GOA to the rescue!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Well, they did it again. You are now all safe from being offended by my guilds naem <Righteous Bastards>.

As of today the good, hard working people at GOA decided to change our guildname from <Rghteous Bastards> to <Righteous Brothers>.

It is in our case the word Bastard which they find offending, how they've missed the fact that we've been around since release and was even called Righteous Bastards in open EU Beta, is beyond me. Even considering they have items called with the word bastard, like Bastard Sword.

What will further happen i can't tell, we'll prolly knock our heads together and find some other nice guild name to offend them with, but hey, we do have a 3yeah advantage before they'll notice :rolleyes:

Anyway, go GOA, just ruined a whole guilds day!


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
lol that's just stupid imo, I can't see who you are offending with a name such as "Righteous Bastards". Btw "Righteous Brothers" is the name of a band, aren't they breaking their own CoC by changing it to that? I'm not sure though, I thought at least in WoW that you couldn't pick names like that, dunno about DAoC.

Still pretty lame though :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Yes i do believe it was the name of a duo, but can't recall it that's agaist CoC in DAoC... Oh and about having Righteous Bastards changed, happened in WoW aswell :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Someone report my cleric name when we on this,i want it changed :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
You never close your eyes
Anymore when I kiss your lips.
And there's no tenderness
Like before in your fingertips.
You're trying hard not to show it, (baby).
But baby, baby I know it...

You've lost that lovin' feelin',
Whoa, that lovin' feelin',
You've lost that lovin' feelin',
Now it's gone...gone...gone...wooooooh.

Now there's no welcome look
In your eyes when I reach for you.
And now you're starting to
Criticize little things I do.
It makes me just feel like crying, (baby).
'Cause baby, something beautiful's dyin'.

You lost that lovin' feelin',
Whoa, that lovin' feelin',
You've lost that lovin' feelin',
Now it's gone...gone...gone...woooooah

Baby, baby, I'd get down on my knees for you.
If you would only love me like you used to do, yeah.
We had a love...a love...a love you don't find everyday.
So don't...don't...don't...don't let it slip away.

Baby (baby), baby (baby),
I beg of you please (please), please (please)
I need your love (I need your love), I need your love (I need your love),
So bring it on back (So bring it on back),
Bring it on back (so bring it on back).

Bring back that lovin' feelin',
Whoa, that lovin' feelin'
Bring back that lovin' feelin',
'Cause it's gone...gone...gone,
and I can't go on,

Bring back that lovin' feelin',
Whoa, that lovin' feelin'
Bring back that lovin' feelin',
'Cause it's gone...gone...gone...
And I can't go on.. wooooah

Sorry, couldn't resist.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Comos said:
Btw "Righteous Brothers" is the name of a band, aren't they breaking their own CoC by changing it to that?

That is pretty funny coming from someone in a guild called The Prodigy


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Hmm can't find any reason why Righteous Bastards should be changed cause of offending name. Think there are topics much worth of GoA caution than this guild's name.


Loyal Freddie
Aug 17, 2004
Im guessing it was a slow day at the GOA office, or maybe someone forgot the monday cake :|


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Aybabtu said:
...how they've missed the fact that we've been around since release and was even called Righteous Bastards in open EU Beta, is beyond me...

I think they only react on this subject when someone actually complains about a name, so bearing that in mind someone haven´t complained about you guys in over 3 years..Quite an acomplishment.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Shanaia said:
That is pretty funny coming from someone in a guild called The Prodigy

Oh yes, didn't even think of that :) If band names would be against the CoC, TP would be too, although if they were, it would probably only apply to more unambiguous band names such "Metallica" or something.

Anyways, still don't agree that a name such as Righteous Bastards needed editting.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Basically if a name is reported as offensive - and it's reasonable to be offended by it - then it will be changed. A lot of people may not have been offended by your guild name but if some people are, then we have to change it.


Loyal Freddie
Aug 17, 2004
Requiel said:
Basically if a name is reported as offensive - and it's reasonable to be offended by it - then it will be changed. A lot of people may not have been offended by your guild name but if some people are, then we have to change it.

That maybe... But how many complaints does it take? 1? 10? Because in the 3 years ive been playing (granted there has been breaks) i never heard a single complaint.

Moreover, if the word bastard is so offensive, why dosent the bad-word filter pick it up?

Additionally, isnt it a fact that bastard only is offensive if used directly at a person? I mean, Righteous Bastards can hardly be interpreted as an offence directed at a single person?

And if you would argue that it has not been reported, but you found out yourself, then let me add that we had a keep claimed in Old Frontiers for a couple of weeks iirc, not a wee tower like this time.

Comon GOA... this is being overzealous for some unknown reason :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Have to agree in this case it's totaly useless and of no reason to change this guild's name - only people who could be offended by that (can't see how though) would be members of the guild itself and to me it seems they were perfectly ok with it.
After all word 'bastard' is totaly common word - simple terminus technicus, it's nothing like coarse language, at least to me.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Pfft... So one person gets offended, and now my whole guild is pissed on, you can not possibly imagine how much grief this is causing my guild?

Frankly this isn't fair at all....We can't be blamed for you not noticing our guildname, and as you are aware we have had this guildname for almost 3 years and were even called Righteous Bastards in open EU beta.

"Even if you "got away with it" for that long a period your guildname was still breaking the Code of Conduct and it was still offensive."

That is taken from a mail i recieved form GOA after appealing for this change not to stick, apparantly we have been planning this since day one.

This is not over.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 2, 2004
typical..3 years and now they change it...thats wrong!!

why dont GOA concentrate on real issues and stop being a pack of bastards!!


Loyal Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
good point about the ''bastard sword'' btw, wonder what would happen if u complained to them that u was offended by that?

and to the person that reported it... havent u got anything better to do with your day?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously.... ROFLMAO!

There´s a thing called "common sense". It´s used to solve problems and put things where they belong and set them into the right light. Changing a name like <Righteous Bastards> because "someone" felt offended is so utterly ridiculous that it shouldn´t require any further arguing. "Should" being the keyword here. Not so for GoA it seems.

1. These people call THEMSELVES Righteous Bastards. It´s not like they´re walking around in Albion, yelling "you´re all Bastards". Join them, and you´re a RIGHTEOUS BASTARD. Don´t join them, and you´re not. Can I feel offended by <Random Roleplayers> too? Folowing this logic, it´s a discrediting name as well. And what about <Village People>! a homosexual Boyband of the 70ies?! God, I`m offended! *faints*

2. "Bastard" is a perfectly contemporary and historical word. There´s a special addition to medieval heraldic devices, indicating that the device belongs to a "bastard" (sic). There are "Bastard swords" and there are plenty of sources telling us about the role of bastards in the medieval world (which DAOC is based on.... mythology-wise). Read http://homepages.ius.edu/RVEST/RoyalBastards.htm for just one example.

3. The negative/insulting connotation of the word these days doesn´t mean that the word is supposed to be on a blacklist by default. There are plenty of examples in medieval and fantasy tales that are using medieval/old language:

"There she weaves by night and day
A magic web with colours gay."

Lyrics - Lady of Shalott, Loreena McKennit.

It´s not Righteous Bastards fault when uneducated muppets are complaining because they don´t have a clue about the origins of the language they use.

4. Names should be changed when they´re clearly offending or of a racist character, or if they´re not matching the fantasy theme and setting. However, if the name a. fits and b. has a background, then there´s no reason whatsoever to change it.

5. If people are protective about their kids who´re playing DAOC and fear mental and social damage to their children when they´re being confronted with words like "Bastard", they should ask themselves what´s worse for the mind of the kid... the word Bastard, or killing other people with fireballs, swords and colourful moves like "kidney puncture" and "perforate artery". People who´re too young to stand the word "Bastard" shouldn´t be allowed to play the entire game in the first place.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
I find the word 'OF' offensive, please rename Dark Ages of Camelot to somthing less insulting to my religion/personality/race/opinion :D

PS. If I find warlocks offensive can you remove them too? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
GOA suck.... are they running out of things to do? Maybe they should be working on getting the next patch out rather than changing a well known and respected guild of three years standing. They do know the actual meaning of Bastard don't they?

Can we get rid of this item from the game please also? http://camelot.allakhazam.com/item.html?citem=3829

There are items in the game with the word Bastard on them you cannot change the name of a guild without removing all of the items with the name also.

Come on GOA wake up and smell the coffee ....


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
** Selling Name Changes! 2 plat **

I am offering to be offended by your name for only 2 plats! You should recieve your new name within a few days after payment!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Did GOA take into consideration that any 'complaint' against the guilds name may of just been made by a person with a grudge against them or a member and done just out of spite? Im not saying this is the case, only that it could be and in that case would be unfair to penalise the guild unless there was a substantial number of complaints from different people.

And seriously, the word Bastard by itself, undirected at anyone else and in this case only directed by at themselves is not in anyway an insult and to claim so would be simply petty and deliberatly misinterpretting the word and its true meaning, heck theres even been TV shows called Bastard in the UK, one of the most Politcally Correct mad countries in the world.

If theres any offense here its been made by GOA to the members of a long serving guild.

You have a difficult job I know, but surely this is a case for common sense over ruling PC madness.


Loyal Freddie
Aug 17, 2004
Thx for the support guys much appriciated :)

But i fear that GOA will see it as a weakness in their organisation if they admit that they overreacted. And we have tried rightnow'ing it, but as you can imagine the answer was that the decision was final, and that we might aswell accept it :(

We did present the Bastard Sword arguement, but got the reply that it wasnt a valid argument (no further details, just not valid).

I've never had an issue with GOA before this, always had my chars unstuck quick and gotten lost subs login's/pw's back quick. So its really saddning that when they make a blunder, they do it with an attitude and refuse to further discuss the renaming... Shame on you GOA :(


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
I am with the majority here. What a complete clusterfuck by GOA. :wanker:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Indeed as Chaz says, we are very happy for the response that we have recieved, and even though i doubt it i still hope that they will rethink their actions.

Kagato said:
Did GOA take into consideration that any 'complaint' against the guilds name may of just been made by a person with a grudge against them or a member and done just out of spite? Im not saying this is the case, only that it could be and in that case would be unfair to penalise the guild unless there was a substantial number of complaints from different people.

Although I couldn't possibly imagine someone would have such a grudge against our guild, I have considered the fact that this if complaint can change a guildname there is no stopping people from doing personal headhunting to get back at others.

Sock Drawer

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 23, 2004
Unfortunately no matter how GOA may react in the first instance, they do have a tendancy to never back down on decisions, not sure whether it's a French thing, or that they feel as a company that if they reverse this decision, loads of people will start asking them to do this and that for them.

I do agree with the lads in RB about the name change and that it is rediculous - I just wonder would they ask for it to be changed if someone had named their guild These Bastard Weapons? Same context, same word - not so sure.

I think GOA could do with having more of a "this is what could happen" instead of making changes then sticking to them. It would be nice if they could make a point of contact, giving people the opportunity to discuss said problem and reach aa suitable outcome for all involved before brandishing the fist. After all GOA, we may play a GAME - but we're HUMAN.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2004
IMO some1 should create a guild simply called "bastard sword" like sock said and see if they change that and what argument they could put up without changing all the crafted swords called that and the names in the weaponcrafters lists

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