GOA to the rescue!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It aint gonna happen - if you approach GOA with maturity - then MAYBE - just MAYBE they'll extend you the same courtesy

How´s the saying? What goes around comes around. After all, we´re the customers and they´re the guys offering a service. In the world I live in, it´s the seller, who´s in charge of handling stuff with maturity and courtesy, and their cathegorical (sp?) "decision is final, live with it" is neither mature, nor polite. After all, RB certainly approached them in a mature way via RightNow. WE are not the ones who need to ask for courtesy or owe them anything.

Of course, calling them names, doesn´t help the cause. But it´s a display of the anger and frustration that they have created amongst the players/customers. Trust me, I know from first hand experience, how difficult and often simply impossible it is to keep everyone happy. And the LAST thing you should do as someone who´s running a service is acting snotty and cocky and not being open for arguments.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Btw as excali and pryd are ENGLISH speaking servers can we use words such as merde? I only ask this as ofc this is english speaking server and that word doesnt offend me in the slighest. Ofc Merde is NOT an english word so can therefore be used?

maybe in the following context

GoA r merde

I believe it would be in GoA's best interested to post a list or ALL the currently banned words so I cant accidently make a mistake when creating an alt.

My Merc's called Tinyging - to the right person that could cause much consternation about ginger people with tiny cocks! Personally i think i might complain about it myself!!!!

Btw on a more serious note i believe that changing something so long term and fundamental w/o an option to appeal is a load of bollocks. You rarly see that sort of action outside of a dictatoral country - now im not the biggest fan of the french but even they have the right of appeal as a basic human right...

I have also sent rightnow a message supporting the renaming back to the old guildname. Takes 5 mins to do and I am happy to support you against this sort of tyranical, heavyhanded, complacent, ill-thought out action.

Good luck RB


Loyal Freddie
Aug 17, 2004
Sock Drawer said:
Guys - on top of everyones comments rgarding the name change - you are doing RBs cause NO justice by sitting here calling GOA names, and slagging of their nation. Don't get me wrong, I'm sometimes the first to lose my rag and blow out in an extremely "un-PC" way lol - but in this instance - do you think GOA are going to look at the posts and say "you know - we ARE silly french co**s and we really should give them back their name - our bad"

It aint gonna happen - if you approach GOA with maturity - then MAYBE - just MAYBE they'll extend you the same courtesy.

On a slightly additional note - it would be nice if GOA would make available some form of interactive chat within their customer support - so that in a situation like this, a DISCUSSION can be formed between 2 parties, 1 on 1 and actually TALK about reasonings behind decisions, and how these can be changed. WE are after all, your clients, your employers if you like, and so we'd like at least SOME form of respect in return please - we're all grown ups here (mostly lol).

Also, I wonder if someone made the guild name GOA SUCKS, or MUPPETS OF GOA - would they change the name? I am of course referring to the Indian location, and not the French company - but would that matter? Interpretation must not be taken too literally all the time GOA, and you do need to think of the greater good, rather than the select few. I for one have probably had more run ins with your CS team over "not so pleasant" things than a LOT of people on this server - and sometimes you have been very heavy handed, other times not so. If you at least listen to people and offer a compromise, it's a step forward. I've had a 7 day ban reduced to a 3 day ban in the past after lengthy discussions with the CS team - which shows you have (had) some degree of compromise / understanding. To say you will never reverse a decision, is quite frankly just wrong.

Bah - why do I find myself typing so much lol. Bloody fingers :D


Very true mate, and i can tell you that i have been civilized in my RN reports. But when you spend some time structuring a RN post with resonable argument s and only getting a reply like: "Not going to happen sorry." you get angry.

In my opinion, letting the name stay in the game for 3 years is the same as accepting it, it should not be our fault that GOA did not check the guild names registrered. And i still dont understand how people can/could get offended by "Righteous Bastards" and then not be offended by the word "Bastardsword" i know theres a diffenrence but its damn small. Like Thorwyn mentioned earlier, its ourselves who we call RB's not any other... But apparently its okay to go and call others bastards, atleast thats the analogy i draw when the word does not get censored by the bad-words filter. Or maybe GOA accepts that the word Bastard(s) has multiple meanings and therefore does not derserve to be treated as an offensive word, but why dont we gain that benefit? I really hope that it is hundreds of complaints you've recieved on this matter (that being our name), because else its simply bad buisness to agree with few instead of the many.

As for this thread, i actually think that GOA wont budge simply because we have diplayed our disgust for their ill handling of this matter. Sadly I think they would see it as a flaw rather than a strength to be able to admit they were wrong. But nothing would please me more on this subject than to be proven wrong, because as i wrote earlier this is the first time in all the years i've played DAoC i have had an issue with GOA (apart from the lag, but i have not done much RvR)

Really hope you change your mind GOA...


Loyal Freddie
Aug 17, 2004
Calaclya said:
I have also sent rightnow a message supporting the renaming back to the old guildname. Takes 5 mins to do and I am happy to support you against this sort of tyranical, heavyhanded, complacent, ill-thought out action.

Again much appreciated, thank you very much mate :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Have to report bastard sword someday when i'm bored and claim it offends me.



Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Calaclya said:
My Merc's called Tinyging - to the right person that could cause much consternation about ginger people with tiny cocks! Personally i think i might complain about it myself!!!!

i guess calling an avalonian girl 'airlineblond' is a no-no as well :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 26, 2004
Maybe they should have taken the approach 'We were here first' with the guildname.... I don't see how someone can 'come along' and complain it offends them, and then have it removed. Who the hell uses bastard as an offensive word these days, ok maybe children (lol the irony) but its just stupid.

If we take (thanks Thor) http://dict.die.net/bastard/ we can presume that:

For the second adjective, quite a lot of people may be bastards, ranging from all the people using female ingame avatars to people pretending to live in the Middle Ages.

The second noun, (the one I am most familiar with) many people these days are 'bastards' (no offense meant I am just stating a fact) with lots more couples not becoming married etc. It is just a fact, nothing more. You cannot do anything if this happens you live with it. Who says its wrong. The church maybe but thats it. (I don't know :p flame on)

The third noun is basically the same as the second adjective.

I have ignored the first adjective because I am fk'ing stupid and haven't got a clue what it means. I will ignore the first noun for the time being for the reason stated above.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
So if I make a char called SpottedDick - will that be offensive? :wij:

I have a toon whose name is in danish, but it means something very offensive! Do I get banned now?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
turn off next months autoreneweal, mb then GoA wakes up from thier deep sleep.


expect alot of RN spamming comming ur way.... :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
my sympathy to u guys. WTF was GoA thinking.

btw im going to protest and never play albion anymore for the rest of my live

oh damn, never have :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Jimmi said:
I have a toon whose name is in danish, but it means something very offensive! Do I get banned now?
No. But if someone reports your name as offensive, it will get changed.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Bit sad aye.

But if they give in that easy i will go dispute every fucking ban/kick they do.
Hope that u get your guild name back but i wonder how many mails they will get when they do like" oh wait u changed their name back so i want **** and **** because blabla and here we go again.

gl! :)

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
GoA = mindless muppets.

Everyone should send in a RN to get this name changed back, stupidest thing I ever saw tbh in this game to do with breaking the CoC / offending someone.

Btw Ging im gonna report your Merc coz I have a tiny cock and im gingger! /cry I wanna die! :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
GoA is not going to listen to mature arguments.
And besides, I'm not in RB, so if I want to call them smelly frogs, I will do so, and GoA can be the mindless muppets they are and use that as an excuse not to change the name back
Any mature company would see that 100+ loyal customers are annoyed at their stupidity (yet again) and will change their ways.
But not some arrogant smelly frog company. They still think they kicked British butt during the American revolution.
Regards, Glottis


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Sollac drawing parallels to Agincourt and Glottis to the American revolution, time to ease off a little, guys. :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
can the Churches be wrighting and and publishing the word omg i am going to sue them i am offend

Source: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

In the Old Testament the rendering of the Hebrew word _mamzer'_,
which means "polluted." In Deut. 23:2, it occurs in the ordinary
sense of illegitimate offspring. In Zech. 9:6, the word is used
in the sense of foreigner. From the history of Jephthah we learn
that there were bastard offspring among the Jews (Judg. 11:1-7).
In Heb. 12:8, the word (Gr. nothoi) is used in its ordinary
sense, and denotes those who do not share the privileges of
God's children.

GoA grow up and hold hands up and say "ok we made a booboo" am sure you would gain soo much more respect for it as the "NO we are boss so there" attitude will not get any respect, its all most hitlerish and you know what happened there

Nomans Land

One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 28, 2004
zeusmdk said:
GoA grow up and hold hands up and say "ok we made a booboo" am sure you would gain soo much more respect for it as the "NO we are boss so there" attitude will not get any respect, its all most hitlerish and you know what happened there

Omg the French are gonna take over most of Europe?!?! And then us Brits gonna have to put them in their place? heh.

[Edit]: I say 'Us Brits' but im Irish, na na, we helped too.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Wow, in a previously unmatched move, zeusmdk zooms in to steal the top spot for pathetic arguments by dragging Hitler into the picture.

Seriously, you may be pissed off, but there should be limits.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
must resist!



....damn.... failed :(



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 2, 2004
This was probobly the most dumbest thing i have ever heard off, things like this just make me wanna /cancel , seriusly goa wtf are u thinking


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2005
Belomar said:
Sollac drawing parallels to Agincourt and Glottis to the American revolution, time to ease off a little, guys. :rolleyes:

You stand up on 2legs everytime someone dont praise goa.. :D
GoA is slowly but secure killing a fantastic game, you know it only goa that can't see the collision cours they are in.

The day they got their _ladyfilter_ fully done, daoc will be played by old _grownup_ 30+year olds + their little 5year old kiddies.. :wanker:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Lestat said:
You stand up on 2legs everytime someone dont praise goa.. :D
Whatever. I hardly support this move, and Righteous Bastards have been part of the server ever since day one--I still remember arranging tree and Dartmoor groups with Cupid. ;) I just think that some people are losing their perspective here.


Loyal Freddie
Aug 17, 2004
We are glad to see all the support we are getting, but as Belomar and others have pointed out, calling GOA's actions all kinds of obsene things will hardly make the scales tip in our favour. But I dont feel the urge to tell people that their their arguements are way off, simply due to the fact that GOA aint excactly my favorite people at the moment...


Fledgling Freddie
May 7, 2004
If GOA won't go back on their decision to change back Righteous Bastards name, is it possible to maybe communicate with them and get a name change that both RB and GOA are happy with?

Don't get me wrong, I agree with everyone here, GOAs decision to change it because it was deemed offensive was very bad (to the point of it being ludicrous), but as it is very unlikey that GOA will reverse their decision and restore Righteous Bastards name, maybe a different approach should be looked at (I mean Righteous Brothers doesn't really instill fear into ur enemies hearts does it :D lol).


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Totally stupid decision, and totally stupid report by whomever submitted it. I had seen the name when you were holding various towers, and I was actually finding it funny and as adding a flavour to the game. Righteous Brothers brings up the image of old gits, and adds nothing to the game at all.

/support, and yes, set up a poll.

PS: How about if someone reports Righteous Brothers as carrying homosexual connotations to it (we can use some semantics really...), wonder what they're going to do with it next!


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Gear said:
Totally stupid decision, and totally stupid report by whomever submitted it. I had seen the name when you were holding various towers, and I was actually finding it funny and as adding a flavour to the game. Righteous Brothers brings up the image of old gits, and adds nothing to the game at all.

/support, and yes, set up a poll.

PS: How about if someone reports Righteous Brothers as carrying homosexual connotations to it (we can use some semantics really...), wonder what they're going to do with it next!

in wow they changed a horde guild their name into:
Ogrimmar dust bin collectors

now that is what i call funny :D


Loyal Freddie
Aug 17, 2004
Karatakus said:
If GOA won't go back on their decision to change back Righteous Bastards name, is it possible to maybe communicate with them and get a name change that both RB and GOA are happy with?

We have an option of getting it changed, but everyone in the guild feels quite attached to the name and so far our brainstorm has not come up with anything everyone can get behind.

They did reject Righteous Bastardsword as a guildname as an option, and yes we are fully aware that it was somewhat provokative to suggest it :)

As it is now, activity level has hit bottom and people are generally grumbling and cursing GOA offline...

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