Eve Online


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
So essentially he's just pvping in 0.0 in a Rifter?

Yep. If you saw his kills / losses he had lost over 500 frigs, mostly rifters. But more often he'd win one vs one or one vs many when it came to frigate-sized hulls. He killed a load of interceptors which cost 23-50 times more than a rifter.

Just shows that it is possible to have lots of pvp fun with low skills and some starting ISK. I mean, how many times did you port to emain macha just to die 5 mins later in daoc? Tenacity and dedication wins out


Dec 26, 2003
You can AFK mine in EVE. It plays itself.

Bots aren't allowed, and are bannable. Honestly though, I can't imagine why. There's almost no difference lol. That said, I hear there at a ton of botters. The games auto-pilot system made them so easy.

There are bot programs for 0.0 ratting - hear stories of guys in the Russian sectors bot ratting in carriers making ridiculous amounts of ISK.

Bot mining is also rife - its what crashed the mineral prices and rendered mining pretty much useless for people who arent planning on botting.

Trading is also botted with programs that automatically set their price 1 isk below your own.

About the only thing that isnt botted is PVP though the big fleet stuff probably could be :p


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
For PvE, Missiles are best I've found.

I'm already rather far down the Gallente route. I used a Kestrel for LV1 missions though, using a fit I found on EveUNI...for LV1 missions, it 1-hit most enemies and was pretty fast. I planned to get a Drake perhaps, but I am most likely going for a Dominix now.

To use a Drake effectively, using EVEmon, it would take me at least 3 months.

This is why I hate EVE's skill system. I just unlocked the ability to do LV3 missions. So now I need a ship for doing them, i.e, a battlecruiser, which is for LV3 missions.

However, be it Dominix or Drake, it will take me months before I'm able to use them effectively.

During that time, running LV3 missions is near impossible. So what else is there for me to do? PVP, and get destroyed because everyone else has skills that allows them to attack 250% faster, hit 300% harder, tank 175% more damage and better gear as well, ect? So basically all I would be doing is going out and getting destroyed, losing my 125M worth of Implants?

EVE's system is so frustrating.

If you don't want to PVP - you're shit out of luck of content to do. Hardly a Sandbox.

No need to lose implants. There's a skill called Infomorph Psychology that allows you to install Jump Clones. Essentially they are spare clones with a different set of implants. You can jump between them every 24 hours. I have one with +4's, one with +dmg to Large Hybrids for ratting, one for day to day living and one for 0.0 fleet combat where chances of getting podded are high.

Don't be afraid to fly ships without having perfect skills for them.... you'll never fly anything in that case. 1 month should be enough to get in a Drake. You'll get better, you'll struggle with some missions solo, so team up with someone from your corporation if you get stuck.

Eve advancement system roughly goes along the lines off:
Not enough isk to buy what I want, followed by not enough skillpoints to fly what I want... repeat over and over until you're a bitter vet.

You got a massive leg up by being given an isk injection. Usually takes 2 months to be able to afford a battlecruiser, at which point they are slightly more ready for it. Missiles are by far the most forgiving when it comes to skillpoints though. They don't use cap, they always hit (until you get to Battleship sized guns anyway), there's less skills involved, you can train any of them to Tech 2 without needed the smaller ones.

It is a sandbox though, join a newbie friendly corporation and see what eve really has to offer... Brave Newbies Inc were in the spotlight not long ago as a place to start. EVE uni is always recommended. Or just an empire mega corp that faces war, theft, aggression etc as part of its daily life.

Your idea of PvP is based on the fact that bigger is better and that skills always win... which is not always the case. Smaller ships can get under the tracking of larger ships and kill them easily. Logistics and ewar can negate a pilot number advantage. Yes, someone with 3 years of eve time under their belt is likely going to woop your ass in a fight, no different from any other game, but you're not going to be there to kick his ass. Your role is going to be to tackle him (warp disrupt so he doesnt fly away), web him so he can't get to a gate to jump out, ewar so his dps / logi ability is reduced, scout 1 jump in front so your fleet knows what is ahead, etc. By the time you get to the fighting in eve, you should already know who will win. If you do not, it's unlikely it will be you. As your skills improve, so does the roles you can take on, but you will always be able to be a tackler, as all you need is a fast frigate with a mwd and a web / point, and you can always just be a +1 dps ship, no matter how little.

And last but not last... lost of people sit in empire their entire game time. 5 years in empire, and they venture into 0.0 and wonder how a 6 month old pilot in a Thorax killed their shiny battleship. There's no substitute for knowing the mechanics of Eve... but there are hundreds of them and there's only one way to learn... the hard way :)


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Well, I plopped 90M down on a Gnosis. Wish I had done it sooner, when I first started, they were 40M(Only 11 days ago), now the lowest is 90M. I see alot going for 150-400M. Someone said within 6 months they could be worth almost 1B ISK, other SE ships increase in such prices drastically. So I bought it and am leaving it at the station I bought, never even taking it out of the box. A hit to money now - but profit later. Hell, I could even sell it now for a profit, if I did 5 jumps, I could sell it for 105M. But I'll let it sit, and wait.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
So essentially he's just pvping in 0.0 in a Rifter?

Marc, what is a Macherial and what skills do I go for. Lets screw mining and go for combat! What do I train?! :D

A macherial is a minmitar pirate battleship. It is very skill intensive but worth it in the end.

best thing to do, is the advice I gave mkil, go through frigates, cruiser, battlecruiser etc until battleship. Dont walk before you can run. Download evemon, input your API then browse Macherial fittings and add the highest rating fit to your skill plan within evemon


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
A macherial is a minmitar pirate battleship. It is very skill intensive but worth it in the end.

best thing to do, is the advice I gave mkil, go through frigates, cruiser, battlecruiser etc until battleship. Dont walk before you can run. Download evemon, input your API then browse Macherial fittings and add the highest rating fit to your skill plan within evemon

I've been using EVemon. I've already unlocked Level 3 missions. Level 2 missions hardly give any reward.

Only about 80d til I could use a Mach according to Evemon. I dunno what I'd do til then, and I've already got skills trained in a whole different set of the graph.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
I've been using EVemon. I've already unlocked Level 3 missions. Level 2 missions hardly give any reward.

Only about 80d til I could use a Mach according to Evemon. I dunno what I'd do til then, and I've already got skills trained in a whole different set of the graph.

Is that with tech 2 guns? How about shield skills? Capacitor skills? Navigation skills? Can you get it to run a perma afterburner while being cap stable? What about running afterburner and shield booster together? How long will cap last then? What about your shield compensation skills and gunnery skills like motion prediction, rapid fire etc?

What im trying to say is you will need more than 80 days to use the macherial as a pwnmobile :)


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Yes, with Tech 2, ect, using the top rated MAch build, it says I will need 80 days to get all the skills.

besides that, I have very little interest in PVP, so.

Thing is, I'm running it versus a Dominix build in EVEmon, and the Dominix build has 400-500DPS more, with "All LV5 skills", and at least 200 more with my current skills. That's comparing the top rated Mach build, versus a Mission runner Dominix build.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
What you need to do, more than anything is join an active corp based on your time zone. That way you get to make some ingame friends and fly with them.

Just check out the recruitment forums. Alternatively, if you wanted to dip your feet in non expensive PvP, EVE uni or Red v Blue tend to use inexpesnive frigates to PvP in


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Yes, with Tech 2, ect, using the top rated MAch build, it says I will need 80 days to get all the skills.

besides that, I have very little interest in PVP, so.

Ignore my last post then lol


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
A macherial is a minmitar pirate battleship. It is very skill intensive but worth it in the end.

best thing to do, is the advice I gave mkil, go through frigates, cruiser, battlecruiser etc until battleship. Dont walk before you can run. Download evemon, input your API then browse Macherial fittings and add the highest rating fit to your skill plan within evemon

When I started out in 2005, these were known as expensive solo wtfpwnmobiles. Active faction/deadspace tanking with cap injector (usually with an alt that carried 800 cap charges). Could take on a silly amount of opposition

However I recall when some rabble of shitty alliances invaded AAA space in 2010, I was in one of them. Dead Terrorists. We had successfully sieged all the stations in Feythabolis, but there was some silly successful guerrila warfare against us.

These guys had sensor-boosted machariels and nightmares sniping us from 300km+ on grid, cloaked interdictors, spies on our TS+fleet and shitloads of warpins on all the celestials. Every time someone deployed probes and got in tackle range and notified the FC, they would warp away. That was the most awesome and frustrating deployment of machariels I've seen


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Hmm, my +9 thing runs out in 2 days...dammit, that'll slow my training down alot. There is a +3 one that lasts til my 35th day...but yeah. It's 125M. Gonna suck to slow down so much, but eh, guess I better get used to it.


Dec 22, 2003
Mkilbride, any suggestions as to what ship to aim for for T1, T2, T3. I presume its going to be a progression.
Also, Marc or anybody, I already have some turret skills trained as I started off down that path, do I have to drop them and train missiles, or could I set up one of these ships with turrets?


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Better off just asking them.

I used a Kestrel for R1 Missions, armed with Missiles...smoked them easily.

[Kestrel, Basic PVE]
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Light Missile Launcher
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Light Missile Launcher
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Light Missile Launcher
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Light Missile Launcher

1MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger I
Small Shield Booster I

Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Power Diagnostic System I

Cheap, works, doesn't require many skills. For R1 missions, you don't need much more. Just stay away from enemies and blast from afar.

For R2, I tried a Caracal and they work good - but you gotta keep your distance as well. I tired a Thorax, could not get it to work, no matter what I did, and went Vexor, which is working fine. LV2 missions are now no challenge at all. Literally...my damage reduction and repair-rate out-do like 20 ships in the missions I'm doing now...so I can just sit and let the drowns do the work really.

LV3 missions, I haven't attempted, but people have said I shouldn't try for another few weeks. So I'm stuck running L2 missions for chump change while my skills train. +


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Oh i loved the kestrel. It used to be (are?) a really nice little missile boat. I had tons of fun in that as a throwaway ganker because it usually paid for itself many times over.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Mkilbride, nothing stopping you from jumping in a Myrmidon and doing level 3's right now. Not sure the time / reward will be much different, but at least it will be a challenge.


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Skills, in my case, yes. I used EFT and a Myr or Dominix would have less DPS for me, because of my lacking skills.


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
[Myrmidon, Mission Basic]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Medium Armor Repairer II
Armor Thermic Hardener II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

10MN Afterburner II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

425mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge L

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Warrior II x5
Valkyrie II x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Hammerhead II x5

What I was looking at in EFT for a Myrmidon. Stable @ 55%. 1200 DPS. 200 from turret 1000 from Drones.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
[Myrmidon, Mission Basic]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Medium Armor Repairer II
Armor Thermic Hardener II
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

10MN Afterburner II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

425mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Railgun II, Antimatter Charge L

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Warrior II x5
Valkyrie II x5
Hobgoblin II x5
Hammerhead II x5

What I was looking at in EFT for a Myrmidon. Stable @ 55%. 1200 DPS. 200 from turret 1000 from Drones.

Are you sure about that dps? You know you can only have 5 active drones at once, regardless of drone bandwidth...also
papaper dps is not realised dps, since drones have travel time, unless you use sentry drones.


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Well that's with all LV5 skills. I'm just going by what EFT said.

By the way, turn 24 tomorrow. Whoot.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Well that's with all LV5 skills. I'm just going by what EFT said.

By the way, turn 24 tomorrow. Whoot.

Those guns are Large Rails.. ie Battleship sized... they won't fit on the Myrmidon. Something that should be able to clear level 3's without too much hassle and be fun to fly... just charge right in there and let them have it!

[Myrmidon, Guristas Blasters shield]
Capacitor Power Relay II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Kinetic Deflection Field II
Large Shield Booster II
Kinetic Deflection Field II
Thermic Dissipation Field II
Thermic Dissipation Field II

Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Null M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Null M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Null M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Null M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Null M

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Ogre II x3
Hammerhead II x2

Hammerhead II x3
Ogre II x1
Hobgoblin II x10


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
Well, bought the Cerebral thing. 120M, first time at JTA. Still got around 30M Left and my ship in good health. According to EVEmon, it took about 4 days off my skill plan, so I feel it's worth it for another 3 weeks of enhanced stats.

also +20% Damage isn't bad either.


Dec 22, 2003
What cerebral thing? Can it stack with the noobie thing?

I currently have the noobie thing, and +4 implants, can I improve on that?


Dec 22, 2003
Oh, I think I have that already - came with my pack that I bought.

Atm trying to decide if I keep training for a mach or a myrm (which is first who knows?) (also, can I put medium turrets on both - Marc, what do people use in PvP? Missiles, or turrets?)
Or if I get my probing skill up?

I'm on hospital placement atm and have eve running on my surface pro well enough to log in and sort out skill queue so it gives me a nice chance to get my skills up as I dont have time to play really.


Loyal Freddie
May 3, 2013
I Had one that came with my pack.

It was +9 for 14 days. That just ran out.

For another 20 days, I now have +3 to all stats again.

With EVEMon, it shows my skill training is reduced almost 5 extra days with my skill plan, overall. I consider it worth it.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
You can always make more money, you can never recover SP that you didn't earn. Just make sure you never go broke :)

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