How to spec a thane for fg rvr?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2006
Nuxtobatns said:
I have 2 lv 50 thanes too :)

One is a frostalf hybrid spec and the other is a norse more-melee spec.
Needless to say i dont even touch the one of them.
in honesty i would deffo listen to you about thanes dude cos from what ive seen your a tough cookie. i've got a thane on prydwen but i dont know anyone there so it kinda puts me off tryin now...not even lvl50 pretty much no money etc. an all the crap you have to go through to even stand a slight chance of competing. and going on the basis of fighting you it looks like storm calling is badass considering few fights ive had with ya ive been half dead by the time i can actualy hit you


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
Hehe fun reading :)

( go to for some thane ss's)

At rr6+, the OVERALL (meaning for grouping, duoing and soloing) best spec for a thane would be 50sc,42shield,34sword,20parry (at lower rr's it could worl with 36sword and 16parry, or 39sword 6parry even).

No matter if 1 or 2 handed weapon the dd proc damage wil lremain the same.

Ragnarok damage for about 150-200 more per hit then the anytime dd proc style Polar Rift (34sword).

It's such a waste to only gain those 150-200 extra damage per swing (must be behind a target, and as good as needed to be in the very fray of the battle (easly cc'ed or MA'ed down AND takes lots of times to run back and BG support), compared to all the benefits from 50sc(DoomHammer - works with any kind of weapon, 1 or 2-handed, increased range (1800+ with toa bonuses), increased castingspeed( 1 nuke each 1.1 sec with single nuke, and about one ae nuke each 1.5 sec, with toa bonuses, and with good amount of dex ofc) and decent damage, consider a hybrid in chain and where the acuity buff won't help in anyway (see ss's in link to see whats possible, although not common, unless high casting ra-spec).

Go here:
You'll see:
- a couple of nukes (low resist on the scout, but still nice).
- a polar rift (without the dd proc, but would have been another 200 dmg all in all, and if it had been ragnarok about another 400 dmg all in all. this with 39sword).
- Nice nuke + crit on orange mob outside svasud faste (frontier side).

Now in the nuking shots i'm specced high caster RA's and in polar shot it's high melee RA's.

I try alot of specs and RA-specs, so sometimes i'm all defence, all melee offence, all casting, or a mix (trying to play accordingly (stand my ground, kite or flee, witchever suit the spec the most).

I play both in groups, solo and duo etc.

If going the middle SC ground, it's 38sc, never EVER 39sc. It gives you nothing, while 38sc is enough for 10parry.

These are all nice and viable specs, suited for different settings (grp, duo, solo etc):
## 50sc,50sword,23shield,17parry.
## 50sc,50sword,10shield,27parry (7 or 10 if using all specpoints, for engage, never leave your home without engage, pure stupidity that would give you 28parry over 27, losing engage to gain 0.5% parry defence is just plain stupid).
## 50sword,42shield,36parry,16sc(for 1th ae hammer nukes - thus for interruption utility/purpose)
## 50sword,42shield,38sc,10parry
## 50sc,39sword,40parry,13shield(shield sidestun, 40parry+rr+template+moparry3 is a sweetspoot parrydefence, and the anytime dd style polar rift works just nice - a nice 2-hand spec).
## 50sc,39hammer,40parry,13shield(shield sidestun, 40parry+rr+template+moparry3 is a sweetspoot parrydefence, and the parry reactive dd style Lambast works just nice - a nice 2-hand spec).
## 50sc,50hammer,27parry,10shield(engage, moparry4 is almost a must in pvp, and the parry reactive dd styles of Lambast(39hammer) and Mjollnirs fury (lvl 50 hammer dd proc style) works just nice - a nice 2-hand spec).

As said, all of those are nice and quite viable, in different settings.
But from my testing, playing - well experience in different settings (grp, duo, solo, pve, buffed and buffless) it's the:
50sc,42shield,34sword,20parry, that yield best performance OVERALL (yes, even overall best in grp settings, 300-450 dmg per swing, with 1-hander without crits, with 42shield and 20parry ain't bad, 9sec stun, best nukes, ae nukes (for added casting range, speed and dmg) as well as the best instas.

If not going 48/50sc one is ALOT better of with a Valk, who can go low Odins Will, where the interrupts and root work while moving/while fighting (just need some MoF - ra ability), 22 mend (sweetspot for valks, with best hots and decent insta pbae heal), Charge (cc-immunity ability), perma spammable rootstlyes in both sword and shield line, more HP then a thane, higher dex thus higher defence and ability to land slam and other shieldstyles.

Thus, for a numerous reasons it's the norse and frost races that suits the thane class the best.

Dex, the most important stat for a thane, affect:
castingspeed (magic dps in other words), shield defence, parry defence, ability to land shield(and other shieldstyles), indirectly more melee dps (more dex=more parries and blocks = able to land more reactive dd proc styles).

Str is the 1th rising stat for thanes so with 10 pts str in creation a frost alf thane would fully buffed and fully capped have about 390 str with augstr3(now thats not uber, but not quite crappy either).
Size, matter in both groups and solo (hiding atop of bridges, behind trees, etc).

All races is however quite viable as thanes, but if after max/min, it's the frost and/or norse races one would want.

10dex, 10pie, 10str
10dex, 10pie, 5str, 5qui
10dex, 10pie, 10qui

Those would be the best way of spending the 30 starting points at a thane, no matter what race (in my humble opinion, hehe).

Now good luck and be nice to thanes!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
lol :)

Well could add that i'm rr11+ on Eithor my frost thane, by playing solo, duo and in groups (have another lvl50thane, made 8-10 bg1/thid thanes for the fun of it), so my Thane experience ain't likely to be matched at our cluster at least ;)


Sep 20, 2006
didnt read it but you suggest 10 dex in all specs, not even a pure melee spec like 15 qui 10 str troll so they hit 250 cap and have evil str for killing things with ragnarok. Ignoreing an option like that doesnt make me want to read the rest of it


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
Well since the suggestions is at the bottom you read about all anyway, so your point being?

And that show your knowledge about thanes lack quite much I'm afraid.

10 str here or there, matters about so VERY little when it's a Thane, and as a troll thane going 15 str is such a waste.

Also, a pure melee thane would at some point want to try the casting (and it could be quite decent with any race), DoomHammer etc.
Dex is important no matter what you aim at with your thane (casting, defence, and melee dps).


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
To put 20 points into any stat, regarding a thane, is a waste.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
dex wont help your melee dps much , apart from helping to land slam and reactional block/parry styles :/


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
Hm, thats what i wrote, although with high dex it will help more than just a little (quite much so with HammerSpec).

Point however was that dex is the stat that affect a Thane the most - in different ways, even melee dps, compared to any other stat that would increase either melee dps or magic dps.


Jan 15, 2007
eithor, this thread is called 'how to spec a thane for fg rvr?', so i dont think you are the right person to give tips =)


Sep 20, 2006
Danord_durin said:
This thread is a retarded e-peen battle:fluffle:

its retarded because everyone knows mines the biggest

just ask netcode, he couldnt walk for days, he even had to go see the doctor

as for capping qui on a troll i worked it out, not definate if its 157 you need to reach for buffs to cap but im quite sure

start 45
stat(75) 120
cap(25) 145
augq(12) 157
buffs 250

so looks like troll with 10 at creation can hit 250, go 15 at creation if trying to fit in 25 qui cap scares you


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
cmr said:
its retarded because everyone knows mines the biggest

just ask netcode, he couldnt walk for days, he even had to go see the doctor

as for capping qui on a troll i worked it out, not definate if its 157 you need to reach for buffs to cap but im quite sure

start 45
stat(75) 120
cap(25) 145
augq(12) 157
buffs 250

so looks like troll with 10 at creation can hit 250, go 15 at creation if trying to fit in 25 qui cap scares you

yes it is 157 as quick buff is 93:)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Apparently people like challenge. Running around with a toon that doesn't have stoicism, low WS (if anyone knows wich table they are on they will get a cookie..) and with the HP's of a seer at enemy caster range, likes to live on the edge, or to be masochist.
Spending almost full duration of stun and root surely gets your dps go thru the sky.
I can understand you guys got used to play with Duact style and found it good enough or perfect for your grp, and like i said on your movie from Avalon i thought he did quite well, imho.
My ONLY point is that there is two viable specs for a thane on a fg and the DPS of thanes are not only strengh related.
But hey, who cares? People will always do whatever rock their world.

@liloe: Pas terrible comme réponse presque au niveau de celles de dreami. Je suis sûr que tu peux faire mieux :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Eithor said:
lol :)

Well could add that i'm rr11+ on Eithor my frost thane, by playing solo, duo and in groups (have another lvl50thane, made 8-10 bg1/thid thanes for the fun of it), so my Thane experience ain't likely to be matched at our cluster at least ;)

Yes but then again the threadstarter asked for a fg spec, and I doubt you have ever been in a good group and faced another good group in a fight, if you had you would know that 99% of your long post has no relevance for fg rvr.
You will never kill anything with nukes as thane (versus a good grp that is) hell its not like pure casters without debuff kill anything. getting 10 parry is so useless it's barely worth the time speccing the points (for fg rvr again).

And I have nothing against you personally, I have been in smallgrps with you on a couple of occations and it was fun, it's just that you have no clue about how real fg rvr works.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Septima said:
Apparently people like challenge. Running around with a toon that doesn't have stoicism, low WS (if anyone knows wich table they are on they will get a cookie..) and with the HP's of a seer at enemy caster range, likes to live on the edge, or to be masochist.
Spending almost full duration of stun and root surely gets your dps go thru the sky.

Well you can get Determination 5 if you want less mezz/root/stun duration though =) That's a point where I don't know so much about Thane though, so it might be worth it....or it might not, no idea.

Objectively though, most hybrids go for medium-low magic line to have less mana issues. Even Valewalkers don't sacrifice scythe for more arboreal, although they have a rather nice LT (energy based = good :p ). More weapon spec simply gives more WS, resulting in less of these ugly misses. I'm not sure if more spec will also give you more proc damage, I never tested that on my Valkyrie (I'm simply too lazy =) ). And to be very honest, in my opinion it's only the dmg add and the energy debuff self-buff that justify going higher SC. If it was only damage spells, you could aswell live with 16 SC and get more shield. My Valk has like 14 OW or so, which means I can go high reju aswell, to get more PBAE insta heals and the insta ress.

Septima said:
@liloe: Pas terrible comme réponse presque au niveau de celles de dreami. Je suis sûr que tu peux faire mieux :p

La différence est, que ma réponse est absolument mon opinion et que j'offense personne avec, au lieu de jeter des injures autour de moi comme des personnes que tu as mentionné =)


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Healer/Bard table.
Where is my cookie ?

And as for frost. Its the best all around choice i believe. Nothing to do with hardmode or anything else.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Can't see race makes a big deal in the end tbh. Frostelf means won't have to kill urself getting 25qui cap on template, can get aug str instead of aug qui if that bothered to boost melee dps. Also with dex higher than 12 might actually land slam a bit more and block b4 bg kicks in (specially with shield love vs dw inc). Easier for enemy to make targetting fuck ups too (ofc 'good' grps would neverever do such a thing blah blah).


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Well we're talking about 15 str/con more on norse vs. frostalf already though =) Ok, admittedly I would never ever play a Troll (or Firbolg, Highlander, Half-Ogre).

10 more qui on frostie does not make up for this imo =)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Your only actually gaining knowledge when your listening, not when your talking.

Explains why all the loudmouthed idiots who know the one and only way to spec everything and are too busy calling people noobs who don't bow down and worship their spec are generally so clueless about everything.

I look forward to what original "who are you comment" your going to spout out next. No doubt it will be both original and funny, not just copied from your leet irc mate like everything else in your lives.


Jan 15, 2007
you gain experience when you play in the same group as a thane and have regular discussions about his playstyle contra the group's.

in competitive FG vs FG rvr, there is ATM no other spec that is better then the one mentioned by the 'leetists', anyone saying otherwise does not understand the basics of this type of rvr.


Oct 31, 2006
Davejohnson said:
you gain experience when you play in the same group as a thane and have regular discussions about his playstyle contra the group's.

in competitive FG vs FG rvr, there is ATM no other spec that is better then the one mentioned by the 'leetists', anyone saying otherwise does not understand the basics of this type of rvr.
depends i guess, apaprently this thane called raven something likes to instakill shit with the doom hammer style, combined with dds and nuked!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
traktorlove said:
depends i guess, apaprently this thane called raven something likes to instakill shit with the doom hammer style, combined with dds and nuked!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Septima said:
Yeah, calling me clueless noob is the best way to defend your arguments. If i'm not going for melee why the fxxx would i go for troll?
Unless you show me some logs with an average of dps over time with both specs in fg fights that shows me that melee spec really outdamage the caster spec you are not allowed to call me clueless.

you seriously need a proove for that? Oo

lets see how many dd´s do you have to cast to outweight 1 ragna hmmmmmmmmmmmm


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Röffle at the amount of clueless people in this thread. People who have never played Thane or if they have, not in a proper FG. I rest my case.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Dreami said:
Röffle at the amount of clueless people in this thread. People who have never played Thane or if they have, not in a proper FG. I rest my case.

So u got 1 pled for u ran 1 week and calling other ppl noobs.

Was it roffle?

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