Goa In Violation Of Their Own Rules

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What about me?

Lol I have a lvl 36 Bezerker named Slob..

As in u lazy .....

He has no lastname yet ..Do u think I should call him Odan?


I'm sorry but I'm with commie on this one. If GOA wants to be picky then we will be picky back in defence of players. We're here to challenge and analyse every action they do and shove than back on track when they derail. If one of Osama Bin Laden's many many brothers or sisters ( I think they're in the 50's range) and named the character after themselves, would the name be banned? Probably and all because someone doesn't like the name. If people are gonna say it's just a name then I think we can say it's just a name back so get over it. If you don't like the name the just ignore it. I haven't had one person come up to me and say 'Pay respect you twat" just because my 2nd name is Cobain. ffs....


i cant be arsed!!!

Right, ive jsut spent fooking ages reading all you lot mumble on about some good points and some totally pants points!

However now ive read all this i really cant be arsed to say much! oh yeh good luck with the name! :p :p:p:p :p:p:p:p:p


milosevic > all

anywayz - sad thing is that ppl even take the time to whine to GOA about abusive names - i mean, get a life ;p come on, you cant be offended by the name of some character in an online rpg - ridiculous :D

velly pathetic is the fact that the guy who reported this isnt offended by the name at all, just got pwnzzd all the time & this was the only way he could get revenge - so cut the crap about abusive nicks etc - if you get offended by it you might aswell lock urself up in a room & dont come out cuz omg if u meet someone irl whos name is slobodan you might start crying or get a nervous breakdown :lol:


Commie, I see only one thing with this thread....you farmed some posts. :sleeping:

GOA owns your ass in the game, live with it...


after reading 20 pages I will be damned if I don't post anything, even if I don't have anything new to say :D

I truly don't havea problem with your named being changed, If my char was called "Adolf Gasman", someone might be agaist it.. but I never meant it to have any thing with Adolf Hilter, so I reckon you think that name is fine to?

I think reasonble that goa changed your name, if someone really finds Makwaerk offencive, then I will agree to change it, evendo Goa will have a hard time putting the CoC on that name (yes finding something in the CoC that can see Makwaerk as a break of rules is a challange :D ).

the fact that you don't have a last name actully support the link to Slobodan M. then if you had elfhugger or something silly like that. I actully think you are only sorry you got cought, and not that you picked a stupid name

I might be one of the few that thinks that goa is actully trying to do there bedst in these kind of matters, evendo they have chosen to spend there time pactcing insted of going after each single player with a borderlinie name.


argh had writing a long post about this but that shitty com I was on crashed!.. and after reading 20 page off and make that post, I don't have the enrgy to rewrite all that shit I wrote again so the short version is here:

I truly don't havea problem with your named being changed, If my char was called "Adolf Gasman", someone might be agaist it.. but I never meant it to have any thing with Adolf Hilter. So when the GM would come and ask me to change I could start whinning about CoC and stuf and try to anything in the CoC to get to keep me silly name, but at the end of the day someone sill got offended by my name, and if they had some good reason to I should have my name changed.

So the question is: do ppl think of a war criminal when they hear/read the name Slobodan, I am quite sure I would (just read 20 pages of this so ones mind is being guided to towards Slobodan M. , but I think I would think of him anyway), and I have reason to belive that I am far from the only one thinking of him. I do not have any personal feelings about the crimes Slobodan M. did so I would not be offended if I saw you ingame, but I would not be supprise is someone did. Thinking that your name would never be reported (or you did not know of Slobodan M. and what is did in that case you should happely change your name as you now see what you are named like) is ignorance


Originally posted by old.Meganuke
Kazyl - No names of towns, regions. apparently kazyl is some region/town in russia

Morphene - misspellt name of the drug morphine, i'm sure it violates some rules, if not i'll make a char named kokain.

Jawz - apparently he refers to the movie with that name, copyrighted stuff

Jakobi - found some german site http://www.autovermietung-jakobi.de/ too bad i don't understand german, but it can surely violate some rules.

Gorfig Kungen - kungen=the king,
- No references that degrade other players' characters or GOA personnel.
he claims to be king, which sortof would make all other look degraded.

Goku - as in Son goku, the main character of dragonball, probably copyrighted.

yodizor - yoda misspellt, copyrighted or something probably.
yodazor - same as above

rayne - http://www.rayne.org/index.htm town.

pucko - name of drink copyrighted prolly, also means idiot in swedish=degrading

pikabu - pikachu (that pokémon) copyrighted probably

Spesh LubHorniElphs - mispellt lastname of love horny elfs, sexual.

Soruzi- some czech word, found a link about czech prono and the word was in the description, but i didn't dare klick there and i didn't find it in the dictionary i got on my comp. is nasty for sure.

fons - http://www.fons.com/ copyright for sure

Asphyxiation LSD - http://www.expage.com/page/asphyxiation
explanation what asphyxiation means, and LSD = drug, propablly not allowed.

Agaton Sax - main char. in some books copyrighted or something.

Ball En - put that togheter and it becomes ballen, alternative word for penis in swedish.

Nolbypride - nolby is a region in sweden.

Daoc - dark age of camelot by mythic, copyrighted.

Zauron - bad dude from lotr probably copyrighted or something.

thats all that found by looking at the 5 first search results by searching on google. if i would like to spend more time i could surely find something offensive about every letter in ur name...

i DEMAND these dudes to be PERMBANNED because breaking of namerules!

/me starts to /appeal ppl

you sound like an idiot, you misundertstand the whole issue of the topic, and are meerly embarrasing yourself, grow up pls


Oh poor him, to me it is rather obvious where he got the name from and all those excuses were lame. Why dont he just admit he got the name from Milosevic?

Here is a quote from that guy:

"Slobodan is a very common name in the middleeast"

This guy obviously dont know what hes talking about I dont know if its his lack of education or something but Milosevic is not from the middleeast. And its not a common name in the middleeast.


OMFG. I heard that BW was the home of all flames, but before reading this ENTIRE thread, I could not start to imagine the amount of childish, ignorant and annoying people.

This is NOT directed to THIS thread, this is NOT directed to ANYONE, but COME ON! Why not stick to the issue at hand instead of calling people idiots when posting?

So you dissagree with someone? Then say that, and why, no need to go "I pwn y00 l00zr!" or "stfu y00 n00b" or whatever else VERY clever reply you may find inside your head.

It is very simple, yet so very hard it seems. Lay of the personal insulting and keep on track and issue at hand!

FYI, my 2 nickles about this thread start HERE :

When I first saw Slobodan in-game I had no thought on any Dictator or murderer anywhere, simply because I choose to think good of people, and before shown different, there´s no reason to assume the worst.

about THIS thread stops here!
cheer up Commie, you seem to be good at holding personal insults and such nonsense back and out of this. Don´t mind me saying so you seem ok, to bad you have to take such flaming.

No I haven´t read anything else anywhere else on BW, I don´t often come to BW, ironicly, because of flaming. But as I said, I didn´t imagine it to be THIS bad..

Oh, and flame ME now, to simply reinforce my point.


Originally posted by Luz
cheer up Commie, you seem to be good at holding personal insults and such nonsense back and out of this. Don´t mind me saying so you seem ok, to bad you have to take such flaming.
Well as you said you dont visit here much, but you are wrong on this point. :) Commie can do some serious flameing and insult people. :)

Originally posted by zero-
anywayz - sad thing is that ppl even take the time to whine to GOA about abusive names - i mean, get a life ;p come on, you cant be offended by the name of some character in an online rpg - ridiculous
Ok, lets say you are beaten up, or something happens to your family, and this guy XXXXXX. Is the guilty party, and you know it. Then you see a char running around with the same name would you not be offended by the name??? Yes they guy can just have picked the name out of no where, but people can still get upset.


Originally posted by Fafnir
Well as you said you dont visit here much, but you are wrong on this point. :) Commie can do some serious flameing and insult people. :)

Ok, lets say you are beaten up, or something happens to your family, and this guy XXXXXX. Is the guilty party, and you know it. Then you see a char running around with the same name would you not be offended by the name??? Yes they guy can just have picked the name out of no where, but people can still get upset.

If they get offended by that they should be locked away. Especially when its a normal name, not some nasty KKK or something like that which represents an ideology itself.


People should be reading the new exciting threads, not bumping old ones back up to..




bahahha you're all a fucking bunch of whiners

LET LOOSE THE NAZI MODS and have this flameing killed



rar 500th reply on this suck thread which i cba to read
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