Goa In Violation Of Their Own Rules

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Originally posted by commie
Some ppl like you (-Nxs-) and Jupitar come with stupid comments..

Hmmm... you're right Commic. I come here with flames and comments now (which actually won't seem that stupid to a great many out there) because I grow tired of repeating the sensible statements time and time again for your little brain to continue to fail to understand.

Yes, it is valid to ask the question 'why does a character name need to be changed by GOA when it is only the first name and not explicitly that of a name which would breach the CoC?'. The answer to this is that GOA will (under normal circumstances) apply their policy based upon complaints received. Equally valid have been many of the points raised about that, but at the end of the day, good or bad, we have to accept GOA's application of their CoC.

Yes, it might seem at times like they are the big boys in the playground saying 'it's my ball and you can't play unless I say so', but ultimately as you walked into the playground you signed a waver (or clicked an acceptance button, in this analogy, which I hope is simple enough for you) which said 'I agree that it's your ball GOA, so you decide the rules'. In this situation, not only have you stamped your feet and tried to grab the ball and disrupt the game, you have also shouted to your friends to come and rally round you like the famous 'Rafia' ;)

You have been called immature. You have acted in an immature way. The two facts are not unrelated.

That's my last attempt at trying to explain this to you sensibly.

Now will you please STFU?


Originally posted by Teador
ahahhahahaha @ the "grow up" replies.

they probably have nothing better to say, the kids want to feel big.

You've got to admit the 'grow up' replies have a certain validity when faced with shite like this:

Originally posted by tildson
This is just some anti-NP retard guy who gets owned IRL and wants revenge imo

Uncle Sick(tm)

Nolby Pride - Cut one, all bleed

In context to this uber-whine... hilarious.

Oh - and cut the txt speak shit. This is a forum, not a Nokia.


To commie and friends:

If you want any name changed that is copyrighted then just send an email to the company which currently holds the copyright and then say a character(which is OWNED by goa) is named after them and GOA is charging 10€ a month for the person to be able to use that character and i can assure you that the name will be changed faster than you can say lawsuit ;)

Edit: and to eneq, you are truly an idiot if you cant simply read what is said before you open your mouth(or move your fingers rather). He did *NOT* have a lastname on the character.

And fyi goa IS making money on any person naming their character after a copyrighted name so yes any copyrighted name could make the copyright holder sue goa.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Niljindil
And fyi goa IS making money on any person naming their character after a copyrighted name so yes any copyrighted name could make the copyright holder sue goa.

I bet you are a law student... or does it say so in the scriptures?

Post links, Matlock.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
I bet you are a law student... or does it say so in the scriptures?

Post links, Matlock.

Where you been Animul? Missed your middleaged slag whines :(

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by kr0n
Where you been Animul? Missed your middleaged slag whines :(

At work. That's where all the grown up's go, pr0n.


Originally posted by Jupitus
Hmmm... you're right Commic. I come here with flames and comments now (which actually won't seem that stupid to a great many out there) because I grow tired of repeating the sensible statements time and time again for your little brain to continue to fail to understand.

Yes, it is valid to ask the question 'why does a character name need to be changed by GOA when it is only the first name and not explicitly that of a name which would breach the CoC?'. The answer to this is that GOA will (under normal circumstances) apply their policy based upon complaints received. Equally valid have been many of the points raised about that, but at the end of the day, good or bad, we have to accept GOA's application of their CoC.

Yes, it might seem at times like they are the big boys in the playground saying 'it's my ball and you can't play unless I say so', but ultimately as you walked into the playground you signed a waver (or clicked an acceptance button, in this analogy, which I hope is simple enough for you) which said 'I agree that it's your ball GOA, so you decide the rules'. In this situation, not only have you stamped your feet and tried to grab the ball and disrupt the game, you have also shouted to your friends to come and rally round you like the famous 'Rafia' ;)

You have been called immature. You have acted in an immature way. The two facts are not unrelated.

That's my last attempt at trying to explain this to you sensibly.

Now will you please STFU?

Little brain, childish.. etc..

attack me as a person if thats so important.
But please....

Im not gonna stfu just because you say so..


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
I bet you are a law student... or does it say so in the scriptures?

Post links, Matlock.

Somebody infringed my copyright. What can I do?

A party may seek to protect his or her copyrights against unauthorized use by filing a civil lawsuit in Federal district court. If you believe that your copyright has been infringed, consult an attorney. In cases of willful infringement for profit, the U.S. Attorney may initiate a criminal investigation.

This is from http://www.copyright.gov

These are the US copyright laws and if you read that page it also describes that over a 100 countries share this law and im 99.9% sure that france and most other countries in Europe is included in those 100+.

* We and our suppliers shall retain ownership of all intellectual property rights relating to or residing in the CD-ROM, the Software and the Game. The Software is a commercial item.
* You acknowledge and agree that all characters created, and items acquired and developed as a result of game play are part of the Software and Game and are the sole property of the Publisher.

This is from the EULA of the european version of Dark age of Camelot.

This means that your characters are the property of GOA and they are making money on you using those characters, that includes the name of the characters.


Yes thats right Roalith! People who whine and whine about everything! Relax some, u might like it ;)


I must say i am glad this name has been changed to be completely honest i mean come on lets be serious you must have known someone was going to report this name ether you did it for attention or you are just completly dumb yes yes it may be a common name in the far east lets not forget most people that play this game are in europe and im prity sure most of then looked at your name and thought the same thing as the person who reported it.... i once started an everquest char called britney i had it changed.. i think looking at this some people yet again are taking this GAME too seriously yes there are people out there that do get offended and like someone in a previous reply said YOU do not know the backgrounds some people playing the game are from, yes it seems quite silly to us that slob (forgot how its spelt) :) is reported but it could be found quite intimidating by some people and unfortunatly that is how life is everyone sees a different perspective of things end of the day like said previously if someone complains GOA HAVE to do something about it... i think altho this post was a great read and some very good names were pulled out like said again previously it is rather childish and something you would expect in a school playground, and if all your bothered about your name for is because of this so called "reputation" lol im sorry that is so very sad and pathetic...
i think in all honesty this thread has brought the inner child out in a lot of people.
In my opinion they have gone about it in the wrong way this thread my seem to upset a lot more people than it should and also spoil the gaming experiance for many people by someone digging up a load of meaningless nonsense about peoples names that noone would have even got..
you got people thinking now.

Altho i think all this pulling people up for there names on this thread i think my Fav has to be Durgi haha eat that :) (provide me a witty comment if you wish just dont make it a 2000 word essay like most of your 'speaches') having said that a remarkable post m8 completly agree you do speak sense.

the morral to this story is dont pick a rediculos name like he obviously has done.. im just supprised he managed to actually try argue his case when he picked that name it wasnt cos it was a popular easten whaterer name it was purely becouse of the political leader and if he says differnt he is a lier imo..

i blame youth culture



It should be against the law to post a large amount of text on a website without punkture(sp?) or spaceing :eek:

Fist time i saw Slobodan ingame i just shrugged and thought "hmm... i wonder how long it will take untill he have to change that name". I did think of Milosevic but i cant say i was offended of it... imo it was just a silly name. I do however think GOA should make clearer namerules and stop names thats not in the "spirit of the game".

Was it right that Slobby :p had to change his name? Yes, becuase people was offended by it.

Just my 2c.


It should be againsed the law for smart asses to post rediculos replys complaining abut peoples punktuation! :)

Bleri McThrust

Read the first page, havent read the pages inbetween though but..............

Our own guild had a character whos name was summarily changed after 6 months of playing. In all that time I had never noticed anything unusual about the name.

After a series of emails (strangely enough with Zargar) I discovered that XXXXanny (XXXX replacing the apparently offending part) had been complained about as being offensive.

What does XXXX mean ? well i looked it up as had never heard of it XXXX is a noun meaning -
Any of several trees of the genus Calophyllum, of southern Asia, having light hard wood used for masts and spars

Another series of emails later and I receive a link to a site that shows XXXX as being of a sexual origin. How far did someone have to go to prove that ffs.

Ok so at that time there were also another 17 names with XXXX in them. All these were, what could be called minor players except for 3. 3 of them belonged to a major player who just so happens to still have the name. In fact one of his characters is just called XXXX.

Why have I changed the name to XXXX ? Because I didnt feel that the forced change was justified and even tho XXXX is a Mid :p Im not petty enough to make him suffer.

Would be interesting though to know how he escaped the XXXX purge?


Originally posted by old.Meganuke
Kazyl - No names of towns, regions. apparently kazyl is some region/town in russia

Morphene - misspellt name of the drug morphine, i'm sure it violates some rules, if not i'll make a char named kokain.

Jawz - apparently he refers to the movie with that name, copyrighted stuff

Jakobi - found some german site http://www.autovermietung-jakobi.de/ too bad i don't understand german, but it can surely violate some rules.

Gorfig Kungen - kungen=the king,
- No references that degrade other players' characters or GOA personnel.
he claims to be king, which sortof would make all other look degraded.

Goku - as in Son goku, the main character of dragonball, probably copyrighted.

yodizor - yoda misspellt, copyrighted or something probably.
yodazor - same as above

rayne - http://www.rayne.org/index.htm town.

pucko - name of drink copyrighted prolly, also means idiot in swedish=degrading

pikabu - pikachu (that pokémon) copyrighted probably

Spesh LubHorniElphs - mispellt lastname of love horny elfs, sexual.

Soruzi- some czech word, found a link about czech prono and the word was in the description, but i didn't dare klick there and i didn't find it in the dictionary i got on my comp. is nasty for sure.

fons - http://www.fons.com/ copyright for sure

Asphyxiation LSD - http://www.expage.com/page/asphyxiation
explanation what asphyxiation means, and LSD = drug, propablly not allowed.

Agaton Sax - main char. in some books copyrighted or something.

Ball En - put that togheter and it becomes ballen, alternative word for penis in swedish.

Nolbypride - nolby is a region in sweden.

Daoc - dark age of camelot by mythic, copyrighted.

Zauron - bad dude from lotr probably copyrighted or something.

thats all that found by looking at the 5 first search results by searching on google. if i would like to spend more time i could surely find something offensive about every letter in ur name...

i DEMAND these dudes to be PERMBANNED because breaking of namerules!

/me starts to /appeal ppl

Cool cos i ranomized that name "Soruzi" in the daoc name-randomer :D




Originally posted by Meatballs
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Didn't know that one, so we have freedom of expression (Political) through any media (DAoC)? :p

Not to turn this into a political discussion...but when does your rights overwrite someone elses right...i.e to aviod persicution etc...this dont apply with slobbodan but still if i called myself "Pa*i" I have thr "right" to do thath, and an asian person has the "right" not to be called that :p..just to be awarkward ;p.


The reason why i dont post a sensible reply...... there is nothing sensible to say here.

Your thread title "GOA In Violation Of Their Own Rules" is clearly wrong If you took the time to read those 2 pages of text that you click on [ACCEPT] to when you start the game, you would realise how futile your post is.

Jumping up and down like a spoilt little brat is only decreasing peoples views of NP even more... shame on you.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
The reason why i dont post a sensible reply...... there is nothing sensible to say here.

Your thread title "GOA In Violation Of Their Own Rules" is clearly wrong If you took the time to read those 2 pages of text that you click on [ACCEPT] to when you start the game, you would realise how futile your post is.

Jumping up and down like a spoilt little brat is only decreasing peoples views of NP even more... shame on you.

Zargar and Kemor is both violation the namerules in the coc.
But of course GOA can do what they please etc. But they still violate the namerule.

So, i cant see any reason for you stupid comments before.
And that spoilt brat crap is just plain silly.


Originally posted by commie
Zargar and Kemor is both violation the namerules in the coc.

No they aren't

If they have chosen an offensive name then its up to you to log it on rightnow Just quit your bloody moaning here it's not going to solve anything unless you follow the correct procedures.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
No they aren't

If they have chosen an offensive name then its up to you to log it on rightnow Just quit your bloody moaning here it's not going to solve anything unless you follow the correct procedures.

Ok, so you didnt read anything.. Im suprised .. NOT..
I did report it, so did many ppl. As i stated earlier fyi.

And im not moaning, im arguing.

Ohh and you ARE a spoilt brat, just grow up FFS !!

Btw, this was my last reply.
You have proven to be to stupid or to ignorant to raise above that namecallinglevel of yours.. Thanks.


Originally posted by commie
Btw, this was my last reply.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I can rise above name calling and provide a usefull contribution to a worthwile thread - but this one is just a waste of storage so why bother.


Hello all,
I don’t normally post in this type of thread, but there seem to be several misunderstandings connected to how the code of conduct violations are treated, which I would like to make clearer.

Let us take the concrete example of Slobodan to illustrate.

When we get a report about a name violating the code of conduct, we investigate the validity and severity of the violation. If the name really violates the CoC as claimed, there are various options for penalties that we normally use. Which one(s) will be chosen depends on how severe the violation was. They are listed in order of severity.

1) Do nothing, the violation was determined to be too minor to take action against.
2) Change the name where the user has the option of chosing a new name.
3) Change the name where we chose a new name.
4) Oral warning, meaning a warning attached to the account for future reference.
5) One or more days suspension.
6) Account termination.

One or more of the above (or entirely different solutions, these are just the most common ones) may be chosen, determining which one will be used is entirely up to us. We are willing to listen to arguments, which does not mean that we will automatically agree if you argue, it means we will consider what you are saying. You can disagree, but in the end, we determine the outcome of a CoC violation.

So what about equality, treating all the players equally?

We do treat the players equally. This means that no matter who has the name Slobodan, it will recieve a name change. If it is a NP member, one of the volunteers or my personal player character does not matter, they will all be treated equally for the same violation. This does not mean that everyone with a “name violation” will recieve the same sanction, the penalty entirely depends on the severity of the violation (although other factors can play in, such as previous warnings). I can assure you that a name like Stalinblowsurmom will get an account suspension, while a name with a far fetched obscure reference, would fall into category one in the list above.

I hope that clears it up a bit,


Originally posted by commie
Little brain, childish.. etc..

attack me as a person if thats so important.
But please....

Im not gonna stfu just because you say so..

Fair enough - I flamed you, you responded to it, that much is clear. Now then Commie, please can you not respond so selectively to the post I made? There is rather a large section, clearly marked between [sensible] tags to make it clear to you, which you seem to have missed in its entirety!! Here is that section again:

Originally posted by Jupitus
Yes, it is valid to ask the question 'why does a character name need to be changed by GOA when it is only the first name and not explicitly that of a name which would breach the CoC?'. The answer to this is that GOA will (under normal circumstances) apply their policy based upon complaints received. Equally valid have been many of the points raised about that, but at the end of the day, good or bad, we have to accept GOA's application of their CoC.

Yes, it might seem at times like they are the big boys in the playground saying 'it's my ball and you can't play unless I say so', but ultimately as you walked into the playground you signed a waver (or clicked an acceptance button, in this analogy, which I hope is simple enough for you) which said 'I agree that it's your ball GOA, so you decide the rules'. In this situation, not only have you stamped your feet and tried to grab the ball and disrupt the game, you have also shouted to your friends to come and rally round you like the famous 'Rafia'

You have been called immature. You have acted in an immature way. The two facts are not unrelated.

That's my last attempt at trying to explain this to you sensibly.

Seems to me that you have tried to simply highlight my flames as childish (which they are, but at least those bits you understand) to detract from the fact that you failed to respond to my more sensible argument... read it again and understand, eh? Now do you get the picture? Any comments to add?


Originally posted by mid_Efour
thread closed? :)

Yup please close this - otherwise ill be tempted to post more "childish" comments, the point was made, and acknowledged so nothing more to say in relation to this topic.

Time for a swift close


Originally posted by Zargar
Hello all,
I don’t normally post in this type of thread, but there seem to be several misunderstandings connected to how the code of conduct violations are treated, which I would like to make clearer.

Let us take the concrete example of Slobodan to illustrate.

When we get a report about a name violating the code of conduct, we investigate the validity and severity of the violation. If the name really violates the CoC as claimed, there are various options for penalties that we normally use. Which one(s) will be chosen depends on how severe the violation was. They are listed in order of severity.

1) Do nothing, the violation was determined to be too minor to take action against.
2) Change the name where the user has the option of chosing a new name.
3) Change the name where we chose a new name.
4) Oral warning, meaning a warning attached to the account for future reference.
5) One or more days suspension.
6) Account termination.

One or more of the above (or entirely different solutions, these are just the most common ones) may be chosen, determining which one will be used is entirely up to us. We are willing to listen to arguments, which does not mean that we will automatically agree if you argue, it means we will consider what you are saying. You can disagree, but in the end, we determine the outcome of a CoC violation.

So what about equality, treating all the players equally?

We do treat the players equally. This means that no matter who has the name Slobodan, it will recieve a name change. If it is a NP member, one of the volunteers or my personal player character does not matter, they will all be treated equally for the same violation. This does not mean that everyone with a “name violation” will recieve the same sanction, the penalty entirely depends on the severity of the violation (although other factors can play in, such as previous warnings). I can assure you that a name like Stalinblowsurmom will get an account suspension, while a name with a far fetched obscure reference, would fall into category one in the list above.

I hope that clears it up a bit,

Nice that you take time to reply since you dont do that normally.
But i cant see how things is cleared up.

But maybe that will be done at rightnow since the compaints are dont there like it should be.

Will still be interesting to see how you handle the list.
And mostly yourself and Kemor by obvious reasons.

Still, im glad i got a responce even though it was dodgy and didnt really say that much.
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