Since episode hasn't aired yet...I thought the episode had potential but it fell somewhat short, especially cutting out the fight scenes between Arya/Waif and Blackfish/Army, the Blackfish deserved a bit more of a finale i think.
Why he didn't opt to leave the keep i'll never know, it was clearly a lost battle and he could have re-taken it after the Battle of Winterfell surely, a favor repaid for helping Sansa/Jon.
The guardsmen were idiots for allowing Edmure to take command and give up arms, Blackfish warned them - Sure, save his life by bringing him in but at least get some information off him, instead they just passed leadership on to him. Lame.
I think the boat for Lady Stoneheart has sailed, if they haven't got her body out now then she's going to be an absolute mess - Though i guess this could put The Hound on a collision course not with The Mountain, but with Brienne for a round 2 fight.
The Arya part was a bit... strange. Here last week she was stabbed multiple times in the stomach, survived the bleeding to wait for the actress to finish up, to then recuperate only for her to start bleeding out again, but still had enough in her tank to be like Jason Bourne in a car-chase before doing what i thought she would do in leading her into the darkness.
Best part of the show? Jaime's heel turn, that was glorious!
I quite enjoyed that episode. After all the build up of Arya getting her ass kicked over several episodes, the thing that disappointed was not showing the fight with the Waif.
Was fucking epic
That was a very poetic end if i do say so myself.
Wun Wun lost lost :'(. Need more giants
That moment where the 2 cavalry charges met was brutal, really well put together sequence
So, speculation for next week...
I'll put it in spoiler tags to keep the anally retentive happy even though it's pure guesswork
King's Landing on fire
Jaime kills Cersei
The fleet sails for Westeros and/or Euron turns up
The Wall comes down