Thorwyn[B&Q] said:Just curious.... any chance to adapt the old BW forum structures? Like General Discussion, Off Topic, Alb/Hib/Mid, RvR, BG, Trade etc.etc.
One time var danskeppni while thus kom inn! abruptly spassi and walk over floor to snuggle up to get scrape together cocaine and lo and behold , he underfeed competition! Then come in! karteflukaglinn and pertain really fúgl accordingly he yearn snuggle up to work competition. While then kom inn! spassinn and suit into he skyri and karfteflan fór snuggle up to cry. Then kom inn! Hulk and said : uhu , cap powerful not do " and fart river spassann whom fór thus into BT and keypti scrape together broken down computer while then kom inn! BT music and rightly him inferno BT bæklinga while then kom inn! only spassinn and scratch scrape together with them while then fór inferno Bt music snuggle up to cry and fór to Japanese snuggle up to hang swagger or some while há time of arrival testify jehóvar and sögðu akjdlfjaldskj flj not hang thee bruise " and reservation scrape together done doggy with paddy field and the other thus presidential and gáfu him bæklinga or some while then lét he run over then with skriðdreka ahahhaa