Nuxtobatns said:Didnt know that u have to be a clueless noob to solo with a different spec than what u think is best
Do u even have a Thane ?
Duact plays a thane for Xnys on Avalon afaik Oo
Nuxtobatns said:Didnt know that u have to be a clueless noob to solo with a different spec than what u think is best
Do u even have a Thane ?
Nuxtobatns said:Didnt know that u have to be a clueless noob to solo with a different spec than what u think is best
Do u even have a Thane ?
Septima said:There is nothing wrong on rolling a frostie, template it as a caster, skip the melee damage and make it a caster/bger in fg. The range and the damage on 50sc spec is atractive enough at this point to be efective. And since thanes don't have stoicism or that big defence it can be a nice low rr spec and playstyle.
In one word your spec will determine your role/playstyle in a fg. It would be clueless to think thanes are only viable when having 50sword.
Nuxtobatns said:Didnt know that u have to be a clueless noob to solo with a different spec than what u think is best
Do u even have a Thane ?
Alan said:You dont, but you DO sacrifice damage by going 50 sword+shield over 50 2H sword. It depends on your playstyle and what a FG would want your role to be - but for damage on the train id be very happy with a 50sw 50sc thane in my group (providing I had a WAR with slam)
ohh and the champ 2H sword for a thane is phhhwwwwwmmmmmm nice :0
Septima said:There is nothing wrong on rolling a frostie, template it as a caster, skip the melee damage and make it a caster/bger in fg. The range and the damage on 50sc spec is atractive enough at this point to be efective. And since thanes don't have stoicism or that big defence it can be a nice low rr spec and playstyle.
In one word your spec will determine your role/playstyle in a fg. It would be clueless to think thanes are only viable when having 50sword.
duact said:You won't kill shit with stormcalling dmg in fg rvr therefor melee dmg is the way to go. And if u make a thane for the love of god make a troll.
cmr said:not sure about troll and hitting 250 qui, id go norse.... they dont look like some gimp called trollum either xD plus dex for casting, blocking
Raven said:Löl
get out more
Dreami said:Löl. My troll has 240 qui with aug quick2.
who is the one calling people noobs for having a different opinion teenagemate?Dreami said:Based on your supposed IQ, I think you are.
Agreathien said:imo if i was to roll a thane again i would make it go 42 sheild 50 SC and 39 sword its a nice solo and grp spec
Dreami said:Spot the clueless noob.
Frostalf Thanes are like Avalonian Armsmen. Why would anyone want to hit 2xx damage with dds when you can hit minimum of 600 every time in melee with celerity?
Besides versus good groups there is never time to cast, except when you're rooted away from teammates that you're supposed to bg.
duact said:Actually I have 2 level 50 thanes.
1 is dwarf and casterspec, one is troll and meleeroxstar.
Needless to say, one is useless.
Nuxtobatns said:I have 2 lv 50 thanes too
One is a frostalf hybrid spec and the other is a norse more-melee spec.
Needless to say i dont even touch the one of them.
duact said:39sc 50sword 42 shield
all other spex are for clueless noobs who either solo or are stupid!
Septima said:The point is that it's easier to land a spell on someone than a positional melee style, even more if it's a spell with 1.85k range.
And tbfh i'm not discuting here what is the best spec, i'm just stating there is at least two viable specs for fg rvr.
liloe said:Same goes for Frostalf melee classes....there is simply no reason to do such a thing ^^
kivik said:Challenge, my friend.
liloe said:Now even if duact and dreami act like a bit young of age.....I tend to agree that 50/42/39 is the way to go. I've played Valk instead of Thane, but ehm.....casting without 10% passive piercing and 8% dmg? Don't bother and use lower SC to have less mana costs for casting. 50sc and 39weap is not a viable spec for "fg RvR", it might be for zergage if you wanna hit for more with the hammers of lag
Same goes for Frostalf melee classes....there is simply no reason to do such a thing ^^ I mean I'm not going mad about a few minor things, like people rolling Inconnu infil, it's "only" 10 lost points after all and I went Avalonian Cleric myselfbut when you look at the key stats, then Frostalf is much worse than every other choice. Personally I would go for Norseman aswell though, cause I think Trolls are ugly ^^
Septima said:Now if you want melee toons down with ragnarok, fine pick a troll and go get them, if you prefer to play like a caster, go frostie. It's a playstyle choice and tbfh i can't say for sure wich one is better.
My only point was that there is more than 1 viable spec for thanes, and i will stick with my opinion.
Septima said:Yeah, calling me clueless noob is the best way to defend your arguments. If i'm not going for melee why the fxxx would i go for troll?
Unless you show me some logs with an average of dps over time with both specs in fg fights that shows me that melee spec really outdamage the caster spec you are not allowed to call me clueless.
The point is that it's easier to land a spell on someone than a positional melee style, even more if it's a spell with 1.85k range.
And tbfh i'm not discuting here what is the best spec, i'm just stating there is at least two viable specs for fg rvr. Unless you can show me i'm wrong you can keep me calling me noob if it makes you feel "special" ~~