Gratz Albs on Relic Raid!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Smilewhenyousaythat said:
So in the middle of a large relic raid you had people logging and calling it a day?

Thats not an AC raid. Thats poor leadership.

no, that's having to get up at 6 or 7am the next day and work for 10 hours ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
yaruar said:
no, that's having to get up at 6 or 7am the next day and work for 10 hours ;)

I kept seeing your name there till the bitter end, whacking my ass with seige machinery at the relic gates :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Sendraks said:
From what I saw, Mid defence of the keeps was hardly at its best last night. And I've seen Middy keep defence at its best and its an impressive sight to behold.

Indeed on more than one occasion, where we entered a tower in the process of taking Bled before 10pm I was asking myself, "where the hell are all the mids?" because I was fully expecting the raid to get ganked by a vicious mid surprise counter offensive.

But it didn't happen. It wasn't late (as I said it was pre 10pm), it was a busy weeknight, yet the resistance just wasn't there.

The fact that the Mid relic was open at 10:45pm to me, was not a direct result of people logging, if the resistance encountered earlier in the evening was anything to go by.

I agree with this totally, mids were disorganised and there were too many people chipping in with suggestions of what to do so most people were running round confused, loads tried to go to nott, loads went to relic, a couple of us went to hild to attempt to take it but 3 people wasn't enough ;)

In retrospect it probably would have been better to split the force, have 3-4 groups sent to hild to take it back and defend it, reinforcements for nott after that and then try to push the albs back, but for some reason last night the defence just didn't seem to gel which was frustrating.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Gratz to albs!

But hey.. its fun to see how albs needs to whine about mid relic raids even after a successfull RR...

LoL... jeje, gratz and see u in Odins! (u to hibbies)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
okay ill be the bigger man, and take this post to the next lvl.

My dad can beat your dad :D there i did, i upped the lvl of all the whines, now, can we plz keep it up there :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Gordonax said:
I kept seeing your name there till the bitter end, whacking my ass with seige machinery at the relic gates :)

I did stay up until the final push back to the relic keep but was too tired at that stage to continue and we just didn't have the numbers any more to keep going


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003

Fana said:
Well at least albs cant ever whine about non-primetime raids anymore :touch: Nor can hibs whine about tagteaming crossrealming etc

And FYI most of Excalibur population live in the CET zone

This is an English server, therefore it is English by implication. As we are in GMT (Greenwich being in London) then it follows that GMT is the time reference point on this server. :kissit:

French and German servers however have the right to claim CET as the time reference, so if you are worried ... off you go and learn to speak French or German! ;)

Incidentally, I think it unfair that the Irish have there own smiley >>>>>> :drink:

Regards, with tongue in cheek.



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Gordonax said:
I kept seeing your name there till the bitter end, whacking my ass with seige machinery at the relic gates :)

I saw yaruar thane-deathspam on my wife's monitor. For Thor! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Relic defence starts long before the relic is removed from the shrine - woulda been nice if everyone could be on to see the message of it ;) but the fight started long before you went to bed by all accounts.

Well I was not surprised you took the relic's, but this does not change the fact that most Mids, at least those that goes to work everyday need to go to bed. I know I'm in no position to stay up playing daoc to 02.30 CET for some silly relics in a PC game. I played to 01.00, we had just lost Hild, Bled was still ours and we had defended the first atempt on the relickeep. At that point I cba with what happened later on, but knowing a large part of the Albion poppulation is 1 hour behind there is little to be done. If it was not 02.30 CET its could have been 04.30 CET, you would have keept going to you had them.

Personly I'd rathere see long Relicraids in the weekend (fridays and saturdays) when most have the ability to choose to go to bed or not. It goes without saying that if both Albion or Hibernia are in Midgard frontier and Albion is determend to get relic's in the manner you just got them. Adding 2 + 2 is not difficult, you will get them.

Flimgoblin said:
I'm sure there were albs that helped take bledmeer and then later logged - they played a big part in the fight, the ones that were distracting at nottmoor as well as the ones that took hlidskialf the first time. Even if they logged before the second push they helped in the raid. Much like anyone in midgard defending at all last night played a part.

I hope you can see the difference (I know a lot of mids do, just some that insist on flaming/whining) between that and a raid where you know nothing about it beforehand and it all happens during the night. If you go to sleep 60 minutes into a game of football and the score is 2-0 to one side it's not over yet but a lot of the fighting has already been fought.

There is also a big difference in NF vs OF with redgards to Keepdefence and general action in RvR. In OF you would kick the attacker out and go Emain/Odins to RvR more. NF I feel like after an attack is repelled RvR is more or less dead. I thought that after you got booted out of Hild you would stop, but you took Bled at 12.00 CET. I know I would consider Albion ending the day with both Bled and Nott, while Hib have Hild a perfect setup for RvR today. This is at least my point of view.

Anyway the only one that are gonna loose big on continuing night
time Relicraids during the week is Midgard, so I'll hope that we'll stick to within primetime when the relic is actually removed or during long fights in the weekend.

And Flim it's obvious that this was not an "AC-raid", but I think I was kind of hoping that at least you would see that taking a relic at 02.30 CET isn't "much" better. Yes, we had problems with organizing our defence, but after 12.00CET we had no leader and was outnumbered 3:1 if you count in the Hibs. You had small problems with the Hibs last nigth compared to what we had.

Well I'm hoping for loads of actions in Albion, but the Hibs have to give us a helping hand. Will at least be 1 happy SB ganking inc Alb's to defend.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
yaruar said:
no, that's having to get up at 6 or 7am the next day and work for 10 hours ;)


BUT, had you had the leadership you could have utilised this to best effect, persuaded ppl to stay and actually deployed forces where they had an impact. Its no criticism - Alb cg chat is a nightmare at the best of times with every other moron thinking they're Alexander the great. Although by the second strike i guess it was recognised the relics were lost and it was too late - the mistakes had been made hours earlier, it just took time for them to tell.

It was leadership and success that kept Albs up past their normal bedtimes, and lack of it that led to mids logging off demoralized.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
I'd rather not see relic raids on a Saturday or Friday night, as those are commonly the evenings where I am out and about with friends. Run it during the day on a Saturday or Sunday by all means, at least then those of us who choose to socialise on a weekend evening don't miss out.

Relic Raids on weeknights suit me fine. I'll just remember to stay up a little later from now on. Though I still doubt I'd see any raid through to the bitter end if it rolls on past 1am.


Jan 7, 2004
lol this is a 24/7 game, suggesting that we SCHEDULE relic raids for certain days kinda takes away the suprise dont it?

RandomALB: what-ho chaps, its saturday afternoon, what say after tea we go take some relics pip pip..

RandomMID: very sporting of you to arrange a time old bean.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Crist you clueless middie gimps! What part of "hib didnt help the Albs" dont you understand? We was in mid frontier days before this relic raid.. Fighting for keeps, having fun. VF lead it afaik. had nothing at all to do with the albions... And afaik we hate the albs just as much as you. Tho mids still charged hib the first day of NF, side by side with albs.. And now your calling us the X-realmers? :eek6: So please, get real...

Edit: Btw grats albies... enjoy 1.70 as long as it may be here :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sounds like a nice raid, grats to albs :)

If the relic's were taken at 1:45am then the raid must have started several hours earlier as taking level 10 keeps takes a long time now-a-days.

To the mids saying "tag team!!!" you forgot how you took the STR relic from the Hibs? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Runolas said:
I played to 01.00, we had just lost Hild, Bled was still ours and we had defended the first atempt on the relickeep.

Sorry, but that's not right. Bled was taken by us well before 10pm (I think it was about 9pm GMT) and never left our hands.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Ogen said:
Crist you clueless middie gimps! What part of "hib didnt help the Albs" dont you understand? We was in mid frontier days before this relic raid.. Fighting for keeps, having fun. VF lead it afaik. had nothing at all to do with the albions... And afaik we hate the albs just as much as you. Tho mids still charged hib the first day of NF, side by side with albs.. And now your calling us the X-realmers? :eek6: So please, get real...

Edit: Btw grats albies... enjoy 1.70 as long as it may be here :clap:

Whats 1.70 got to do with it? US Albs just got lazy and bored with holding all the relics....but now their back!

As of last weekend Albs are once again the major relic holders across US.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
2.45 am? Did albs negotiate a day off school?:)and if 7am is classed as alarm clock riads is this one classed as a Redbull raid?( i`d of needed several cans to stay awake)


Dec 26, 2003
albs were completely unorganised and fucked up several things when the gate went open the first time. if you just look how much time there was between neutral and bringing them to excal. think it was close to resetting it back to mjol :eek:

except for the retake of Hild at arround 1am , mids did completly nothing to defend. :eek:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
yes it was a very nice relic raid albs, now stop the pathetic bragging on this board & mid board plz...

grats to all the mids who stayed awake! :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Edaemos said:
Obviously not yours, remember when middy had not had the str relics for a quite bit, hardly any mids in emain (i was mid at that time) ardamels alarm clock raid to get the relics because morale was low in middy and doing it at peak time might have failed and cause more de-moralized people? the raid starting at 5:30 am with Np and i think Rg taking a couple of alb keeps then everyone hittinig excal for around 7:30am gmt?

ahh how you forget things so fast.

If im correct using the above relic timescale it was raid 18 and i think thats slightly incorrect or is going by cet times.

And here I thought we raided hibs early to boost morale, then a bit later, we took keeps in albion, and as usual back then, no albs came out to retake, so after defending (sitting in) it for the night, we took albs relics in the morning. A perfectly valid tactic, according to albs in this thread, as you had time to come and defend since the raid started primetime the day before. Albs responded to this raid with first failing an alarmclockraid at 9 a sunday morning with over 200 people, since they took 1 relic out of mjollner and ran it back with 1fg, and that fg got killed by mids at amg. We then camped that relic in Bledmeer, while gathering forces to kick remaining albs which we later did, then retaking it early morning some week/weeks later iirc.

Note: this has been argued over and over, and the day we agree on who did what and who is lamer, is most likely further away than the day hell freeze to ice.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Nobrain you still dont seem to get it do you? You cant compare old style Frontiers/relic raiding with the New Frontiers.. its like comparing apples & pears and insisting that they're exactly the same.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Runolas said:
Well I was not surprised you took the relic's, but this does not change the fact that most Mids, at least those that goes to work everyday need to go to bed.

Tis pretty much the same for the albs but I guess when you're attacking you have the adrenaline and the "keep going we're nearly there" factor - myself I was in bed at 12:30 GMT (though I was actually idle in erasleigh all night - was doing quests on my Heretic ;) was watching the raid on my wife's monitor though)

There is also a big difference in NF vs OF with redgards to Keepdefence and general action in RvR. In OF you would kick the attacker out and go Emain/Odins to RvR more. NF I feel like after an attack is repelled RvR is more or less dead. I thought that after you got booted out of Hild you would stop, but you took Bled at 12.00 CET. I know I would consider Albion ending the day with both Bled and Nott, while Hib have Hild a perfect setup for RvR today. This is at least my point of view.

RvR doesn't end when you kick them out anymore at all - you just have to continue the push (unlike back in the old days when people said about going for an enemy keep after retakes and people said "sure", ignored them and ported to emain to farm)

However I think if midgard had claimed hlid and defended or taken back bledmeer the albs would have accepted defeat. I know most would have gone "bah tis late, next time".

However we still had a foothold after that first hlid retake (was rather funny my wife just ran through the gate with the front of the alb forces just in time for it to shut behind her - comedy timing) and apparently noone claimed it before albs took it the second time.

Anyway the only one that are gonna loose big on continuing night
time Relicraids during the week is Midgard, so I'll hope that we'll stick to within primetime when the relic is actually removed or during long fights in the weekend.

And Flim it's obvious that this was not an "AC-raid", but I think I was kind of hoping that at least you would see that taking a relic at 02.30 CET isn't "much" better. Yes, we had problems with organizing our defence, but after 12.00CET we had no leader and was outnumbered 3:1 if you count in the Hibs. You had small problems with the Hibs last nigth compared to what we had.

heh some people still calling it AC raids on here but I'm glad you see the difference.

It's not ideal going on into the night but there was no clear resolution by the end and I don't think it's really possible to get people to go "ok, stop attacking we'll stay here" and down tools till the next night (especially since the keeps will most likely be retaken early afternoon).

That said the timezone can work for you too - attacking when you get home from work most of albion will still be at work, gives you a head start for making a beachhead/getting a teleport keep, if you do lose out on the staying longer front.

Well I'm hoping for loads of actions in Albion, but the Hibs have to give us a helping hand. Will at least be 1 happy SB ganking inc Alb's to defend.
Yep :) hoping for loads of action too - defence is fun, and I hope you manage to split our forces up and steal the relics back so we can do another attack.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 12, 2004
/Me hands back all the rattles thrown out of the middies prams :kissit:

Anyway Gratz Tappi & all albs who took part... lets hope we can keep hold of them now :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Castus said:
2.45 am? Did albs negotiate a day off school?:)and if 7am is classed as alarm clock riads is this one classed as a Redbull raid?( i`d of needed several cans to stay awake)

lol I like that term :)

Redbull Raid = a raid where lengthy keep attrition makes the amount of caffeine in the players bloodstreams the deciding factor.

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