvl 50 so sbs are probably the best stealthers in thid in that respect.

face it thugs is just a rr2 nub especially with thinking dex affects to hit.. :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Words of wisdom again eh

end game wasnt designed for thid, thus a lot of classes are OP at that level, sbs can use 2h which dosent have to face the high AF and evade rates u see at lvl 50 so sbs are probably the best stealthers in thid in that respect.

M8y I have experimented over and over with alts trying out specs till I was blue in the face. I have ALWAYS found that low dex equates to a higher miss rate. Upping dex helps you land your hits. If you start an alt off and go fight something and find you are having trouble connecting try restarting exactly the same one with higher dex. Works everytime.

You know shit about being an sb in Thid and I know everything about it. I have experimented for a few years to get to the level I am now. Had all the types of Crit sbs you could possibly create with all different method of speccing. They suck against infs. Infs are by far the best out there. Luris are infact not far behind them as they can dish out far higher damage than any sb if they are buffed up.

2 handed? Good for sod all unless you want to go bash casters in one hit. Constant melee battles with Infs using a 2 hander and garote will see you die at some stage. The delay on most 2 handers will kill you for sure once the inf evades or you miss.

Don't tell me how to play an sb m8 cos I am the best Thid sb that has ever existed bar none!

Oh and by the way I wipe the floor constantly with level 50 'Big Boys'. Without their artis and realm abilities most are useless.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Thugs said:
2 handed? Good for sod all unless you want to go bash casters in one hit. Constant melee battles with Infs using a 2 hander and garote will see you die at some stage. The delay on most 2 handers will kill you for sure once the inf evades or you miss.
Could just run through :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
lolol u spent years getting to the stage u at now??? hahahahahahaha u spent years trying to be good a thid lololol. People spend years getting high rr chars and waste maybe a few hours PL'in a char to 24 so they can have fun in thid. You sir is either very very slow and suck or just really really sad.

imo i pick both lol


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
Elitestoner said:
end game wasnt designed for thid, thus a lot of classes are OP at that level, sbs can use 2h which dosent have to face the high AF and evade rates u see at lvl 50 so sbs are probably the best stealthers in thid in that respect.

face it thugs is just a rr2 nub especially with thinking dex affects to hit.. :rolleyes:

sb's are far from op in thid imo....
yes we can use 2h, but that is ONLY an advantage if we land first hit, and...we can still lose if we meet a slashinf...slashinfs do 30+ more dam with mainhand than sb's...so all it takes is 1 evade the wrong way=dead sb
and this is not vice-versa!

ofc sb's can 1hit most casters but who gives a shit about that?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Nice pic

That damage above is all I ever do with 25 axe and pillager using 3.1 speed on mainhand. Infact I have seen it drop to 25 on armsmen. 25-28 on buffed infs and luris. If they ever saw that kind of pathetic damage they would be on the phone to Mythic in droves.

Nice one Bite glad someone that knows a thing or 2 is on my side for once.


Fledgling Freddie
May 16, 2004
Funny thing is I cannot quite understand how you can be happy with the fight vs stinga.
He runs unstealthed and is obviously afk resulting in the fact that you get 2 free hits on him.
And when you finally kill him you have used one heal pot and still have 0% hp left.

So the only thing that flick shows its how gimped you and your chars are.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Eh take a look at all my fights. He just came out of hpk so I doubt whether is was afk. Nearly all the ones I attack are so shocked there is a delay before they react. My damage is utterly pathetic. Stingah hits for 150 mainhand and I hit him for less than 30 - and about 10 or less offhand. Sheer skill killed him and nothing else as anyone in the know can see. Unadulterated skill:

1. Hit Stingah with 2 weapons thereby applying debuff and lethal poison on pillager - swap to the 2 handed for plunderer (no la damage loss on the 2nd part of the combo).
2. Swap back to 2 weapons but also swap a fresh weapon from my bag to main hand incase the first weapon failed to poison.
3. Rehit with pillager and 2 weapons whilst running through to avoid the immense damage Stingah can do.
4. Swap back to 2 handed and hit with plunderer after run-through and turning from the other side of Stingah.
5. The above moves done 2x with no pauses.
5. After watching damage hold position and monitor it carefully ready to pop a pot.
6. Pop a pot and swap weapons to a new poison one quickly while running through.

Are you aware how hard that is to pull off in the heat of battle?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Thugs said:
Eh take a look at all my fights. He just came out of hpk so I doubt whether is was afk. Nearly all the ones I attack are so shocked there is a delay before they react. My damage is utterly pathetic. Stingah hits for 150 mainhand and I hit him for less than 30 - and about 10 or less offhand. Sheer skill killed him and nothing else as anyone in the know can see. Unadulterated skill:

1. Hit Stingah with 2 weapons thereby applying debuff and lethal poison on pillager - swap to the 2 handed for plunderer (no la damage loss on the 2nd part of the combo).
2. Swap back to 2 weapons but also swap a fresh weapon from my bag to main hand incase the first weapon failed to poison.
3. Rehit with pillager and 2 weapons whilst running through to avoid the immense damage Stingah can do.
4. Swap back to 2 handed and hit with plunderer after run-through and turning from the other side of Stingah.
5. The above moves done 2x with no pauses.
5. After watching damage hold position and monitor it carefully ready to pop a pot.
6. Pop a pot and swap weapons to a new poison one quickly while running through.

Are you aware how hard that is to pull off in the heat of battle?

heat of the battle lol bollocks..its a game. and if he hit you same time u hit him u wuda died cos u got like 2 free hits at the start cos he didnt react...therefore wasnt your skilll its called u hit him lots first...then use like 5 billion poisons and weapons and even have to use a hp pot cos u wont survive without one.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
pathetic movie... he's afk, you get free styles, WOW I'M IMPRESSED.

You have 2 styles on your QB, you're using a half QB and you call yourself skilled?


Go play some real RvR, where you actually have to use more than 1 Quickbar and then talk about skills. If you really think that running through people and hitting 2 styles makes you skilled then sure, but that wouldn't work on most people in real RvR.

Go play WoW Thugs, would be good to get rid of you so you can go post "I PWN" along with the other US l337 kids that will play it. But before you do, go get some help, you really need it.

Edit: Oh and I have also leveled up a LA SB a long time ago, so don't give me any crap about me not knowing how it works.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Water offa duck's back m8. Youse all knows you communicating with the 'King of Thid'. Don't forget I could apply my sb skill to any alt I so wish to play. Looking at it that way I am the best DAOC player period.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Thugs said:
Water offa duck's back m8. Youse all knows you communicating with the 'King of Thid'. Don't forget I could apply my sb skill to any alt I so wish to play. Looking at it that way I am the best DAOC player period.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah <breathes> hahahahahahahahahahahaha

play a healer m8...you cant just spam 1 button with them and run thru's dont work lol. oh and play a caster...i doubt u wud be good at that either if u had to CC. Oh and play a MA tank in a fg v fg battle with the big boys...u wudnt last a second.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Played all the classes and each one of my alts has been exceptionally good. Infact playing a runie was the cause of me creating 'Honed' and causing the first major upset in Thid so long ago. So many infs about that I had a gutsful and created 'Honed' to sort em out. Not very proud of doing that cos he was more or less the first buffed sb to hit Thid. But he sure as hell cleared the place of infs when he was on.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Thugs said:
Played all the classes and each one of my alts has been exceptionally good. Infact playing a runie was the cause of me creating 'Honed' and causing the first major upset in Thid so long ago. So many infs about that I had a gutsful and created 'Honed' to sort em out. Not very proud of doing that cos he was more or less the first buffed sb to hit Thid. But he sure as hell cleared the place of infs when he was on.

ok I'll make you a deal, I'll make a BG char and we duel! Since you're so skilled you should be able to kill me easily.


Thugs said:
1. Hit Stingah with 2 weapons thereby applying debuff and lethal poison on pillager - swap to the 2 handed for plunderer (no la damage loss on the 2nd part of the combo).
2. Swap back to 2 weapons but also swap a fresh weapon from my bag to main hand incase the first weapon failed to poison.
3. Rehit with pillager and 2 weapons whilst running through to avoid the immense damage Stingah can do.
4. Swap back to 2 handed and hit with plunderer after run-through and turning from the other side of Stingah.
5. The above moves done 2x with no pauses.
5. After watching damage hold position and monitor it carefully ready to pop a pot.
6. Pop a pot and swap weapons to a new poison one quickly while running through.

Are you aware how hard that is to pull off in the heat of battle?

You think that requires skill? That's less than half the things required in an average lvl50 fight. A scout doesnt require that much but even i have to do way more than you. I'll make a list of my average fight against an assassin for you
1. Spot assassin (mos4 fortehwin) and either pierce if im behind or sting if need anytime
2. Go for slam until it lands
3. Once slam lands run a few paces foward
4. swap to bow (or run through and rearstyle if i think they dont need teh critshot)
5. select right arrows depending on class
6. pull critshot and shoot if they dont purge
7. Follow up with a normal shot if possible then depending on distance more normal shots or rapid fire
8. or if they purge swap to heat weapon and engage in melee
9. check they dont have high AoM, resist buffs or EM, if they do swap to normal weapon
10. constantly control if i /face or control movement manually if they're a strafing/run through skillless moron (so many like you unfortunately)
10. Pop and end pot if needed (slam eats end)
11. IP when below 20%
12. purge if i need to IP and am debuffed to fuck, or purge if stunned, or if im debuffed to fuck and need to be not to win melee.
13. Use SoM charge if i know its up and think i'll need it
14. Lay GT 1000 units away
15. Get into position where FZ will hit and FZ
16. swap to bow and shoot
17. back to melee !
..the list goes on really, even this isnt hard and it's much more skill and effort than what you do. :m00:

Check out a support class in a group if you want hard ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
healer then. try and be "good" at one of them. and by good i mean in terms everyone else means, not your warped little minds version of good.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Wot the hell is good about being a healer? They ain't got melee? All they got is mezz and shit. Sounds like as much fun as watching paint dry!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
that means you cudnt play one then lol or does a healer come under the same category as "lvl50 shit" for you?? that stuff u cant do and wont do cos u suck at it. Healers are very tough when played well and aug spec can actually melee things but then again to know much about healers u wud have to lvl past lvl24 and stick with it. Something you probably dont know how to do.


Not as if playing anything in thid is hard, just some classes are slightly harder than others :l


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Tried one m8. Damage adds and debuffs and standing there swinging a hammer for half an hour to kill something? Come on. That is rubbish. Wot the hell is skilful about that?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Thugs said:
Tried one m8. Damage adds and debuffs and standing there swinging a hammer for half an hour to kill something? Come on. That is rubbish. Wot the hell is skilful about that?

play a healer at lvl50 and u wont be able to do it well lol. takes a lot of concentration to play it in active rvr in a good grp.

oh and wot the hell is skillful about running thru someone and spamming poisons??? oooooooooh right..FUCK ALL.


Tried keeping the whole of the enemy side mezzed/rooted/stunned/interupted while keeping your whole group alive? Didn't think so.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Holy crapola - Thugs, you still going on about this???

LISTEN TO US, ffs!!!

THIS IS A GAME, DUDE!!!! In every one of your posts, i see you going on, over and over about how you are the best there was, the best there ever will be, etc. Let me explain to you - i would probably lose count of the amount of stealthers i know, who were far better than you could ever be, simply because they ENJOYED A GAME WITH FRIENDS, and didnt spend all of it trying to compare cock-size with people on forums.

There's so much you're missing out on, not playing a fully fledged char, and you speak like you wrote the book - it's like me claiming i know how to kill Saddam Hussain, cos i watched a program about how he cant see the colour orange, and he has an achilles-beard... i made that up, by the way, but you get what i mean, right?

Please, please, enough with blowing your own squeaky, toy trumpet, from whatever xmas cracker you got it from - IN YOUR OPINION, you are good. IN YOUR OPINION, you're the best. IN YOUR OPINION, you can beat anything that comes up against you... Except that your opinion is wrong, there is always going to be someone better than yourself, and you WILL lose. Without knowing them three things you will NEVER be better than Belxavier, Blood, Tamron, Midge - and thats just the selection i managed to drag from my addled brain, from over 6 months ago - as they knew that this is a game, and they had friends, because they didnt have such an amazingly off-the-scale self sense of grandeur...

damn... whatever happened to Flesh? come back, dude, all is forgiven :D hahaha!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

I am a one man group and always have been. Ain't got the temperament for grouping. Can yu imagine me in a group and holding my temper? Nah tried it but sure some orrible people in the game apart from me so keep well away from grouping now.

I better stop posting forra while or they will shut me down again. Shut down one computer on my network already :D .


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Thugs said:
I am a one man group and always have been. Ain't got the temperament for grouping. Can yu imagine me in a group and holding my temper? Nah tried it but sure some orrible people in the game apart from me so keep well away from grouping now.

I better stop posting forra while or they will shut me down again. Shut down one computer on my network already :D .

that means u cant do groups cos u dunno how to play with one. OMG!!! something thugs aint good at!!!!!!!! wots this world coming to!?!?!?!?!? gahhhhhhhhhh

p.s. yes this is sarcasm before u get a hard on over it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Thugs said:
I better stop posting forra while or they will shut me down again. Shut down one computer on my network already :D .

now, that interests me... i know its OT, but humour me. Who shut down one 'puter on your network? Who will shut you down, and from what?

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