How to spec a thane for fg rvr?


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Bonehead said:
Group spec depends on your group setup.

If you got some other class in your group who have slam, you should assist them and spec 50 sword 50 sc 23 shield for doomhammer and long range interupts.

If not, 50 sword 42 shield rest sc for low powercost medium range interupt, but slam and ragna instead.

Aye, weve got another slammer, a valk, so double ragnarok ragnarocks! I'll definately try 50SC spec after ive settled into current spec. Gotta try em both out to assess merits of both.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
daoc_xianghua said:
you seriously need a proove for that? Oo

lets see how many dd´s do you have to cast to outweight 1 ragna hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Well ask Dreami about it, shouldn't be hard for him to awnser that, since he knows everything about thanes and as kindly enlightened us poor ignorants why thanes should be as he wants!

@davejonhson: Duact created thanes and he is Thor ingame avatar! Odins told me but i wouldn't believe


Jan 15, 2007
again, the threadtitle clearly states 'fg rvr', which means both duact and dreami have more knowledge about the subject then anyone else on this forum.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Davejohnson said:
again, the threadtitle clearly states 'fg rvr', which means both duact and dreami have more knowledge about the subject then anyone else on this forum.

I will not argue about dreami or duact fgvsfg experience, it's kinda obvious they have more "experience" in fgvsfg than most of us.
I can also agree, already did, that the way you play in your grp duact/dreami playstyle/spec is the one which may fits you the best.

But i disagree that it's the only way to go when playing a thane in fgvsfg. Even tho i don't have as much experience in fg scene as the 2 supracited, i have my share part of experience (playing a thane and running with thanes in a fg) and no one yet came with a valide argument proving me that i was wrong.

If someone give me a valid point showing that there is no way to go than troll/50sword, i will not have any trouble changing my thoughts.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
I dont think they take you seriously because they feel you havent experienced fg rvr at the highest level , so you havent been able to appreciate which spec is best.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Im pretty amazed about some people's pure arrogance in this thread. Sad really.

Its my opinion that a variety of specs can work for a Thane in fg rvr.
That be 50sword, 50SC, 23shield(?) or 50sword, 42 shield, 38SC or 50SC, 42 shield, 34sword.

It all comes down to what kind of Thane you would like, how the group is build and generel rvr philosophy. Saying that only one spec works in fg's might be true for your group - but it isnt nessescarly true for other groups.

Claiming that other people are "clueless" for having an opinion that differs from your own carved-in-cement one is just stupid imo.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Kraben said:
Im pretty amazed about some people's pure arrogance in this thread. Sad really.

Its my opinion that a variety of specs can work for a Thane in fg rvr.
That be 50sword, 50SC, 23shield(?) or 50sword, 42 shield, 38SC or 50SC, 42 shield, 34sword.

It all comes down to what kind of Thane you would like, how the group is build and generel rvr philosophy. Saying that only one spec works in fg's might be true for your group - but it isnt nessescarly true for other groups.

Claiming that other people are "clueless" for having an opinion that differs from your own carved-in-cement one is just stupid imo.

quitters have no say in this. especially not danish ones.



Jan 15, 2007
septima, the full answer would require a really long post, but basically:

- defensive meleestun is needed in all groups
- thane dps is insane on stunned targets, and stunned targets cannot moc/instaheal/run away
- in mid, as aughealer have celerity, troll is preferred for maximum dps as it benefits more then norse/frostalf/etc when its casted.
- ragnarok dd proc dmg is based on weaponskill, therefore troll yet again is better for meleedps purposes.

- a frostalf 50sword 50sc thane would be really weird in a midgrp, he would not really be good in any area, he wont do dps, if he nukes he cant bodyguard, and he does not have debuffnuking/stuns/pet. sure it could work, but so could a full parry/shield warrior..


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
I cant say i really care about what u r specifically talking about, cause i only jumped in to notice Duact that not all r ignorant on thane issues...but i have a question. Why not 50sword/50shield/28SC ?

Lower SC is only a bit less range/casting speed. But prolly not that needed, especially since Troll. And at least with even less power cost , prolly wont go oop.

PS: hey...i am the 100th post in the thread. cookie ?


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Nuxtobatns said:
I cant say i really care about what u r specifically talking about, cause i only jumped in to notice Duact that not all r ignorant on thane issues...but i have a question. Why not 50sword/50shield/28SC ?

Lower SC is only a bit less range/casting speed. But prolly not that needed, especially since Troll. And at least with even less power cost , prolly wont go oop.

PS: hey...i am the 100th post in the thread. cookie ?

cause he wants the range/speed for interupt maybe? and slam is the only thing he specs the shield for? i guess atleast :p

Frostalf thane is the worst choice imo, Troll best. Norse got the looks tho. Dwarfs aint good for anything! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Davejohnson said:
septima, the full answer would require a really long post, but basically:

First of all, thanks for a sensible reply.

Davejohnson said:
- defensive meleestun is needed in all groups

Totally agree here, but always had in mind a spec with at least 42shield and minimum of 48sc, so can't disagree with you on this.

Davejohnson said:
- thane dps is insane on stunned targets, and stunned targets cannot moc/instaheal/run away


Davejohnson said:
- in mid, as aughealer have celerity, troll is preferred for maximum dps as it benefits more then norse/frostalf/etc when its casted.

Agree. But your aughealer need to be around, even tho on next patch with 1.5k radius will be easier, to have always celerity up. Happens often to be out of celerity range when chasing targets or healer not being able to cast celerity cause busy to "fucking healing" :)

Davejohnson said:
- ragnarok dd proc dmg is based on weaponskill, therefore troll yet again is better for meleedps purposes.

Agree, but with a minus. The increase of WS of a thane got a very little return per str point. And tho the diference between a Troll, norse or frostie ragnarok dd proc isn't that big.

Davejohnson said:
- a frostalf 50sword 50sc thane would be really weird in a midgrp, he would not really be good in any area, he wont do dps, if he nukes he cant bodyguard, and he does not have debuffnuking/stuns/pet. sure it could work, but so could a full parry/shield warrior..

I never mentionned the spec 50sword/50sc, and tbh i would never run without slam on a thane as bger, doesn't make sense.
Now think at the thane as a "caster bger" staying back close to suport and your casters, rdy to bg/slam/grapple when needed, to assist when asked for and, due to long range dd, interrupt when required.
If you only want a bger with high dps imo warrior will be better.

Anyway it's nice to be part of a thread debating the best spec for a thane in fgvsfg than a thread asking if thanes are usefull in fg.

@golena: when you post on public forums you need to expect all kind of replys. The only thing you can do is ignore or flame back, generalizations tho are never good :)

@succi: This has nothing to due with respect, if you make an affirmation you need to backup it, everywhere anywhere. If you don't backup it, your words have no value at all.

@liloe Erm, Je crois que 'ai mal choisi mes mots, je te prie de m'excuser si je t'ai vexé :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Kraben said:
Im pretty amazed about some people's pure arrogance in this thread. Sad really.

Its my opinion that a variety of specs can work for a Thane in fg rvr.
That be 50sword, 50SC, 23shield(?) or 50sword, 42 shield, 38SC or 50SC, 42 shield, 34sword.

It all comes down to what kind of Thane you would like, how the group is build and generel rvr philosophy. Saying that only one spec works in fg's might be true for your group - but it isnt nessescarly true for other groups.

Claiming that other people are "clueless" for having an opinion that differs from your own carved-in-cement one is just stupid imo.
This is the only post in this whole thread i agree with. Rep!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
So basicly Thanes and Valks are easy mode. Thanks for sharing with us.

But banshees and heretics are even more...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
few corrections here and there

. proc dmg is based on str

. troll will do a lot more damage then a frostalf fullstop, the difference between our norse valk and troll thane is very significant

. 50 shield over 42 is useless in fgrvr

. 50 sc is useless in fg rvr

. dropping sc lower then 38 sc is useless because your ability to kill pets (insta pbae kills zoarkat pets, mjolnir kills earth/icepets if stacked) will suffer too much

50sword 42shield 38sc rest parry is the spec to go for 8vs8. whichever 50 sc spec you prefer is the way to go for zerging. 50sc42shield34sword20parry looks like the best solospec to me.

in 8vs8 a thane is mainly there for bg, dps, petkilling, slams and additional interrupts. its pretty obvious which spec is best for that.



bainshees are hardly overpowered anymore. the only strong points about the class are long range aebolt for zerging and uipbae for petkilling and stuff. hardly outweighs the benefits of other casters :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Septima said:
Well ask Dreami about it, shouldn't be hard for him to awnser that, since he knows everything about thanes and as kindly enlightened us poor ignorants why thanes should be as he wants!

@davejonhson: Duact created thanes and he is Thor ingame avatar! Odins told me but i wouldn't believe

spot the irony in my post :)

i dont need to ask him


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Septima said:
I will not argue about dreami or duact fgvsfg experience, it's kinda obvious they have more "experience" in fgvsfg than most of us.
I can also agree, already did, that the way you play in your grp duact/dreami playstyle/spec is the one which may fits you the best.

But i disagree that it's the only way to go when playing a thane in fgvsfg. Even tho i don't have as much experience in fg scene as the 2 supracited, i have my share part of experience (playing a thane and running with thanes in a fg) and no one yet came with a valide argument proving me that i was wrong.

If someone give me a valid point showing that there is no way to go than troll/50sword, i will not have any trouble changing my thoughts.

first of all i have to admit i dont have a thane and never played one but i got a fair share of 8vs8 expirience and i would deffo go50 sword 42 shield 38 sc rest parry for obvious reasons.

1. 50 sword is must have cuz of ragnarok, its best dps you can get as a thane and back style is so fuckin easy to land esp when you have slam

2. 50 shield is kinda useless as you nowadays dont need guard for anything else than guarding vs archers and to guard until BG kicks in and the 1sec longer stun on brutalize aint worth it at all. also 43 shield seems pretty useless as thane has insta dd stuff to kill pets. So 42 shield is way to go imo.

3. 50 SC might be nice ye but you simply need 50 sword and 42 shield much more than you need the bit of extra range/dmg on your dd´s. and 38 SC gives you all you need anyways, its enuff to kill pets and to interupt and thats all you want from SC basically.
A thane in a fg is meant to mainly be defensive and protect the casters and deal dps to enemy tanks while he is BGing (thats the big advantage of thane over warrior imo as dps on ragnarok is like alot higher than a warrior dps could ever be.) A thanes job in a opted fg is NOT to kill with spells, thats what you have rm + sm for.

4. about the race question. troll is by far best imo since proc dmg is based on str as others mentioned before. the impact might not be that significant but its about making your char as opted as possible and therefor the little bit of difference is still a difference. frostalf would be totally crap for fg rvr imo as you not gonna kill with your spells in a proper organized gg as metnioned above. also your con will be lower what makes you slightly easier to kill (yes slightly but its still a difference)

5. starting stats
15 str 10qui is only way to go for fg rvr as it boosts your dps significantly.

pls remember this is ONLY meant for a 8v8 thane in an organized fg where tasks are clearly given for everyone in group. there prolly is a dozen of valid specs for soloing or zerg/random group rvr i wont deny that at all but when it comes to 8v8 everything else might work but surely aint opted.

hope i explained it well without offending anyone :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
bainshees are hardly overpowered anymore. the only strong points about the class are long range aebolt for zerging and uipbae for petkilling and stuff. hardly outweighs the benefits of other casters :p
What does a average RR chanter nuke for after debuff on targets with good resists?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
occy said:
So u got 1 pled for u ran 1 week and calling other ppl noobs.

Was it roffle?


I've played the char for a month now and the amount of FG vs FG on Lyonesse-Avalon is far superior to what Excalibur-Prydwen ever had.

Not that 2.3 million rps is a lot, but all those rps from FG action gives a person pretty good idea of what his char is capable of.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Raven said:
its quite amusing how some people still throw their toys of of the pram over some stupid dead computer game :p

Even more sad are the people who live on the forums after they've stopped playing the game. Like you my friend =)


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
So basicly Thanes and Valks are easy mode. Thanks for sharing with us.

After having played both on solo type rvr. Valks r very capable 1vs1 melee (still u got to press the rights buttons when needed ofc :p )...and thane can preform v well...if he manages to bring the fights to his standards always taking into consideration the class he is going up against.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Valgyr said:
What does a average RR chanter nuke for after debuff on targets with good resists?

depends on a lot of things, and I don't really see what you're aiming at. around 500ish/spell is a good indicator for debuffnukes in general though


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
Sorry to prove both Duact and Davejohnson wrong, but your guys opinions matters ever so little, you may grasp fgvsfg rvr in a high standard, but you don't (haven't proven this far at least) seem to have a very good clue about Thanes and how to play them, seems you play them as another heavy tank, and while thats very viable and even effective at times, it's a waste of resources.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but do so with some kind of facts/stats, not with "I'm been in more leet fg rvr grps than you, i know how to play a thane/any class soooo much more then anyone else".
Thats ^^ laughable and opens up for no constructive diskussion (because i'd just say, "well come back when you have a rr11+ thane, then i might take you seriously" - that kind of argument, and that of yours is so weak and none-constructable).

I've run in decent, good and even groups somwhat beyond "just" good.
Maybe not the best of the best super group though (probably played Eithor in groups about 40-50% of his rps gain, rest solo or duo).

If my overwhelming thane experience can't change your close to no thane experience (come on now, rr6-7 is about 1-2 weeks of play with a good group, so a rr8 thane that only played in a "good" group have close to no "real" thane experience), then maybe this could (i doubt it though, even if I would have a earned/played rr13 of each class probably wouldn't help me convince some of you, hehe). and thats ^^ just some more of that stupid "i'm leeter than you" argument, but hey, maybe it will work for some of you ;)

Again, there are several vaible, fun and even good thane specs (several of them "pure" melee specs).
But to the the point, what would a rvr group GAIN the MOST from?

It's NOT the best Thane route to trade(born from my experience and humble opinion):

150-200 extra damage per swing (where you must be behind your target, probably among enemies, and a enemy that when not stunned, must kite with it's back to you most of the time - strafelaggin around make landing ragnas quite hard at times, as you know).


## 1800+ ranged single nukes landing each 1.1 second for about 250-400 damage (np if high chance to magic crits).

## 1700+ ranged ae-nukes landing each 1.5 second, doing close to the same damage to main target, 400 radius that allow an effective interrupt range up to about 1900 range).

## DoomHammer 400-1000 damage(obvious not clsoe to 1000 on a heavy tank, but on a support, quite easy with an decent crit), useable at 1000 range, use no end, no power and you could be in melee or be nuked at, or even be on the move and you'll still able to use it.

## 1700+ ranged insta.

## Red energy debuff that help that polar rift damage(and instas, and DH).

## Ability to "frontload" for about 600-1000 damage within 2.2 seconds, at 1700-1800 range (nuke+nuke+insta+rr5).

## Ability to "frontload" for about 1000-1800 damage within 2.5 seconds, within 1000 range (nuke+nuke+insta+rr5+DoomHammer).

## Ability to "frontload"/"bomb" for about 1000-2000 damage within 1 second, at melee range (insta+insta+rr5+woc2(or3)+Polar Rift/DoomHammer).

Most of the above things are possible when rooted and/or when grappled.
Here is what a Thane have beyond the 50StormCalling, with my prefered spec:

## 300-400 damage wielding 1-handed championsword, while still at the same time having shield/block available, plus decent amount of parry, AND it's with an anytime dd proc style.

## Slam 9 second stun, that could be reapplied fast, since ST reset stuntimer.

## Guard, since the inc shield vs dualwield love/boost, shild+rr+template+mob3(and above) AND that thanes now will be able to have large shield.

## Selfdefence, pretty much because of the same reasons as above, plus the changed parry(not as heavily affected by many enemies and not 50% value vs an 2-handed wielding class), which will help make the thane a dureable BG/guard char, vs melee that is (42shield+rr+templ+mob3+mytherian together with parry20+rr+templ+moparry3 will be HARD to penetrate for a melee assisttrain).

## BodyGuard, Ehanced by guard and the added survivability vs melee train.

## Grapple

Now i could go on, but as you see from the facts I present to you (not only from my experience and actual facts of range and castingspeed etc, but from other rr9,10,11 thanes over from USA, including 2-3 Thane TL's), there is not a chance at all that give up ALOT of utility AND damage from the 50StormCalling, to gain 150-200 dmg per swing from ragnarok over polar rift. 150-200 extra damage ain't insane at all. Actually at the first clash, a polar rift and 2 red instas outdamage a Ragnarok (even +2 yellow instas) by 100 or more dmg (doesn't really matter).

Kraben did sum it up pretty good, different playstyles and specs works for different groups, so for some of you, the lack of utility and damage from SC will be nothing compared to those extra 150-200 dmg from ragnarok ;)

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