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- #301
i got #300 i pwns u all
Originally posted by commie
But its the truth.
He really IS Slobodan.
It has been a gimmick for some time now.
Not pretending to be Slobodan Milosevic but just being Slobodan.
Its hard to explain since you are not rvr:ing with us.
But i assure you, it has NOTHING to do with Mr. Milosevic.
Originally posted by Addlcove
furthermore they have already told all of you where the name is from, that movie called "torsk in tallinn"
Originally posted by Spamb0t
isnt there some dude called slobodan in the swedish radio comedy thingy "rally"? or something else.. dont remember... but thats who i think about when i hear slobodan... not some dude over in jugoslavia or whatever.. have no clue what hes done and nor do i care.
Originally posted by granny
Fact is that it's immaterial now what Slobodan intended when he named & created that character. Some people were offended enough by the name (and probably the resemblances of the character to the real Slobodan Miosevich) to complain to GOA. Therefore GOA have every justification to compel you to change the name.
All the stuff about other names that possibly infringe the CoC smacks to me simply of NP throwing their toys out of the pram in an effort to get the rules bent for themselves.
If anyone had genuinely been offended by any of the names quoted as examples in the original and subsequent posts then the correct course of action would have been to make a complaint through RightNow, not post on here trying to create a fuss. However I strongly doubt that any genuine offense was in evidence and it's blatantly obvious that these are simply spurious examples dragged up to fuel the tantrum.
Slobodan, grow up, accept facts - your name & character offended someone. If you didn't intend for your character to have any reference to Slobodan Milosevich and you genuinely did name it after a character in a movie then, well, unlucky. Coincidence has put you in a position where you have to change the name - do you really want to continue offending people? Is it such a hard thing to do for the sake of someone else's sensitivities? Be an adult about it please.
On the other hand if you did intend for it to be a reference to Slobodan Milosevich then you should be ashamed of yourself and consider this a valuable lesson. Accept the name change with good grace and reflect carefully on your motives for choosing that name in the first place. If you chose the name with deliberate reference to Slobodan Milosevich but were simply unaware of the extent of that man's crimes and the possible offence that name could cause then take this as a valuable history lesson.
Either way, it's not our business what your original intentions were - just grow up about it and accept whichever lesson is appropriate, OK?
Originally posted by Generic Poster
Originally posted by Generic Poster
You should pay more attention to what you're reading.
Originally posted by Generic Poster
Me? Rethink? ...tsk.
Your friend Slobodan takes the hint rather quickly which proves he's not ignorant of Slobodan M. and the attrocities associated with him(although he feigns ignorance later in the conversation: "If this man is as terrible as you say, which I do not know about, isn't it good to remind people about him?").
However, I'm more interested in quotes like these:
"and really, I cannot change this name, noway, this IS slobodan, impossible to change".
"Well, I tell you, would be impossible to find a more suitable name for a bald lurikeen with red hair"
"bah, you should see my char, he IS slobodan;<"
All this in between pretending not to know Slobodan M. and at the same time knowing all about him. Now tell me again that Slobodan the Luri, was not built to represent Slobodan M. You would be a fool to deny it.
For the ignorant masses out there who're treating Slobodan like a victim of political correctness: /laugh
IF Slobodan did roll his Luri without thinking of the Slobodan M. then this would have been an over-reaction from GOA. But having read the conversation with Zargar, it's obvious Slobodan knew exatcly what he was doing and is guilty of breaking the CoC. Perhaps if he spared a thought for the amount of people who were murdered, tortured, raped, mutilated and scared for life by the actions of Slobodan M... and considering this happend less the a decade ago with many victims still alive... he would have thought twice about bringing such bitter memories into an online game.
The ignorance people show in these matters is almost laughable. If someone had the name Osama or Saddam, GOA would take action and any thread like this would be filled with support for GOA. Why?
"Because those are 'evil' people who killed americans and that's a sin beyond reckoning.
But someone like Slobodan M. who's behind more deaths then Osama, isn't seen to be as 'evil' because he killed some east europeans in villages and towns without internet access and no one gave a shit about them anyway... even CNN didn't tell us much so it's small news."
Originally posted by fenrisan
in summary surely we can all agree that a name like Slobodan could be offensive to a great many people, and any complaints against such a name justify GOAs reaction.
Originally posted by commie
And to the person saying that Zargar isnt a ingame name.
Yes, thats true. But who is he to judge when he is using that kinda name.
Would goa hire a person using the nicksame Osama-BinLaden?
went down to the beach and saw Kiki
She was, like, all "ehhhh"
And I was, like, "whatever!"
Then this chick comes up to me and she's all, like,
"Hey, aren't you that dude?"
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"
So later I'm at the pool hall
And this girl comes up
And she's, like, "awww"
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"
Cuz this is my
United States of Whatever!
And this is my
United States of Whatever!
And this is my
United States of Whatever!
And then it's three A.M.
And I'm on the corner, wearing my leather
This dude comes up and he's, like, "hey, punk!"
I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"
Then I'm throwing dice in the alley
Officer Leroy comes up and is, like,
"Hey, I thought I told you..."
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"
And then up comes Zafo
I'm, like, "yo, Zafo. What's up?"
He's, like, "nothin'"
And I'm, like, "that's cool."
Cuz this is my
United States of Whatever!
And this is my
United States of Whatever!
Originally posted by nemesisgm
I dare you to go out there and find any reference what so ever to a political, religious or historical reference to Durgi.
Originally posted by MesS°
The CoC has nothing to do with nicks used other places than in DaoC. And as this is all about nicks IN DaoC then why should Zargar change his name?
I cant hardly be the problem for the GOA staff to control who uses wich names, other places than IN DaoC.
U got alot of good arguments in ur post, dont spoil it by being a twat.
Originally posted by angrykid
Ohh, can I report my own name? Angrykid, prolly copyrighted on the webpage www.angrykid.com.. the other names of my chars are ones I have found/made up by myself, but angrykid is nicked from the web.
PS: oups, forgot jenna, she's taken from jameson, pr0nstar. Don't know if it's copyrighted.. :-D
Still common name in USA and other contries..
Originally posted by Kharok Svark
I apologise in advance - I in no way wish to assist in the continuation of this thread, but this may make people stop and think ;
Maybe GOA's act was a wise one, with cetrain actions still reverberating now.
The Serbian prime minister has died after an assassin gunned him down. Zoran Djindjic, 50, was shot twice in the chest outside the main government building in the Serbian capital Belgrade.He was rushed to hospital for surgery, where he died.
Two people have reportedly been arrested in connection with the murder.
Djindjic narrowly escaped injury last month when a truck suddenly swerved out of its lane towards a convoy of cars - one of which was carrying the prime minister.
He had suggested it may have been an attempt on his life linked to efforts by his government to stamp out organised crime which flourished during the rule of former President Slobodan Milosevic.
Djindjic was widely believed to be the chief figure in the uprising that resulted in the overthrow of Milosevic in 2000.
Originally posted by ashitaka
Oh btw, one more thing..
Playing on GOA's Dark Age of Camelot servers is *NOT* a right, but a privilegium (is that spelled correct? I r foreign), so whatever they do you can't say anything against it. We are their bitches and this is their house, they do what they want. Live with it. Stfu.