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Originally posted by greenfingers
RP's/week? .. look at DW!

Doesn't truly reflect who is most active though. Somebody might have just had a good week, or a bad one. And even if you could use it that way how would you reflect it in the lotto?


Wildfire organises almost every week a dragon raid, guild groups open only.
To kill the dragon you need a certain number of ppl..he open the subscription to hit the number,when he does he close it.
I think that it's a well example of a raid organised btw guilds,
I don't see why we can't apply the same to Sidi Raids.


Originally posted by Ialkarn
Your intentions are good Krane.. but the way you said it ...well it's debatable. :rolleyes:
I agree.
When I RvR I hardly see Sidi drops around..so I suppose they are stuck in vaults somewhere
I think it is hilarious to see Falcor claiming that he wants to see drops being used when he himself is the biggest drop collector in all of Albion.


Originally posted by seeaira
This isn't a whine but more of a statement or food for thought, but im sure by the end I will start whining lol.

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day who played in the beta USA daoc release, she was talking about how she remembers when there were no horses in the realm, so you had to walk everywhere you went..
She was one of the very first to spec in mana as a chanter and so she caused an uproar when people insisted she was gimped and bashed her on the forum. It wasnt that she was gimped, it was that the idiots didnt know what to do with pbaoe, so to them, it was "gimped".

This now brings me into the discussion of the thread. I decided early in the game to be a 2 handed pally.. On a daily basis I run into idiots who insist on calling me a gimp or pointing out the fact im 2 handed, as if I didn't know. I just about had enough when I was dueling a friend (kagato) and this jackass kept yelling out what a gimp I was because im 2 handed and what a waist.
Just because its not the "Norm" for a pally to go 2 handed doesn't mean im gimped, I would have to say a pally who went 2 handed thrust might be, or one who specs in thrust and slash but ffs.. What's up with all the twats calling you a gimp cause you spec the way you want to?
I happen to pay for the game just like all of you and it pisses me off when I get nagged about it.
Look at this twat who thinks we cant even lotto for drops now cause we are "gimps"

He must think he's some freekin ubber gift to all of us at daoc and that no one else has a right to what they want. Correct me if im wrong, but had it not been for all the other people at the raid there wouldn't be a freekin lotto. Everyone has a right to spec the way they want and I know I will always be lottoing after the 2 handed swords... so sucks for you.. I have one.. 2 more to go :kissit:

My point in this thread was to say.. just because its in your minds that 2 handed pallys are useless and have no reason doesn't mean they are gimps.. its because, like my friend who was one of the first pbaoe in the game.. you don't see the advantage of being a 2 handed pally until people start zerging to be one. most people that group with me on a regular basis are impressed with what I can do.. with the way rvr groups are going now in terms of being a tank group who needs a slammer anyways.. and imo it would be boring if all of us were the same. Even though I know this will cause the 2 handed pally haters to come out and whine back.. I just wanted to say my 2 cents worth.
The US servers have already caught on to the fact we are good.. a lot are 2 handed there. You wont ever see me going S&S.. and I guarantee you will see more 2 handed pallys
/end of whine:m00:

cry me a river

( lub u krane xDxDxD )


Originally posted by loxleyhood
Doesn't truly reflect who is most active though. Somebody might have just had a good week, or a bad one. And even if you could use it that way how would you reflect it in the lotto?
well, ofc. U can be having a good week, but when it continues like that for like 3 weeks straight or something ... ?

I mean, should inactive ppl have a Bane they don't use?
or should Bane be used for the improvement of the realm, in the hands of an active player?

I mean .. Krane, if RR5+ is the only peeps that should enter a lotto, then 300 peeps (total) will be the only ones with SI drops .. I mean, c'mon?
Don't whine cuZ U don't get your will - all the time!
and I know that my guild will NOT accept such rules, neither will any in my alliance (I think?), but who am I to say what our alliance will, or will not do? Im not even RR5 yet ... gah!
Btw, Krane, a RR2 Minstrel got the last Bane drop, how does that make U feel?


Ah.. somebody finally said it, thanks Ialkarn!

Drops shouldn´t only go to rr5+ characters, but also only to certain guilds because only they can use them to maximum effect. And every drop that´s not in the hands of your guild is a wasted drop, probably rotting in somebody´s vault. Must be, because you don´t see them in Emain. They´re prolly waiting to be sold on Ebay. Yeah. That must be it.

If people happen to be in a small(er) guild that´s not always able to field 1-2 fg´s, well, that´s their problem. They can continue levelling alts for BG fun or join one of the large guilds. (Which, alas, aren´t recruiting. Tough shit.)

Every guild getting drops would prolly assign them to the most active/effective members.
Atleast it's how the serious guilds do

I see... now go look at the Albion Trade forums and you´ll see, that an impressive percentage of quality stuff there is being sold by members of large, "serious guilds", who´re deisciplined and mature enough to share drops and give them to the most active/effective member. *That´s* how the serious guilds do.


Originally posted by thorwyntf

I see... now go look at the Albion Trade forums and you´ll see, that an impressive percentage of quality stuff there is being sold by members of large, "serious guilds", who´re deisciplined and mature enough to share drops and give them to the most active/effective member. *That´s* how the serious guilds do.

So? if someone get a drop by a random raid,Where he joined as individual why the hell his guild should say something if he decide to sell it?

The wrong thing it's allow someone to lotto for an item he obviously didn't need (since he is going to sell it).

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by Ialkarn
Your intentions are good Krane.. but the way you said it ...well it's debatable. :rolleyes:
You are damn good at looking worse than you are.

I personally think the way we are used to share drops in Sidi raids fail the primary Objective (making us wear better gears to be more effective),and they encourage some ppl to exploit them (farm easy cash,join the raid whit buffbots , to collect the largest number of drops possible,etc etc).
When I RvR I hardly see Sidi drops around..so I suppose they are stuck in vaults somewhere waiting to be sold(soon or later) in e-bay whit a rich account plenty of alts and stuff.
When I face mids I often see 30-50% of them equipped whit TG gears;It's true TG is aloot more easy than Sidi,but it's also true Albion on Exalibur is well know to be far the worse equipped realm around.
What it's the point to claim a drop to not use it? I think it's weird,but it's not a fault to claim a drop if you are allowed too,the mistake it's to make it possible.

I think we should stop to do open raids and do guild raids only..sharing the drops btw guilds/groups.

Every guild getting drops would prolly assign them to the most active/effective members.
Atleast it's how the serious guilds do,and ppl would bitch less if someone inside his own guild get a drop instead of him(atleast I hope so...).
Also those raids would have less afk ppl and more balanced groups,cause the groups would have an internal discipline,something a random group can't have.

Now someone gonna reply:what if my guild it's not able to provide a decent group/groups to those raids?
Well sort it or live whit that, or better find a group of players where your "playstyle" would fit well.

I am so proud to be in Albion. ~heart flutters~


The moment raids are restricted to RR, is the moment I will stop attending them. A Raid is an PvE thing, not a RvR thing. Also everybody on that raid did his or her part, and so equal chance on the loot.

I did see the new lotto rules for weapons, so I no longer attend the Cidi Raids. One Theurg less on the Cidi Raids.

All players can spec how they like, its they're character, they're game time. they're cash. If people do not like they're spec then do not group with them. So in this regard little respect for Glotis and krane. Its not your bisness to dictate my life and my cash.



Originally posted by thorwyntf
Ah.. somebody finally said it, thanks Ialkarn!

Drops shouldn´t only go to rr5+ characters, but also only to certain guilds because only they can use them to maximum effect. And every drop that´s not in the hands of your guild is a wasted drop, probably rotting in somebody´s vault. Must be, because you don´t see them in Emain. They´re prolly waiting to be sold on Ebay. Yeah. That must be it.

If people happen to be in a small(er) guild that´s not always able to field 1-2 fg´s, well, that´s their problem. They can continue levelling alts for BG fun or join one of the large guilds. (Which, alas, aren´t recruiting. Tough shit.)

If you can't be arsed to make 8-12 ppl work togheter for something,you don't deserve anything;
and since to make a guild you need 8 ppl (8 ppl=1fg) you are supposed to be able to do it.

I talked about fair sharing,not about rr or about drops going to a guild instead of another,you don't need an elite guild to join a raid like that,but ofc you need a minimum of work;indeed it's more easy park your alt in Fort Gwintell, /jell "LFG!" go afk and come back as soon it's time to lotto.

p.s:if not in PvP zones where I m supposed to see those drop? isn't this game RvR based?


Ialkarn, you know as good as I know, that you need far more than 8 people in a guild to constantly field a fg. There are 40ish people in B&Q, we´re an established, healthy and old guild but most of the time we can *just* field 1fg. Mostly because a lot of people in B&Q are busy IRL. And tbh, I can´t see why we should accept to be punished for that.

And about people selling Sidi drops here... that´s ok in your opinion?
You were just talking about how serious those guilds are and about discipline and effectivity and drop distribution. But selling drops to sub rr5 people who´re prolly storing them in their vault is acceptable?
Aren´t you measuring with different scales there?


Originally posted by Ialkarn

p.s:if not in PvP zones where I m supposed to see those drop? isn't this game RvR based?

Yep, it's all about RvR.

Just last night I camped the Novamir spawnspot for over 2 hours to get that uber drop from him.

Killed him 4 times, no drop..



Originally posted by thorwyntf
Ialkarn, you know as good as I know, that you need far more than 8 people in a guild to constantly field a fg. There are 40ish people in B&Q, we´re an established, healthy and old guild but most of the time we can *just* field 1fg. Mostly because a lot of people in B&Q are busy IRL. And tbh, I can´t see why we should accept to be punished for that.

And about people selling Sidi drops here... that´s ok in your opinion?
You were just talking about how serious those guilds are and about discipline and effectivity and drop distribution. But selling drops to sub rr5 people who´re prolly storing them in their vault is acceptable?
Aren´t you measuring with different scales there?

There is no perfect solution. But I have to agree with Ialkarn that guild based raids, with guild based lottos is the best overall way of doing it. Why?

Well firstly most raids are advertised well in advance, usually a week or more. If a guild cannot arrange for 8 of its people to attend in that time then they really can't blame others for going ahead without them. I would say there's a real problem in a guild if they can't muster 8 people given a week or more's notice. I'm all in favour of small guilds - but I think there is nothing wrong with arranging raids based on active guilds (size doesn't matter, activity does ;) )

Secondly, I think you will find that most sensible guilds would not look too kindly on a member that was allocated a drop but then sold it. In fact I would say that a guild is more likely to prevent that kind of thing happening. With purely individual lottos you are much more likely for people to claim out of greed rather than need.

And finally guilds are more likely to allocate to people who will put them to the best over all use - which allows pve based guilds to allocate them for pve or rvr guilds to allocate them for rvr purposes. It is the guild's choice to determine what is the best use for it, and no one can dictate to them what constitutes "proper" use. This gets away from any elitism or snobbery.

The only downside of guild based lottos that I can see is the issue of people who have chosen to remain guildless as their way of playing. Guess the only answer for them is to organise a raid themselves :)

So I would say guild based lottos reduce the chance of elitism and greed. Of course there will always be exceptions. but then exceptions are there to prove the rule ;)


Originally posted by thorwyntf
Ialkarn, you know as good as I know, that you need far more than 8 people in a guild to constantly field a fg. There are 40ish people in B&Q, we´re an established, healthy and old guild but most of the time we can *just* field 1fg. Mostly because a lot of people in B&Q are busy IRL. And tbh, I can´t see why we should accept to be punished for that.

It's not a punishment it' how things going:if your guild really want sidi drops I 'm sure you 'll be able to make a fg btw 40 ppl.
btw you can always join ppl outside your guild in your guildgroup as soon you accept to be responsable for their actions.

Btw I don't wanna look rude..but the problems of a single guild dosen't involve all the whole realm really.
It's not like your own guild have troubles to make a single fg btw 40 ppl the realm shouldn't consider guild raids.


Originally posted by Puppetmistress
Yep, it's all about RvR.

Just last night I camped the Novamir spawnspot for over 2 hours to get that uber drop from him.

Killed him 4 times, no drop..


Damn when did they nerf Novamirs drop rate ? ;)


Couldn't be arsed reading the thread completely because of the idiotic attitude of certain people, so don't know if it's beeing said here yet, but a person who goes on keepretakes and such stuff instead of RP-whoring and being 1337 in Emain is contributing much more to the realm than the RP-whore. He also has less RP, does that make him deserve the Sidi drops less?


well I was s/s pally in beta, 2hand in release,respecced s/s when it was possible. I certainly aint a slambot(stick on caster,slam everything that is near), but I can if that is needed. so s/s imo has a much better value,offensive -> slam support classes,guard main assist tank,help them kill faster
defensive -> guard ,slam for caster

just wondering,what is your spec seeaira?


Originally posted by Sohan_THC
50 2 hand
44 slash
30 chant <so you got rez and resist spell>
22 parry < fixed in rvr and works great in pve>

CBA to read the whole whine thread. But if all pallys could respec to this spec I would be very grateful xD


Originally posted by Belomar
I agree.
I think it is hilarious to see Falcor claiming that he wants to see drops being used when he himself is the biggest drop collector in all of Albion.

I think you have no right to critise someone who has lead countless Sidi raids, and maybe only once wanted to claim a drop.
Think you are full of shit till you manage to set up a raid and lead it yourself.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Hatjitjai

just wondering,what is your spec seeaira?

50 2 handed
38 slash
38 chants
20 parry

Seems to work well for me..
Im not the best .. there are times I win a duel with a S&S pally, and times I dont. I really think its just down to the player.


Originally posted by seeaira
50 2 handed
38 slash
38 chants
20 parry

Seems to work well for me..
Im not the best .. there are times I win a duel with a S&S pally, and times I dont. I really think its just down to the player.

well maybe u should try a respec and respec back if it doesnt fit u,it took me a while before i found a spec that fits me ( nm if u already did try to respec)


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
I think you have no right to critise someone who has lead countless Sidi raids, and maybe only once wanted to claim a drop.
Think you are full of shit till you manage to set up a raid and lead it yourself.
Regards, Glottis

And yet again Glottis shows how retarded he is.

For a start Belomar wasn't commenting on Falcor wishing to claim a drop, he was pointing out the hypocrisy in saying that he wants to see the drops being used whereas he himself has several vaults loaded with items which basically never get wielded.

And also Belomar has lead many raids, both PvE and RvR, but I am sure virtually everyone other than you is aware of this.


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
I think you have no right to critise someone who has lead countless Sidi raids, and maybe only once wanted to claim a drop.
Think you are full of shit till you manage to set up a raid and lead it yourself.
And we know you are full of it Glottis, so I don't think your opinion counts. My point was not about drop claiming (where did you get that into your head, I think Falcor is doing a good job organizing those raids), it was that Falcor was saying one thing and doing another.

Oh, and I have lead some raids, too.

EDIT: What Pin said. :)


I wouldnt even dream of taking a 2h pally into my pryd Alb grp.

Oooh btw i got a Bane on my arms there, its ok you can touch me now


Originally posted by Hatjitjai
well maybe u should try a respec and respec back if it doesnt fit u,it took me a while before i found a spec that fits me ( nm if u already did try to respec)

She already did respec to s/s once and did not like it so came back to two-handed again.


I am a 2H pala (proud and happy one)

My specc:

50 2H
46 thrust
32 chants ( end regen 4 )
6 parry

I do 200-400 dam depends on target (instead max 100 as a s/s)

My job in rvr grp is to run end chant and assist MA with killing healers/casters.

The only reason to spec s/s is slam, but pala do a childish dam as a 1h, so if u slam an enemy u can hit him 2-3 time for max 100 dam in 9 sec, as 2H u hit him twice with 250-300 dam.
I think 500-600 dam is better than max 300 dam in 9 sec.

Block and parry work only if u are attacked from front, but in rvr enemy tanks will attack u from behind becouse u are running after healers/casters.

Its true the s/s job is to be a blockbot for clerics/casters, but i dont see many s/s doin this.

So if u want to play offensive pala go for 2h, but if u are a s/s (and u like this) then pls play defensive.

The problem is most s/s pala play offensive and call 2H-ers gimps...

Btw, for all who say "2H pala is gimp", " we lose in rvr becouse we have to many 2H pala", i tell u this:

MAKE A S/S PALA YOURSELF, if u like to kill an enemy in 20 hits.


To be honest I was rather horrified when in an early morning random group a 2h paladin turned on end regen 4......... :p


Originally posted by tepes
I am a 2H pala (proud and happy one)

My specc:

50 2H
46 thrust
32 chants ( end regen 4 )
6 parry

I do 200-400 dam depends on target (instead max 100 as a s/s)

My job in rvr grp is to run end chant and assist MA with killing healers/casters.

The only reason to spec s/s is slam, but pala do a childish dam as a 1h, so if u slam an enemy u can hit him 2-3 time for max 100 dam in 9 sec, as 2H u hit him twice with 250-300 dam.
I think 500-600 dam is better than max 300 dam in 9 sec.

Block and parry work only if u are attacked from front, but in rvr enemy tanks will attack u from behind becouse u are running after healers/casters.

Its true the s/s job is to be a blockbot for clerics/casters, but i dont see many s/s doin this.

So if u want to play offensive pala go for 2h, but if u are a s/s (and u like this) then pls play defensive.

The problem is most s/s pala play offensive and call 2H-ers gimps...

Btw, for all who say "2H pala is gimp", " we lose in rvr becouse we have to many 2H pala", i tell u this:

MAKE A S/S PALA YOURSELF, if u like to kill an enemy in 20 hits.

Any paladin who is hitting for 100 damage at 3sec swings is indeed very very gimped...


Originally posted by tepes
The only reason to spec s/s is slam, but pala do a childish dam as a 1h, so if u slam an enemy u can hit him 2-3 time for max 100 dam in 9 sec, as 2H u hit him twice with 250-300 dam.
I think 500-600 dam is better than max 300 dam in 9 sec.

No, slam is not the only reason to go s/s as has been discussed over and over in this thread.

But why do you think it's better for you to hit for 200-300 damage more in 9 seconds if the guy hasn't been stunned? He's still able to run away from you, cast CC on you, hit IP, etc. If he's stunned he can't do any of this.

And as you said, the game is about using /assist. Not about how much damage you do personally. If you are able to stun the target, everyone else who is assisting can attack the guy easily aswell. If he's not stunned, he's not going to stand there and be assisted.

Originally posted by tepes
MAKE A S/S PALA YOURSELF, if u like to kill an enemy in 20 hits.

Again, as you said, the game is about assisting. It's not about you alone doing shitty damage with your weapon, it's about your group as a unit being more effective. By not having a shield (with ALL the utility and stuns) you make it much more difficult for your group.
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