Eve Online


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
He wasn't always the douche we come to love to hate. Can't say when he changed but he most definitely have.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
This mittens guy sounds like a right spacker. I am guessing Eve his life or something?

He is just the latest in a long line of Goonswarm figure heads. They all share the same mentality, deep down Goonswarm is there to "ruin your game" by whatever means necessary.

He made junior partner at one of America's leading law firms by the age of 28 and then a year later decided to quit (take a career break) to play EvE full time. Bizarre I know, but its true. His reasoning was he and his wife had made enough money to live comfortably for a few years. He never logs in, he just directs things from outside of game, which he claims, is a full time job in itself.

His latest scheme involves a tech cartel. There are 4 main alliances/coalitions that account for 99% of the tech in the game. They have all been sworn enemies. Mittani came up with the idea of them all becomming friends and selling the tech for over inflated prices. Everyone went for it. Now the price of tech 2 ships is sky rocketing due to Mittani controlling the tech. The other alliances had to agree to it really, given how powerful goonswarm have become. So because of the inflated prices, countless tears have appeared over the forums, which is what Goonswarm thrive off.

The sad part is and I say this as a member of goonswarm, the game, at least in nulsec is ruined. There have always been coalitions of power who eventually meet their end, but goonswarm and their allies are too powerful, too resourceful and have the framework in place to ensure their survival. Mission accomplished for Mittani and the true "goons"


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The big coalitions makes EVE a boring a place sadly. I think the game would be much more fun without the giga blobs forming just out of necessity

It is a very odd choice for Mittani, becoming junior partner then partner in a law firm is usually the main goals of lawyers and they work very hard towards it. Probably a bad choice if he doesn't get the same opportunity again. Wouldn't put my career on hold for a game tbh


Mar 11, 2004
I've been in Goons as one of the sub corps, have some mates still in the same corp.

Honestly the outward image people have of goons may or may not be true depending on if you cross them. But internally they are the alliance I have had the most fun with in any game. Good ops, good laughs while sitting around being bored. The upper management actually gave a damn about the peons and tried to keep them happy.

Good times, i'll gladly take this worst external opinion for that internal community again :) if only I had the time to play :(

I'll agree there are parts of the Goons that prey on the stupid/greedy. But "You can't con an honest man" most of the people Goons con'd got what was coming to them, Goons just got there first over everyone else.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Echo the above sentiments. best time ive had in any game is flying with goons. Suas has returned so you have him and DBRB for entertainment purposes and Vee for when you want to curbstomp someone.

Ace op the other day. -A- tried to take a PL tech so we formed with PL. Shadoo main FC, Vee backup FC = Dreamteam

Cant beat a bit of Shadoo rage

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-kGGW0UlPA


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
The sad part is and I say this as a member of goonswarm, the game, at least in nulsec is ruined. There have always been coalitions of power who eventually meet their end, but goonswarm and their allies are too powerful, too resourceful and have the framework in place to ensure their survival. Mission accomplished for Mittani and the true "goons"

Nah, they thought the same about CA, BoB and NC. Sooner or later Goons get what's coming, it's only a matter of time.

And when that day comes Mittains will leave and be forgotten... It's usually what happens to those high profile leaders when things aren't going their way.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
There is no coalition in EvE that can match the CFC in manpower, resources, supercaps or isk. Even if the whole of nul teamed up and went against the CFC, they would still lose. Mittani's greatest trick was convincing the rest of EVE that we didnt have many supercaps or titans. Then a month or 2 ago, we had 3 full fleets of supercaps and titans. The rest of eve went "o shit" We also have a full supercap/titan reimbursement programme and are shitting out more supercaps and titans then we possibly need. Some corps in goonswarm have over 30 titans just sat in POS's without pilots, waiting until peoples alts have skilled up. I myself have been given a nyx and have an erebus waiting for me once I have the required skills (4 months to go). You are also forgetting the CFC's ability to grind, grind, grind. Goons dont get battle weary, they are always hungry. Participation rates DO NOT drop. The grunts are relentless. We spent over 5 months at war with PL/Raiden/EVOKE/NC. Fighting every single night, grinding structures etc. When the dust settled and we won, the grunts wanted more. They didnt want a break for a couple of months, they wanted more action, so we went and took tenal from Raiden and gave it back to Razor. Even now, with no one willing to fight us, the grunts dont want a break so Rydis is currently working on our next campaign.

Mittani's latest plan. Hulkageddon is now to run forever, with goonswarm paying out for each hulk killed.



Mar 11, 2004
And Goon numbers dont drop, because they are having fun :)

With the breakup of my relationship, i'll have some more time and am actively considering returning to eve, must get in touch with old corp mates :/


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
haha the CEO of Sony Entertainment, John Smedley plays serious internet spaceships and..hes a member of goonswarm!

Fuck BoB and their T2 scandal, we have Sony!


Mar 11, 2004
CCP must be monitoring this thread.

Got a £4.99 reactivation promotion email. Sadly it doens't seem to be wokring and have opened a support ticket.

But...excellent timing!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
haha the CEO of Sony Entertainment, John Smedley plays serious internet spaceships and..hes a member of goonswarm!

Fuck BoB and their T2 scandal, we have Sony!

So you'll lose lots of money and get hacked.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Want to know why Pandemic Legion have won the last 3 out of 4 alliance tournaments?

They have some python injection hack. I dont know what it means or how it works, but they inject it into the eve client based on API keys and it tells them what ships their opponents are in so at the last minute they can change ships to counter their opponents.

Sneaky fuckers


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
There is no coalition in EvE that can match the CFC in manpower, resources, supercaps or isk. Even if the whole of nul teamed up and went against the CFC, they would still lose. Mittani's greatest trick was convincing the rest of EVE that we didnt have many supercaps or titans. Then a month or 2 ago, we had 3 full fleets of supercaps and titans. The rest of eve went "o shit" We also have a full supercap/titan reimbursement programme and are shitting out more supercaps and titans then we possibly need. Some corps in goonswarm have over 30 titans just sat in POS's without pilots, waiting until peoples alts have skilled up. I myself have been given a nyx and have an erebus waiting for me once I have the required skills (4 months to go). You are also forgetting the CFC's ability to grind, grind, grind. Goons dont get battle weary, they are always hungry. Participation rates DO NOT drop. The grunts are relentless. We spent over 5 months at war with PL/Raiden/EVOKE/NC. Fighting every single night, grinding structures etc. When the dust settled and we won, the grunts wanted more. They didnt want a break for a couple of months, they wanted more action, so we went and took tenal from Raiden and gave it back to Razor. Even now, with no one willing to fight us, the grunts dont want a break so Rydis is currently working on our next campaign.

It doesn't matter how big and badass CFC are today because tomorrow might be different (figuratively speaking), because nothing lasts forever.

Not even Goonswarm.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
Spreadsheets at E3.

massively.com said:
E3 2012: CCP says it wants 'EVE to be around in 10, 20, 30 years'
by Jef Reahard on Jun 5th 2012 8:00PMSci-fi, EVE Online, Events, real-world, Game mechanics, Interviews, MMO industry, New titles, News items, DUST 514, Sandbox0

CCP's E3 2012 setup was dark, infused with Jon Hallur's soothing sci-fi synth tones, and entirely appropriate for huddling conspiratorially in a corner booth with producer Jon Lander and creative director Torfi Frans Olafsson.

The three of us chatted for about 30 minutes, covering a wide range of topics including EVE Online and its new Inferno expansion, DUST 514, and game money for real goods.

In a nutshell, Inferno has been more of what the doctor ordered for the MMO genre's elder sandbox statesman. "We are on the cusp of breaking our all-time subscriber record right now," Olafsson told me, and that's no small feat for a polarizing title in a genre over which burnout and next-new-thing syndrome reign supreme.


And what about Incarna and all the turmoil that was 2011? If you're late to the EVE party, here's the summary: CCP attempted to add bipedal human avatars to its spaceship game last year before being met with organized player resistance that caused the developer to temporarily shelve its grander plan. "We did have some interesting times last year," Lander conceded, "but we did still manage to grow the game over the previous 12 months."

Olafsson told me that Incarna is still on the table because despite the vocal hardcore opposition to the features at the expense of spaceship-centric stuff, those same hardcore players reacted enthusiastically to DUST at the firm's most recent Fanfest. The key, Olafsson explained, is not losing sight of your base.

"You have to eat and sleep. If you're not eating and sleeping, you don't care what's on TV tonight," he said. "We were focusing on things at the top of that pyramid instead of the basics, and now we're doing both."

It's working, too. CCP is expecting New Eden to set a new population record any moment now. Due to the game's single-shard setup, this is a big deal, both in terms of financials and because more people means more gameplay opportunities and ultimately, more sandbox. "EVE's content is its people. When there's more people, there's more content going on, and if it becomes too saturated [in terms of hardware], we'll throw in another server. But it's still the same universe," Olafsson explained.

And the goal is to make that universe the biggest one out there.

That's where DUST comes in, along with various post-DUST initiatives. New Eden ultimately comes down to EVE, though, and CCP won't be dumbing down the mothership in its quest to broaden the IP's audience. "We want you to play a hardcore game without having to bleed to get to it. It is a hardcore game, but we need to stop people from having to cut off their own arms in order to figure it out," Lander said.

When I asked whether that means more tutorials or more accessible mechanics, the answer was not necessarily and yes. And by more accessible, CCP means more useful and apparent, much like the faction warfare revamp in Inferno.

Factional warfare is basically a stepping stone for nullsec gameplay (EVE's endgame, for all intents and purposes). Players can use factional warfare to work in their groups and learn the techniques and the tactics that will lead to success (or at least, survival) when the inevitable itch to explore 0.0 surfaces.

The key thing about the factional warfare revamp is making it mean something in terms of gaining ground on your opponents. Previously you could get loyalty points and a cosmetic title, but there was no real effect on the universe. Now, if you complete enough objectives, you turn the balance of power in terms of who owns a particular system.

Once it ticks over, Lander says, you can invest in the territory via loyalty points, enjoy reduced market taxes and clone costs, and so on. And it's open to neutrals. Crucially, you don't have to invest a huge amount of ISK or build a station to get into the new faction gameplay. The factions are doing that layer of it for you; they just need you to get involved.

And CCP is all about getting more folks involved in New Eden over the long term. The firm is planning a major winter expansion release, DUST and EVE will link up when the former goes live later this year, and 2013 will bring a round of festivities relating to EVE's 10th anniversary. While many MMOs are going into maintenance mode or laying off developers, CCP is digging in and iterating for the long-haul.

"We have three or four times as many people working on EVE today compared to launch," Olafsson says. "The development team has grown along with the revenue. We've never scaled down or switched over to a live team or a skeleton team."

Lander concurred. "We believe in making virtual worlds, and they don't have a shelf life. We want this game to be around in 10, 20, 30 years. We want a DUST 10-year anniversary, and this universe is contantly growing."

It's also growing outside of the games, as evident in the recent PLEX for graphics cards initiative. Lander and Olafsson said that CCP is very committed to expanding similar drives going forward, although there are still plenty of variables in terms of distribution, taxation, and various virtual-money-to-physical-good transactions.

"People used in-game money to buy an out-of-game graphics card. It intrigued us, and we have a really good relationship with Nvidia, so we're looking at other options," Lander said. What sorts of options, and what sorts of products? "Hey, we could do groceries," he quipped.

Massively's on the ground in Los Angeles during the week of June 4-7, bringing you all the best news from E3 2012. We're covering everything from PlanetSide 2 and SWTOR and ArcheAge to RIFT's and LotRO's upcoming expansions, so stay tuned!

Tags: ccp, ccp-games, ccp-interviews, con, console, convention, convention-coverage, dust, dust-514, e3, e3-2012, electronic-entertainment-expo, eve, eve-accessibility, eve-factional-warfare, eve-interviews, eve-online, eve-online-factional-warfare, expo, fps, inferno, internet-spaceships, interviews, jon-lander, mmofps, playstation, playstation-3, ps3, sandbox, sci-fi, shooter, spreadsheets-online, torfi-frans-olafsson


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
It is conceivable and very likely that EvE will be around, certainly for another 10 years which is remarkable, however, I cant see Dust making it past a couple of years. FPS only have a certain shelf life, but then I havent done much research on the game and if im honest, dont really know how it will link up with EvE, other than, I will be giving console gamers some kind of mission to blow up things.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
It is conceivable and very likely that EvE will be around, certainly for another 10 years which is remarkable, however, I cant see Dust making it past a couple of years. FPS only have a certain shelf life, but then I havent done much research on the game and if im honest, dont really know how it will link up with EvE, other than, I will be giving console gamers some kind of mission to blow up things.

Not seen this, then?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRnH1dwpkpU


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
It is conceivable and very likely that EvE will be around, certainly for another 10 years which is remarkable, however, I cant see Dust making it past a couple of years. FPS only have a certain shelf life, but then I havent done much research on the game and if im honest, dont really know how it will link up with EvE, other than, I will be giving console gamers some kind of mission to blow up things.

If they would have made Dust a persistent MMOFPS it probably would have had much better chances, but as it is now i agree with you.

Also, does anyone know just how much Dust will be intergrated in to EvE?

What i'm worried about is this. What will happen if Dust fails and hardly anyone plays it, will that have a negative impact in EvE to?

I bloody hope not.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
He might be a right spacker but the guy and his finance team have just made 300 Trillion + exploiting a loophole in CCPs update to Factional Warfare. No troll. 300 trillion isk! Its on EvE news 24 but jesus, its some complicated stuff and I gave up as I didnt understand what was going on!


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
massively.com said:
EVE players abuse faction warfare to produce trillions of ISK
by Brendan Drain on Jun 22nd 2012 12:00AMSci-fi, EVE Online, Bugs, Culture, Events, in-game, Expansions, Game mechanics, Professions, News items, Sandbox0

If there's one constant in the EVE Online universe, it's that the players can never be underestimated and every care must be taken to make sure systems can't be abused in unintended ways. In 2009, a handful of players figured out how to artificially boost the number of valuable faction warfare loyalty points rewarded for completing missions and farmed enough ISK to build a titan. That record was completely blown out of the water today as five EVE players revealed how they'd generated five trillion ISK using game mechanics introduced in the Inferno expansion.

Inferno added a new reward system for faction warfare that gave players loyalty points for enemy ship kills based on the value of the destroyed ship and cargo. A bug was found that rewarded players for both the destroyed and surviving cargo, even though surviving cargo could be recovered. GoonWaffe pilot Aryth and four friends began destroying their own freighters full of minerals to cash the minerals out into loyalty points, which were then used to buy items for sale.

When CCP discovered this bug and fixed it, the group manipulated the market price of one of the game's least-purchased items up to a huge number. When the price index for the value of that item updated, the players began destroying haulers full of them to generate billions of loyalty points for almost nothing. The points were cashed out into items for sale on the market, producing a total profit of over five trillion ISK. The abuse has not yet been declared an exploit, but CCP has fixed the issue and is still investigating it. At current market prices, five trillion ISK is enough to buy around 10,000 30-day game time codes worth a total of $175,000 US.

Tags: Aryth, billion, bug, ccp, ccp-games, eve, eve-online, exploit, faction-warfare, factional-warfare, goon, goons, goonswarm, goonwaffe, inferno, isk, loyalty-points, lp, sandbox, sci-fi, trillion


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
He might be a right spacker but the guy and his finance team have just made 300 Trillion + exploiting a loophole in CCPs update to Factional Warfare. No troll. 300 trillion isk! Its on EvE news 24 but jesus, its some complicated stuff and I gave up as I didnt understand what was going on!

So basically he's gone from being a CSM chairman to become a simple exploiter?


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Oh, it was 5 Trillion isk. Goons were claiming on the forums it was 300 Trillion

So basically he's gone from being a CSM chairman to become a simple exploiter?

Simple exploiter? If it was so simple, why out of the hundreds of thousands of players, did only one group of Goonswarm players manage it? Do you know how much work actually went in to this? Why did no one else fathom it out?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Don't care how much work it took, and it doesn't change anything.


Dec 26, 2003
How could CCP be so stupid as to link rewards to market prices when the markets are so heavily manipulated in eve?

Its just plain bad design.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Seems to be going down the drain, driven by idiot gamers.


Mar 11, 2004
Was 5 goons, not the management. According to CCP they didn't bug or cheat their way to it, they just abused a flaw in the systems logic.

Still fairly stupid flaw

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