Gratz Albs on Relic Raid!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Smilewhenyousaythat said:
You don't read so good do you?

Was 6 hours of keep attacks not enough of a hint? What do you want - 4 weeks notice and a parade outside your window?

I want to be able to sleep in weekdays cause work is so damh boring i cant keep awake if i have to stay up all night defending something.

Mids started out with a Primetime raid on a saturday even i think:) Albs starts of relic raiding on a weekday in the middle of the night.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 24, 2004
I always thought Alarmclock raids was an expression for raiding in off hours. I mean i never set a alarmclock for a relicraid and ive been to most of them including the one u say was an alarmclock raid, that one started @ 9.00 CET. I wake up early so do lots of other ppl, so this was an AC raid to me and them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Fana said:
Not that im complaining, ive always said its ok to take relics whenever you find it fun to do it, but just wanna point our that mids took the first relic in NF on primetime :p

In the middle of the afternoon is not primetime :), people work and go to school during the day. Think primetime is still around 20:00-21:00 if you check number of people online at that time.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Edaemos said:
The hib str relic was removed a 01:47gmt after 9 hour seige of your keeps, remember this is a uk server. :)

actually, technically it's an english speaking european server..

Although gratz to the albs on this raid, they had the numbers and the commitment. Mids didn't deserve to keep the relics, there was no real commitment in the defence, we lacked strong leaders for a long time and everyone was running around like headless chickens due to the 3 fronts of attack. People weren't interested in retaking hild for a long time (was there for 40+ minutes waiting for other mids to turn up, but they were camping the relic gate rather than trying to close it...) Just to get those numbers to keep fighting for so long is a good effort on the albs part and should be rewarded.

Boo to the hibs though for giving them a helping hand, i think this more than anything is what scuppered our plans. Silly hibs should have used this time to port to alb and steal their power relic, but that would have been too difficult, much easier to help the albs out in their raid and try to pick up the scraps thrown to them ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
yaruar said:
actually, technically it's an english speaking european server..

Posted By: Matt Firor

2004-11-24 12:14:52
GOA is the company that currently hosts Dark Age of Camelot servers in French, German, and >>>>>English (in the UK)<<<<< and distributes the game throughout Europe.

Apart from that nice post :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Cerberos said:
I want to be able to sleep in weekdays cause work is so damh boring i cant keep awake if i have to stay up all night defending something.

Mids started out with a Primetime raid on a saturday even i think:) Albs starts of relic raiding on a weekday in the middle of the night.

Middle of the night?

I logged in at 7pm GMT - you were 2 keeps down with one just about to fall and another being assaulted. It was four more hours before the relic gates opened.

At what point did it click (or not) that maybe, just maybe, Albs were going to hit the relic? I made it till about 12.30 before wife aggro kicked in, and yes I was up at 6am for work, and no I'm not feeling too sparky today. But I am looking forward to logging on tonight and spanking some middie butt with an extra 20% ass kicking bonus.

CU in the Alb frontier soon :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Calo said:
yea its like everybody from midgard supports alarmclockraids!!

Hi im heath and i know shit from midgard but im gonna claim that all of midgard are lame and want to do alarmclock raids(yet again i dont know shit about that either but thats because im just dumb and say thing before anything is done, perhaps to look cool to my imaginary friend)

Now go camp ur precious relics cause i know thats all what matters for u.

Grats for the rest of albion, was a nice raid, i wasn't logged on anyway cause NF is just boring like hell.
After more then a year, albion finally has some relics :clap: deserved

Calo...where in my post did i say that everybody in mid suports alarm clock raids??....

Hi, im Calo and i know shit..full stop. i never claimed all of mid were lame either. Also, i have enough RL i dont need imaginary ones thank you. And, i am an armsman..i camp nothing...i wander.

Also, if you were not even logged on cos you think its boring..why even bother to comment?. Ok, its a public forum..but before you quote me and slag me what i write. It might help.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 20, 2004
Those mids that are saying we did Alarmclock raid. Go shut your relic keep and we talk more. Its still open. Ur loosing if you wont take your keeps back with coordinated attack. 1 Keep more from the center and ur Power relic is open aswell.

Again thx for ppl pm:ing me instructions and supporting. As many have quessed I have never been in a relic raid before. So it was my first time.
And Best regards to the mids that took this as a challenge and admitted they had change to do some things better and didnt take this as a "f n00b albion ffs alarmclock raid". I bet next attack from mid is made by those ppl who reason. Not by whiners.

Tappi the friar 50


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
yaruar said:
Boo to the hibs though for giving them a helping hand, i think this more than anything is what scuppered our plans. Silly hibs should have used this time to port to alb and steal their power relic, but that would have been too difficult, much easier to help the albs out in their raid and try to pick up the scraps thrown to them ;)

Hibs are actually just a pain in the ass.

They certainly weren't helping. They were stabbing us in the back all night. Trying to destroy our boats with siege weaps, trying to hit us when we on Bled, trying to disrupt the run to the relic gate....

This server atm is Alb vs Mid with Hibs being a nuisance here and there. That will change though.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
Smilewhenyousaythat said:
I love the whiny justification of a significant portion of mid pop.

If they do it at 6am (and we know they will - we're used to a complete lack of integrity and sky high hypocracy) then its OK and justifiable. If after 9 hours of attacks the relic becomes open at 11pm on a UK server, then its not reasonable for an attack and we should all go to bed and leave the mids happy.

For goodness sakes you saw it coming. There was no surprise here. Could it have been advertised any more widely?

But no - whine whine whine. Stand by for a 6am attack when no-one is around so mids can show off their l33tskilz once more.

well i guess we could just start attacking albs in small forces, maybe taking a keep, and then keep it going untill 6am, and then justify it be, we had been attacking all night?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I dont think *that* many mids (at least not the ones that I talk to) care that much about the str relics...

Anyways it went wrong with target priority on mid side... They chose to defend or capture a tower, instead of defend bledmeer... After that, it all went to hell, albs had a way of porting into the mid-fronteir...

It took albs a while to capture bledmeer, and what started as 8 people taking bledmeer tower, turned into 125 taking bledmeer... Turned into even more going for towers @ notmoor, etc...

It was a good keep-raid, what I wonder though is, did it start as a relic-raid or was that just 'fun' in the end?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 22, 2004
Well the fact is that most mids woke up this morning to a new situation on the Excalibur server. We (Mids) lost the relics during the night to the albs. Even if you started the raid 3 days ago at 17.00 you still got the relics in the middle of the night where many including myself was sleeping. It is within the frames of the game to pick a relic whenever you want and can, but I wont gratz you on it. I would have liked the chance to join in the fight, and I think many other Albs/Mids/Hibs would have liked it aswell, to bad we didnt. You got the relics - fair! How you got them - fair?? (Doesnt matter much anyway). We was outnumberd by albs and hibs (Hibs know how that feel ;) ) all evening and we did fairly good for a while defending. When time got near 23 CET alot had to log for sleep and our numbers dropped rapid. By that time we simply didnt have the numbers to defend against both Albs and Hibs and I suppose it became fairly easy for the albs to take the relic (dunno I was sleeping).

But a few good things did come from this: Albs now also know that the game game is played in odd hours and they hopefully came down the the pedistal they have been placing themselves on the last year or so (Albs only do honourables primetime relicraids). And the Albs will ofc not complain when they loose the relics to Mid or Hib in a nighttime raid or any odd hours you will be sleeping (I think I already know the answer to that one myself). Another good thing is that we can hope its time for the albs to try and defend against 2 realms. With some luck (and tactics) the Mids and Hibs will now turn to Albion and try for their keeps and relics and we can have alot of fun ganging up on them. Last weeks RvR showed that the relics change hands when 2 realms keep pounding on the last one and it probably will do again, when the hordes of Midgard and Hibernia overflows the shores of Albion. :) The only thing we all can hope for is that the situation on Excalibur dont turn out like in the US where 1 realm has all 6 relics and RvR dies. So lets keep dancing and we (Mids) sure havent given up just because we lost the relics to the albs while we was sleeping. We will be back and we hope the Hibs will join the fight, we need your Celtic behinds in Albion burning down their keeps and towers. Maybe it is even Hibs time to grab a relic, just dont get the power relic this time (Hib casters + 2 power relics are a bad cocktail for Midgard). ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Cracked said:
u need a few keeps before u can even take the relics nowadays.

No shit! Guess what - the relic mile gates ONLY open when you have the 3 right keeps. You HAVE to take the keeps before the relic can be colleceted.

A NF relic raid consists of 2 stages:

1) The taking of keeps
2) The actual picking up of the relic.

You cannot have part 2 without part 1. Last night part 1 was completed before 11.00pm. Part 2 commenced at 11.00pm and finished at somewhere between 2.00 and 3.00 am (dunno for sure as I was in bed by midnight).

The main bulk of the raid was 100% primetime. At no point did Midgard retake any of their keeps - something which they are well capable off when they can be bothered (I feel sorry for those who did put up a fight :( ).

The fact that the raiders didn't stop at midnight and you are using that to try and say the raid was unacceptable is ridiculous. Do you really think for one minute that at midnight Tappi could have said "Right lads, it's midnight. Raids over."?. I'm sure everyone would have just downed tools and left the relic standing there... :rolleyes: If midgard raids us primetime, takes some keeps and we fail to take them back I'll have no complaints if the relic is gone in the morning. But if (and I'm tempted to say "when") Midgard all log in at 6am, take 3 keeps and have the relic home before breakfast then it will just confirm our stereotypical view of the realm.

Cracked cracks me up. :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
yaruar said:
Boo to the hibs though for giving them a helping hand, i think this more than anything is what scuppered our plans. Silly hibs should have used this time to port to alb and steal their power relic, but that would have been too difficult, much easier to help the albs out in their raid and try to pick up the scraps thrown to them ;)

Wasn't it the Hibs who took Blendrake that day only doing what Albs did last week when you came and Took our Relic ????? if I am wrong in this please put me right.I think you Find that it was Hibs that was the only 1's in control of a Keep before Albs decided to join in by taking the rest you keeps.
Please stop trying to Blame us Hibs for you Failings on keeping you Relic our Failing last week was 2 many were hitting on us that we were unable to do anything about it but all we heard Was "WE THE FIRST TO TAKE RELIC" you dumb middies didnt know what you done last week rofl and it took you another 8hrs then to go get Relic.
Leave us Treelovers out of you Failings Mr Ugly Looking Rape and Pillaging Trolls that you are :fluffle:
and many others


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 29, 2003
Voting for Heath being most retarded person on FH and excal.. no one cares what ur saying..

[NO]Magmatic agree to the str relics imo... u see more and more casters in rvr ..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
Garbannoch said:
a few things for the people who didnt grasp the concept of NF relic raids yet

- it's not a "rush the relickeep in 20 mins and leave before defenders come" thing like it was before NF. relic raids need a lot of time in NF (unless you grossly outnumber your opponenet - but even then you will need more time than in OF). It's a matter of who is getting tired first: the defenders or attackers

- in 100% of the cases the relics change hands all 3 realms will be involved. In OF a relic raid usually involved only 2 realms. Now this is not possible cause everyone can see on the realm war map when one realm is taking keeps and the relic is in immediate danger. You think mids would have taken the hib str relic so easily if not half of our keeps were held by albs?

If hibs cant have relics then albs should have them cause as I see it now mids have by far the most and strongest dedicated RvR groups (also numbers are not far off from alb ones - and in a couple of weeks when the alb pve crew gradually leaves the frontier zones mid rvr population will be the highest of all 3 realms)

ehh as far as i remember by the time we took hip str relic, albs had 1 keep in hip frontier and we had 3, so if that counts as most keeps, then something is wrong :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
[NO]Magmatic said:
I dont think *that* many mids (at least not the ones that I talk to) care that much about the str relics...

I agree str relic aint much these days. I tried to pursuade them to push for power relic - but people were on a roll by then. Anyways, it was a lot of fun so wasn't too fussed whether we ended up with a relic or not. When I logged at 12 I didn't expect us to have any keeps left by the morning, let alone a relic. ;)

[NO]Magmatic said:
It was a good keep-raid, what I wonder though is, did it start as a relic-raid or was that just 'fun' in the end?

As far as I knew it was a keep raid that transformed into a relic raid :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Oneeyedjack said:
I would have liked the chance to join in the fight, and I think many other Albs/Mids/Hibs would have liked it aswell, to bad we didnt.
Relic defence starts long before the relic is removed from the shrine - woulda been nice if everyone could be on to see the message of it ;) but the fight started long before you went to bed by all accounts.

I'm sure there were albs that helped take bledmeer and then later logged - they played a big part in the fight, the ones that were distracting at nottmoor as well as the ones that took hlidskialf the first time. Even if they logged before the second push they helped in the raid. Much like anyone in midgard defending at all last night played a part.

I hope you can see the difference (I know a lot of mids do, just some that insist on flaming/whining) between that and a raid where you know nothing about it beforehand and it all happens during the night. If you go to sleep 60 minutes into a game of football and the score is 2-0 to one side it's not over yet but a lot of the fighting has already been fought.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
As far as I'm aware there was no plan to go for a relic - it just grew into one with the slow realisation that it was possible and mids weren't defending that well.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
WOOT! i have my alarmclock V1.5 DELUXE from compaq (gah that sucks)!

its now even with free gps so we dont have to think about the way to get there, it will do it for us!

Anyway this thread is just silly, albs deserved the relic cause they simple had a better fight and better leader. Mids didnt care much about relics, most were sleeping and dreaming about their chars with empty barrels has hauberk!

The sad thing is that albs really do have to brag with this(some of them, most of them act good), yea it was nice, but showing this kind of behaviour is just dumb. Lets just enjoy the game both had fun and mids will attack albion back one day.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Yes, most where asleep. U know.. weekday.. work and stuff. Nighttime relicraid with a force 2x bigger then the defenders total population online at the moment.. isnt that defined as one of the dreaded "alarmclockraids?" Guess its history repeating itself.
Edit: Just so u know, when we started doing keeptakes in Albion pre NF (when Albs had str relics) around 23:00 CET after defending Midgardian lands since 17:00 or so, and continued during the night. 04:00 Outlaw & co decided it was time to bring out the zerg, easily outnumbering and thus wiping the 50 Mids that was now outside Excal (all Alb keeps taken).. was massive Alb alarmclockrelicraidwhine on forums after that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Smilewhenyousaythat said:
As far as I'm aware there was no plan to go for a relic - it just grew into one with the slow realisation that it was possible and mids weren't defending that well.
To be fair to mids they had their hands full with the number of invaders in the frontier. Blendrake wasn't seriously threatened all evening. I'm not sure how many albs were about but early on (about 7 GMT) I clocked 100+ hibs in jamtland.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Oneeyedjack said:
You got the relics - fair! How you got - fair? (Doesnt matter much anyway).

As noted, raid started 6hrs in advance of actual relic capture. Mids had plenty of opportunity to outnumber the Albs in the frontier, they did earlier in the week, but did not for some reason. You had a FAIR chance to stop the relic raid long in advance of its actual conclusion.

Both sides had an equal chance to decide to go to sleep and call it a night. I know I did. But I guess the more foresighted Albs had sensed which way the wind was blowing and stuck with what was happening. On a weeknight, its not conceivable to start any kind of major offensive before 6pm GMT and to be fair, its not much more conceivable at a weekend either unless you pre-plan.

Both sides had a fair chance to call it a night and give up. Alb decided not to, Mid did.

There is a world of difference between that, where the Mids logged (as did some Albs) knowing FULL WELL that a relic raid was underway, and an Alarm Clock raid where the other side does not know the raid is happening. This is huge difference, yet you seem to be failing to grasp it.

We was outnumberd by albs and hibs (Hibs know how that feel ;) ) all evening and we did fairly good for a while defending. When time got near 23 CET alot had to log for sleep and our numbers dropped rapid. By that time we simply didnt have the numbers to defend against both Albs and Hibs and I suppose it became fairly easy for the albs to take the relic (dunno I was sleeping).

Oneeyedjack said:
But a few good things did come from this: Albs now also know that the game game is played in odd hours and they hopefully came down the the pedistal they have been placing themselves on the last year or so (Albs only do honourables primetime relicraids).

Again, this is a lame attempt to try and justify an alarm clock raid, which is hugely different compared to what happened last night. Mids knew we were there and we knew what we were doing. The only way an alarm clock raid could be considered even remotely fair by comparison, would be if you posted the 6am start time and date on these forums, so those who choose not to sleep are there ready to face you. Otherwise, no one knows the attack is coming.

Oneeyedjack said:
And the Albs will ofc not complain when they loose the relics to Mid or Hib in a nighttime raid or any odd hours you will be sleeping (I think I already know the answer to that one myself).

If you guys start a raid on our frontier at the same time we did, 6pm GMT, and I log to go to sleep at 11pm and see that you're likely to nail our relics, then of course I won't complain. I would have had fair warning of what you were about to do and I could choose to sacrifice sleep to defend the relics.

You start a raid at 6am and I have no clue what you're doing and I'm not about to wake up at 6am every morning to log on to see if you are, because you can't see the difference between these two things.

However, as has also been mentioned here, I would welcome some sort of mechanism that stopped relic raids happening out of primetime. Maybe the milegate doors should stay shut between 12am GMT (for english servers) and 12pm, to prevent relic activity occurring when the majority are not online.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
yaruar said:
Boo to the hibs though for giving them a helping hand, i think this more than anything is what scuppered our plans. Silly hibs should have used this time to port to alb and steal their power relic, but that would have been too difficult, much easier to help the albs out in their raid and try to pick up the scraps thrown to them ;)
The reason hibs were in midgard is you let us keep Blend intact and portable. When it's a case of port to blend and hit some mids/albs right away or sail for 10 mins to the alb frontier then going to mid wins every time. :p
If we'd had an albion keep portable I doubt you'd have seen many hibs in midgard.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
the raids started early and happened to finish late, both sides knew before it was late waht was going on, both sides suffered from people that had to log as it got late

this is entirely different to purposely logging on at some stupid hour with the direct intent to do so when the other realm does not know what is occuring so even if they were willing to stay up or get up that choice does not exist.

QQ some more girls


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Light said:
this is entirely different to purposely logging on at some stupid hour with the direct intent to do so when the other realm does not know what is occuring so even if they were willing to stay up or get up that choice does not exist.

Well you know what will be incomming now so dont whine when it hits you.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Cerberos said:
Well you know what will be incomming now so dont whine when it hits you.

Seems that some in midgard need to stoop so low in order to get anything accomplished. Respect to the real players (of all realms)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Sendraks said:
Again, this is a lame attempt to try and justify an alarm clock raid, which is hugely different compared to what happened last night.
Octo said:
Just so u know, when we started doing keeptakes in Albion pre NF (when Albs had str relics) around 23:00 CET after defending Midgardian lands since 17:00 or so, and continued during the night. 04:00 Outlaw & co decided it was time to bring out the zerg, easily outnumbering and thus wiping the 50 Mids that was now outside Excal (all Alb keeps taken).. was massive Alb alarmclockrelicraidwhine on forums after that..
So keepwar from 17:00 - 04:00.. and that was alarmclockraid by earlier alb definition..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Cerberos said:
Well you know what will be incomming now so dont whine when it hits you.

Of course we know you'll alarmclock.

You are incapable of anything else.

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